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J Exp Mar Biol Ecol ; 257(2): 183-203, 2001 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11245875


An emerging body of literature points to post-settlement, planktonic dispersal as a key determinant of distribution and abundance patterns of aquatic organisms, yet little is known about mechanisms inducing such dispersal. Recent evidence suggests that early juvenile blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun) may use planktonic emigration as a means of post-settlement dispersal. The goal of this study was to identify mechanisms inducing post-settlement, planktonic dispersal of early juvenile blue crabs. A combination of field mark-recapture experiments in large seagrass beds within a 2x3 km region near Oregon Inlet, North Carolina, USA, and a series of laboratory flume experiments examined the effects of day vs. night, crab size (first-second juvenile benthic instars: J1-J2 vs. third-fifth juvenile benthic instars: J3-J5), crab density and current speed on planktonic dispersal of early juvenile blue crabs. Transport of dead crabs in the flume experiment identified that planktonic dispersal was an active behavioral response rather than a passive response to increasing current speed. The experimental results demonstrated that planktonic dispersal can range from 4 to 18% under medium to high flow conditions. Planktonic dispersal of juvenile crabs is (1) an active behavioral response, (2) increased significantly with current speeds above 20 cms(-1), and (3) was higher for relatively large (J3-J5) than small (J1-J2) instars. There was a non-significant trend towards greater dispersal at night than during the day in the field experiment, and no effect of crab density on dispersal in the flume experiment. The results from this study highlight the need to consider mechanisms inducing post-settlement, planktonic dispersal when attempting to understand and predict recruitment and population dynamics of aquatic organisms, as well as when linking hydrodynamics, animal behavior and planktonic dispersal.