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Distúrb. comun ; 35(1): e57003, 01/06/2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436159


Introdução: O uso frequente de música amplificada pelos jovens traz a reflexão da importância de projetos de promoção de saúde auditiva, visando a conscientização dos jovens e mudança de comportamento. Objetivo: promover o aprendizado sobre o tema, avaliar o conhecimento sobre saúde auditiva e multiplicar o conhecimento adquirido junto à comunidade. Métodos: foi realizado uma ação socioeducativa em saúde auditiva com 12 alunos do sétimo ano do Ensino Fundamental II de uma Escola Publica no Sudeste do Brasil. A ação foi organizada com base em educação híbrida (encontros presenciais e uso do AIA), utilizando a metodologia do Projeto Jovem Doutor. Para a avaliação, os alunos responderam a um questionário sobre conhecimento prévio, comportamento auditivo e um questionário situação-problema. O AIA foi avaliado por meio da Ficha de Pesquisa Motivacional, foi realizada a análise do Impacto através de um questionário para os professores. Resultados: observou-se que houve mudança no comportamento dos alunos no que diz respeito ao tempo de uso e volume dos fones de ouvido, verificou-se que 100% melhoraram seu conhecimento sobre os riscos de altas intensidades sonoras para a audição. Ao avaliarmos o AIA, a análise descritiva evidenciou que os valores da média de melhor desempenho foram para as dimensões organizado e fácil de usar. Na última etapa, 802 pessoas foram envolvidas, nas atividades interativas em sala de aula e nos Espaços Culturais em saúde auditiva, criando uma cadeia produtiva em saúde. Conclusão: Por meio desta ação, foi possível atingir diretamente os jovens, promovendo o aprendizado, mudança de comportamento e melhora na qualidade de vida desses jovens. (AU)

Introduction: young people often listen to amplified music, which calls attention to the importance of projects to promote their hearing health, raise their awareness, and change their behaviors. Objective:to promote learning on the topic, assess knowledge on hearing health, and spread acquired knowledge to the community. Methods: a hearing health social-educational program was carried out with 12 seventh graders at a public school in Southeastern Brazil. The program was organized for blended learning (in-person meetings and virtual learning environment [VLE] activities), using the Young Doctor Project methodology. For the assessment, students answered a questionnaire on their previous knowledge and auditory behavior, as well as a problem-situation questionnaire. VLE was assessed with a motivational survey sheet, and the impact of the program was analyzed through a questionnaire administered to the teachers. Results: there were changes in the students' behaviors regarding the time and volume at which they used the earphones. Also, 100% of them improved their knowledge of the risks high sound levels pose to hearing. The VLE descriptive analysis indicated that the mean values of the "organized" and "easy to use" domains had the best performances. The last stage involved 802 people in the classroom interactive activities and hearing health cultural spaces, which created a health production chain.Conclusion: the program directly reached young people, promoting their learning, behavior changes, and improved quality of life. (AU)

Introducción: El uso frecuente de música amplificada por parte de los jóvenes, trae la reflexión sobre la importancia de los proyectos de promoción de la salud auditiva, orientados a la sensibilización de los jóvenes y al cambio de comportamiento. Objetivo: promover el aprendizaje sobre el tema de la salud auditiva, evaluar conocimientos y multiplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en la comunidade. Métodos: una acción socioeducativa en salud auditiva con 12 alumnos del séptimo año de la Escuela Primaria II de una escuela pública del sudeste de Brasil. La acción se organizó y basó en la educación híbrida (encuentros presenciales y uso del entorno de aprendizaje interactivo), utilizando la metodología del Proyecto Doctor Joven. Para la evaluación, los estudiantes respondieron un cuestionario sobre conocimientos previos, comportamiento auditivo y un cuestionario de situación problema. La entorno de aprendizaje interactivo se evaluó mediante el Formulario de Investigación Motivacional, el análisis de Impacto se realizó en un cuestionario para docentes. Resultados: se observó que hubo un cambio en el comportamiento de los estudiantes con respecto al tiempo de uso y volumen del audífono, se encontró que el 100% mejoró sus conocimientos sobre los riesgos de alta intensidad sonora para audiencia. Al evaluar el entorno de aprendizaje interactivo, el análisis descriptivo mostró que los valores del promedio de mejor desempeño fueron para las dimensiones organizadas y fáciles de usar. Durante la etapa final, 802 personas se involucraron en actividades interactivas en el aula y en los Espacios Culturales en salud auditiva, creando una cadena productiva en salud. Conclusión: A través de esta acción se logró llegar directamente a los jóvenes, promoviendo el aprendizaje, el cambio de comportamiento y mejorando la calidad de vida de estos jóvenes. (AU)

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Student Health , Health Education/methods , Hearing , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Education, Primary and Secondary , Hearing Aids/adverse effects
Distúrb. comun ; 35(1): e57887, 01/06/2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436208


Introdução: Projetos de educação em saúde em escolas possibilitam a criação de oportunidades e transformação da realidade, em que os alunos tornam-se disseminadores do conhecimento para a comunidade. Objetivo: Analisar programas de educação em saúde para jovens em escolas, a fim de verificar o uso de tecnologias de informação e comunicação como estratégias para as intervenções. Método: Foi realizada uma Revisão Integrativa da literatura. As buscas foram realizadas nas bases de dados PubMed, LILACS, Scopus e Embase, considerando os últimos 10 anos. Resultados: A amostra final contemplou 27 estudos. Diferentes tipos de estratégias e recursos foram utilizados, algumas envolvendo tecnologia de informação e comunicação, outras não. Dentre estes recursos, os mais utilizados foram projeção audiovisual presente em 13 artigos, e discussão e diálogo, presentes em 16 artigos. Em relação à avaliação dos programas, 26 artigos descreveram os resultados, em 23 casos os resultados foram positivos, e em três casos os resultados foram regulares. Conclusão: Este estudo demonstrou que são inúmeras as estratégias e recursos utilizados no desenvolvimento de um projeto de educação em saúde eficaz. Nos estudos desenvolvidos no Brasil, houve predominância da utilização de recursos tecnológicos, como o uso de tutores eletrônicos para atividades à distância. (AU)

Introduction: Health education projects in schools create opportunities to transform reality, as students help spread knowledge to the community. Objective: To analyze health education programs for young people in schools, to verify the use of information and communication technology as intervention strategies. Method: An integrative review of the literature was conducted, searching articles in the PubMed, LILACS, Scopus, and Embase databases, considering the last 10 years. Results: The final sample had 27 studies. Various types of strategies and resources were used; some of them included information and communication technology, while others did not use them. The most used resources were audiovisual projection (present in 13 articles) and discussion and dialog (present in 16 articles). As for program assessment, 26 articles reported the results ­ which were positive in 23 and average in three of them. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that countless strategies and resources are used to develop effective health education projects. The use of technological resources (such as electronic tutors in remote activities) predominated in Brazilian studies. (AU)

Introducción: Los proyectos de educación para la salud en las escuelas permiten la creación de oportunidades y la transformación de la realidad, en la que los estudiantes se convierten en difusores del conocimiento a la comunidad. Objetivo: Analizar los programas de educación para la salud de los jóvenes en las escuelas, con el fin de verificar el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación como estrategias de intervención. Método: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica integradora. Las búsquedas se realizaron en las bases de datos PubMed, LILACS, Scopus y Embase, considerando los últimos 10 años. Resultados: La muestra final comprendía 27 estudios. Se utilizaron diferentes tipos de estrategias y recursos, algunos con tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, otros no. Entre estos recursos, los más utilizados fueron la proyección audiovisual, presente en 13 artículos, y el debate y el diálogo, presentes en 16 artículos. En cuanto a la evaluación de los programas, 26 artículos describieron los resultados, en 23 casos los resultados fueron positivos y en tres casos los resultados fueron regulares. Conclusión: Este estudio demostró que existen numerosas estrategias y recursos utilizados en el desarrollo de un proyecto de educación sanitaria eficaz. En los estudios desarrollados en Brasil, hubo un predominio del uso de recursos tecnológicos, como el uso de tutores electrónicos para las actividades a distancia. (AU)

Humans , Adolescent , School Health Services , Information Technology , Students , Health Education , Information Dissemination
Rev. CEFAC ; 25(2): e8922, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440927


ABSTRACT Purpose: to implement and assess hearing health interventions for school students, using Dangerous Decibels® Program activities in partnership with the Young Doctor Project, approaching noise-induced hearing loss prevention. Methods: the study encompassed 41 students, aged 12 to 14 years, from two schools in inland São Paulo and a social institution for public school students. Activities were based on the Young Doctor Project and the Dangerous Decibels® Brazil Program. The students answered a questionnaire administered in three situations: before the intervention (pre), right after the intervention (post), and 4 months after the intervention. The ANOVA, Friedman (p < 0.001), and Tukey´s (p < 0.05) statistical tests were used. Results: the 41 students who participated in the program were protagonists of knowledge, spreading the content they learned to another 954 students in the three schools through cultural workshops. The analysis of program effectiveness revealed improved results right after the intervention and 4 months afterward. Conclusion: combining these two programs encouraged the protagonism of young people to increase their involvement with the community. Moreover, the students changed their attitude toward potentially dangerous sounds.

RESUMO Objetivo: implementar e avaliar intervenções em saúde auditiva para escolares, utilizando as atividades do Programa Dangerous Decibels ®, em parceria com o Projeto Jovem Doutor, abordando aspectos preventivos da perda auditiva induzida por níveis de pressão sonora elevados. Métodos: participaram do estudo 41 escolares, com idade entre 12 e 14 anos, de duas escolas no interior de São Paulo e uma Instituição Social direcionada a estudantes de escolas públicas. As atividades foram baseadas no Projeto Jovem Doutor e no programa Dangerous Decibels ® Brasil. Os escolares responderam a um questionário aplicado em três situações, antes da intervenção (pré), logo após a intervenção (pós) e quatro meses após a intervenção. Foram utilizados os testes estatísticos ANOVA, FRIEDMAN; p<0,001 e TUKEY; p<0,05. Resultados: os 41 escolares que participaram do programa atuaram como protagonistas do conhecimento, multiplicando o conteúdo aprendido através das oficinas culturais, envolvendo 954 escolares das três escolas. Ao analisar a eficácia do programa, observou-se melhora nos resultados logo após a intervenção e, também, após 4 meses. Conclusão: a união desses dois programas incentivou o protagonismo juvenil, objetivando o maior envolvimento dos estudantes junto da comunidade. Foi possível observar a mudança de atitude dos escolares frente aos sons potencialmente perigosos.

Dental Press J Orthod ; 27(3): e2220233, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35792786


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the occlusal changes of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) and slow maxillary expansion (SME) in patients with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate (UCLP), by means of digital dental models. METHODS: Group RME was composed by 22 patients (13 males and 9 females), with mean age of 9.9 years, treated with rapid maxillary expansion with Hyrax appliance in Center 1. Group SME was composed by 29 patients (14 females and 15 males), with mean age of 10.7 years, treated with slow maxillary expansion with quad-helix appliance in Center 2. Digital dental models of the maxillary dental arch were obtained immediately pre-expansion (T1) and 6-month post-expansion (T2). Transversal distances, arch perimeter, arch length, palatal depth, palatal volume and posterior tooth inclination were digitally measured. Interphase and intergroup comparisons were performed with paired t-test and independent t-test, respectively. RESULTS: Intercanine expansion was 4 to 5mm in both groups, and increase in the intercanine distance was similar for both groups. RME group showed a greater increase in arch distances at the region of permanent premolar and molars, compared to SME group. Arch perimeter increase was greater for RME group, compared to SME. No differences were found for arch length, palatal depth, palatal volume and posterior tooth buccal tipping. CONCLUSION: RME and SME produced similar dentoalveolar outcomes, with greater amount of expansion on RME group.

Cleft Lip , Cleft Palate , Child , Cleft Lip/diagnostic imaging , Cleft Lip/therapy , Cleft Palate/diagnostic imaging , Cleft Palate/therapy , Female , Humans , Male , Molar , Palatal Expansion Technique
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 27(3): e2220233, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1384692


ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the occlusal changes of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) and slow maxillary expansion (SME) in patients with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate (UCLP), by means of digital dental models. Methods: Group RME was composed by 22 patients (13 males and 9 females), with mean age of 9.9 years, treated with rapid maxillary expansion with Hyrax appliance in Center 1. Group SME was composed by 29 patients (14 females and 15 males), with mean age of 10.7 years, treated with slow maxillary expansion with quad-helix appliance in Center 2. Digital dental models of the maxillary dental arch were obtained immediately pre-expansion (T1) and 6-month post-expansion (T2). Transversal distances, arch perimeter, arch length, palatal depth, palatal volume and posterior tooth inclination were digitally measured. Interphase and intergroup comparisons were performed with paired t-test and independent t-test, respectively. Results: Intercanine expansion was 4 to 5mm in both groups, and increase in the intercanine distance was similar for both groups. RME group showed a greater increase in arch distances at the region of permanent premolar and molars, compared to SME group. Arch perimeter increase was greater for RME group, compared to SME. No differences were found for arch length, palatal depth, palatal volume and posterior tooth buccal tipping. Conclusion: RME and SME produced similar dentoalveolar outcomes, with greater amount of expansion on RME group.

RESUMO Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar, por meio de modelos digitais, as alterações oclusais após a expansão rápida da maxila (ERM) e após a expansão lenta da maxila (ELM) em pacientes com fissura labiopalatina completa unilateral (FLPU). Métodos: O grupo ERM foi composto por 22 pacientes (13 homens e 9 mulheres), com idade média de 9,9 anos, tratados com expansão rápida da maxila com aparelho Hyrax no Centro 1. O grupo ELM foi composto por 29 pacientes (14 mulheres e 15 homens), com idade média de 10,7 anos, tratados com expansão lenta da maxila com aparelho quadri-hélice no Centro 2. Modelos digitais da arcada dentária superior foram obtidos imediatamente pré-expansão (T1) e seis meses pós-expansão (T2). Distâncias transversais, perímetro da arcada, comprimento da arcada, profundidade do palato, volume do palato e inclinação dos dentes posteriores foram medidos digitalmente. As comparações interfases e intergrupos foram realizadas com teste t pareado e teste t independente, respectivamente. Resultados: A expansão da arcada na região dos caninos foi de 4 a 5 mm em ambos os grupos, e o aumento na distância intercaninos foi semelhante nos dois grupos. O grupo ERM apresentou maior aumento nas distâncias entre pré-molares e molares permanentes, em comparação ao grupo ELM. O aumento do perímetro da arcada foi maior para o grupo ERM, em relação ao ELM. Não foram encontradas diferenças para comprimento da arcada, profundidade do palato, volume do palato e inclinação vestibular dos dentes posteriores. Conclusão: ERM e ELM produziram resultados dentoalveolares semelhantes, com maior quantidade de expansão no grupo ERM.

Codas ; 31(4): e20180171, 2019 Aug 15.
Article in Portuguese, English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31433039


PURPOSE: To comparatively analyze the NAL-NL2 and DSL v5.0a prescriptive methods according to the hearing aids individualized programming for the elderly with hearing loss. METHODS: The study included 60 elderly individuals with hearing loss, who underwent RECD (Real Ear to Coupler Difference) measurement and hearing aids individualized programming by NAL-NL2 and DSL v5.0a prescriptive methods. The performance verification for each prescription was performed using REAR measurements (Real Ear Aided Response), SII calculation (Speech Intelligibility Index) and HINT (Hearing In Noise Test). The comparative statistical analysis was performed using the paired t-test. RESULTS: The NAL-NL2 method presented a better performance in the REAR evaluation in low and high frequency bands for medium and loud intensity input sounds, in the high frequency range for low intensity input sounds, and in the SII calculation for soft input sounds. The DSL v5.0a presented better results in the REAR evaluation in medium frequencies for medium input sounds, in low and medium frequencies for soft input sounds, in the SII calculation for medium and loud input sound, and in the HINT test in silent and noisy situations. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study point to an equivalent performance between the DSL v5.0a and NAL-NL2 procedures in the adaptation of hearing aids in the elderly with hearing loss. The amplification calculated by DSL v5.0a provided better speech perception in silence.

OBJETIVO: Analisar comparativamente os métodos prescritivos NAL-NL2 e DSL v5.0a de acordo com programação individualizada do AASI para o indivíduo idoso com deficiência auditiva. MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo 60 indivíduos idosos com deficiência auditiva, submetidos à mensuração da RECD (Real Ear to Coupler Difference) e programação individualizada do AASI com os métodos prescritivos NAL-NL2 e DSL v5.0a. A verificação do desempenho com cada prescrição foi realizada por meio das medidas da REAR (Real Ear Aided Response), cálculo do SII (Speech Intelligibility Index) e teste HINT (Hearing In Noise Test). A análise estatística comparativa foi realizada por meio do teste "t" pareado. RESULTADOS: O método NAL-NL2 apresentou melhor desempenho na avaliação da REAR em frequências baixas e altas para sons de média e forte intensidade, em frequências altas para sons de fraca intensidade, e no cálculo do SII para sons fracos. O método DSL v5.0a apresentou melhores resultados na avaliação da REAR em frequências médias para sons médios, em frequências baixas e médias para sons fracos, no cálculo do SII para sons médios e fortes, e no teste HINT no silêncio e ruído. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados deste estudo apontam para um desempenho equivalente entre os métodos DSL v5.0a e NAL-NL2 na adaptação do AASI em idosos com deficiência auditiva. A amplificação calculada pela DSL v5.0a forneceu melhor percepção de fala no silêncio.

Hearing Aids/standards , Speech Intelligibility , Speech Perception , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Audiometry/methods , Auditory Threshold , Equipment Design , Female , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Patient Preference
Distúrb. comun ; 30(2): 392-401, jun. 2018. graf, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-911469


O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi apresentar e analisar os estudos com Educação em Saúde Auditiva utilizando educação presencial e à distância. Para a seleção, foram utilizados os descritores: "Audição" AND "Educação à Distância"; "Audição" AND "Telemedicina"; "Educação em saúde" AND "Audição" AND "Telemedicina" e seus correspondentes em inglês em: PubMed, Bireme, Embase, Web of Science, Scielo e Scopus. Como critérios de inclusão, admitiram artigos em português, inglês ou espanhol com metodologias de ensino presencial ou à distância ou presencial e à distância sobre Educação em Saúde Auditiva. Os critérios de exclusão se referiam às revisões de literatura, e artigos que não apresentaram o foco da proposta. Para a análise, foram considerados os seguintes dados: ano de publicação, periódico científico, objetivo do estudo, métodos e resultados. Foram localizados 626 trabalhos de 1984 a 2015, porém, após os filtros estabelecidos, foram selecionados 12 artigos, dois da Pubmed, quatro originados da Scopus, um da Web of Science, quatro do Scielo e um da Embase, de 2004 a 2014. Este estudo apresentou 12 estudos com a temática Educação em Saúde Auditiva que envolvem educação presencial e à distância com enfoques variados. No geral, observou-se a eficácia em métodos de ensino à distância. Entretanto, ressalta-se a escassez de literatura, sendo que os estudos disponíveis são recentes.

The objective of this search was to present and analyze the studies related to the thematic Education for Hearing Health using presential education and distance education. For the selection were used the descriptors: "Hearing" AND "Distance Education"; "Hearing" AND "Telemedicine"; "Health education" AND "Audition" AND "Telemedicine" and its correspondents in English in: PubMed, Bireme, Embase, Web of Science, Scielo and Scopus. As inclusion criteria were considered articles in Portuguese, English or Spanish with methodologies of presential teaching or distance or presential and distance on Education Hearing Health. The exclusion criteria referred to literature reviews, and articles without the proposal focus. For the analysis, the following data were considered: the year of publication, scientific periodical, objective of the study, methods and results. A total of 626 papers were identified from 1984 to 2015, however, after the established filters, 12 articles were selected, two from Pubmed, four from Scopus, one from the Web of Science, four from the Scielo and one from Embase, from 2004 to 2014. This study presented 12 studies with the theme of Hearing Health Education that involve presential education and distance education with varied approaches, but in general the efficacy of distance teaching methods has been observed. However, there is a shortage of literature, the available studies are recent.

El objetivo desta búsqueda fue presentar y analizar los estudios con Educación en Salud Auditiva utilizando educación presencial y a distancia. Para la selección, se utilizaron los descriptores: "Audición" AND "Educación a Distancia"; "Audición" AND "Telemedicina"; "Educación en salud" AND "Audición" AND "Telemedicina" y sus correspondientes en inglés en: PubMed, Bireme, Embase, Web of Science, Scielo y Scopus. Como criterios de inclusión, fueron aceptados artículos en portugués, Inglés o Español con metodologías de enseñanza presencial o la distancia o presencial y la distancia en Salud Auditiva. Los criterios de exclusión se referían a las revisiones de literatura y artículos sin el enfoque de la propuesta. Para el análisis, se consideraron los siguientes datos: el año de publicación, periódico científico, objetivo del estudio, métodos y resultados. Se localizaron 626 trabajos de 1984 a 2015, sin embargo, después de los filtros establecidos, se seleccionaron 12 artículos, dos de Pubmed, cuatro originados Scopus, uno de la Web of Science, cuatro De Scielo y uno de Embase, de 2004 a 2014. Este estudio presentó 12 estudios con la temática Educación en Salud Auditiva que involucra educación presencial ya distancia con enfoques variados. En general se observó la eficacia en métodos de enseñanza a distancia. Sin embargo, se resalta la escasez de literatura, los estudios disponibles son recientes.

Humans , Health Education , Telemedicine , Education, Distance , Hearing , Databases, Bibliographic , Disease Prevention , Health Promotion
Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol ; 22(1): 60-67, 2018 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29371900


Introduction Cleft lip and cleft palate can result in impairments in communication, specifically in hearing, making the use of technological resources such as blogs a fundamental guideline for health professionals. Objective The aim of this study was to prepare and analyze the access to a blog about cleft lip and cleft palate and hearing as a pedagogical tool for health professionals. Methods The first stage for the development of the blog was the selection of the content that would be addressed and the respective illustrations. The second stage was making the blog available through the WordPress platform, and the third stage included the evaluation of the blog, of the access to the WordPress statistical features, and of the quality of the blog through the Emory questionnaire, which was answered by 75 professionals. Results The blog, titled "Fissure and Hearing", was developed with the architecture of a digital information environment containing a system of organization, navigation, labeling and search (first stage). The address hosting the blog was: (second stage). The result of the third stage included 56,269 views of the blog from different countries, and Brazil was the country with the highest viewing. Regarding the assessment by the Emory questionnaire, we found that for most of the major issues, the percentages obtained were or equal to 90%, while the analysis of the scales, navigation and structure presented the lowest scores. Conclusion The blog was developed and enabled greater access to information available on the web about cleft lip and cleft palate and hearing.

Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 22(1): 60-67, Jan.-Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-892847


Abstract Introduction Cleft lip and cleft palate can result in impairments in communication, specifically in hearing, making the use of technological resources such as blogs a fundamental guideline for health professionals. Objective The aim of this study was to prepare and analyze the access to a blog about cleft lip and cleft palate and hearing as a pedagogical tool for health professionals. Methods The first stage for the development of the blogwas the selection of the content that would be addressed and the respective illustrations. The second stage was making the blog available through theWordPress platform, and the third stage included the evaluation of the blog, of the access to theWordPress statistical features, and of the quality of the blog through the Emory questionnaire, which was answered by 75 professionals. Results The blog, titled "Fissure and Hearing", was developed with the architecture of a digital information environment containing a system of organization, navigation, labeling and search (first stage). The address hosting the blog was: http://fissuraeaudicao. (second stage). The result of the third stage included 56,269 views of the blog from different countries, and Brazil was the country with the highest viewing. Regarding the assessment by the Emory questionnaire, we found that for most of the major issues, the percentages obtained were or equal to 90%, while the analysis of the scales, navigation and structure presented the lowest scores. Conclusion The blog was developed and enabled greater access to information available on the web about cleft lip and cleft palate and hearing.

Audiol., Commun. res ; 23: e1899, 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-983926


RESUMO Objetivo Desenvolver e analisar os efeitos da aplicação de um programa de capacitação sobre muda vocal e hábitos vocais saudáveis, utilizando o modelo de ensino em saúde do Projeto Jovem Doutor. Métodos Completaram o programa 11 alunos, matriculados entre o 7º e o 8º ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública, divididos em dois grupos: grupo Jovens Doutores, composto por quatro alunos, que foram capacitados por meio de atividades presenciais e virtuais, e grupo Alunos, composto por sete alunos, que receberam o conhecimento transmitido pelos Jovens Doutores. Foi desenvolvido um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, em formato de weblog, para a capacitação dos Jovens Doutores. Todos os participantes responderam a um questionário antes e após a capacitação. Resultados Os Jovens Doutores foram multiplicadores dos conhecimentos adquiridos no curso de capacitação para outros alunos da escola. Houve aumento no nível de conhecimento entre os períodos pré-capacitação e pós-capacitação, para todos os participantes, tanto do grupo Jovens Doutores, como do grupo Alunos. Conclusão O programa foi desenvolvido e contribuiu com a maior interação entre a universidade e a comunidade. Houve aumento do conhecimento adquirido pelos estudantes, por meio da capacitação, sobre a importância de conhecerem as mudanças que ocorrem na voz, no período da adolescência, e sobre os hábitos vocais saudáveis. A transmissão desses conhecimentos representa um potencial para a prevenção de disfonias e redução das dificuldades decorrentes dessas mudanças.

ABSTRACT Purpose To develop and to analyze the effects of a training program about voice mutation and healthy vocal habits using the model of education in health from the Young Doctor Project. Methods Eleven students enrolled in the 7th and 8th years of a public school, divided in two groups, completed the program: Young Doctors group, composed by four students, who were trained through presential and virtual activities, and Students group, composed by seven students, who received knowledge transmitted by the Young Doctors. A virtual learning environment was developed, in a weblog format, to train the Young Doctors. All the participants answered a questionnaire before and after training. Results Young Doctors were multipliers of the knowledge acquired in the training course to other students in the school. There was an increase in knowledge between the pre-training and post-training periods for all participants, in both groups. Conclusion The program was developed and contributed with the largest interaction between the university and the community. The students' knowledge about the importance of knowing about the voice changes that happen during adolescence and about healthy vocal habits increased through training. The transmission of this knowledge represents a potential for dysphonia prevention and reduction of difficulties stemming from these changes.

Humans , Adolescent , Vocal Cords , Telemedicine , Education, Distance , Dysphonia/prevention & control , Health Education , Training Courses , Health Promotion
Audiol., Commun. res ; 22: e1750, 2017. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-950625


RESUMO Introdução Possibilitar o acesso à informação com diferentes meios de comunicação é fundamental e desafiador, pois diversas barreiras de comunicação estão presentes, como a linguagem do emissor, a forma de apresentação da informação, o material utilizado e a dificuldade de acesso, disponibilidade de tempo, motivação e, principalmente, o interesse. Programas educativos de prevenção e promoção da saúde auditiva são primordiais, proporcionando mudança de atitudes e melhora na qualidade de vida. Objetivo Verificar a motivação e as atitudes sociais dos estudantes após participarem de um programa educacional de capacitação em saúde auditiva. Métodos Participaram 38 estudantes da rede pública de ensino, distribuídos da seguinte forma: Escola A (13 alunos), Escola B (cinco alunos), Escola C (11 alunos) e Escola D (nove alunos). Responderam à Escala Lickert de Atitudes Sociais em Relação à Inclusão (ELASI) e à Ficha de Pesquisa Motivacional, antes e após o programa. O delineamento do estudo foi exploratório. Resultados Na ELASI houve diferença significativa para todas as escolas, nas situações antes e após o programa educacional. Quando comparadas as escolas entre si, houve diferença apenas na escola B. Estes resultados demonstraram atitudes favoráveis dos estudantes ao programa de capacitação e, consequentemente, uma possível melhora dos comportamentos relacionados à inclusão nas escolas. Com relação ao aspecto motivacional, foi constatado que 100% dos alunos avaliaram positivamente o programa de capacitação, considerando como "curso impressionante!". Conclusão As atitudes sociais e motivacionais no programa educacional de capacitação na temática da saúde auditiva, utilizando a Teleducação Interativa, foram favoráveis, revelando tendência à inclusão social.

ABSTRACT Introduction Providing access to information with different means of communication is fundamental and challenging, since several communication barriers are present such as the language of the issuer, the way information is presented, the material used and the difficulty of access, availability of time, motivation and, mainly the interest. Educational programs for the prevention and promotion of hearing health are essential, providing change of attitudes and improvement in the quality of life. Purpose To verify the motivation and social attitudes of students after participating in an educational program of training in hearing health Methods The study featured 38 students from public schools, distributed as follows: School A (13 students), School B (five students), School C (11 students) and School D (nine students). They answered the Escala Likert de Atitudes Sociais em Relação à Inclusão (Likert Social Attitudes Scale in Relation to Inclusion) (ELASI), and the Motivational Analysis Checklist, before and after an educational hearing health training program. The study design was exploratory. Results In the ELASI, there was a significant difference for all schools in the situations before and after the educational program. In the comparison among schools, only School B showed difference. These results indicate favorable attitudes of the students in relation to the training program, therefore revealing possible improvements in the behaviors towards inclusion in schools. In the Motivational Analysis Checklist, it was found that 100% of students positively evaluated the training program, considering it an "impressive course". Conclusion The social and motivational attitudes in the educational training program, on the subject of Hearing Health, using Interactive Teleducation, were favorable, revealing trend to social inclusion.

Humans , Adolescent , Telemedicine , Education, Distance , Health Promotion , Motivation , Quality of Life , Students , Health Education , Training Courses , Health Services , Motivation
Stud Health Technol Inform ; 216: 168-72, 2015.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26262032


INTRODUCTION: Adults and elderly users of hearing aids suffer psychosocial reactions as a result of hearing loss. Auditory rehabilitation is typically carried out with support from a speech therapist, usually in a clinical center. For these cases, there is a lack of computer-based self-training tools for minimizing the psychosocial impact of hearing deficiency. OBJECTIVE: To develop and evaluate a web-based auditory self-training system for adult and elderly users of hearing aids. METHODS: Two modules were developed for the web system: an information module based on guidelines for using hearing aids; and an auditory training module presenting a sequence of training exercises for auditory abilities along the lines of the auditory skill steps within auditory processing. We built aweb system using PHP programming language and a MySQL database .from requirements surveyed through focus groups that were conducted by healthcare information technology experts. The web system was evaluated by speech therapists and hearing aid users. An initial sample of 150 patients at DSA/HRAC/USP was defined to apply the system with the inclusion criteria that: the individuals should be over the age of 25 years, presently have hearing impairment, be a hearing aid user, have a computer and have internet experience. They were divided into two groups: a control group (G1) and an experimental group (G2). These patients were evaluated clinically using the HHIE for adults and HHIA for elderly people, before and after system implementation. A third web group was formed with users who were invited through social networks for their opinions on using the system. A questionnaire evaluating hearing complaints was given to all three groups. The study hypothesis considered that G2 would present greater auditory perception, higher satisfaction and fewer complaints than G1 after the auditory training. It was expected that G3 would have fewer complaints regarding use and acceptance of the system. RESULTS: The web system, which was named SisTHA portal, was finalized, rated by experts and hearing aid users and approved for use. The system comprised auditory skills training along five lines: discrimination; recognition; comprehension and temporal sequencing; auditory closure; and cognitive-linguistic and communication strategies. Users needed to undergo auditory training over a minimum period of 1 month: 5 times a week for 30 minutes a day. Comparisons were made between G1 and G2 and web system use by G3. CONCLUSION: The web system developed was approved for release to hearing aid users. It is expected that the self-training will help improve effective use of hearing aids, thereby decreasing their rejection.

Computer-Assisted Instruction/methods , Hearing Aids , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/rehabilitation , Internet , Patient Education as Topic/methods , Software , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Correction of Hearing Impairment , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged
Distúrb. comun ; 27(2)jun. 2015. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-771246


Introdução: A tele-saúde possibilita que o conhecimento alcance um maior número de pessoas, utilizando recursos dinâmicos e interativos. Nesse contexto, o Projeto Jovem Doutor consiste na capacitação de estudantes do ensino fundamental e médio sobre temas da área da saúde, em uma dinâmica motivadora, a fim de que multipliquem o conhecimento para a comunidade em que estão inseridos, por meio de cursos formativos e atividades de extensão das Universidades. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como proposta elaborar e avaliar, por meio de questionários, um programa de capacitação sobre saúde auditiva. Métodos: Foi desenvolvido um programa de capacitação em saúde auditiva, utilizando a dinâmica doProjeto Jovem Doutor. Participaram 10 alunos do ensino fundamental da rede pública de ensino, aos quais foi apresentado o conteúdo por meio de aulas presenciais e à distância, com acesso ao cybertutor e também foi feita uma dinâmica. A finalização do Projeto foi marcada pela ação social sustentada, quando os ?jovens doutores? multiplicaram o conhecimento adquirido para a comunidade escolar e familiar.Por meio de um questionário aplicado pré e pós-programa de capacitação, foram avaliados a satisfaçãoquanto ao uso do cybertutor e o nível de informação adquirido pelos alunos .Resultados: Os alunos participaram das metodologias de ensino, transmitindo o conhecimento a 100 pessoas. Verificou-se alto nível de satisfação com o cybertutor, assim como aumento do desempenho dos alunos no questionário pós-capacitação. Conclusão: A elaboração e execução do programa de capacitação em saúde auditiva produziram resultados satisfatórios no aumento de informações dos alunos sobre o tema, contribuindo para que eles se tornassem aptos a multiplicar o conhecimento à comunidade.

Introduction: Telehealth enables knowledge to reach a greater number of people, using dynamic and interactive resources. In this context, the Young Doctor Project consists on capacitating students of elementary and high school about themes of the health area in a motivating dynamic so they can multiply the knowledge to the community in which they are involved, by capacitating courses and Universities extensions programs. Objective: This study aimed to develop and evaluate, using questionnaires, a capacitating program about hearing health. Methods: It was developed a capacitating program about hearing health, using the Young Doctor Project. Participated 10 students of elementary school, it was presented the content composed by in class and distant activities with access to the cybertutor and a dynamic. The closure of the study was marked by the sustainable social action, which in the ?young doctors? transmitted the acquired knowledge to the scholar and familiar community. Through a pre and post program questionnaire it was evaluated the satisfaction on the use of cybertutor and the quantity of information retained. Results: Students participated of the education methodologies, transmitting the knowledge to 100 people. It was verified the high level of satisfaction on cybertutor, and also improvement in the performance of students in the questionnaire post capacitating program. Conclusion: The elaboration and execution of the capacitating program in hearing health produced satisfactory results in increasing the information about the theme on students, contributing so they became able to multiply knowledge to community.

Introducción: La tele-salud permite que el conocimiento llegue a un número mayor de personas, con el uso de recursos dinámicos e interactivos. En este contexto, el Proyecto Joven Doctor consiste en la capacitación de estudiantes de la educación primaria y secundaria sobre temas de la salud en una dinámica motivadora, para éstos multipliquen los conocimientos para la comunidad donde viven, a través de cursos de formación y actividades de extensión de las Universidades. Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo elaborar y evaluar, a través de cuestionarios, un programa de formación en salud auditiva. Métodos: Se desarrollo un programa de formación para la salud auditiva, utilizando la dinámica del Proyecto Joven Doctor. Participaron 10 estudiantes de primaria de una escuela pública a quienes se presentó el contenido en clases regulares y a distancia, con acceso al cybertutor y también se izo una dinámica. La finalización del proyecto fue marcada por la acción social sostenida, cuando ?los jóvenes doctores? multiplicaron los conocimientos adquiridos para la comunidad escolar y familiar. Por medio de un cuestionario administrado antes y después del programa se evaluaron la satisfacción en cuanto al uso del cybertutor y el nivel de información adquirido por los estudiantes. Resultados: Los estudiantes participaron en todas las metodologías de enseñanza, transmitiendo el conocimiento a 100 personas. Hubo alto nivel de satisfacción con el cybertutor, así como aumento en el rendimiento de los estudiantes en el cuestionario después de la formación. Conclusión: La preparación y realización del programa decapacitación a cerca de la salud auditiva generó resultados satisfactorios en el aumento de la información de los estudiantes sobre el tema, ayudando les a ser capaces de multiplicar los conocimientos a la comunidad.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Audiology , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Telemedicine , Mentoring , Education, Primary and Secondary
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 19(2): 106-111, Apr-Jun/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-747144


Introduction The Young Doctor Project (YDP) uses Telehealth and Interactive Teleducation instruments to promote the integration of different areas of health and to build knowledge. This methodology can also foster public awareness on various issues related to health. In this context, the objective of this study was to emphasize cleft lip and palate (CLP), which is one of the most common birth defects in Brazil. Objective The study aimed to apply a model of education regarding CLP, based on the dynamics of the YDP, and to evaluate the participants' knowledge acquired after participating in the YDP. Methods The participants were 41 students, 13 to 15 years of age and at the eight- and ninth-grade levels in a private elementary school in Bauru (Brazil). To analyze the performance of the participants, a questionnaire was administered before and after the completion of the training program. The training program was structured in three steps using: (1) interactive teleducation classes, (2) a cybertutor, and (3) practical activities. Results There was a statistically significant difference between the pre- and postparticipation questionnaire results. The improved performance of participants is evidenced by the increase in the rate of correct answers on all issues. Conclusion The YDP on CLP was applied in the school setting following the three steps recommended by the project, and, after the implementation of the training program, there was a significant increase in participants' knowledge of CLP. The YDP on CLP proved an effective tool in promoting health education. .

Humans , Antibodies, Antinuclear/blood , Immunoglobulin A/blood , Immunoglobulin G/blood , Immunoglobulin M/blood , Lupus Erythematosus, Discoid/immunology , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/immunology , Antibodies, Antinuclear/immunology , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Fluorescent Antibody Technique, Indirect , Immunoglobulin A/immunology , Immunoglobulin G/immunology , Immunoglobulin M/immunology
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 19(2): 166-170, Apr-Jun/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-747153


Introduction Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), which is commonly underdiagnosed, has a high occurrence in the world population. Health education concerning sleep disorders and OSAS should be implemented. Objectives The objective was to identify studies related to preventive actions on sleep disorders, with emphasis on OSAS. Data Synthesis A literature review was conducted using Lilacs, Medline, PubMed, and Scopus by combining the following keywords: "Health Promotion," "Sleep Disorders," "Primary Prevention," "Health Education," and "Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndromes." Initially, 1,055 papers, from 1968 to 2013, were located, with the majority from the Scopus database. The inclusion criteria were applied, and four articles published between 2006 and 2012 were included in the present study. Conclusions The studies on preventive actions in sleep disorders, with emphasis on OSAS, involved the general population and professionals and students in the health field and led to increased knowledge on sleep disorders and more appropriate practices. .

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Leadership , Translational Research, Biomedical/standards , Attitude of Health Personnel , California , Cooperative Behavior , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Organizational Innovation , Psychometrics , Reproducibility of Results
Distúrb. comun ; 27(2)jun. 2015. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-67910


Introdução: A tele-saúde possibilita que o conhecimento alcance um maior número de pessoas, utilizando recursos dinâmicos e interativos. Nesse contexto, o Projeto Jovem Doutor consiste na capacitação de estudantes do ensino fundamental e médio sobre temas da área da saúde, em uma dinâmica motivadora, a fim de que multipliquem o conhecimento para a comunidade em que estão inseridos, por meio de cursos formativos e atividades de extensão das Universidades. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como proposta elaborar e avaliar, por meio de questionários, um programa de capacitação sobre saúde auditiva. Métodos: Foi desenvolvido um programa de capacitação em saúde auditiva, utilizando a dinâmica doProjeto Jovem Doutor. Participaram 10 alunos do ensino fundamental da rede pública de ensino, aos quais foi apresentado o conteúdo por meio de aulas presenciais e à distância, com acesso ao cybertutor e também foi feita uma dinâmica. A finalização do Projeto foi marcada pela ação social sustentada, quando os ?jovens doutores? multiplicaram o conhecimento adquirido para a comunidade escolar e familiar.Por meio de um questionário aplicado pré e pós-programa de capacitação, foram avaliados a satisfaçãoquanto ao uso do cybertutor e o nível de informação adquirido pelos alunos .Resultados: Os alunos participaram das metodologias de ensino, transmitindo o conhecimento a 100 pessoas. Verificou-se alto nível de satisfação com o cybertutor, assim como aumento do desempenho dos alunos no questionário pós-capacitação. Conclusão: A elaboração e execução do programa de capacitação em saúde auditiva produziram resultados satisfatórios no aumento de informações dos alunos sobre o tema, contribuindo para que eles se tornassem aptos a multiplicar o conhecimento à comunidade.(AU)

Introduction: Telehealth enables knowledge to reach a greater number of people, using dynamic and interactive resources. In this context, the Young Doctor Project consists on capacitating students of elementary and high school about themes of the health area in a motivating dynamic so they can multiply the knowledge to the community in which they are involved, by capacitating courses and Universities extensions programs. Objective: This study aimed to develop and evaluate, using questionnaires, a capacitating program about hearing health. Methods: It was developed a capacitating program about hearing health, using the Young Doctor Project. Participated 10 students of elementary school, it was presented the content composed by in class and distant activities with access to the cybertutor and a dynamic. The closure of the study was marked by the sustainable social action, which in the ?young doctors? transmitted the acquired knowledge to the scholar and familiar community. Through a pre and post program questionnaire it was evaluated the satisfaction on the use of cybertutor and the quantity of information retained. Results: Students participated of the education methodologies, transmitting the knowledge to 100 people. It was verified the high level of satisfaction on cybertutor, and also improvement in the performance of students in the questionnaire post capacitating program. Conclusion: The elaboration and execution of the capacitating program in hearing health produced satisfactory results in increasing the information about the theme on students, contributing so they became able to multiply knowledge to community.(AU)

Introducción: La tele-salud permite que el conocimiento llegue a un número mayor de personas, con el uso de recursos dinámicos e interactivos. En este contexto, el Proyecto Joven Doctor consiste en la capacitación de estudiantes de la educación primaria y secundaria sobre temas de la salud en una dinámica motivadora, para éstos multipliquen los conocimientos para la comunidad donde viven, a través de cursos de formación y actividades de extensión de las Universidades. Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo elaborar y evaluar, a través de cuestionarios, un programa de formación en salud auditiva. Métodos: Se desarrollo un programa de formación para la salud auditiva, utilizando la dinámica del Proyecto Joven Doctor. Participaron 10 estudiantes de primaria de una escuela pública a quienes se presentó el contenido en clases regulares y a distancia, con acceso al cybertutor y también se izo una dinámica. La finalización del proyecto fue marcada por la acción social sostenida, cuando ?los jóvenes doctores? multiplicaron los conocimientos adquiridos para la comunidad escolar y familiar. Por medio de un cuestionario administrado antes y después del programa se evaluaron la satisfacción en cuanto al uso del cybertutor y el nivel de información adquirido por los estudiantes. Resultados: Los estudiantes participaron en todas las metodologías de enseñanza, transmitiendo el conocimiento a 100 personas. Hubo alto nivel de satisfacción con el cybertutor, así como aumento en el rendimiento de los estudiantes en el cuestionario después de la formación. Conclusión: La preparación y realización del programa decapacitación a cerca de la salud auditiva generó resultados satisfactorios en el aumento de la información de los estudiantes sobre el tema, ayudando les a ser capaces de multiplicar los conocimientos a la comunidad.(AU)

Humans , Child , Audiology , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Health Promotion , Telemedicine , Mentoring
Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol ; 19(2): 106-11, 2015 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25992163


Introduction The Young Doctor Project (YDP) uses Telehealth and Interactive Teleducation instruments to promote the integration of different areas of health and to build knowledge. This methodology can also foster public awareness on various issues related to health. In this context, the objective of this study was to emphasize cleft lip and palate (CLP), which is one of the most common birth defects in Brazil. Objective The study aimed to apply a model of education regarding CLP, based on the dynamics of the YDP, and to evaluate the participants' knowledge acquired after participating in the YDP. Methods The participants were 41 students, 13 to 15 years of age and at the eight- and ninth-grade levels in a private elementary school in Bauru (Brazil). To analyze the performance of the participants, a questionnaire was administered before and after the completion of the training program. The training program was structured in three steps using: (1) interactive teleducation classes, (2) a cybertutor, and (3) practical activities. Results There was a statistically significant difference between the pre- and postparticipation questionnaire results. The improved performance of participants is evidenced by the increase in the rate of correct answers on all issues. Conclusion The YDP on CLP was applied in the school setting following the three steps recommended by the project, and, after the implementation of the training program, there was a significant increase in participants' knowledge of CLP. The YDP on CLP proved an effective tool in promoting health education.

Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol ; 19(2): 166-70, 2015 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25992174


Introduction Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), which is commonly underdiagnosed, has a high occurrence in the world population. Health education concerning sleep disorders and OSAS should be implemented. Objectives The objective was to identify studies related to preventive actions on sleep disorders, with emphasis on OSAS. Data Synthesis A literature review was conducted using Lilacs, Medline, PubMed, and Scopus by combining the following keywords: "Health Promotion," "Sleep Disorders," "Primary Prevention," "Health Education," and "Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndromes." Initially, 1,055 papers, from 1968 to 2013, were located, with the majority from the Scopus database. The inclusion criteria were applied, and four articles published between 2006 and 2012 were included in the present study. Conclusions The studies on preventive actions in sleep disorders, with emphasis on OSAS, involved the general population and professionals and students in the health field and led to increased knowledge on sleep disorders and more appropriate practices.

Rev. logop. foniatr. audiol. (Ed. impr.) ; 35(1): 2-7, ene.-mar. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-131938


La teleducación interactiva viene fortaleciéndose y sosteniendo proyectos cuyos objetivos son alcanzar la promoción de la salud utilizando tecnologías de información y comunicación. Entre ellos, está el Proyecto Joven Doctor que se propone capacitar agentes multiplicadores del conocimiento. De esta forma, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo crear una red de aprendizaje colaborativa entre los alumnos sobre las temáticas de salud auditiva y vocal. Los alumnos son entrenados por medio de clases presenciales, acceso al cibertutor y talleres sobre la salud auditiva y vocal. Al término de las actividades, los alumnos capacitados se transformarían en «jóvenes doctores», y de este modo transmitirían el conocimiento adquirido a la comunidad. El proyecto fue realizado en los años 2008 y 2009, contando con la participación de 31 alumnos de enseñanza primaria y secundaria, que recibieron conocimiento sobre los temas de comunicación. Concluida la capacitación, los «jóvenes doctores» multiplicaron la información a 1.750 personas, entre alumnos de la escuela, profesores, padres y comunidad en general. De esta forma, se observó que las acciones realizadas con la metodología del Proyecto Joven Doctor sobre los temas de salud auditiva y salud vocal ayudaron a establecer una cadena productiva del saber (AU)

Interactive teleducation is gaining in strength and is being used to carry out projects aiming to promote health by using information and communication technologies. Among these projects is the Young Doctor Project, which aims to train knowledge multipliers. Thus, the goal of this project is to create a collaborative learning network among students on issues related to hearing and vocal health. Students are trained through classes, cybertutor access, and workshops on auditory and vocal health. At the end of the activities, trained students become «young doctors» and transmit the acquired knowledge to the community. The project was conducted in 2008 and 2009 with the participation of 31 students in primary and secondary education who received training on communication issues. After the training, the «young doctors» transmitted the knowledge gained to 1,750 people, including school students, teachers, parents, and the community. Thus, the methodology used in the Young Doctor Project on hearing and vocal health helped to establish a chain of knowledge (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Auditory Diseases, Central/prevention & control , Primary Prevention/methods , Primary Prevention/trends , Voice/physiology , Acoustic Stimulation/education , Acoustic Stimulation/methods , Auditory Diseases, Central/epidemiology , Telemedicine/methods , Telemedicine , Health Promotion/trends , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences/education , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences/methods , Brazil/epidemiology
Audiol., Commun. res ; 19(4): 367-374, Oct-Dec/2014. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-732231


Objetivo Verificar a eficácia do DVD “Conhecendo e Aprendendo sobre meu Aparelho Auditivo” como ferramenta no processo de adaptação do aparelho de amplificação sonora individual (AASI) em idosos. Métodos Participaram dessa pesquisa 27 indivíduos, divididos em dois grupos: grupo controle, que recebeu as orientações fonoaudiológicas e o manual técnico de instruções que acompanhava o AASI retroauricular adaptado; e grupo experimental, que recebeu as mesmas orientações do grupo controle, acrescidas do referido DVD. A eficácia do DVD foi mensurada por meio do instrumento específico de habilidades de manuseio com o AASI Practical Hearing Aid Skills Test, usando-se análise estatística-descritiva e o teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. Resultados O grupo experimental obteve melhor desempenho nas tarefas de limpeza do AASI e molde auricular, manipulação do controle de volume, manuseio da bobina telefônica e posicionamento correto do telefone na orelha. Não houve diferença entre os desempenhos do grupo controle e grupo experimental, no Practical Hearing Aid Skills Test. A maioria do grupo experimental afirmou estar muito satisfeita com as informações contidas no DVD. Conclusão Foi observada tendência de melhora, no grupo experimental, quanto à compreensão do conteúdo sobre o AASI, devido ao uso do DVD e elevado grau de satisfação desse grupo com o instrumento, confirmando ser um material possível de ser utilizado durante o processo de adaptação do AASI. .

Purpose To verify the effectiveness of the DVD “Knowing and Learning about my Hearing Aid” as a tool in the hearing aid (HA) adaptation process in the elderly. Methods A total of 27 individuals, divided in two groups, participated in this study: a control group, which received the audiological guidance and the technical instruction manual accompanying the adapted behind-the-ear hearing aids; and an experimental group, which received the same guidance as the control group, plus the DVD. The effectiveness of the DVD was measured through a specific tool that evaluates the skills to manipulate the HA, the Practical Hearing Aid Skills Test, using descriptive statistics analysis and the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test. Results The experimental group obtained a better performance in the tasks of cleaning the hearing aid and the earmold, manipulating the volume control, handling the telecoil and correctly placing the phone in the ear. No difference was found between the performances of the control group and the experimental group in the Practical Hearing Aid Skills Test. Most of the experimental group affirmed to be very satisfied with the information stored in the DVD. Conclusion An improvement trend was observed in the experimental group regarding the understanding of the content about the HA, due to the use of the DVD, and a high level of satisfaction was observed among the participants of this group with the tool, which confirms such material is a tool possible to be used during the HA adaptation process. .

Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Audiovisual Aids , Education of Hearing Disabled , Hearing Aids/statistics & numerical data , Hearing Loss/rehabilitation , Teaching Materials , Telemedicine/methods , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Patient Satisfaction , Statistics, Nonparametric