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PhytoKeys ; (99): 1-66, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29861651


The taxonomic positions and phylogenetic relationships of six Pavetteae species endemic to Madagascar were tested with a phylogenetic study of the Afro-Madagascan representatives of the tribe Pavetteae based on sequence data from six markers rps16, trnT-F, petD, accD-psa1, PI and ITS. The six species were resolved into four well-supported and morphologically distinct clades which we here formally recognise at generic level. The new genera are the monospecific Exallosperma and Pseudocoptosperma, each with a single species, and Helictosperma and Tulearia, each with two species. Each genus is characterised by one or more autapomorphies or by a unique combination of plesiomorphic characters. Mostly, the distinguishing characters are found in fruit and seed; Exallosperma differs from all other Pavetteae genera by the fruit consisting of two stony pyrenes, each with a single laterally flattened seed with irregularly distributed ridges on the surface; Helictosperma is unique by its single spherical seed rolled-in on itself in the shape of a giant pill-millipede. Pseudocoptosperma is characterised by the combination of three ovules pendulous from a small placenta and triangular stipules with a strongly developed awn, whereas Tulearia is characterised by robust sericeous flowers, small leaves, uni- or pauciflorous inflorescences and fruits with two pyrenes, each with a single ruminate seed. The four new genera show marked adaptations to the dry habitats in which they grow. They represent multiple radiations into drylands and highlight the importance of the dry forest and scrub vegetation in western, southern and northern Madagascar for plant biodiversity. The description of the four new genera shows that the tribe Pavetteae exhibits the same pattern as many plant groups in Madagascar, which are characterised by a high proportion of endemic genera comprising a single or a few species. In the four new genera, five new species are described and one new combination is made: Exallosperma longiflora De Block; Helictosperma malacophylla (Drake) De Block, Helictosperma poissoniana De Block, Pseudocoptosperma menabense Capuron ex De Block; Tulearia capsaintemariensis De Block and Tulearia splendida De Block.

PhytoKeys ; (83): 103-118, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29033652


Craterispermum capitatum and C. gabonicum, two new species of Rubiaceae, are described from the Lower Guinea and Congolian Domains. Detailed descriptions and distribution maps are provided for each species, their conservation status is assessed and their taxonomic affinities are discussed. Craterispermum gabonicum is unique within the genus because of the strong dimorphism in brevistylous and longistylous flowers and inflorescences. We hypothesize that this species shows some form of dioecy. The distribution of C. capitatum shows a wide disjunction: the species is present in the Lower Guinean and Congolian Domains but absent from Gabon and South Cameroon. An identification key for the Craterispermum species present in the Lower Guinean and Congolian Domains is given.

Résumé Craterispermum capitatum et C. gabonicum, deux nouvelles espèces de la famille des Rubiaceae, des Domaines Bas Guinéen et Congolais sont décrites. Des descriptions détaillées et des cartes de distribution sont données pour chacune des espèces, leur statut de conservation est évalué et leurs affinités taxonomiques discutée. Craterispermum gabonicum est unique dans le genre en raison d'un dimorphisme avéré entre les fleurs, mais aussi les inflorescences brévistyles et longistyles. L'hypothèse de l'existence d'une tendance vers la dioécie chez cette espèce est émise. La distribution C. capitatum présente une importante disjonction: l'espèce est présente dans les Domaines Bas Guinéen et Congolais, mais absente au Gabon et au sud du Cameroun. Une clé d'identification pour les espèces de Craterispermum présentes dans les Domaines Bas Guinéen et Congolais est donnée.
