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Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2023.
in English | WHO IRIS | ID: who-365423


This Health system summary is based on the Austria: Health System Review published in 2018 in the Health Systems in Transition (HiT) series, and relevant reform updates highlighted by the Health Systems and Policies Monitor (HSPM) ( For this edition, key data have been updated to those available in July 2022 to keep information as current as possible. Health system summaries use a concise format to communicate central features of country health systems and analyse available evidence on the organization, financing and delivery of health care. They also provide insights into key reforms and the varied challenges testing the performance of the health system.

Health Systems Plans , Delivery of Health Care , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Health Care Reform
BMC Health Serv Res ; 22(1): 1037, 2022 Aug 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35964086


BACKGROUND: There is a growing interest in redesigning healthcare systems to increase access to and coordination across care settings for people with chronic conditions. We aim to gain a better understanding of the barriers faced by (1) children with chronic bronchial asthma, (2) adults with non-specific chronic back pain, and (3) older people with pre-existing mental illness/es in Austria's fragmented social health insurance system. METHODS: Using a qualitative design, we conducted semi-structured interviews face-to-face and by telephone with health service providers, researchers, experts by experience (persons with lived/ personal experience, i.e., service users, patient advocates or family members/carers), and employees in public health administration between July and October 2019. The analysis and interpretation of data were guided by Levesque's model of access, a conceptual framework used to evaluate access broadly according to different dimensions of accessibility to care: approachability, acceptability, availability and accommodation, affordability, and appropriateness. RESULTS: The findings from the 25 expert interviews were organised within Levesque's conceptual framework. They highlight a lack of coordination and defined patient pathways, particularly at the onset of the condition, when seeking a diagnosis, and throughout the care process. On the supply side, patterns of poor patient-provider communication, lack of a holistic therapeutic approach, an urban-rural divide, strict separation between social care and the healthcare system and limited consultation time were among the barriers identified. On the demand side, patients' ability to perceive a need and to subsequently seek and reach healthcare services was an important barrier, closely linked to a patient's socio-economic status, health literacy and ability to pay. CONCLUSIONS: While studies on unmet needs suggest a very low level of barriers to accessing health care in the Austrian context, our study highlights potential 'invisible' barriers. Barriers to healthcare access are of concern for patients with chronic conditions, underlining existing findings about the need to improve health services according to patients' specific needs. Research on how to structure timely and integrated care independent of social and economic resources, continuity of care, and significant improvements in patient-centred communication and coordination of care would be paramount.

Health Services Accessibility , Rural Population , Adult , Aged , Caregivers , Child , Chronic Disease , Humans , Qualitative Research
Gesundheitssysteme im Wandel, vol. 20 (3)
Article in German | WHO IRIS | ID: who-327980


Die vorliegende Analyse des österreichischen Gesundheitssystems beleuchtet aktuelle Entwicklungen in den Bereichen Organisation,Verwaltung, Finanzierung, Versorgung, Reformen und Leistungsfähigkeit des Gesundheitssystems. Die sich seit 2013 in Umsetzung befindliche große Reform steht dabei im Mittelpunkt. Das zentrale Anliegen dieser Reform, in deren Rahmen ein neues Steuerungssystem eingeführt wurde, ist die Stärkung der Koordination und Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Regierungsebenen und Selbstverwaltungsorgane durch die Förderungeiner gemeinsamen Planung und Entscheidungsfindung sowie in Ansätzen auch einer gemeinsamen Finanzierung. Trotz dieser Anstrengungen ist die organisatorische und finanzielle Struktur des österreichischenGesundheitssystems nach wie vor komplex und uneinheitlich. Die österreichische Bevölkerung weist einen guten Gesundheitszustand auf. Die Lebenserwartung bei Geburt liegt über dem EU-Durchschnitt und die niedrige vermeidbare Sterblichkeit zeigt, dass das Gesundheitsweseneffektiver ist als in den meisten EU-Ländern. Dennoch ist die Zahl der Menschen, die an Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen und an Krebs sterben, imVergleich zum EU-28-Durchschnitt hoch. Tabak- und Alkoholkonsum stellen die größten Gesundheitsrisikofaktoren dar. Der Tabakkonsum ist im letzten Jahrzehnt nicht wie in den meisten EU-Ländern zurückgegangen und liegt aktuell deutlich über dem EU-28-Durchschnitt. In Bezug auf die Leistungsfähigkeit bietet das österreichischeGesundheitssystem einen guten und niederschwelligen Zugang zu Gesundheitsleistungen. Die österreichische Bevölkerung verzeichnet einen der niedrigsten unerfüllten Bedarfe an medizinischer Versorgunginnerhalb der EU. Praktisch die gesamte Bevölkerung ist durch die soziale Krankenversicherung abgesichert und hat Zugang zu einem breitgefächerten Leistungsangebot. Dennoch könnten die zunehmenden Unterschiedezwischen der Anzahl an Vertragsärzten und Wahlärzten zu sozialen und regionalen Ungleichheiten beim Zugang zur Gesundheitsversorgung beitragen. Das österreichische Gesundheitssystem ist relativ kostenintensiv. Es ist stark auf die intramurale Versorgung fokussiert, was sich an einer hohen Nutzung stationärer Leistungen und einem Ungleichgewicht in der Ressourcenallokation zwischen dem Krankenhaussektor und demextramuralen Sektor zeigt. Daher zielen die laufenden Reformen darauf ab, das Wachstum der Gesundheitsausgaben der öffentlichen Hand durch eine Ausgabenobergrenze zu senken und die übermäßige Nutzung stationärer Leistungen zu verringern. Die Effizienz der intramuralen Versorgung hat sich während der Reformperiode verbessert, jedoch stellt die fragmentierteFinanzierung zwischen dem intra- und dem extramuralen Sektor nach wie vor eine Herausforderung dar. Aktuelle Bemühungen, die darauf abzielen, die Primärversorgung nach neuem Modell flächendeckend auszubauen, sindein wichtiger Schritt, um Tätigkeiten aus dem großen und kostenintensivenKrankenhaussektor zu verlagern und die Qualifikationsprofile undEinsatzbereiche der medizinischen Fachkräfte zu erweitern.

Delivery of Health Care , Evaluation Study , Healthcare Financing , Health Care Reform , Health Systems Plans , Austria
Health Syst Transit ; 20(3): 1-254, 2018 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30277215


This analysis of the Austrian health system reviews recent developments in organization and governance, health financing, health care provision, health reforms and health system performance. Two major reforms implemented in 2013 and 2017 are among the main issues today. The central aim of the reforms that put in place a new governance system was to strengthen coordination and cooperation between different levels of government and self-governing bodies by promoting joint planning, decision-making and financing. Yet despite these efforts, the Austrian health system remains complex and fragmented in its organizational and financial structure. The Austrian population has a good level of health. Life expectancy at birth is above the EU average and low amenable mortality rates indicate that health care is more effective than in most EU countries. Yet, the number of people dying from cardiovascular diseases and cancer is high compared to the EU-28 average. Tobacco and alcohol represent the major health risk factors. Tobacco consumption has not declined over the last decade like in most other EU countries and lies well above the EU-28 average. In terms of performance, the Austrian health system provides good access to health care services. Austrias residents report the lowest levels of unmet needs for medical care across the EU. Virtually all the population is covered by social health insurances and enjoys a broad benefit basket. Yet, rising imbalances between the numbers of contracted and non-contracted physicians may contribute to social and regional inequalities in accessing care. The Austrian health system is relatively costly. It has a strong focus on inpatient care as characterized by high hospital utilization and imbalances in resource allocation between the hospital and ambulatory care sector. The ongoing reforms therefore aim to bring down publicly financed health expenditure growth with a global budget cap and reduce overutilization of hospital care. Efficiency of inpatient care has improved over the reform period but the fragmented financing between the inpatient and ambulatory sector remain a challenge. Current reforms to strengthen primary health care are an important step to further shift activities out of the large and costly hospital sector and improve skill mix within the health workforce.

Delivery of Health Care , Health Policy , Quality of Health Care , Austria , Humans
Article in English | WHO IRIS | ID: who-330188


This analysis of the Austrian health system reviews recent developments in organization and governance, health financing, health care provision, health reforms and health system performance. Two major reforms implemented in 2013 and 2017 are among the main issues today. The central aim of the reforms that put in place a new governance system was to strengthen coordination and cooperation between different levels of government and self-governing bodies by promoting joint planning,decision-making and financing. Yet despite these efforts, the Austrian health system remains complex and fragmented in its organizational and financial structure.The Austrian population has a good level of health. Life expectancy at birth is above the EU average and low amenable mortality rates indicate that health care is more effective than in most EU countries. Yet, the number of people dying from cardiovascular diseases and cancer is high compared to the EU28 average. Tobacco and alcohol represent the major health risk factors. Tobacco consumption has not declined over the last decade like in most other EU countries and lies well above the EU28 average. In terms of performance, the Austrian health system provides good access to health care services. Austria’s residents report the lowest levels of unmet needs for medical care across the EU. Virtually all the population is covered by social health insurances and enjoys a broad benefit basket. Yet, rising imbalances between the numbers of contracted and non-contracted physicians may contribute to social and regional inequalities in accessing care. The Austrian health system is relatively costly. It has a strong focus on inpatient care as characterized by high hospital utilization and imbalances in resource allocation between the hospital and ambulatory care sector. The ongoing reforms therefore aim to bring down publicly financed health expenditure growth with a global budget cap and reduce overutilization of hospital care. Efficiency of inpatient care has improved over the reform period but the fragmented financing between the inpatient and ambulatory sector remain a challenge. Current reforms to strengthen primary health care are an important step to further shift activities out of the large and costly hospital sector and improve skill mix within the health workforce.

Delivery of Health Care , Evaluation Study , Healthcare Financing , Health Care Reform , Health Systems Plans , Austria