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J Dyn Differ Equ ; 36(1): 727-756, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38435835


In the framework of a real Hilbert space, we address the problem of finding the zeros of the sum of a maximally monotone operator A and a cocoercive operator B. We study the asymptotic behaviour of the trajectories generated by a second order equation with vanishing damping, attached to this problem, and governed by a time-dependent forward-backward-type operator. This is a splitting system, as it only requires forward evaluations of B and backward evaluations of A. A proper tuning of the system parameters ensures the weak convergence of the trajectories to the set of zeros of A+B, as well as fast convergence of the velocities towards zero. A particular case of our system allows to derive fast convergence rates for the problem of minimizing the sum of a proper, convex and lower semicontinuous function and a smooth and convex function with Lipschitz continuous gradient. We illustrate the theoretical outcomes by numerical experiments.

Comput Optim Appl ; 86(3): 925-966, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37969869


In this work we aim to solve a convex-concave saddle point problem, where the convex-concave coupling function is smooth in one variable and nonsmooth in the other and not assumed to be linear in either. The problem is augmented by a nonsmooth regulariser in the smooth component. We propose and investigate a novel algorithm under the name of OGAProx, consisting of an optimistic gradient ascent step in the smooth variable coupled with a proximal step of the regulariser, and which is alternated with a proximal step in the nonsmooth component of the coupling function. We consider the situations convex-concave, convex-strongly concave and strongly convex-strongly concave related to the saddle point problem under investigation. Regarding iterates we obtain (weak) convergence, a convergence rate of order O(1K) and linear convergence like O(θK) with θ<1, respectively. In terms of function values we obtain ergodic convergence rates of order O(1K), O(1K2) and O(θK) with θ<1, respectively. We validate our theoretical considerations on a nonsmooth-linear saddle point problem, the training of multi kernel support vector machines and a classification problem incorporating minimax group fairness.

Math Program ; 200(1): 147-197, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37215306


This work aims to minimize a continuously differentiable convex function with Lipschitz continuous gradient under linear equality constraints. The proposed inertial algorithm results from the discretization of the second-order primal-dual dynamical system with asymptotically vanishing damping term addressed by Bot and Nguyen (J. Differential Equations 303:369-406, 2021), and it is formulated in terms of the Augmented Lagrangian associated with the minimization problem. The general setting we consider for the inertial parameters covers the three classical rules by Nesterov, Chambolle-Dossal and Attouch-Cabot used in the literature to formulate fast gradient methods. For these rules, we obtain in the convex regime convergence rates of order O1/k2 for the primal-dual gap, the feasibility measure, and the objective function value. In addition, we prove that the generated sequence of primal-dual iterates converges to a primal-dual solution in a general setting that covers the two latter rules. This is the first result which provides the convergence of the sequence of iterates generated by a fast algorithm for linearly constrained convex optimization problems without additional assumptions such as strong convexity. We also emphasize that all convergence results of this paper are compatible with the ones obtained in Bot and Nguyen (J. Differential Equations 303:369-406, 2021) in the continuous setting.

Adv Contin Discret Model ; 2022(1): 73, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36540365


In a Hilbert setting, we study the convergence properties of the second order in time dynamical system combining viscous and Hessian-driven damping with time scaling in relation to the minimization of a nonsmooth and convex function. The system is formulated in terms of the gradient of the Moreau envelope of the objective function with a time-dependent parameter. We show fast convergence rates for the Moreau envelope, its gradient along the trajectory, and also for the system velocity. From here, we derive fast convergence rates for the objective function along a path which is the image of the trajectory of the system through the proximal operator of the first. Moreover, we prove the weak convergence of the trajectory of the system to a global minimizer of the objective function. Finally, we provide multiple numerical examples illustrating the theoretical results.

Math Program ; 189(1-2): 151-186, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34720194


We investigate the asymptotic properties of the trajectories generated by a second-order dynamical system with Hessian driven damping and a Tikhonov regularization term in connection with the minimization of a smooth convex function in Hilbert spaces. We obtain fast convergence results for the function values along the trajectories. The Tikhonov regularization term enables the derivation of strong convergence results of the trajectory to the minimizer of the objective function of minimum norm.

Numer Algorithms ; 86(3): 1303-1325, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33603318


We investigate the techniques and ideas used in Shefi and Teboulle (SIAM J Optim 24(1), 269-297, 2014) in the convergence analysis of two proximal ADMM algorithms for solving convex optimization problems involving compositions with linear operators. Besides this, we formulate a variant of the ADMM algorithm that is able to handle convex optimization problems involving an additional smooth function in its objective, and which is evaluated through its gradient. Moreover, in each iteration, we allow the use of variable metrics, while the investigations are carried out in the setting of infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. This algorithmic scheme is investigated from the point of view of its convergence properties.

J Sci Comput ; 85(2): 33, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33122873


We aim to solve a structured convex optimization problem, where a nonsmooth function is composed with a linear operator. When opting for full splitting schemes, usually, primal-dual type methods are employed as they are effective and also well studied. However, under the additional assumption of Lipschitz continuity of the nonsmooth function which is composed with the linear operator we can derive novel algorithms through regularization via the Moreau envelope. Furthermore, we tackle large scale problems by means of stochastic oracle calls, very similar to stochastic gradient techniques. Applications to total variational denoising and deblurring, and matrix factorization are provided.

Appl Anal ; 99(3): 361-378, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32256253


We investigate a second-order dynamical system with variable damping in connection with the minimization of a nonconvex differentiable function. The dynamical system is formulated in the spirit of the differential equation which models Nesterov's accelerated convex gradient method. We show that the generated trajectory converges to a critical point, if a regularization of the objective function satisfies the Kurdyka- Lojasiewicz property. We also provide convergence rates for the trajectory formulated in terms of the Lojasiewicz exponent.

Optimization ; 68(10): 1855-1880, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31708644


We investigate a forward-backward splitting algorithm of penalty type with inertial effects for finding the zeros of the sum of a maximally monotone operator and a cocoercive one and the convex normal cone to the set of zeroes of an another cocoercive operator. Weak ergodic convergence is obtained for the iterates, provided that a condition expressed via the Fitzpatrick function of the operator describing the underlying set of the normal cone is verified. Under strong monotonicity assumptions, strong convergence for the sequence of generated iterates is proved. As a particular instance we consider a convex bilevel minimization problem including the sum of a non-smooth and a smooth function in the upper level and another smooth function in the lower level. We show that in this context weak non-ergodic and strong convergence can be also achieved under inf-compactness assumptions for the involved functions.

Optimization ; 68(7): 1265-1277, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31708645


We consider the minimization of a convex objective function subject to the set of minima of another convex function, under the assumption that both functions are twice continuously differentiable. We approach this optimization problem from a continuous perspective by means of a second-order dynamical system with Hessian-driven damping and a penalty term corresponding to the constrained function. By constructing appropriate energy functionals, we prove weak convergence of the trajectories generated by this differential equation to a minimizer of the optimization problem as well as convergence for the objective function values along the trajectories. The performed investigations rely on Lyapunov analysis in combination with the continuous version of the Opial Lemma. In case the objective function is strongly convex, we can even show strong convergence of the trajectories.

J Optim Theory Appl ; 182(1): 110-132, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31258180


The Alternating Minimization Algorithm has been proposed by Paul Tseng to solve convex programming problems with two-block separable linear constraints and objectives, whereby (at least) one of the components of the latter is assumed to be strongly convex. The fact that one of the subproblems to be solved within the iteration process of this method does not usually correspond to the calculation of a proximal operator through a closed formula affects the implementability of the algorithm. In this paper, we allow in each block of the objective a further smooth convex function and propose a proximal version of the algorithm, which is achieved by equipping the algorithm with proximal terms induced by variable metrics. For suitable choices of the latter, the solving of the two subproblems in the iterative scheme can be reduced to the computation of proximal operators. We investigate the convergence of the proposed algorithm in a real Hilbert space setting and illustrate its numerical performances on two applications in image processing and machine learning.

Optim Methods Softw ; 34(3): 489-514, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31057305


Proximal splitting algorithms for monotone inclusions (and convex optimization problems) in Hilbert spaces share the common feature to guarantee for the generated sequences in general weak convergence to a solution. In order to achieve strong convergence, one usually needs to impose more restrictive properties for the involved operators, like strong monotonicity (respectively, strong convexity for optimization problems). In this paper, we propose a modified Krasnosel'skii-Mann algorithm in connection with the determination of a fixed point of a nonexpansive mapping and show strong convergence of the iteratively generated sequence to the minimal norm solution of the problem. Relying on this, we derive a forward-backward and a Douglas-Rachford algorithm, both endowed with Tikhonov regularization terms, which generate iterates that strongly converge to the minimal norm solution of the set of zeros of the sum of two maximally monotone operators. Furthermore, we formulate strong convergent primal-dual algorithms of forward-backward and Douglas-Rachford-type for highly structured monotone inclusion problems involving parallel-sums and compositions with linear operators. The resulting iterative schemes are particularized to the solving of convex minimization problems. The theoretical results are illustrated by numerical experiments on the split feasibility problem in infinite dimensional spaces.

Optimization ; 68(1): 33-50, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30828224


We investigate the convergence properties of incremental mirror descent type subgradient algorithms for minimizing the sum of convex functions. In each step, we only evaluate the subgradient of a single component function and mirror it back to the feasible domain, which makes iterations very cheap to compute. The analysis is made for a randomized selection of the component functions, which yields the deterministic algorithm as a special case. Under supplementary differentiability assumptions on the function which induces the mirror map, we are also able to deal with the presence of another term in the objective function, which is evaluated via a proximal type step. In both cases, we derive convergence rates of O ( 1 / k ) in expectation for the kth best objective function value and illustrate our theoretical findings by numerical experiments in positron emission tomography and machine learning.

Optimization ; 67(7): 959-974, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30008539


We propose two forward-backward proximal point type algorithms with inertial/memory effects for determining weakly efficient solutions to a vector optimization problem consisting in vector-minimizing with respect to a given closed convex pointed cone the sum of a proper cone-convex vector function with a cone-convex differentiable one, both mapping from a Hilbert space to a Banach one. Inexact versions of the algorithms, more suitable for implementation, are provided as well, while as a byproduct one can also derive a forward-backward method for solving the mentioned problem. Numerical experiments with the proposed methods are carried out in the context of solving a portfolio optimization problem.

Vietnam J Math ; 46(1): 53-71, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32714952


We propose a proximal-gradient algorithm with penalization terms and inertial and memory effects for minimizing the sum of a proper, convex, and lower semicontinuous and a convex differentiable function subject to the set of minimizers of another convex differentiable function. We show that, under suitable choices for the step sizes and the penalization parameters, the generated iterates weakly converge to an optimal solution of the addressed bilevel optimization problem, while the objective function values converge to its optimal objective value.

Optim Lett ; 12(1): 17-33, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31998412


We consider the problem of minimizing a smooth convex objective function subject to the set of minima of another differentiable convex function. In order to solve this problem, we propose an algorithm which combines the gradient method with a penalization technique. Moreover, we insert in our algorithm an inertial term, which is able to take advantage of the history of the iterates. We show weak convergence of the generated sequence of iterates to an optimal solution of the optimization problem, provided a condition expressed via the Fenchel conjugate of the constraint function is fulfilled. We also prove convergence for the objective function values to the optimal objective value. The convergence analysis carried out in this paper relies on the celebrated Opial Lemma and generalized Fejér monotonicity techniques. We illustrate the functionality of the method via a numerical experiment addressing image classification via support vector machines.

Optimization ; 66(8): 1383-1396, 2017 Aug 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33116346


In this paper, we propose two proximal-gradient algorithms for fractional programming problems in real Hilbert spaces, where the numerator is a proper, convex and lower semicontinuous function and the denominator is a smooth function, either concave or convex. In the iterative schemes, we perform a proximal step with respect to the nonsmooth numerator and a gradient step with respect to the smooth denominator. The algorithm in case of a concave denominator has the particularity that it generates sequences which approach both the (global) optimal solutions set and the optimal objective value of the underlying fractional programming problem. In case of a convex denominator the numerical scheme approaches the set of critical points of the objective function, provided the latter satisfies the Kurdyka-ᴌojasiewicz property.