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Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(7): 3660-3682, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443005


O Brasil é um dos países que mais consomem medicamentos no mundo, em contrapartida não há uma legislação que regulamente o descarte de medicamentos domiciliares, sendo a maioria deles descartados incorretamente no lixo comum ou esgoto, contaminando o meio ambiente e trazendo prejuízos ambientais, sociais e econômicos. Ao analisar o material foi observado que 95,98% eram sólidos, 2,58 líquidos, 1,51% semissólidos e 0,24% outros. Já em relação às classes terapêuticas 27,25% eram medicamentos de ação cardiovascular, 15,30% de ação gastrointestinal, 15,07% de antimicrobianos, 14,44% de ação no SNC, 10,71% anti-inflamatórios, 5,49% analgésicos e antipiréticos, 3,52% antialérgicos, 3,31% de ação no trato respiratório, 2,83% hormônios e 2,09% outros. E o prejuízo econômico decorrente da perda dos medicamentos foi de aproximadamente R$ 9470,00. Diante do exposto, podemos concluir que o uso irracional de medicamentos, a não adesão terapêutica, a falta de fracionamento, as estratégias do marketing farmacêutico, as prescrições irracionais, a venda sem prescrição e a falta de educação sanitária da população a respeito dos medicamentos levam a um consumo indiscriminado dos mesmos, o que corrobora para o acúmulo nas residências e o descarte incorreto.

Brazil is one of the countries that consume most medicines in the world, in contrast there is no legislation that regulates the disposal of home medicines, most of them being disposed of incorrectly in common garbage or sewage, contaminating the environment and bringing environmental, social and economic damages. When analyzing the material, it was observed that 95.98% were solid, 2.58 liquids, 1.51% semi-solid and 0.24% others. With regard to the therapeutic classes, 27.25% were medicines with a cardiovascular action, 15.30% with a gastrointestinal action, 15.07% with antimicrobials, 14.44% with an CNS action, 10.71% with anti-inflammatories, 5.49% with analgesics and antipyretics, 3.52% with antiallergies, 3.31% with an action on the respiratory tract, 2.83% with hormones and 2.09% others. And the economic loss resulting from the loss of the medicines was approximately R$ 9470.00. In the light of the above, we can conclude that the irrational use of medicines, the non-adherence to treatment, the lack of fractionation, the strategies of pharmaceutical marketing, the irrational prescriptions, the non-prescription sale and the lack of health education of the population regarding the medicines lead to an indiscriminate consumption of the medicines, which corroborates for the accumulation in the residences and the incorrect disposal.

Brasil es uno de los países que más consumen medicinas en el mundo, en contraste, no existe legislación que regule la eliminación de medicinas domésticas, la mayoría de las cuales son descartadas incorrectamente en desechos o aguas residuales comunes, contaminando el medio ambiente y ocasionando pérdidas ambientales, sociales y económicas. Al analizar el material se observó que el 95,98% eran sólidos, 2,58 líquidos, 1,51% semisólidos y 0,24% otros. En cuanto a las clases terapéuticas, el 27,25% fueron medicamentos de acción cardiovascular, el 15,30% de acción gastrointestinal, el 15,07% antimicrobianos, el 14,44% de acción del SNC, el 10,71% antiinflamatorios, el 5,49% analgésicos y antipiréticos, el 3,52% 3,31% de acción en el tracto respiratorio, 2,83% de hormonas y 2,09% de otras. Y la pérdida económica resultante de la pérdida de los medicamentos fue de aproximadamente R$ 9470,00. A la luz de lo que antecede, podemos concluir que el uso irracional de los medicamentos, la no adhesión a la terapia, la falta de fraccionamiento, las estrategias de comercialización farmacéutica, las prescripciones irracionales, la venta sin receta y la falta de educación en la salud de la población sobre los medicamentos conducen a su consumo indiscriminado, lo que corrobora la acumulación en los hogares y la eliminación incorrecta.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(7): 4039-4060, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443170


No ano de 2020 observou-se um aumento da divulgação de informações parciais e sem embasamento científico sobre COVID-19. Nesse contexto, o Centro Regional de Informação sobre Medicamentos (CRIM) em uma Universidade Pública, torna-se um importante disseminador de informações referenciadas. Este trabalho foi realizado para identificar, por meio dos dados obtidos nos canais de comunicação em que essas ações virtuais foram desenvolvidas, o alcance atingido por cada publicação e evento. Dentre os materiais produzidos, 38,5% foram relacionados à COVID-19; 26,9% ao uso de medicamentos; 21,1% às datas representativas da área da saúde; e 13,5% às informações sobre doenças. Destacaram-se temas como: "Qual a diferença entre medicamento referência e genérico?"; "A importância de tomar o medicamento com água"; "CAFEÍNA: Uso indiscriminado"; "Interações fármacos x alimentos"; e "Imunização Infantil: Devo vacinar meu filho contra a COVID-19?". As ações de educação continuada, somadas às visualizações dos eventos produzidos totalizaram 5.160 visualizações. Destaca-se o IV Simpósio sobre Uso Racional de Medicamentos (URM) e o I Simpósio de Direitos Humanos e Saúde Mental que, em sua totalidade, somaram 3.459 visualizações. As ações reforçam a necessidade de promover práticas voltadas à informação para garantia do uso eficaz, seguro e racional de medicamentos.

In 2020, there was an increase in the dissemination of partial and scientifically unsupported information about COVID-19. In this context, the Regional Drug Information Center (RDIC) in a Public University becomes an important disseminator of referenced information. This work was carried out to identify, through the data obtained from the communication channels in which these virtual actions were developed, the reach atteined by each publication and event. Amongst the materials produced, 38.5% were related to COVID-19; 26.9% to the use of medication; 21.1% to representative dates in the health area; and 13.5% to information about diseases. Topics such as: "What is the difference between reference and generic medicine?"; "The importance of taking the medicine with water"; "CAFFEINE: Indiscriminate use"; "Drug x food interactions"; and "Childhood Immunization: Should I vaccinate my child against COVID-19?". Continuing education actions, added to the views of the events produced, totaled 5,160 views. We highlight the IV Symposium on Rational Use of Drugs (RUD) and the I Symposium on Human Rights and Mental Health which, in their entirety, totaled 3,459 views. The actions reinforces the need to promote information-oriented practices to ensure the effective, safe and rational use of medicines.

En el año 2020 se produjo un aumento en la difusión de información parcial y no se obtuvo ninguna base científica sobre el COVID-19. En este contexto, el Centro Regional de Información sobre Medicinas (CRM) de una Universidad Pública se convierte en un importante difusor de información referenciada. Este trabajo se llevó a cabo para identificar, mediante los datos obtenidos en los canales de comunicación en los que se desarrollaron estas acciones virtuales, el alcance alcanzado por cada publicación y evento. De los materiales producidos, el 38,5% estaban relacionados con el COVID-19; el 26,9% con el uso de medicamentos; el 21,1% con las fechas representativas del área de salud; y el 13,5% con información sobre enfermedades. Temas como: "¿Cuál es la diferencia entre la medicina de referencia y la genérica?"; "La importancia de tomar el medicamento con agua"; "CAFEÍNA: uso indiscriminado"; "Interacciones medicamentosas versus alimentos"; e "Inmunización infantil: ¿debo vacunar a mi hijo contra COVID-19?". Las acciones de la educación continua, sumadas a las visualizaciones de los eventos producidos, alcanzaron un total de 5.160 visitas. Se destacan el cuarto simposio sobre el uso racional de los medicamentos (UDA) y el primer simposio sobre derechos humanos y salud mental, que en su totalidad sumaron hasta 3.459 visualizaciones. Las medidas adoptadas refuerzan la necesidad de promover prácticas orientadas a la información para garantizar el uso eficaz, seguro y racional de los medicamentos.

Chin J Cancer Res ; 25(2): 223-34, 2013 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23592904


Electrochemical treatment is an alternative modality for tumor treatment based on the application of a low intensity direct electric current to the tumor tissue through two or more platinum electrodes placed within the tumor zone or in the surrounding areas. This treatment is noted for its great effectiveness, minimal invasiveness and local effect. Several studies have been conducted worldwide to evaluate the antitumoral effect of this therapy. In all these studies a variety of biochemical and physiological responses of tumors to the applied treatment have been obtained. By this reason, researchers have suggested various mechanisms to explain how direct electric current destroys tumor cells. Although, it is generally accepted this treatment induces electrolysis, electroosmosis and electroporation in tumoral tissues. However, action mechanism of this alternative modality on the tumor tissue is not well understood. Although the principle of Electrochemical treatment is simple, a standardized method is not yet available. The mechanism by which Electrochemical treatment affects tumor growth and survival may represent more complex process. The present work analyzes the latest and most important research done on the electrochemical treatment of tumors. We conclude with our point of view about the destruction mechanism features of this alternative therapy. Also, we suggest some mechanisms and strategies from the thermodynamic point of view for this therapy. In the area of Electrochemical treatment of cancer this tool has been exploited very little and much work remains to be done. Electrochemical treatment constitutes a good therapeutic option for patients that have failed the conventional oncology methods.

J Nanosci Nanotechnol ; 12(6): 4508-13, 2012 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22905493


PLA nanocomposites were prepared by adding organically modified montmorillonite clay (Viscogel B8) and a homoionic clay (NT25), as well as unmodified silica (A200) and modified organic silica (R972). All nanocomposites were obtained by the solution intercalation method using chloroform as a solvent. The materials obtained were essentially characterized by X-ray diffraction and low-field nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry, through the measurement of proton spin-lattice relaxation time (LF-NMR). Both clays and silicas used to obtain the polymeric nanocomposites showed good dispersion in the polymeric matrix. The relaxation times were distinct for each type of nanoparticle used. The nanocomposite formed with homoionic clay, NT25, presented an increase in the relaxation data, indicating formation of intercalated nanocomposites, contrary to the action of the organoclay Viscogel B8, which preferentially formed an exfoliated nanocomposite. When unmodified and organo-modified silica were added to PLA, an increase in the relaxation time of the polymer matrix was observed. According to the relaxation data, the organosilica R972 dispersed better in the polymeric matrix and consequently interacted better than the A200.

Aluminum Silicates/chemistry , Colloids/chemistry , Crystallization/methods , Lactic Acid/chemistry , Nanostructures/chemistry , Nanostructures/ultrastructure , Polymers/chemistry , Silicon Dioxide/chemistry , Clay , Macromolecular Substances/chemistry , Materials Testing , Molecular Conformation , Particle Size , Polyesters , Solutions , Surface Properties