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Biosci. j. (Online) ; 38: e38092, Jan.-Dec. 2022. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415842


The Amazon rainforest region presents a phytophysiognomy that ranges from savannas to cerrados, all of them intimately associated to climate and soil characteristics. Evidence has been given that plant growth and development are affected by soil quality and seasonality, thus making it crucial to understand them and how they are related to each other in order to grasp the dynamics of the whole ecosystem. In this context, the goal of this research was to assess how seasonality, soil attributes, and root system biomass are related in natural cerrado, cerradão, and forest areas in southern Amazonas State, in Brazil. Soil samples were collected during dry (June/2018) and rainy (December/2018) seasons from three different layers 0.00­0.05m; 0.05­0.15m, and 0.15­0.30m deep. In each area ten sampling points were randomly chosen. Two kinds of soil samples were collected: the first using 4.0 cm height by 5.1cm internal-diameter soil sample rings; and the second were intact soil lumps. Physical and Chemical soil attributes assessed were macro-porosity (MaP), micro-porosity (MiP), total porosity (TP), soil density (SD), aggregates texture and stability (GMD and WAR), gravimetric humidity (HG), organic carbon (OC), exchangeable aluminum (Al3+), potential acidity (H+Al), sum of bases (SB), cation exchange capacity (CEC), and root biomass (RB). All data were analysed via Tukey t test and student T test to compare results between seasons and areas. Increasing vegetation density (cerrado < cerradão < forest) was followed by an increment in CEC and OC, showing the importance of these attributes to maintaining biodiversity in environments. In amazon cerrado, rainy season as well a sandier soil textures provided favourable conditions to the growth and development of plants' root system. Soil attributes were little affected by seasonality, that had greater effect on MiP, TP, SD, and OC, leading to lesser values for these variables during rainy season.

Seasons , Soil Characteristics , Amazonian Ecosystem
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(6): 1961-1974, 01-11-2020. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147962


Studying particle size distribution is important to understand soil structure and formation processes. This research aimed to assess the fractal dimension of soil texture in Indian Dark Earth (IDE) areas in southern Amazonas state under different land uses, as follows: two areas in the municipality of Apuí, one growing cocoa and the other coffee; a grassland area in the municipality of Manicoré; and a forest area in the municipality of Novo Aripuanã. A sampling grid containing 88 collection points (intersecting points on the grid) was established in each area, measuring 80 x 42 m for the cocoa and coffee-growing sites, and 80 x 56 m and 60 x 42 m for the grassland and forest areas, respectively. Soil samples were collected in soil core and as clumps at a depth of 0.0-0.20m to determine the structural physical properties and texture of the soil. The following physical attributes were assessed: texture (PSD), bulk density (BD), macroporosity (Macro), microporosity (Micro), total porosity (TP) and aggregate stability (GMD and WMD). The fractal dimension (D) of the soil texture was determined, followed by analysis of variance and comparison of the means using Tukey's test (p≤0.05). Pearson's correlation was applied to assess the correlation between variables. There was a significant difference between the IDEs studied, with a higher D value in the cocoa-growing area in relation to the other sites. Additionally, the larger the clay fraction, the higher the D value. Fractal dimension (D) showed a positive correlation with sand, clay, BD, Macro, GMD and WMD, and a negative correlation with silt, micro, TP. Based on the D values obtained, the ADE cultivated with cocoa showed superior quality in relation to the other areas studied.KEYWORDS: Fractal dimension. Soil physics. Soil use. INTRODUCTION Applications of fractal geometry in soil science have shown that soil exhibits fractal characteristics, being a porous medium having different particle compositions, with irregular shape and self-similar structure (TYLER; WHEATCRAFT, 1989; KRAVCHENKO; ZHANG, 1998). Fractal geometry, proposed and established by Mandelbrot (1982), is a method for describing systems with non-characteristic scales and self-similarity. In recent years, this theory has been used to quantitatively describe the particle size distribution of soil, attracting the interest of pedologists worldwide (DENG et al., 2017). Particle size distribution is one of the most important physical characteristics of soil because of its significant influence on water flow and soil erosion (XU; LI; LI, 2013). In this respect, broad and precise knowledge of particle size distribution is vital to understanding soil structures and formation, since it is closely related to soil erosion, organic matter content and moisture content (DU et al., 2017). Deng et al. (2017) studied the fractal features of soil particle size distribution and found an association between fractal dimensions and the physical and chemical properties of the soil analyzed, indicating that the lower the fractal dimension, the worse the soil physical and chemical properties. Recently, the fractal method was applied to estimate soil structure and proved to be an efficient tool in analyzing soil Received: 01/04/2019 Accepted: 30/01/2020

Estudar a distribuição do tamanho das partículas é importante para entender a estrutura do solo e os processos de formação. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a dimensão fractal da textura do solo em áreas de Terra Preta de Índio (TPI) no sul do Estado do Amazonas sob diferentes usos da terra: duas áreas no município de Apuí, uma com cultivo de cacau e outra de café; uma área de pastagem no município de Manicoré; e uma área florestal no município de Novo Aripuanã. Uma malha de amostragem contendo 88 pontos de coleta (pontos de interseção na grade) foi estabelecida em cada área, medindo 80 x 42 m para as áreas de cacau e café, e 80 x 56 m e 60 x 42 m para as áreas de pastagem e floresta, respectivamente. Amostras de solo foram coletadas em torrões a uma profundidade de 0,0-0,20 m para determinar as propriedades físicas estruturais e a textura do solo. Os seguintes atributos físicos foram avaliados: textura, densidade do solo (DS), macroporosidade (Macro), microporosidade (Micro), porosidade total (PT) e estabilidade de agregados (DMG e DMP). Determinou-se a dimensão fractal da textura do solo (D), seguida da análise de variância e comparação das médias pelo teste de Tukey (p≤0,05). A correlação de Pearson foi aplicada para avaliar a correlação entre as variáveis. Houve uma diferença significativa entre as TPIs estudadas, com um maior valor D na área de cultivo de cacau em relação aos outros locais. Além disso, quanto maior a fração argila, maior o valor de D. A dimensão fractal (D) apresentou correlação positiva com areia, argila, DS, Macro, DMG e DMP, e correlação negativa com silte, micro, PT. Com base nos valores de D obtidos, as TPIs cultivadas com cacau apresentaram qualidade superior em relação às demais áreas estudadas.PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Dimensão Fractal. Física do solo. Uso do solo. REFERENCES ALVARENGA, R. C.; FERNANDES, B.; SILVA, T. C. A.; RESENDE, M. Estabilidade de agregados de um Latossolo Roxo sob diferentes métodos de preparo do solo e de manejo da palha do milho. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Viçosa, v. 10, n. 2, p. 273-277, 1986.

Fractals , Edaphology
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 35(1): 27-41, jan./fev. 2019. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1048558


As Terras Pretas Arqueológicas (TPAs) são solos de fertilidade que notoriamente são superiores à grande maioria dos solos típicos da região amazônica. Assim, o uso das TPAs intensificou-se devido às características químicas apresentadas por esses solos, como a alta concentração de nutrientes (fósforo, cálcio, magnésio). Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a distribuição espacial dos atributos químicos do solo em uma área de Terra Preta Arqueológica sob cultivo de cacau no município de Apuí (AM). O mapeamento de uma malha de 42 x 88 m, com espaçamento irregular de 6 x 8 m, totalizando 88 pontos, foi realizado e, em seguida, foram coletadas amostras de solo nas profundidades de 0,0-0,05; 0,05-0,10; (pH, O.C, Sto. C, (H + Al), P, K, Ca, Mg, SB, CEC e V%). Os dados foram analisados por meio de técnicas estatísticas descritivas e geoestatísticas. Os valores médios e medianos foram ajustados aos valores próximos, indicando distribuição normal, enquanto os atributos químicos do solo foram ajustados aos modelos de semivariogramas esféricos e exponenciais. A maioria dos atributos apresentou coeficiente de variação (CV) entre 12,1 e 60%, caracterizada como variabilidade média, as variáveis do estudo apresentaram diferentes faixas e a maioria teve forte dependência espacial. As técnicas geoestatísticas utilizadas permitiram os ajustes dos modelos teóricos que melhor representaram a semivariância experimental, possibilitando a construção de mapas temáticos da distribuição espacial dos valores dos atributos da área estudada.

The Black Archaeological Lands (TPAs) are fertility soils that are notoriously superior to the vast majority of typical soils in the Amazon region. Thus, the use of TPAs ​​has intensified due to the chemical characteristics presented by these soils, such as the high concentration of nutrients (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium). In this sense, the objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial distribution of the chemical attributes of the soil in an area of ​​Terra Preta Arqueológica under cocoa cultivation in the city of Apuí (AM). The mapping of a mesh of 42 x 88 m, with irregular spacing of 6 x 8 m, totaling 88 points, was carried out and, then, soil samples were collected at depths of 0.0-0.05; 0.05-0.10; (pH, O.C, Sto. C, (H + Al), P, K, Ca, Mg, SB, CEC and V%). The data were analyzed using descriptive and geostatistical statistical techniques. The mean and median values ​​were adjusted to the close values, indicating normal distribution, while the chemical attributes of the soil were adjusted to the models of spherical and exponential semivariograms. Most of the attributes presented a variation coefficient (CV) between 12.1 and 60%, characterized as average variability, the study variables had different ranges and most had a strong spatial dependence. The geostatistical techniques used allowed the adjustments of the theoretical models that best represented the experimental semivariance, allowing the construction of thematic maps of the spatial distribution of the values ​​of the attributes of the studied area.

Soil , Cacao , Soil Analysis , Amazonian Ecosystem , Environmental Statistics , Crop Production