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J Chem Phys ; 144(5): 054306, 2016 Feb 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26851920


K-vacancy Auger states of N(q+) (q = 2-5) ions are studied by using the complex multireference single- and double-excitation configuration interaction (CMRD-CI) method. The calculated resonance parameters are in good agreement with the available experimental and theoretical data. It shows that the resonance positions and widths converge quickly with the increase of the atomic basis sets in the CMRD-CI calculations; the standard atomic basis set can be employed to describe the atomic K-vacancy Auger states well. The strong correlations between the valence and core electrons play important roles in accurately determining those resonance parameters, Rydberg electrons contribute negligibly in the calculations. Note that it is the first time that the complex scaling method has been successfully applied for the B-like nitrogen. CMRD-CI is readily extended to treat the resonance states of molecules in the near future.

J Chem Phys ; 137(12): 124310, 2012 Sep 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23020334


The photodissociation of vibrationally excited Cl(2)(v = 1) has been investigated experimentally using the velocity mapped ion imaging technique. The experimental measurements presented here are compared with the results of time-dependent wavepacket calculations performed on a set of ab initio potential energy curves. The high level calculations allow prediction of all the dynamical information regarding the dissociation, including electronic polarization effects. Using a combination of theory and experiment it was found that there was negligible cooling of the vibrational degree of freedom of the parent molecule in the molecular beam. The results presented are compared with those following the photodissociation of Cl(2)(v = 0). Although the same electronic states are found to be important for Cl(2)(v = 1) as for Cl(2)(v = 0), significant differences were found regarding many of the observables. The overall level of agreement between theory and experiment was found to be reasonable and confirms previous assignments of the photodissociation mechanism.

Chlorides/chemistry , Photochemical Processes , Quantum Theory , Time Factors , Vibration
J Chem Phys ; 136(16): 164310, 2012 Apr 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22559485


A fully quantum mechanical dynamical calculation on the photodissociation of molecular chlorine is presented. The magnitudes and phases of all the relevant photofragment T-matrices have been calculated, making this study the computational equivalent of a "complete experiment," where all the possible parameters defining an experiment have been determined. The results are used to simulate cross-sections and angular momentum polarization information which may be compared with experimental data. The calculations rigorously confirm the currently accepted mechanism for the UV photodissociation of Cl(2), in which the majority of the products exit on the C(1)Π(1u) state, with non-adiabatic couplings to the A(3)Π(1u) and several other Ω = 1 states, and a small contribution from the B(3)Π state present at longer wavelengths.

J Chem Phys ; 136(16): 164311, 2012 Apr 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22559486


Velocity mapped ion imaging and resonantly enhanced multiphoton ionization time-of-flight methods have been used to investigate the photodissociation dynamics of the diatomic molecule Cl(2) following excitation to the first UV absorption band. The experimental results presented here are compared with high level time dependent wavepacket calculations performed on a set of ab initio potential energy curves [D. B. Kokh, A. B. Alekseyev, and R. J. Buenker, J. Chem. Phys. 120, 11549 (2004)]. The theoretical calculations provide the first determination of all dynamical information regarding the dissociation of a system of this complexity, including angular momentum polarization. Both low rank K = 1, 2 and high rank K = 3 electronic polarization are predicted to be important for dissociation into both asymptotic product channels and, in general, good agreement is found between the recent theory and the measurements made here, which include the first experimental determination of high rank K = 3 orientation.

J Chem Phys ; 126(16): 164302, 2007 Apr 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17477597


Ab initio electronic structure calculations of a relatively large number of Rydberg states of the CH radical were carried out employing the multireference single and double excitation configuration interaction (MRD-CI) method. A Gaussian basis set of cc-pV5Z quality augmented with 12 diffuse functions was used together with an extensive treatment of electron correlation. The main focus of this contribution is to investigate the 3d Rydberg complex assigned by Watson [Astrophys. J. 555, 472 (2001)] to three unidentified interstellar bands. The authors' calculations reproduce quite well the absolute excitation energies of the three components of the 3d complex, i.e., 2Sigma+(3dsigma), 2Pi(3dpi), and 2Delta(3ddelta), but not the energy ordering inferred from a rotational assignment of the 3d<--X 2Pi laboratory spectrum. The computation of the 4d complex is reported for the first time along with a number of other higher lying Rydberg species with an X 1Sigma+ core. The lowest Rydberg states belonging to series converging to the a 3Pi and A 1Pi excited states of CH+ are also calculated.

J Comput Chem ; 23(10): 943-9, 2002 Jul 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12116399


Localized molecular orbitals (LMOs) derived from exchange maximization with respect to all atom-centered basis functions in the basis set are shown to generate a good starting electronic field for self-consistent field calculations on extended systems such as metal clusters, for which well-defined chemical bonds are not present. Examples studied are a cluster of 20 Ni atoms and the Pt(97)CO, Ag(43)/H(3)CNON, Ag(91)/H(2)CO, and vinylidene/Ni metal cluster plus adsorbate systems. It is also shown that improved starting vectors can be obtained by remixing a subset of the LMOs with the largest exchange eigenvalues through diagonalization of the Fock matrix computed with a null electronic field. Employing only a subset of the exchange-maximized LMOs in the first iterations, and then gradually expanding the space in which the diagonalizations are carried out in succeeding cycles, is shown to be an effective means of guiding the SCF procedure to the converged full-basis solution.

J Mol Spectrosc ; 208(1): 136-143, 2001 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11437562


In a classic paper by G. Herzberg and J. W. C. Johns entitled "The Spectrum and Structure of Singlet CH(2)" (Proc. Roy. Soc. A 295, 107-128 (1966)) the analysis of the &btilde;(1)B(1)<--ã(1)A(1) red absorption band system of CH(2) is discussed in detail for the first time. In addition to that band system the observation of a fragment of a weak near ultraviolet absorption band system is reported. The three observed bands of the system could not be vibrationally assigned or rotationally analyzed but it was pointed out that they probably involve absorption into the second excited singlet state, &ctilde;(1)A(1). We show this supposition to be true here by simulation. In order to simulate the spectrum we have calculated ab initio the &ctilde;-ã and &ctilde;-&btilde; transition moment surfaces and used the MORBID and RENNER program systems with previously determined potential energy surfaces for the ã, &btilde;, and &ctilde; states in a calculation of the energy levels and wavefunctions. We find that the three bands seen by Herzberg and Johns are part of the &ctilde;<--(ã/&btilde;) system but that all of the bands of the system above about 31 000 cm(-1) are missing as a result of &ctilde; state predissociation. We vibrationally assign the bands but the weakness of the spectrum, and the presence of perturbations, make it impossible for us to analyze the rotational structure fully. Further experimental and theoretical studies are suggested. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.

J Mol Spectrosc ; 206(2): 181-197, 2001 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11281700


Gas-phase emission spectra of the hitherto unknown free radical TeLi have been measured in the NIR range with a Fourier-transform spectrometer. The emissions were observed from a fast flow system in which tellurium vapor in argon carrier gas was passed through a microwave discharge and mixed with lithium vapor in an observation tube. Two systems of blue-degraded bands were measured at high spectral resolution in the ranges 8000-9000 and 5700-6700 cm(-1) and vibrational and rotational analyses were performed. In order to aid in the analysis of the experimental data, a series of relativistic configuration interaction calculations has been carried out to obtain potential curves for the low-lying states of TeLi and the isovalent TeH and also electric dipole transition moments connecting them. As in the TeH system, the ground state of TeLi is found to be X(2)Pi(i), but with a remarkably smaller spin-orbit splitting. The TeLi calculations indicate a strongly bound A(2)Sigma(+) state, while in TeH the analogous state is computed to lie significantly higher at approximately 32 000 cm(-1), and it is strongly predissociated. Based on the theoretical analysis, the observed TeLi band systems are assigned to the transitions A(2)Sigma(+)(A1/2)-->X(1)(2)Pi(3/2)(X(1)3/2) and A(2)Sigma(+)(A1/2)-->X(2)(2)Pi(1/2)(X(2)1/2). Analysis of the spectra has yielded the molecular constants (in cm(-1)) X(1)(2)Pi(3/2):omega(e)=457.49(3), omega(e)x(e)=2.482(9), B(0)=0.408908(8); X(2)(2)Pi(1/2): T(e)=2353.44(3), omega(e)=456.28(4), omega(e)x(e)=2.635(8), B(0)=0.414954(8), p(0)=1.00637(4); A(2)Sigma(+): T(e)=8574.64(2), omega(e)=437.81(3), omega(e)x(e)=2.581(8), B(0)=0.423903(8), p(0)=-0.19915(2), where the numbers in parentheses are the standard deviations of the parameters. Comparison of the isovalent TeLi and TeH systems emphasizes that the difference in bonding character (ionic in TeLi vs covalent in TeH) is responsible for qualitative differences in the electronic spectra of these two molecules. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.