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An Acad Bras Cienc ; 95(suppl 1): e20220850, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37466539


Brazil is located between the Equator and Tropic of Capricorn, which allows diverse climates, reliefs, and habitats for arthropods, which sting represents a risk to human health and a public health issue. This manuscript updates the epidemiological data of cases of human envenoming by spiders, scorpions, and insects with medical relevance in Brazil from 2010 to 2021. Epidemiological data were taken using the Brazilian Notifiable Diseases Information System. Statistics of non-parametric data used the Kruskal-Wallis followed by the Nemenyi test. On average, more than 145,000 envenomation and 145 deaths are recorded annually, and more than 60% of deaths are caused by scorpion bites. When the number of deaths was pondered by the number of cases with each arthropod, bees kill the most. Most stings cause mild symptoms and affect men of working age. The incidence decreases during the colder months, which is better noticeable in regions with well-defined seasons. The distribution is distinct among the regions: Southeast, Northeast, and South have the highest rate of bites. The growing number of cases of envenomation reported annually is a serious public health concern, especially involving scorpions, and highlights the importance of studying arthropod venom and improving the therapies.

Arthropods , Scorpion Stings , Male , Humans , Animals , Bees , Brazil/epidemiology , Public Health , Scorpion Stings/epidemiology , Scorpions
Rev. colomb. ciencias quim. farm ; 50(2): 457-475, mayo-ago. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347334


SUMMARY Introduction: Honey is a natural substance produced by bees mainly from flower nectar with high nutritional value. However, many commercialized samples are adulterated or falsified. Method: We bought twelve honey samples in markets in the city of Betim (Brazil) and analyzed their acidity, pH, electrical conductivity, insoluble matter, ashes, moisture content, presence of mesophile bacteria, molds, yeasts, total coliforms, Salmonella spp. and the presence of pollen grains. Results: Considering all honey samples, the average pH was 3.8 ± 0.5 and the average free acidity was 29.8 ± 6.6 mEq/kg. Considering acidity, we found the average of lactonic acidity 6.4 ± 2.4 mEq/kg and a total average acidity of 36.2 ± 6.9 mEq/kg. The average moisture content was 19.4 ± 1.0 %, the average electrical conductivity was 391.6 ± 168.6 μS/ cm, the average amount of ashes was 0.5 ± 0.8 % and the average insoluble matter was 0.08 ± 0.02 %. Only the moisture was significantly different between the two groups and ten honey samples had pollen grains. Conclusions: The quality parameters of the labeled and unlabeled samples were not significantly different, although two samples of unlabeled honey were fraudulent, mainly due to the absence of pollen grains. Identifying the presence or absence of pollen in the samples is a safe, economical, and reliable first step for verifying the authenticity of the honey.

RESUMEN Introducción: La miel es una sustancia natural producida por las abejas, principalmente, a partir del néctar de flores con alto valor nutricional. Sin embargo, muchas muestras comercializadas están adulteradas o falsificadas. Método: Compramos doce mieles en mercados de la ciudad de Betim (Brasil) y analizamos su acidez, pH, conductividad eléctrica, materia insoluble, cenizas, contenido de humedad, presencia de bacterias mesófilas, mohos, levaduras, coliformes totales, Salmonella spp. y la presencia de granos de polen. Resultados: Considerando todas las muestras de miel, el pH promedio fue de 3,8 ± 0,5 y la acidez libre promedio fue de 29,8 ± 6,6 mEq/kg. Considerando la acidez, encontramos el promedio de acidez lactónica 6,4 ± 2,4 mEq/kg y una acidez promedio total de 36,2 ± 6,9 mEq/kg. El contenido de humedad promedio fue 19,4 ± 1,0 %, la conductividad eléctrica promedio fue 391,6 ± 168,6 μS/crn, la cantidad promedio de cenizas fue 0,5 ± 0,8 % y la materia insoluble promedio fue 0,08 ± 0,02 %. Sólo la humedad fue significativamente diferente entre los dos grupos y diez de las muestras de miel tenían granos de polen. Conclusiones: Los parámetros de calidad de las muestras etiquetadas y no etiquetadas no fueron significativamente diferentes, aunque dos muestras de miel no etiquetadas fueron fraudulentas, debido a la ausencia de granos de polen. Identificar la presencia o ausencia de polen en las muestras es un primer paso seguro, económico y confiable para verificar la autenticidad de la miel.

RESUMO Introdução: O mel é uma substância natural produzida pelas abelhas principalmente a partir do néctar da flor com alto valor nutritivo. No entanto, muitas amostras comercializadas são adulteradas ou falsificadas. Método: Compramos doze méis em mercados da cidade de Betim (Brasil) e analisamos sua acidez, pH, condutividade elétrica, sólidos insolúveis, cinzas, teor de umidade, presença de bactérias mesófilas, bolores, leveduras, coliformes totais, Salmonella spp. e a presença de grãos de pólen. Resultados: Considerando todas as amostras de mel, o pH médio foi de 3,8 ± 0,5 e a acidez livre média foi de 29,8 ± 6,6 mEq/kg. Considerando a acidez, encontramos a média de acidez lactô-nica de 6,4 ± 2,4 mEq/kg e uma acidez média total de 36,2 ± 6,9 mEq/kg. O teor de umidade médio foi de 19,4 ± 1,0 %, a condutividade elétrica média foi 391,6 ± 168,6 μS/cm, a quantidade média de cinzas foi 0,5 ± 0,8 % e a matéria insolúvel média foi 0,08 ± 0,02 %. Apenas a umidade foi significativamente diferente entre os dois grupos e dez das amostras de mel apresentaram grãos de pólen. Conclusões: Os parâmetros de qualidade das amostras rotuladas e não rotuladas não foram diferentes, embora duas amostras de mel não rotulado fossem fraudulentas, principalmente devido à ausência de grãos de pólen. Identificar a presença ou ausência de pólen nas amostras é um primeiro passo seguro, económico e confiável para verificar a autenticidade do mel.

Rev. am. med. respir ; 21(2): 167-176, jun. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514903


Resumen Introducción: La capacidad vital (VC) se puede determinar mediante la capacidad vital espiratoria (EVC) o la capacidad vital ins piratoria (IVC). Obtener el mayor volumen de VC es fundamental para la correcta interpretación de las pruebas de función pulmonar. Objetivos: Determinar las diferencias entre EVC y IVC (EVC-IVC) según el patrón ventilatorio; Caracterizar las relaciones FEV1/EVC y FEV1/IVC en la detección de obstrucción de las vías aéreas; Estudiar los efectos de realizar EVC o IVC en la detección de air trapping o de hiperinflación pulmonar. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio transversal. La muestra incluyó 388 individuos que se dividieron en 3 grupos: sanos, obstrucción de las vías aéreas y restricción pulmonar. Para detectar la obstrucción de las vías aéreas, se estudiaron las relaciones FEV1/EVC y FEV1/IVC. La presencia de air trapping o hiperinflación pulmonar se determinó mediante análisis del volumen pulmonar. As diferencias entre EVC e IVC (EVC-IVC) de acuerdo con el padrón ventilatorio fueron agrupados por clases. Resultados: En el grupo normal, 34.8% tuvo una diferencia EVC-IVC ≥ 200 ml, en el grupo de obstrucción de las vías respirato rias 28.4% y en la restricción pulmonar 22.4%, respectivamente. La relación FEV1/EVC detectó obstrucción de las vías aéreas en el 44.8% de los individuos y la relación FEV1/IVC en el 39.4%. En sujetos con obstrucción de las vías respiratorias, la maniobra de EVC determinó el air trapping en el 21.6% de los sujetos y la hiperinflación pulmonar en el 9.5%. En la maniobra de IVC, los porcentajes fueron 18.2% y 10.8%, respectivamente. Conclusiones: El EVC y el IVC no deben considerarse maniobras intercambiables, debido a las diferencias de volumen obtenidas por cada uno de ellos. Los resultados que provienen de su uso influyeron en la interpretación de la función pulmonar.

Rev. am. med. respir ; 21(2): 177-186, jun. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514904


ABSTRACT Introduction: The vital capacity (VC) can be determined by means of the expiratory vital capacity (EVC) or the inspiratory vital capacity (IVC). Obtaining the highest VC volume is essential for the correct interpretation of lung function tests. Objectives: To determine the differences between the EVC and the IVC (EVC-IVC) according to the ventilatory pattern; to characterize the FEV1/EVC and FEV1/IVC ratios when an obstruction of the airways is detected; to study the effects of the EVC or IVC on the detec tion of air trapping or lung hyperinflation. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study. The sample included 388 individuals divided in 3 groups: healthy, airway obstruc tion, and restrictive lung disease. In order to detect the airway obstruction, we studied the FEV1/EVC and FEV1/IVC ratios. The presence of air trapping or lung hyperinflation was determined by means of a lung volume test. The differences between the EVC and the IVC (EVC-IVC) according to the ventilatory pattern were grouped into classes. Results: In the normal group, there was an EVC-IVC difference of ≥ 200 ml in 34.8% of the individuals; in the airway obstruction group, 28.4%, and in the restrictive lung disease group, 22.4%. The FEV1/EVC ratio detected airway obstruction in 44.8% of the individuals, and the FEV1/IVC ratio in 39.4%. In patients with airway obstruction, the EVC maneuver determined the presence of air trapping in 21.6% of subjects and lung hyperinflation in 9.5%. The IVC maneuver showed 18.2% and 10.8%, respectively. Conclusions: The EVC and IVC should not be used as interchangeable maneuvers, considering the volume differences obtained with each one of them. Their results influenced the interpretation of lung function.

Int J Syst Evol Microbiol ; 63(Pt 10): 3896-3903, 2013 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23959828


A novel yeast species was found repeatedly and in high cell densities in underground-nesting stingless bees of the species Melipona quinquefasciata and their provisions in northern Minas Gerais (Brazil). One additional strain was isolated from bee-collected pollen in Cuba. Phylogenetic analyses based on rRNA gene sequences (D1/D2 large subunit gene and internal transcribed spacer) indicated that the novel species belongs to the Starmerella clade and is most closely related to Candida (iter. nom. Starmerella) apicola. Growth reactions on carbon and nitrogen sources were typical of those observed in related species of the Starmerella clade. PCR-fingerprinting with mini- and microsatellite specific primers allowed the distinction of the novel species from Candida apicola, Candida bombi and a yet undescribed species represented by strain CBS 4353. On the basis of phylogenetic relationships, the novel species is assigned to the genus Starmerella despite the failure to observe sexual reproduction after extensive mating tests. We propose the name Starmerella neotropicalis f. a., sp. nov. (Mycobank MB 804285) and designate UFMG PST 09(T) ( = MUCL 53320(T) = CBS 12811(T)) as the type strain.

Ascomycota/classification , Bees/microbiology , Phylogeny , Pollen/microbiology , Animals , Ascomycota/genetics , Ascomycota/isolation & purification , Brazil , Cuba , DNA, Fungal/genetics , Molecular Sequence Data , Mycological Typing Techniques , Sequence Analysis, DNA