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Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(9): 5379-5400, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510768


O transtorno depressivo maior (TDM) é uma entidade complexa e multifatorial de duração estabelecida, associada a sintomas como tristeza, anedonia e o aumento ou a perda de peso e apetite. Alterações de hábitos nutricionais são frequentes em indivíduos acometidos, agravando a evolução e o prognóstico da doença. Os objetivos deste estudo são conhecer as relações entre hábitos nutricionais e o desenvolvimento do TDM, a função dos nutrientes na manutenção da saúde mental e os grupos alimentares que os representam. Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura por meio da análise de 20 artigos acerca do tema, publicados nos últimos 10 anos. Os resultados das análises evidenciaram que indivíduos acometidos pelo TDM possuem padrão alimentar irregular, dando preferência a alimentos ultraprocessados, o que desencadeia uma série de alterações intimamente ligadas à patogenia da doença. A dieta mediterrânea segue como principal modelo intervencionista, entretanto, os estudos são inconclusivos a respeito da relação causal entre má nutrição e depressão, sendo necessárias novas abordagens metodológicas.

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a complex and multifactorial entity of established duration, associated with symptoms such as sadness, anhedonia, and an increase or loss in weight and appetite. Changes in nutritional habits are frequent in affected individuals, worsening the evolution and prognosis of the disease. The objectives of this study are to know the relationships between nutritional habits and the development of MDD, the role of nutrients in the maintenance of mental health, and the food groups representing them. A literature review was carried out through the analysis of 20 articles with the theme of the last 10 years of publication. The results of the analysis showed that individuals affected by MDD have an irregular dietary pattern, giving preference to ultra- processed foods, triggering a series of changes closely linked to the pathogenesis of the disease. The Mediterranean diet remains the main interventionist model, however studies are inconclusive regarding the causal relationship between malnutrition and depression, requiring new methodological approaches.

El trastorno depresivo mayor (TDM) es una entidad compleja y multifactorial de duración establecida, asociada a síntomas como tristeza, anhedonia y aumento o pérdida de peso y apetito. Los cambios en los hábitos nutricionales son frecuentes en los individuos afectados, lo que agrava la evolución y el pronóstico de la enfermedad. Los objetivos de este estudio son conocer las relaciones entre los hábitos nutricionales y el desarrollo del TDM, el papel de los nutrientes en el mantenimiento de la salud mental y los grupos de alimentos que los representan. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica a través del análisis de 20 artículos sobre el tema, publicados en los últimos 10 años. Los resultados de los análisis mostraron que los individuos afectados por TDM tienen un patrón de alimentación irregular, dando preferencia a los alimentos ultraprocesados, lo que desencadena una serie de cambios muy ligados a la patogenia de la enfermedad. La dieta mediterránea sigue siendo el principal modelo intervencionista, sin embargo, los estudios no son concluyentes en cuanto a la relación causal entre desnutrición y depresión, lo que requiere nuevos enfoques metodológicos.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(10): 5485-5497, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1511587


Introdução: Os transtornos psiquiátricos, principalmente ansiedade e depressão, são queixas muito prevalentes na população mundial. Atualmente, esse fato move a comunidade científica a realizar estudos para avaliar alternativas que possam contribuir no tratamento dessas doenças. Por isso, a Cannabis Medicinal (CM) vem ganhando espaço na sociedade e parece ser uma opção terapêutica viável e vantajosa. Objetivo: Evidenciar os possíveis usos terapêuticos dos componentes presentes na planta Cannabis no manejo da ansiedade e depressão. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica integrativa, elaborada a partir de trabalhos científicos acerca da ação da Cannabis Medicinal como uma alternativa para o tratamento da ansiedade e depressão. Foram considerados artigos originais e completos publicados em português, espanhol e inglês nos últimos dez anos, de 2013 até 2023, obtidos nas plataformas SCIELO, PUBMED e LILACS. Resultados: As substâncias presentes na planta Cannabis, principalmente o Canabidiol (CBD), parecem ser uma opção promissora e potencialmente benéfica, especialmente para os casos que não respondem aos tratamentos convencionais. Conclusão: A partir dos estudos analisados, evidencia-se que os estudos atuais disponíveis sobre a eficácia dos canabinoides no tratamento dos transtornos mentais são de qualidade variável. Sendo assim, apesar da CM ser uma possível opção para o tratamento de transtornos mentais, ainda se faz necessária a realização de mais pesquisas para elucidar plenamente como funcionaria sua utilização na prática clínica. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Uso Terapêutico da Cannabis; Depressão; Ansiedade; Revisão Integrativa.

Introduction: Psychiatric disorders, mainly anxiety and depression, are very prevalent complaints in the world population. At the moment, this fact is driving the scientific community to carry out studies to evaluate alternatives that may contribute towards the treatment of these diseases. For this reason, Medicinal Cannabis (CM) has been gaining space in society and seems to be a viable and advantageous therapeutic option. Objective: To show the possible therapeutic uses of the components present in the Cannabis plant in the management of anxiety and depression. Methods: It is an integrative bibliographic review, elaborated from scientific papers about the action of Medicinal Cannabis as an alternative for the treatment of anxiety and depression. They were considered original and complete articles published in Portuguese, Spanish and English in the last ten years, from 2013 until 2023, obtained on the platforms SCIELO, PUBMED and LILACS. Results: The substances present in the Cannabis plant, mainly Cannabidiol (CBD), seem to be a promising and potentially beneficial option, especially for cases that do not respond to conventional treatments. Conclusion: From the studies analyzed, it is evident that the current available studies on the efficacy of cannabinoids in the treatment of mental disorders are of variable quality. Therefore, although CM is a possible option for the treatment of mental disorders, it is still necessary to carry out more research to fully elucidate how its use would work in clinical practice.

Introducción: los trastornos psiquiátricos, principalmente la ansiedad y la depresión, son quejas muy frecuentes en la población mundial. Por el momento, este hecho está llevando a la comunidad científica a realizar estudios para evaluar alternativas que puedan contribuir al tratamiento de estas enfermedades. Por esta razón, el Medicamento de Cannabis (CM) ha venido ganando espacio en la sociedad y parece ser una opción terapéutica viable y ventajosa. Objetivo: destacar los posibles usos terapéuticos de los componentes presentes en la planta de Cannabis en el manejo de la ansiedad y la depresión. Métodos: Se trata de una revisión bibliográfica integradora, elaborada sobre la base de un trabajo científico sobre la acción del Medicinal Cannabis como alternativa para el tratamiento de la ansiedad y la depresión. Se consideraron artículos originales y completos publicados en portugués, español e inglés en los últimos 10 años de 2013 a 2023, obtenidos en las plataformas SCIELO, PUBMED y LILACS. Resultados: Las sustancias presentes en la planta Cannabis, principalmente Canabidiol (CBD), parecen ser una opción prometedora y potencialmente beneficiosa, especialmente en los casos que no responden a tratamientos convencionales. Conclusión: De los estudios analizados se desprende que los estudios actuales disponibles sobre la eficacia de los cannabinoides en el tratamiento de los trastornos mentales son de calidad variable. Por lo tanto, aunque la MPC es una posible opción para el tratamiento de los trastornos mentales, todavía se necesita una investigación más profunda para explicar plenamente cómo funcionaría su uso en la práctica clínica.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(9): 5124-5141, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510188


O processo de parto é um evento fisiológico fundamental na vida reprodutiva das mulheres. No entanto, o parto cirúrgico tem se tornado cada vez mais comum, tanto no Brasil como em outros países, resultando em preocupações com a medicalização excessiva do parto. O estudo visa fornecer informações abrangentes sobre o tema, considerando diferentes regiões geográficas do Brasil. Trata-se de estudo é ecológico e retrospectivo, utilizando dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC) disponíveis no Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS). Foram analisados dados de 2011 a 2021, com ênfase nas taxas de parto vaginal e cesariano, fatores sociodemográficos e obstétricos. Durante o período analisado, foram registrados 31.702.562 nascimentos no Brasil. Dos registros válidos, 43,9% foram partos vaginais e 56,1% foram cesarianos. Houve um aumento geral nas taxas de cesariana em todas as regiões brasileiras. A região Norte teve o maior percentual de partos vaginais (53,5%) e o menor de cesarianas (46,5%), enquanto as regiões Sul, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste apresentaram as maiores taxas de cesárea. O estudo revela um aumento nas taxas de cesariana ao longo da última década no Brasil, com diferenças regionais significativas. A prevalência de cesarianas nas regiões Sul, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste levanta preocupações sobre a medicalização do parto. Essas informações podem subsidiar ações de melhoria da qualidade da assistência ao parto e nascimento, com o objetivo de reduzir intervenções desnecessárias e promover melhores desfechos materno-fetais.

The childbirth process is a fundamental physiological event in the reproductive life of women. However, surgical delivery has become increasingly common, both in Brazil and in other countries, resulting in concerns about the excessive medicalization of childbirth. The study aims to provide comprehensive information on the subject, considering different geographic regions of Brazil. This is an ecological and retrospective study, using data from the Information System on Live Births (SINASC) available at the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS). Data from 2011 to 2021 were analyzed, with emphasis on vaginal and cesarean delivery rates, sociodemographic and obstetric factors. During the analyzed period, 31,702,562 births were registered in Brazil. Of the valid records, 43.9% were vaginal deliveries and 56.1% were cesarean sections. There was a general increase in cesarean section rates in all Brazilian regions. The North region had the highest percentage of vaginal deliveries (53.5%) and the lowest of cesarean sections (46.5%), while the South, Southeast and Midwest regions had the highest cesarean rates. The study reveals an increase in cesarean rates over the last decade in Brazil, with significant regional differences. The prevalence of cesarean sections in the South, Southeast and Midwest regions raises concerns about the medicalization of childbirth. This information can support actions to improve the quality of delivery and birth care, with the aim of reducing unnecessary interventions and promoting better maternal-fetal outcomes.

El proceso del parto es un evento fisiológico fundamental en la vida reproductiva de la mujer. Sin embargo, el parto quirúrgico se ha vuelto cada vez más común, tanto en Brasil como en otros países, lo que genera preocupaciones sobre la excesiva medicalización del parto. El estudio tiene como objetivo proporcionar información completa sobre el tema, considerando diferentes regiones geográficas de Brasil. Se trata de un estudio ecológico y retrospectivo, utilizando datos del Sistema de Información de Nacidos Vivos (SINASC) disponible en el Departamento de Informática del Sistema Único de Salud (DATASUS). Se analizaron datos de 2011 a 2021, con énfasis en las tasas de parto vaginal y por cesárea, factores sociodemográficos y obstétricos. Durante el período analizado, se registraron 31.702.562 nacimientos en Brasil. De los registros válidos, 43,9% fueron partos vaginales y 56,1% cesáreas. Hubo un aumento general en las tasas de cesáreas en todas las regiones brasileñas. La región Norte tuvo el porcentaje más alto de partos vaginales (53,5%) y el más bajo de cesáreas (46,5%), mientras que las regiones Sur, Sudeste y Centro-Oeste presentaron las tasas más altas de cesáreas. El estudio revela un aumento en las tasas de cesáreas durante la última década en Brasil, con diferencias regionales significativas. La prevalencia de cesáreas en las regiones Sur, Sudeste y Centro-Oeste plantea preocupaciones sobre la medicalización del parto. Esta información puede apoyar acciones para mejorar la calidad de la atención del parto y nacimiento, con el objetivo de reducir las intervenciones innecesarias y promover mejores resultados materno-fetales.

Braz J Phys Ther ; 26(5): 100449, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36283240


BACKGROUND: Multiple sclerosis has a great disability burden. Management of the disease is complex, and patients often seek new conservative approaches. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy, compared to placebo, on the level of fatigue, walking performance, symptoms of depression, and quality of life (QOL) in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). METHODS: Forty-four adults with RRMS and minimal to significant disability were randomly assigned to a 4-week protocol using a PEMF or a placebo whole-body mat. The PEMF group were initially treated with 15Hz frequency, gradually increased to 30Hz (intensity between 25-35µT). The primary outcome was fatigue, assessed with the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) and the Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS). Secondary measures included walking function (GAITRite system and Timed 25-Foot Walk test), the Beck Depression Inventory-II, and the Multiple Sclerosis International Quality of Life Questionnaire. Data were collected at baseline, after intervention, and at 3-months post-intervention (follow-up). RESULTS: There were no differences between groups for changes in fatigue symptoms from baseline to end of intervention (mean and 95% confidence interval FSS: -0.6, 95%CI: -1.3, 0.1; MFIS: -5.4, 95% CI: -15.1, 4.4) or at follow-up (FSS: -0.6, 95% CI: -1.4, 0.2; MFIS: -2.1, 95% CI: -10.9, 6.8). Similarly, both groups did not differ for any of the secondary outcomes at post-intervention or follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Low-frequency PEMF therapy is no more effective than placebo to produce changes in fatigue, gait performance, severity of depression, and QOL in people with RRMS and minimal to significant disability.

Multiple Sclerosis, Relapsing-Remitting , Multiple Sclerosis , Adult , Humans , Quality of Life , Multiple Sclerosis/complications , Electromagnetic Fields , Depression/therapy , Fatigue/therapy , Walking , Multiple Sclerosis, Relapsing-Remitting/complications , Multiple Sclerosis, Relapsing-Remitting/drug therapy
Siglo cero (Madr.) ; 52(1): 27-43, ene.-mar. 2021.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-201647


El incremento de estudiantes con discapacidad en las universidades españo­las conlleva la necesidad de desarrollar prácticas docentes inclusivas que garanticen la par­ticipación y el aprendizaje de todo el alumnado. Con este trabajo se pretende: (1) conocer las concepciones que el profesorado universitario que ejerce prácticas docentes inclusivas tiene sobre la discapacidad; (2) analizar las razones que les motivan para tener en cuenta las necesidades de los estudiantes con discapacidad, y (3) describir las características que les definen. En el estudio participaron 42 docentes que fueron seleccionados como inclusivos por estudiantes con discapacidad de seis universidades públicas de diferentes comunida­des autónomas de España (Andalucía, Valencia y Madrid). Estos docentes pertenecían a diferentes áreas de conocimiento y todos impartían docencia en Facultades de Ciencias de la Educación. Se siguió una metodología biográfico-narrativa, mediante el uso de entrevis­tas semiestructuradas. Los resultados indicaron que la mayoría del profesorado concebía la discapacidad desde el modelo social, abogando por una educación inclusiva. Entre las razones que les llevaban a responder a las necesidades de este alumnado estaban la expe­riencia previa con personas con discapacidad, el principio de igualdad y su responsabilidad como docente. Respecto a las características de estos docentes inclusivos, destacan la em­patía, el compromiso, la flexibilidad y la vocación docente

The increase in the number of students with disabilities in Spanish uni­versities implies the need to develop inclusive teaching practices that guarantee the par­ticipation and learning of all students. This work is intended: (1) to know the concep­tions that the university teaching staff who carry out inclusive teaching practices have about disability; (2) to analyze the reasons that motivate them to attend to the needs of students with disabilities, and (3) to describe the characteristics that define them. The study involved 42 faculty members who were selected as inclusive by students with disabilities from six public universities in different autonomous communities of Spain (Andalusia, Valencia and Madrid). These faculty members belonged to different areas of knowledge and all of them taught in Faculties of Educational Sciences. A biographi­cal-narrative methodology was used by using semi-structured interviews. Results indi­cated that the majority of the faculty conceived disability from the social, advocating for an inclusive education. Among the reasons that led them to approach to these students were previous experience with people with disabilities, the principle of equality and their responsibility as lecturers. Regarding the characteristics of these inclusive faculty members, empathy, commitment, flexibility and teaching vocation stand out

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Faculty/standards , Disabled Persons/education , Students/psychology , Mainstreaming, Education/methods , 35174 , Interviews as Topic , Motivation , Universities , Spain
Cell Rep ; 18(13): 3069-3077, 2017 03 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28355560


The conserved NAD+-dependent deacylase SIRT1 plays pivotal, sometimes contrasting, roles in diverse physiological and pathophysiological conditions. In this study, we uncover a tissue-restricted isoform of SIRT1 (SIRT1-ΔE2) that lacks exon 2 (E2). Candidate-based screening of SIRT1 substrates demonstrated that the domain encoded by this exon plays a key role in specifying SIRT1 protein-protein interactions. The E2 domain of SIRT1 was both necessary and sufficient for PGC1α binding, enhanced interaction with p53, and thus downstream functions. Since SIRT1-FL and SIRT1-ΔE2 were found to have similar intrinsic catalytic activities, we propose that the E2 domain tethers specific substrate proteins. Given the absence of SIRT1-ΔE2 in liver, our findings provide insight into the role of the E2 domain in specifying "metabolic functions" of SIRT1-FL. Identification of SIRT1-ΔE2 and the conserved specificity domain will enhance our understanding of SIRT1 and guide the development of therapeutic interventions.

Organ Specificity , Sirtuin 1/chemistry , Sirtuin 1/metabolism , Animals , Biocatalysis , Cattle , Conserved Sequence , Evolution, Molecular , Exons/genetics , Fatty Acids/metabolism , Gene Expression Regulation , Mice , Mutant Proteins/metabolism , Oxidation-Reduction , Protein Binding , Protein Domains , Protein Isoforms/chemistry , Protein Isoforms/genetics , Protein Isoforms/metabolism , Protein Multimerization , Sirtuin 1/genetics , Structure-Activity Relationship , Subcellular Fractions/metabolism , Transcription, Genetic , Tumor Suppressor Protein p53/metabolism
Physiother Can ; 69(4): 292-302, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30369696


Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of regular exercise incorporating mechanical devices on fatigue, gait pattern, mood, and quality of life in persons with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). Method: A total of 55 individuals with RRMS with an Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score of 0-4.5 and a Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) score of 4.0 or more were randomly assigned to one of two exercise groups or a control group (n=18). Exercise programmes used aerobic, body weight, coordination, and balance exercises with either whole-body vibration (WBV; n=19; drop-outs, n=3) or the Balance Trainer system (n=18; drop-outs, n=4). Outcome measures included the FSS, Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), and Multiple Sclerosis International Quality of Life (MusiQoL). Spatiotemporal gait parameters were assessed using the GAITRite electronic walkway. Pre- and post-intervention assessments were performed by a blinded assessor. Intra- and inter-group analysis was performed, using the paired-samples t-test, by calculating the effect size with Cohen's d analysis and one-way analysis of variance, respectively. Results: Significant improvements in fatigue and mood were identified for both intervention groups (p<0.05). Gait parameters also improved significantly in the WBV group: velocity and step length increased (12.8% and 6.5%, respectively; p<0.005), and step time, stance time, double support time, and step length asymmetry decreased (-5.3%, -1.4%, -5.9%, and -43.7%, respectively; p<0.005). Conclusions: The results of this study support the hypothesis that combined training programmes help to reduce fatigue and improve mood in persons with mild to moderate RRMS. WBV combined with a standard exercise programme significantly improves spatiotemporal gait parameters.

Objectif : la présente étude visait à évaluer les effets de l'exercice régulier incluant des appareils mécaniques sur la fatigue, les types de démarche, l'humeur et la qualité de vie de personnes ayant une sclérose en plaques rémittente (SPR). Méthodologie : au total, 55 personnes ayant une SPR, un score de 0 à 4,5 sur l'échelle étendue des incapacités (EDSS) et un score de 4,0 ou plus sur l'échelle de gravité de la fatigue (FSS) ont été divisées au hasard entre deux groupes d'exercices et un groupe témoin (CT, n=18). Les programmes d'exercices faisaient appel à l'aérobie, au poids du corps, à la coordination et aux exercices d'équilibre à l'aide de la vibration globale du corps (groupe WBV, n=19; abandons, n=3) ou du système d'entraînement à l'équilibre (groupe BT, n=18; abandons, n=4). Les mesures de résultats incluaient la FSS, l'échelle modifiée des répercussions sur la fatigue (MFIS), l'inventaire de dépression de Beck (BDI-II) et la qualité de vie de la fédération internationale de sclérose en plaques (MusiQoL). Les chercheurs ont évalué les paramètres de démarche spatiotemporelle au moyen de la piste électronique GAITRite. Un évaluateur a procédé à des évaluations à l'aveugle avant et après les interventions. Les chercheurs ont effectué des analyses intragroupes et intergroupes à l'aide du test de Student pour échantillons appariés, en calculant la taille de l'effet par l'analyse d de Cohen et l'analyse de variance unidirectionnelle, respectivement. Résultats : les chercheurs ont constaté une diminution significative de la fatigue et une amélioration significative de l'humeur dans les deux groupes d'intervention (p<0,05). Les paramètres de démarche se sont également améliorés de manière considérable dans le groupe de WBV : la vélocité et la longueur des pas ont augmenté (12,8 % et 6,5 %, respectivement; p<0,005), tandis que la durée des pas, la durée d'appui, la durée du double appui et l'asymétrie de la longueur des pas ont diminué (−5,3 %, −1,4 %, −5,9 % et −43,7 %, respectivement; p<0,005). Conclusion : les résultats de la présente étude appuient l'hypothèse selon laquelle des programmes d'entraînement combinés contribuent à réduire la fatigue et à améliorer l'humeur des personnes présentant une SPR. La WBV combinée à un programme d'exercices standard améliore considérablement les paramètres de la démarche spatiotemporelle.

Rev. neurol. (Ed. impr.) ; 59(1): 8-12, 1 jul., 2014. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-178709


Introducción. La esclerosis múltiple es una enfermedad inflamatoria y degenerativa en la que la alteración de la marcha aparece como uno de los primeros síntomas. Su evaluación cuantitativa se realiza con frecuencia con el test de los 25 pies -Timed 25-foot Walk Test (T25FW)-, aunque se limita a conocer la distancia, el tiempo empleado y el número de pasos. El sistema GAITRite (R) Electronic Walkway (GEW) establece también estos parámetros espaciotemporales, entre otros. Objetivo. Comparar el T25FW con el resultado del sistema GEW para establecer si hay variabilidad entre ambos. Pacientes y métodos. La muestra constaba de 85 sujetos con esclerosis múltiple y capaces de deambular, con o sin ayuda (EDSS: 1,0-6,5). Se realizaron cuatro pases por el tapiz electrónico de 8 m de longitud, del sistema GEW, que calcula distintos parámetros espaciotemporales, a la vez que otro evaluador hacía una medición con cronómetro del tiempo empleado y el número de pasos dados en una distancia de 25 pies marcada lateralmente en el mismo tapiz. La velocidad se calculó en función del tiempo empleado en recorrer los 25 pies. Se hizo una media de los cuatro pases de ambas mediciones y se correlacionó con el programa SPSS v. 18, considerando estadísticamente significativa una p < 0,001. Resultados. Ni el tiempo empleado (p = 1,000), ni la velocidad (p = 0,9995), ni la cadencia (p = 0,3296) ni el número de pasos (p = 1,000) mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Conclusiones. El sistema GEW tiene la misma validez clínica en la evaluación de la marcha en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple que el T25FW

Introduction. Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory and degenerative disease in which gait alteration is one of the first symptoms. Its quantitative evaluation is often made by the Timed 25-foot Walk Test (T25FW), although it’s limited to know only the distance, the time employed and number of steps. Aim. To compare the T25FW with the results from the GAITRit(R) Electronic Walkway system (GEW), to know if there is some variability between them. Patients and methods. The sample consisted in 85 subjects with multiple sclerosis and able to walking, with or without aids (EDSS: 1.0-6.5). Four walkings were made along the 8 m-length carpet from GEW system, while a different evaluator measured the time employed with a chronometer, and the number of steps in a 25 feet distance marked side by side in the carpet. Velocity was calculated in function of distance and time employed. A mean from the four walkings was made and both of the measures were correlated with SPSS v. 18, considering a results of p < 0.001, statistically significant. Results. Time employed (p = 1.000), velocity (p = 0.9995), cadence (p = 0.3296) and number of steps (p = 1.000) were not statistically different. Conclusions. GEW system has the same clinical validity in gait evaluation in multiple sclerosis patients than the T25FW

Humans , Disability Evaluation , Exercise Test/methods , Gait Disorders, Neurologic/diagnosis , Multiple Sclerosis/complications , Cross-Sectional Studies , Exercise Test/instrumentation , Gait Disorders, Neurologic/etiology , Gait Disorders, Neurologic/physiopathology , Multiple Sclerosis/physiopathology , Walking
Apuntes psicol ; 30(1/3): 351-360, ene.-dic. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-132441


El presente trabajo pretende estudiar cómo es el ajuste psicológico de los niños y niñas cuyos padres están separados, así como sus similitudes o diferencias con el de chicos y chicas cuyos padres permanecen casados. Se llevó a cabo un estudio con una muestra de 96 niños y niñas de entre 6 y 12 años, hijos de madres separadas, y una muestra paralela de otros 93 cuyos progenitores convivían, evaluando en ellos distintos indicadores de ajuste psicológico: competencia escolar, competencia cognitiva y social, problemas de comportamiento y autoestima. Los resultados encontrados evidencian: a) que los hijos e hijas de progenitores separados muestran, de media, puntuaciones de ajuste psicológico en los niveles medios de las diversas escalas; b) la existencia de diferencias a favor de los chicos y chicas que viven en una familia biparental, y c) que estas diferencias son de escasa magnitud y que hay una clara superposición entre ambas muestras (AU)

This work attempts to study psychological adjustment in children whose parents are divorced, and their similarities and differences with children whose parents remain married. We studied 96 children, ages 6 to 12, who live with their divorced mothers, and 93 children who live with both parents. Different indicators of psychological adjustment were assessed: academic competence, cognitive and social competence, behaviour prob1ems and self-esteem. Results indicate that: a) children of divorced parents have, on average, a normal adjustment, b) there are differences in favour of children who live with both parents, and c) these differences are mini mal and there is a clear overlap between both groups of children (AU)

Humans , Divorce/psychology , Child Behavior Disorders/psychology , Self Concept , Parent-Child Relations , Case-Control Studies , Social Adjustment , Adaptation, Psychological , Underachievement