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J Invertebr Pathol ; 207: 108186, 2024 Sep 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39226984


Paenibacillus larvae is the causative agent of American Foulbrood (AFB), the most severe bacterial disease affecting honey bee (Apis mellifera) larvae. It was first reported in Uruguay in 1999. Here, we summarize the monitoring strategy carried out from 2001 to date, based on nationwide surveys sampling honey from colonies (2001/2002, 2011, 2021) or from honey storage tanks (2014-2019). We also discuss the actions carried out for the prevention of AFB outbreaks. Uruguay's experience in managing AFB for nearly 25 years without antibiotic use, might provide some helpful ideas for other countries working on AFB control programs.

Rev. ORL (Salamanca) ; 15(1)25-03-2024. graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-231857


Introducción y objetivo: El absceso periamigdalino (AP) es la complicación más frecuente de la amigdalitis aguda. Dadas las discrepancias observadas en la literatura, presentamos una revisión sistemática de la bibliografía, para analizar la prevalencia del AP en nuestro ámbito, en relación con tres factores epidemiológicos: la edad, el sexo y la climatología. Método: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica sobre la influencia de la edad, el género y la estacionalidad en el AP. Las bases utilizadas fueron PubMed, Cochrane y Medline, sin restricción de tiempo, siguiendo la metodología PRISMA. El registro se llevó a cabo por tres revisores independientes, durante el mes de octubre de 2022. Resultados: Se obtuvieron, tras excluir duplicados, 289 artículos, de los que tras el cribado que se detalla en la metodología, seleccionamos 23, como parte de la revisión sistemática. Discusión: En la mayoría de los trabajos incluidos, se objetiva un predominio del AP en los hombres, con una ratio hombres/mujeres, variable de 1,16 a 3. Se desconocen las causas de esta diferencia de género. La edad media de aparición del AP varía, según el estudio, de los 22 a los 39 años. Aunque con resultados dispares, el AP no parece tener un predominio estacional, sin que podamos descartar una cierta influencia climática. Conclusiones: El AP es la complicación más frecuente de la amigdalitis aguda. En el adulto, predomina en hombres. La media de edad oscila entre los 22 y 39 años. No parece mostrar preferencia climática. (AU)

Introduction and objective: Peritonsillar abscess (PA) is the most frequent complication of acute tonsillitis. Given the discrepancies observed in the literature, we present a systematic review to analyse the prevalence of PA in our setting in relation to three epidemiological factors: age, gender, and climatology. Methods: A literature search was carried out on the influence of age, gender, and seasonality on PA. The databases used were PubMed, Cochrane, and Medline, without time restriction, following the PRISMA methodology. The registry was carried out by three independent reviewers during the month of October 2022. Results: After excluding duplicates, 289 articles were obtained, of which, after the screening detailed in the methodology, we selected 23 as part of the systematic review. Discussion: In most of the included papers, a predominance of PA in men is observed, with a male/female ratio varying from 1.16 to 3. The mean age of onset of PA varies, depending on the study, from 22 to 39 years. Although with disparate results, AP does not seem to have a seasonal predominance, without being able to rule out a certain climatic influence. Conclusions: AP is the most frequent complication of acute tonsillitis. In adults, it predominates in men. The mean age ranges between 22 and 39 years. It does not seem to show climatic preference. (AU)

Humans , Peritonsillar Abscess/epidemiology , Age and Sex Distribution , Seasons
Rev. ORL (Salamanca) ; 14(4)18 Dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-228773


Introducción y objetivo: Las infecciones faringo-amigdalares y sus complicaciones son muy frecuentes y con características epidemiológicas variables, de unos países a otros. El objetivo de este trabajo ha consistido en determinar la incidencia, edad, género y estacionalidad, de los pacientes ingresados con amigdalitis (A), absceso periamigdalino (AP) y parafaríngeo (APF), en un hospital de tercer nivel, en Valladolid (España). Método: Estudio retrospectivo de 1339 pacientes ingresados en HCUV entre los años 2000 y 2021 por infecciones faringocervicales (A, AP y APF). Resultados: La media de edad de los pacientes ingresados con A es de 27,8 años, con AP de 35,5 y con APF de 47 años, siendo esta diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p<0,001). La amigdalitis predomina en mujeres (ratio: 1,26), y en hombres el AP (ratio: 1,44) y el APF (ratio: 2,4). No hemos encontrado relación significativa de estos procesos ni con los meses del año ni con las estaciones climáticas. Discusión: Las diferencias de género, edad media y estacionalidad entre la A y el AP generan controversia para poder entender el origen del AP y la posible influencia de los factores de riesgo. Hay pocos estudios epidemiológicos publicados sobre el APF, cuya incidencia parece que está aumentando, por causas desconocidas. Conclusiones: La A destaca en la infancia, el AP en adultos jóvenes y el APF en más mayores. Salvo la A y el AP en adolescentes, que predominan en mujeres, el resto de los abscesos faringocervicales son más frecuentes en hombres. En la población estudiada el clima no parece un factor etiopatogénico importante. (AU)

Introduction and objective: Pharyngotonsillar infections and their complications are very frequent, and their epidemiological characteristics vary from one country to another. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence, age, gender and seasonality of patients admitted with tonsillitis (T), peritonsillar abscess (PT) and parapharyngeal abscess (PPA) in a tertiary hospital in Valladolid (Spain). Method: Retrospective study of 1339 patients admitted to HCUV between 2000 and 2021 for pharyngo-cervical infections (A, PA and PPA). Results: The mean age of patients admitted with A was 27.8 years, 35.5 years with PA and 47 years with PPA, this difference being statistically significant (p<0.001). Tonsillitis predominates in women (ratio: 1.26), and in men PA (ratio: 1.44) and PPA (ratio: 2.4). We found no significant relationship between the frecuency of these processes and the months of the year or climatic seasons. Discussion: The differences in gender, mean age and seasonality between A and PA generate controversy in order to understand the origin of PA and the possible influence of risk factors. There are few epidemiological studies published on PPA, whose incidence seems to be increasing, for unknown causes. Conclusions: A tends out in childhood, PA in young adults and PPA in older patients. Except for A and PPA in adolescents, which predominate in women, the rest of the pharyngo-cervical abscesses are more frequent in men. In the population studied, climate does not seem to be an important etiopathogenic factor. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Abscess/epidemiology , Tonsillitis/diagnosis , Peritonsillar Abscess/diagnosis , /pathology , Seasons , Retrospective Studies
Rev. ORL (Salamanca) ; 14(2)20-06-2023.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-221993


Introducción y objetivo: La trisomía 21 es la alteración cromosómica más frecuente que a consecuencia del incremento experimentado en su esperanza de vida, requiere unos cuidados más especializados. Las manifestaciones de la esfera ORL representan un foco dominante de morbilidad. Los problemas auditivos son más habituales que en el resto de población, pudiendo mediatizar la evolución educativa y social, afectando su calidad de vida. El objetivo de este trabajo ha consistido en analizar los resultados del seguimiento otológico y auditivo de los niños con síndrome de Down (SD), evaluados en el Servicio de ORL del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid (HCUV). Método: Estudio longitudinal prospectivo/retrospectivo de 83 niños con SD que acudieron a consulta de hipoacusia infantil entre los años 1993 y 2021. Resultados: Detectamos un 66% de malformaciones de oído externo. La patología de oído medio estuvo presente en el 93%. Se objetivó hipoacusia en el 61%, siendo bilateral en el 78%. El 87% de las diagnosticadas, son de grado leve/moderado y el 6% profundo. La hipoacusia mixta fue el tipo más frecuente, seguida de la neurosensorial. Se realizó cirugía ORL al 62%, destacando la adenoidectomía. Discusión: El seguimiento ORL recomendado para los niños con SD resulta una tarea difícil de organizar, donde se impone desarrollar una planificación específica, que lo haga posible en nuestro sistema público de salud. Conclusiones: Dada la frecuencia e importantes repercusiones de las alteraciones auditivas en los niños con SD, es fundamental la identificación precoz y el seguimiento indefinido, para intentar favorecer su correcto desarrollo. (AU)

Introduction and objective: Trisomy 21 is the most frequent chromosomal alteration and, because of the increase in life expectancy, requires more specialized care. Ear, nose, and throat (ENT) manifestations are a dominant focus of morbidity. Hearing problems are more common when compared to the rest of the population and can impact educational and social development, affecting their quality of life. The aim of this study was to analyze the results of the otological and auditory follow-up of children with Down syndrome (DS), evaluated in the ENT Department of the Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid (HCUV). Method: Prospective/retrospective longitudinal study of 83 children with DS who attended consultation for childhood hearing loss between 1993 and 2021. Results: We detected 66% of external ear malformations. Middle ear pathology was present in 93%. Hearing loss was found in 61%, being bilateral in 78%. Of those diagnosed, 87% were mild/moderate and 6% were profound. Mixed hearing loss was the most frequent type, followed by sensorineural hearing loss. ENT surgery was performed in 62%, with adenoidectomy being the most frequent. Discussion: ENT follow-up recommended for children with DS is a difficult task to organize, as it is necessary to develop specific planning to make it possible in our public health system. Conclusions: Given the frequency and important repercussions of hearing impairment in children with DS, early identification and indefinite follow-up is essential to try to promote their correct development. (AU)

Humans , Child , Down Syndrome , Child , Otolaryngology , Hearing Loss , Otitis Media , Spain , Retrospective Studies
Rev. ORL (Salamanca) ; 14(2)20-06-2023. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-221997


Introducción y objetivo: El síndrome de boca ardiente (SBA) es una afección crónica, que cursa con quemazón o dolor de la mucosa bucal, afectando predominantemente a mujeres de edad media. Puede aparecer como cuadro primario o bien de forma secundaria. La fisiopatología de esta entidad es bastante desconocida. Existe un amplio abanico terapéutico, pero por lo general precisa de un abordaje multidisciplinar. Nuestra intención es realizar una puesta al día de la enfermedad para poder hacerla frente en la consulta de otorrinolaringología. Método: Revisión bibliográfica de la literatura. Fecha de publicación limitada de 2012 a 2022. Resultados: El SBA presenta una etiopatogenia de carácter multifactorial. Para su diagnóstico es necesario realizar una exhaustiva anamnesis y exploración. Se diferencian 3 tipos distintos de SBA, siendo el tipo II el más frecuente y el más refractario a la terapia. El adecuado tratamiento se fundamenta en un correcto diagnóstico y debe ser multidisciplinar. Discusión: Es importante resaltar que es una entidad benigna. Los tratamientos son variados y no hay ninguno que destaque sobre el resto, lo que dificulta el manejo de estos pacientes. Aunque la bibliografía sobre este síndrome es abundante, no se han producido en los últimos años, importantes innovaciones en cuanto a la etiología y tratamiento. Conclusiones: La anamnesis y los estudios de laboratorio son fundamentales para descartar casusas secundarias de la enfermedad. La terapia es diversa y debe incluir derivación a salud mental como parte del manejo multidisciplinar. (AU)

Introduction and objective: Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a chronic condition that causes burning or pain of the oral mucosa, predominantly affecting middle-aged women. It can appear as a primary box or secondary. The pathophysiology of this entity is quite unknown. There is a varied therapeutic range, but it generally requires a multidisciplinary approach. Our intention is to update the disease in order to deal with it in the otorhinolaryngology consultation. Method: Bibliographic review of the literature. Limited release date from 2012 to 2022. Results: BMS has a multifactorial etiopathogenesis. For its diagnosis it is necessary to carry out an exhaustive anamnesis and examination. There are 3 different types of BMS, type II being the most frequent and the most refractory to therapy. Adequate treatment is based on a correct diagnosis and must be multidisciplinary. Discussion: It is important to emphasize that it is a benign entity. The treatments are varied and there is none that stands out above the rest, which makes it difficult to manage these patients. Although the bibliography on this syndrome is abundant, important innovations in terms of etiology and treatment have not been produced in recent years. Conclusions: Anamnesis and laboratory studies are essential to rule out secondary causes of the disease. Therapy is varied and should include referral to mental health as part of multidisciplinary management. (AU)

Humans , Burning Mouth Syndrome , Glossalgia
Rev. ORL (Salamanca) ; 14(3): 207-212, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-226286


Introducción y objetivo: El hallazgo de una masa dura supraclavicular conlleva siempre preocupación, porque habitualmente implica un diagnóstico de malignidad. El objetivo de este trabajo ha consistido en examinar las características diferenciales de la presencia de una costilla cervical que, aun siendo una entidad muy poco frecuente, si se sospecha clínicamente, hace posible un diagnóstico inmediato, evitando exploraciones innecesarias y ofreciendo al paciente un pronóstico de benignidad. Método: Se realiza una revisión sistemática sobre el diagnóstico diferencial de las masas duras supraclaviculares, por dos revisores independientes utilizando cinco buscadores académicos distintos. Resultados: De los 96 artículos obtenidos en la búsqueda inicial, se han extraído 14, tras el cribado de los que no cumplían los criterios de inclusión. El enfoque de los trabajos seleccionados fue el diagnóstico diferencial de una costilla cervical en pacientes con una masa dura supraclavicular. Discusión: La solicitud de pruebas complementarias, retrasa un diagnóstico que puede realizarse con una radiografía simple de tórax, evitando al paciente la angustia de un tortuoso camino. Conclusión: En el diagnóstico diferencial de una masa dura supraclavicular, se debe incluir la posibilidad de una costilla cervical. (AU)

Introduction and objective: Discovering a hard supraclavicular mass is a worrisome finding because it usually implies an underlying malignancy. The objective of this work is to illustrate the clinical presentation and characteristics of a cervical rib, because as unusual as this entity may be, suspecting of it offers an immediate diagnosis, avoids unnecessary explorations and presents a benign diagnosis to the patient. Method: A systematic review about the differential diagnosis of hard supraclavicular masses is carried out by two independent revisers using five different academic search engines. Results: From the 96 articles found in the initial search, 14 that matched the inclusion criteria were chosen. The approach of these selected articles was the differential diagnosis of a cervical rib in patients with a hard supraclavicular mass. Discussion: Soliciting complimentary tests delays a diagnosis that can be easily made through a simple thorax radiography, saving the patient from the distress of tortuous pathway. Conclusions: The differential diagnosis of a hard supraclavicular mass should include the possibility of a cervical rib. (AU)

Cervical Rib , Diagnosis, Differential , Clavicle/diagnostic imaging
Rev. ORL (Salamanca) ; 14(3): 229-233, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-226288


Introducción y objetivo: La costilla cervical se manifiesta clínicamente como una tumoración de dureza pétrea en la región supraclavicular, que puede sugerir inicialmente malignidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es ilustrar su presentación, para facilitar la sospecha clínica y el diagnóstico, ofreciendo al paciente un pronóstico benigno. Método: Se presentan tres casos clínicos diagnosticados de costilla cervical en el servicio de ORL de nuestro hospital. Discusión: Los datos de la anamnesis, la exploración clínica y una radiografía simple de tórax, deberían ser indicios suficientes, para diferenciar esta entidad de un proceso maligno. Conclusiones En el diagnóstico diferencial de una masa dura supraclavicular, debemos pensar en la posibilidad de una costilla cervical. (AU)

Introduction and objective: A cervical rib clinically manifests as a hard supraclavicular lump, which may initially suggest malignancy. The objective of the present work is to illustrate its presentation, to make the suspicion and diagnosis of it easier and thereby offering the patient a benign diagnosis. Method: We present three clinical cases of cervical rib seen in the ENT service of our hospital. Discussion: Information from the clinical interview and physical exam along with a simple thorax radiography should be sufficient to distinguish this entity from a malignant process. Conclusions: In the differential diagnosis of a hard supraclavicular mass, we should consider the possibility of a cervical rib. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Adult , Cervical Rib/diagnostic imaging , Clavicle/abnormalities , Clavicle/diagnostic imaging , Diagnosis, Differential
Chemosphere ; 177: 77-83, 2017 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28284118


Over the last decade, Uruguay has expanded and intensified its rainfed crop production. This process has affected beekeeping in several ways: for example, by reducing the space available. This has increased the density of apiaries, the risk of varroosis and acaricide use. Additionally, the dominance of no-tillage crops has increased the frequencies of application and of loads of pesticides in regions where such crops share the land with beekeeping and honey production. Therefore, the exposure of bees to xenobiotics (agricultural pesticides and veterinary products) has increased in line with pollution of hives and their products. To document pollution from hive exposure to pesticides, we surveyed the presence of 30 xenobiotics normally used in Uruguay, in recycled beeswax (RB) and in honey cappings (HC) from the main Uruguayan beekeeping regions. There was contamination of all the analyzed samples (RB and HC) with the herbicide atrazine at a range of 1-2 ng g-1. At least three or four additional xenobiotics were detected: insecticides (chlorpyrifos-ethyl and thiacloprid); fungicides (azoxystrobin and tebuconazole); and veterinary products (coumaphos, ethion, and tau-fluvalinate). The frequency of detection of chlorpyrifos-ethyl and coumaphos in RB samples was higher than in those of HC. Moreover, the concentrations of azoxystrobin, coumaphos, and tebuconazole in RB samples were higher than in HC samples. Therefore, we suggest the use of HC to produce recycled printed beeswax films for use in hives to minimize pollution transfer.

Agriculture , Pesticides/analysis , Waxes/chemistry , Xenobiotics/analysis , Acaricides/analysis , Animals , Beekeeping , Bees , Fungicides, Industrial/analysis , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry , Geography , Herbicides/analysis , Honey/analysis , Insecticides/analysis , Nitriles/analysis , Pyrethrins/analysis , Risk Assessment , Uruguay
J Transp Geogr ; 57: 44-54, 2016 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32288374


China and Spain are currently among the top tourist destinations, coming third and fourth place in the 2014 world ranking of tourist arrivals, behind France and the US. Tourism is crucial for the economies of Spain and China, and both countries have the longest high speed rail (HSR) networks in the world. What role has HSR infrastructure played in the development of tourism in both countries? Little research has been done to date, even in Europe, to estimate empirically how tourism indicators are affected by new HSR lines. In 2012 a multivariate panel analysis by Chen and Haynes was applied to 27 Chinese regions, and confirmed that emerging high speed rail services (during the period 1999-2010) had significant positive impacts on boosting tourism in China. No similar empirical tool has ever been tested in Europe. The aim of this paper is to analyse and validate this tool when applied to the Spanish context, and to develop a comparative analysis with the Chinese case study. The methodology is applied to 47 Spanish provinces during the period 1999-2015, and the results clearly reveal a positive but lower-value link (compared to China) between the increase in certain tourism outputs (foreign arrivals and revenues) and HSR network construction. However, further research is needed into the model's limitations, namely the availability of suitable tourism indicators in the official databases, the HSR explanatory variables considered, and the ability to detect "circular cause-effects" between HSR and tourism.

Microb Ecol ; 70(2): 522-33, 2015 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25794593


Honeybees are susceptible to a wide range of pathogens, which have been related to the occurrence of colony loss episodes reported mainly in north hemisphere countries. Their ability to resist those infections is compromised if they are malnourished or exposed to pesticides. The aim of the present study was to carry out an epidemiological study in Uruguay, South America, in order to evaluate the dynamics and interaction of honeybee pathogens and evaluate their association with the presence of external stress factors such as restricted pollen diversity and presence of agrochemicals. We monitored 40 colonies in two apiaries over 24 months, regularly quantifying colony strength, parasite and pathogen status, and pollen diversity. Chlorinated pesticides, phosphorus, pyrethroid, fipronil, or sulfas were not found in stored pollen in any colony or season. Varroa destructor was widespread in March (end of summer-beginning of autumn), decreasing after acaricide treatments. Viruses ABPV, DWV, and SBV presented a similar trend, while IAPV and KBV were not detected. Nosema ceranae was detected along the year while Nosema apis was detected only in one sample. Fifteen percent of the colonies died, being associated to high V. destructor mite load in March and high N. ceranae spore loads in September. Although similar results have been reported in north hemisphere countries, this is the first study of these characteristics in Uruguay, highlighting the regional importance. On the other side, colonies with pollen of diverse botanical origins showed reduced viral infection levels, suggesting that an adequate nutrition is important for the development of healthy colonies.

Bees/virology , Pollen , Animals , Seasons , Uruguay
J Invertebr Pathol ; 110(1): 129-31, 2012 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22381478


Paenibacillus larvae is the causative agent of American Foulbrood (AFB), a deleterious disease that affects honeybees. In Uruguay it was first reported in 1999. In 2001 the bacterium was spread all over the country, and its prevalence in honey was estimated in 51%. Two P. larvae genotypes were found; ERIC I - BOX A, worldwide distributed and ERIC I - BOX C, exclusively detected in Argentina until then. In the present manuscript we analyzed the evolution of AFB outbreaks from 1999 to 2009, presented a new nation-wide survey carried out during 2011 when a prevalence of 2% was found and discuss national strategies for prevention of the disease. Since Uruguay is a small country where almost all beekeepers are registered, Uruguayan experience can be useful to be applied in other countries.

Bees/microbiology , Paenibacillus , Animals , Larva/microbiology , Paenibacillus/genetics , Paenibacillus/isolation & purification , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Prevalence , Uruguay
J Invertebr Pathol ; 101(2): 150-3, 2009 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19358851


The microsporidium Nosema ceranae is an emergent pathogen of European honeybees Apis mellifera. Using a PCR-RFLP diagnosis, 29 samples of infected honeybees obtained in 2007-2008 (N=26), 2004 (N=2) and before 1990 (N=1) were analyzed for the presence of Nosema apis and N. ceranae. Only N. ceranae was found in all samples, indicating that this species dispersed to Uruguay (and likely the region) at some time before 1990. The presence of N. ceranae in Uruguay is not associated with an increase of Nosemosis, and its role in colony loss seems to be irrelevant.

Bees/microbiology , Nosema/isolation & purification , Animals , Geography , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Polymorphism, Restriction Fragment Length , Uruguay