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Plants (Basel) ; 9(12)2020 Nov 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33256180


This work is a phytosociological approach to the montane rainforests of Peru with the aim of advancing on the diversity of plant communities, which we had already begun in previous research. From 364 phytosociological plots and 3389 species of the South American tropics, we have developed a cluster, using the Sørensen index, to know the similarities between the forests and their parallelism with bioclimatic conditions. After studying the existence of characteristic groups of the Peruvian forests, we have established different communities and phytosociological units for Peru. As a result, we have described seven associations, within three new alliances, which are gathered in the new order Saurauio peruvianae-Condaminetalia corymbosae of the new class Morello pubescentis-Myrsinetea coriaceae. In addition, two associations have been described within the class Pruno rigidae-Oreopanacetea floribundae (mesotropical laurel-like forests), and three for the class Alnetea acuminatae (alder forests and palm groves). The humid forests of Peru are closer to those of Ecuador and to those of the set formed by the three Colombian mountain ranges than to those of Bolivia and Argentina, due to the common flora these share with areas of Paraguay and even of the Parana River region.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 23(2): 221-224, mayo-agos. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094262


En este trabajo se aportan dos nuevos registros de Fabiana stephanii Hunz. & Barboza para la flora del Sur del Perú, incluyendo datos taxonómicos, biogeográficos y fitosociológicos.

In this work, two new records of Fabiana stephanii Hunz. & Barboza for the flora of Southern Peru are reported, including taxonomical, biogeographical and phytosociological data on this species.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 20(2)ago. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1522319


Se presenta a Maxillaria jostii Dodson (Orchidaceae) como una nueva adición a la Flora del Perú procedente de los substratos de roca arenisca de la Cordillera subandina de Huarango (provincia San Ignacio, departamento Cajamarca), una prolongación sureña de la Cordillera del Cóndor rica en especies. Maxillaria jostii ha sido considerada como una especie endémica para Ecuador (Zamora-Chinchipe, Morona-Santiago); sin embargo, con el presente estudio se amplía su distribución geográfica hacia el Perú. Esta nueva contribución al conocimiento de la flora del país es el resultado del trabajo de campo y de herbario, gracias al Proyecto Binacional «Inventario Botánico de la Región de la Cordillera del Cóndor, Ecuador y Perú, 2005-2007», desarrollado entre las instituciones: MO, HUT, LOJA y QCNE. La contrastación específica se realizó con las especies documentadas en el «Catálogo de las Angiospermas y Gimnospermas del Perú» (Brako & Zarucchi 1993), «Diez años de adiciones a la flora del Perú: 1993-2003» (Ulloa Ulloa et al. 2004) y «Nuevas Adiciones de Angiospermas a la Flora del Perú» (Rodríguez et al. 2006b)

Rev Biol Trop ; 59(2): 809-28, 2011 Jun.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21721240


The vegetation of the sandy hills ("lomas") constitutes the main originality of the Peruvian and Chilean desert with a high number of endemics that shapes the vicarious associations. In this work, a phytosociological view of sandy environments of the Peruvian coastal desert is presented. According to the Braun-Blanquet method, we have made up 32 phytosociological inventories and added 138 ones from others authors. In each inventory, we have analyzed its floristic composition and ecological parameters, as altitude, soil and geomorphology. All releves were synthesized in a table to deduce the different associations, higher phytosociological units, and the distribu tion of its flora along the Peruvian coast and the Andean Cordillera. Using the Shannon-Wiener diversity index, the diversity of this flora is discussed making a comparison with historical data about the use of the territory with livestock during pre-Inca and Inca cultures, and Spanish invasion. As a result, two associations from Southern Peru -Nolanetum scaposo-spathulatae and Palauetum camanensis-weberbaueri-, two alliances -Nolanion humifusae from central Peru, and Nolanion spathulatae from the Southern Peru- and a new order -Tetragonio crystallinae-Plantaginetalia limensis- are described. In Nolanetum scaposo-spathulatae, Dictyophragnus englerianus, Leptoglossis lomana, Nolana scaposa, N. spathulata, Palaua velutina and Tetragonia vestita are the main characteristics, while in Palauetum camanensis-weberbaueri association N. scaposa and P. velutina are replaced by Palaua camanensis and P. weberbaueri. Nolanion humifusae alliance integrates species as Geranium limae, Hymenocallis amancaes, Nolana humifusa, N. latipes, Palaua rhombifolia or Villanova oppositifolia. Likewise, Cistanthe weberbaueri, Cryptantha parviflora, Hoffmannseggia miranda, Lupinus mollendoensis, Nolana confinis, N. pallidula, N. scaposa, N. spathulata, Palaua camanensis, P. velutina, P. weberbaueri, Tetragonia vestita and Weberbauerella brongniartioides are the characteristic species of Nolanion spathulatae alliance. The Tetragonio crystallinae-Plantaginetalia limensis order presents characteristic plants don't linked with eutrophic soils, as Calandrinia alba, Cryptantha limensis, Dyschoriste repens, Monnina macrostachya, Oxalis lomana, Palaua malvifolia, Pectocarya lateriflora, Plantago limensis or Tetragonia crystallina, with a distribution that claps the geographical area of the new alliances. On the other hand, the vegetation of the desert ravines is discussed in the context of the coastal river plant communities and its disturbance by the dunes. After the application of the Shannon-Wiener diversity index on the synthetic table columns, we can deduce that an increase in Andean and European ruderal species is linked to an intensive livestock activity. The transhumance between the Andes and the coast from pre-Inca times until now, produces the plant dispersion of high Andean plants toward the coast; the Spanish colonization was the origin of the presence of European plants in the "lomas" vegetation of Peru.

Biodiversity , Plants/classification , Animals , Desert Climate , Humans , Livestock , Peru
Rev. biol. trop ; 59(2): 809-828, jun. 2011. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-638122


A phytosociological interpretation of vegetation from sandy hills of the Peruvian desert. The vegetation of the sandy hills (“lomas”) constitutes the main originality of the Peruvian and Chilean desert with a high number of endemics that shapes the vicarious associations. in this work, a phytosociological view of sandy environments of the Peruvian coastal desert is presented. According to the Braun-Blanquet method, we have made up 32 phytosociological inventories and added 138 ones from others authors. in each inventory, we have analyzed its floristic composition and ecological parameters, as altitude, soil and geomorphology. All releves were synthesized in a table to deduce the different associations, higher phytosociological units, and the distribution of its flora along the Peruvian coast and the Andean Cordillera. Using the Shannon-Wiener diversity index, the diversity of this flora is discussed making a comparison with historical data about the use of the territory with livestock during pre-inca and inca cultures, and Spanish invasion. As a result, two associations from Southern Peru -Nolanetum scaposo-spathulatae and Palauetum camanensis-weberbaueri-, two alliances -Nolanion humifusae from central Peru, and Nolanion spathulatae from the Southern Peru- and a new order -Tetragonio crystallinae- Plantaginetalia limensis- are described. In Nolanetum scaposo-spathulatae, Dictyophragnus englerianus, Leptoglossis lomana, Nolana scaposa, N. spathulata, Palaua velutina and Tetragonia vestita are the main characteristics, while in Palauetum camanensis-weberbaueri association N. scaposa and P. velutina are replaced by Palaua camanensis and P. weberbaueri. Nolanion humifusae alliance integrates species as Geranium limae, Hymenocallis amancaes, Nolana humifusa, N. latipes, Palaua rhombifolia or Villanova oppositifolia. Likewise, Cistanthe weberbaueri, Cryptantha parviflora, Hoffmannseggia miranda, Lupinus mollendoensis, Nolana confinis, N. pallidula, N. scaposa, N. spathulata, Palaua camanensis, P. velutina, P. weberbaueri, Tetragonia vestita and Weberbauerella brongniartioides are the characteristic species of Nolanion spathulatae alliance. The Tetragonio crystallinae-Plantaginetalia limensis order presents characteristic plants don´t linked with eutrophic soils, as Calandrinia alba, Cryptantha limensis, Dyschoriste repens, Monnina macrostachya, Oxalis lomana, Palaua malvifolia, Pectocarya lateriflora, Plantago limensis or Tetragonia crystallina, with a distribution that claps the geographical area of the new alliances. On the other hand, the vegetation of the desert ravines is discussed in the context of the coastal river plant communities and its disturbance by the dunes. After the application of the Shannon-Wiener diversity index on the synthetic table columns, we can deduce that an increase in Andean and European ruderal species is linked to an intensive livestock activity. The transhumance between the Andes and the coast from pre-inca times until now, produces the plant dispersion of high Andean plants toward the coast; the Spanish colonization was the origin of the presence of European plants in the “lomas” vegetation of Peru. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (2): 809-828. Epub 2011 June 01.

La vegetación de las lomas, causada sobre todo por las precipitaciones debidas a la influencia de la corriente fría de Humboldt, constituye la mayor originalidad del desierto peruano y chileno, con un alto número de endemismos que forman asociaciones geovicarias. En este trabajo, presentamos un estudio fitosociológico sobre la vegetación de los medios arenosos de las lomas del desierto costero peruano. De acuerdo con el método de Braun-Blanquet, hemos levantado 32 inventarios fitosociológicos a los que hemos añadido 138 procedentes de la bibliografía. En cada inventario, hemos analizado la composición florística y distintos parámetros ecológicos, como la altitud, el suelo y la geomorfología. Todos los inventarios fueron sintetizados en una tabla para deducir las asociaciones, las unidades fitosociológicas superiores y el origen de su flora. Como resultado, describimos dos nuevas asociaciones del sur del Perú -Nolanetum scaposo-spathulatae y Palauetum camanensis- weberbaueri, dos alianzas -Nolanion humifusae, del centro del Perú, y Nolanion spathulatae del sur del Perú-, y un nuevo orden -Tetragonio crystallinae-Plantaginetalia limensis-. También se presenta la vegetación de las quebradas en el contexto de las comunidades de riberas de la costa y su alteración por las dunas. Después de la aplicación del índice de Shannon-Wiener sobre las columnas de la tabla sintética, podemos deducir que el aumento de especies ruderales andinas y europeas en la costa central del Perú se ha visto favorecido por una actividad ganadera intensiva. La trashumancia entre los Andes y la costa, desde tiempos preincaicos hasta la actualidad, ha producido la dispersión zoócora de plantas altoandinas hacia la costa; la presencia de plantas europeas tuvo su origen en la colonización española de la costa del Perú.

Animals , Humans , Biodiversity , Plants/classification , Desert Climate , Livestock , Peru
J Ethnopharmacol ; 122(2): 333-62, 2009 Mar 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19146943


AIM OF THE STUDY: At present, the Peruvian Amazonian district of Chazuta represents one of the main reservoirs of the San Martin Quechuas (also known as Lamas Quechuas) and their culture. These particular Quechuas, as well as the region of Chazuta, have been seldom studied from an academic point of view. With the objective of contributing to the ethnopharmacological knowledge of the area, a field survey on the use of medicinal plants was performed in the region. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The information was obtained through interviews to the 6.3% of the district rural adult population (140 individuals, 75% of which was considered Quechua). RESULTS: In total, the study recorded 945 medicinal use-reports of 289 plant species collected in Chazuta, which belong to 202 genera in 81 families of vascular plants. Mainly, plant remedies were employed to treat musculoskeletal disorders (29.7% of all the medicinal use-reports), gastrointestinal complaints (13.4%) and skin conditions (12.9%). CONCLUSIONS: In Chazuta, medicinal plants are used within a context of a traditional medicine that confronts health and illness from an integral vision, in which the medicinal uses of plants, its combination with lifestyle advice, and its participation in the performance of rituals and other practices concerning to what is often named as "the world of spirits" have to be considered.

Medicine, Traditional , Phytotherapy , Plants, Medicinal , Ethnobotany , Humans , Indians, South American , Peru
Bol. Lima ; 11(66): 57-60, nov. 1989. map, ilus
Article in Spanish | LIPECS | ID: biblio-1106721


The more import and useful plants used for people of some town of Marañon river basin (Department of Amazonas, Peru) are given to know. For each of them, we inform about its common name, used part, usages, and ecology.

Se dan a conocer las plantas utiles más importantes empleadas por los pobladores de algunas localidades de la cuenca del Rio Marañón del Amazonas, Perú. Para cada una de ellas se informa sobre su vernáculo, parte utilizada, uso y ecología.

Botany , Ethnobotany , Herbal Medicine , Plants , Plants, Medicinal , Amazonian Ecosystem , Peru