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Interv. psicosoc. (Internet) ; 27(2): 95-104, ago. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-175056


La prevención de la violencia contra la pareja supone un problema que ha suscitado gran interés a nivel internacional. El homicidio de pareja es el exponente más grave, aunque su prevalencia sea baja y su etiología compleja. Este trabajo revisa brevemente la descripción del problema desde la perspectiva de género y la existencia de asimetría, la perspectiva de la violencia y su descripción de factores de riesgo diferenciales y el modelo ecológico que relaciona variables personales, contextuales y comunitarias, presentando una propuesta más integradora. Se describen los estudios que analizan y comparan perfiles de homicidas, así como la situación en materia de evaluación del riesgo, todo ello con especial atención a las implicaciones para el contexto español. Por último, por su relevancia se discute la existencia de tipologías de homicidas y perfiles más próximos a patrones o dinámicas suicidas (en los homicidios diádicos y los familicidios). La información disponible pone de manifiesto la necesidad de ampliar el estudio de los homicidas de pareja y la dificultad de anticipar muchos de estos casos

Intimate partner violence prevention is a challenge that has received wide international interest. Homicide is the most serious result of this type of violence, although its prevalence is low and its etiology is complex. This paper briefly reviews the description of the problem from a gender perspective and the existence of asymmetry, the perspective of violence and its description of differential risk factors, and the ecological model that connects personal, contextual, and societal variables, presenting a more integrative proposal. Studies analyzing and comparing homicide profiles are described, as well as the state of the art regarding risk assessment, with special attention to the implications for the Spanish context. Finally, due to its relevance, the existence of typologies of homicides as well as profiles closer to suicidal patterns are discussed (in dyadic homicides and familicides). The available information highlights the need to expand the study of intimate partner homicides and the difficulty of anticipating many of these cases

Humans , Female , Homicide/classification , Battered Women/classification , Violence Against Women , Intimate Partner Violence/classification , Risk Factors , Battered Women/statistics & numerical data , Suicide
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-163676


The present study aimed to cross-validate Holtzworth-Munroe and Stuart’s typology in a Spanish sample of court-referred intimate partner violence batterers. The study also analyzed the typology’s capability to predict treatment attendance, completion, and IPV recidivism two years after the treatment. The sample consisted of 210 batterers court referred to a batterer intervention program. Using cluster analysis, three batterer subtypes were identified in accordance with the original typology: family-only batterers, borderline/dysphoric, and generally violent-antisocial. The typology predicted program attendance, completion, and recidivism. Batterers from the generally violent-antisocial group attended a significantly lower number of sessions, presented the highest dropout levels, and had the highest recidivism rate followed by borderline/dysphoric and family-only batterers. These findings suggest that in order to increase the effectiveness of batterer intervention programs, batterers’ different needs and risk profiles should be taken into account (AU)

Este estudio tiene por objeto la validación cruzada de la tipología de Holtzworth-Munroe y Stuart en una muestra española de maltratadores de pareja remitidos por el tribunal. También analiza la capacidad de la tipología de predecir la asistencia al tratamiento, su finalización y las recaídas a los dos años del tratamiento. La muestra constaba de 210 maltratadores derivados por un tribunal a un programa de intervención. Mediante un análisis de clústers se descubrieron tres subtipos de maltratadores, según la tipología original: maltratadores familiares únicamente, límites/disfóricos y generalmente violentos-antisociales. La tipología predijo la asistencia al programa, su finalización y las recaídas. Los maltratadores del grupo generalmente violento-antisocial asistieron a un número de sesiones significativamente menor, mostraban el mayor grado de abandono y el mayor índice de recaídas, seguidos del grupo de límites/disfóricos y de los maltratadores familiares únicamente. Dichos resultados indican que para aumentar la eficacia de los programas de intervención con maltratadores hay que tener en consideración sus diferentes necesidades y los perfiles de riesgo (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Spouse Abuse/legislation & jurisprudence , Spouse Abuse/psychology , Antisocial Personality Disorder/mortality , Aggression/psychology , Psychometrics/legislation & jurisprudence , Conduct Disorder/psychology , Social Behavior , Data Analysis/methods , Logistic Models , Analysis of Variance
Psychiatr Psychol Law ; 24(6): 936-950, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31984001


This article aims to identify different personal characteristics in treatment-responsive and treatment-resistant perpetrators of intimate partner violence who completed a batterer intervention program (BIP). The sample consists of 105 perpetrators of intimate partner violence who were court-mandated to a community-based cognitive behavioral program. Perpetrators were classified by professionals as resistant or responsive to treatment based on the stage of change they reached upon completion of the program. The results show that before starting the intervention program, treatment-resistant perpetrators scored higher than treatment-responsive perpetrators in external responsibility attributions and attitudes toward violence in intimate relationships. No differences were found in personality disorders or psychological symptoms between the groups. However, longer program participation correlates with increasing differences between the two groups. The results suggest that targeting the personal characteristics which differentiate treatment-responsive perpetrators from treatment-resistant ones may help to increase the efficacy of BIPs.

Interv. psicosoc. (Internet) ; 25(1): 9-17, abr. 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-152248


La situación de la violencia dentro de la pareja en Latinoamérica es un problema complejo que provoca graves consecuencias para miles de mujeres. En este estudio se analizan los factores y dinámicas involucradas en este tipo de violencia en un contexto de pequeñas comunidades rurales. Para ello, a partir de un marco ecológico de análisis se ha desarrollado un estudio cualitativo en comunidades rurales de la provincia de Imbabura, en Ecuador. Se realizaron 7 grupos focales en los que participaron un total de 63 personas. Los resultados muestran: a) la importancia del entorno comunitario y de las interacciones de víctima y agresor con la familia, vecindario y agentes de intervención; b) la influencia de la estructura del territorio y la actuación del Estado en el manejo de las situaciones de violencia dentro de la pareja, y c) los efectos que la presión ejercida por los distintos miembros de la comunidad pueden tener para la víctima y sus opciones de denunciar la situación. Finalmente, se apunta la posibilidad de que los factores identificados puedan ser elementos explicativos y esclarecedores de las dinámicas de violencia en contextos similares al caso estudiado

The situation of intimate partner violence in Latin America is a complex problem that has serious consequences for thousands of women. In this study the factors and dynamics involved in such violence in a context of small rural communities are analyzed. To do this from an ecological framework of analysis, we have developed a qualitative study in rural communities of the province of Imbabura, in Ecuador. Seven focus groups involving a total of 63 people were held. The results show: (I) the importance of community environment and interactions of victim and perpetrator to the family, neighborhood and police intervention; (II) the way that the territory structure and state action affect the handling of situations of intimate partner violence, and (III) the effects of the pressure exerted by the various members of the community can have on the victim and their ability to report the situation. Finally, the possibility that the identified factors can be explanatory and illuminating elements of the dynamics of violence in similar contexts to the case study is targeted

Humans , Intimate Partner Violence/statistics & numerical data , Violence Against Women , Spouse Abuse/statistics & numerical data , Rural Population/statistics & numerical data , Ecuador/epidemiology , Fear
Interv. psicosoc. (Internet) ; 22(2): 125-133, ago. 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-123099


La investigación de problemas sociales complejos como la violencia contra las mujeres dentro de la pareja obliga a buscar mecanismos de observación, análisis e interpretación que sean capaces de explicar acontecimientos ya sucedidos y de anticipar escenarios futuros. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar desde una perspectiva relacional, ecológica y sistémica de la violencia dentro de la pareja los discursos proporcionados por los hombres, las mujeres y los profesionales que intervienen. Para ello se ha planteado un estudio de carácter cualitativo en el que han participado 41 personas (9 víctimas, 18 agresores y 14 profesionales). Los resultados muestran a) la diversidad en las características de hombres y mujeres involucrados en situaciones violentas y en el tipo de relación que establecen, b) la percepción de los participantes del tratamiento diferenciado que las instituciones parecen otorgar a hombres y mujeres, c) la necesidad de revisar algunos de los procedimientos jurídicos y de intervención y d) la importancia de los estados emocionales y su influencia en los comportamientos de victimas, agresores y profesionales. Finalmente se plantean algunas propuestas dirigidas a mejorar los diseños de investigación y las estrategias de intervención (AU)

Researching complex social problems, such as violence against women within the couple, requieres that we seek mechanisms of observation, analysis, and interpretation that allow us both to explain events and succeed in anticipating future scenarios. The aim of this study is to analyze, from a relational and systemic perspective of violence within the couple, the discourse provided by men, women, and relevant professionals. We have planned a qualitative study in which 41 people participated (9 victims, 18 offenders, and 14 professionals). The results show a) the diversity in the characteristics of men and women involved in violent situations and the type of relationship established, b) that participants perceived the differential treatment given by institutions according to gender, c) the need to review some of the legal and intervention procedures, and d) the importance of emotional states and their influence on behaviors of victims, perpetrators, and professionals. Finally, some suggestions are given for improving research design and intervention strategies (AU)

Humans , Spouses/psychology , Battered Women/psychology , Evaluation of Results of Therapeutic Interventions , Social Problems , Professional-Patient Relations
Interv. psicosoc. (Internet) ; 22(2): 145-152, ago. 2013.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-123101


En el contexto internacional son numerosos los debates en relación con los programas dirigidos a hombres condenados por violencia dentro de la pareja. Algunos de los temas más controvertidos son: a) el enfoque teórico de partida, b) la posibilidad de realizar tratamientos específicos en función de las características de los hombres o c) la necesidad de atender a aspectos externos e internos al programa como la coordinación institucional o la especificidad del proceso terapéutico (el contexto, la alianza terapéutica, la motivación de los penados y el terapeuta). El objetivo de este artículo es revisar los principales temas que son objeto de debate en el contexto internacional y valorar su impacto en las investigaciones y principales programas de tratamiento que se dirigen a hombres condenados por violencia de género en el Estado español. Las conclusiones indican que la investigación española está incorporando progresivamente los temas identificados a nivel internacional, como la eficacia de los programas en distintos contextos, la existencia de tipologías, aspectos motivacionales, análisis del abandono, factores de riesgo, aspectos culturales o adicciones de los agresores. Sin embargo, parece necesaria una mayor adaptación de los programas a las características de los agresores (AU)

Programmes involving men convicted of intimate partner violence are subject to a wide range of discussions these days. There are numerous international debates regarding programmes aimed at men convicted of intimate partner violence. Some of the most controversial issues are: a) intervention approaches, b) the possibility of performing specific treatments according to the offender's characteristics, or c) the need to take account of external factors such as institutional coordination or the specifics of the therapeutical process (context, therapeutical alliance, motivation of the convict, and the therapist). The aim of this article is to review the main themes that are the focus of this international debate and weigh their impact on the research and the principal programmes that exist in Spain for men convicted of gender violence. The conclusions show that research in Spain is gradually incorporating the topics identified internationally such as the efficacy of programmes in different contexts, the existence of typologies, motivational aspects, analysis of dropouts, risk factors, cultural aspects, or offenders' addictions problems. Nevertheless, it appears necessary to more closely align the programmes with the characteristics of the aggressor (AU)

Humans , Male , Criminals/psychology , Violence Against Women , Psychotherapy/methods , Spouses/psychology , Motivation , Prisoners , Social Problems , Spouse Abuse/psychology
Span J Psychol ; 16: E40, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23866236


This paper deals with the influence of the therapeutic context in batterer intervention programs. We conducted 2 complementary studies: a descriptive analysis (Study 1) and a qualitative study (Study 2) analyzing the aspects that may help to improve the operation and effectiveness of treatment in a group of men (N = 27) who participated in a program for convicted perpetrators of intimate partner violence. The results show a statistically significant relationship between the therapeutic alliance and the assessment of the usefulness of the program attended by offenders (r = .69, p < .01), and between the therapeutic alliance and the assessment of the usefulness of the program content (r = .43, p < .05). Furthermore, the results of the qualitative analysis show that aspects of the therapeutic context may play an important role for the adhesion of offenders to treatment, increasing their motivation and improving results. It is proposed that future research should provide more in-depth analysis of the elements related to the context of the intervention and therapists' skills as facilitators of change.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Mandatory Programs , Professional-Patient Relations , Spouse Abuse/therapy , Adult , Aged , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Psychotherapeutic Processes , Qualitative Research , Spouse Abuse/legislation & jurisprudence , Spouse Abuse/psychology , Young Adult
Span. j. psychol ; 16: e40.1-e40.13, 2013. tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-116268


This paper deals with the influence of the therapeutic context in batterer intervention programs. We conducted 2 complementary studies: a descriptive analysis (Study 1) and a qualitative study (Study 2) analyzing the aspects that may help to improve the operation and effectiveness of treatment in a group of men (N = 27) who participated in a program for convicted perpetrators of intimate partner violence. The results show a statistically significant relationship between the therapeutic alliance and the assessment of the usefulness of the program attended by offenders (r = .69, p < .01), and between the therapeutic alliance and the assessment of the usefulness of the program content (r = .43, p < .05). Furthermore, the results of the qualitative analysis show that aspects of the therapeutic context may play an important role for the adhesion of offenders to treatment, increasing their motivation and improving results. It is proposed that future research should provide more in-depth analysis of the elements related to the context of the intervention and therapists’ skills as facilitators of change (AU)

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Humans , Male , Female , Violence/psychology , Violence/statistics & numerical data , Psychotherapy/instrumentation , Psychotherapy/methods , Psychotherapy/trends , Psychotherapy/organization & administration