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J Anim Sci ; 99(10)2021 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34599329


To assess plasma trace mineral (TM) concentrations, the acute phase protein response, and behavior in response to a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge, 96 Angus cross steers (average initial body weight [BW]: 285 ± 14.4 kg) were sorted into two groups by BW (heavy and light; n = 48/group), fitted with an ear-tag-based accelerometer (CowManager SensOor; Agis, Harmelen, Netherlands), and stagger started 14 d apart. Consecutive day BW was recorded to start the 24-d trial (days -1 and 0). Dietary treatments began on day 0: common diet with either 30 (Zn30) or 100 (Zn100) mg supplemental Zn/kg DM (ZnSO4). On day 17, steers received one of the following injection treatments intravenously to complete the 2 × 3 factorial: 1) SALINE (~2-3 mL of physiological saline), 2) LOWLPS: 0.25 µg LPS/kg BW, or 3) HIGHLPS: 0.375 µg LPS/kg BW. Blood, rectal temperature (RT), and BW were recorded on day 16 (-24 h relative to injection), and BW was used to assign injection treatment. Approximately 6, 24 (day 18), and 48 (day 19) h after treatment, BW, RT, and blood were collected, and final BW recorded on day 24. Data were analyzed in Proc Mixed of SAS with fixed effects of diet, injection, diet × injection; for BW, RT, dry matter intake (DMI), plasma TM, and haptoglobin-repeated measures analysis were used to evaluate effects over time. Area under the curve analysis determined by GraphPad Prism was used for analysis of accelerometer data. Body weight was unaffected by diet or injection (P ≥ 0.16), but there was an injection × time effect for DMI and RT (P < 0.05), where DMI decreased in both LPS treatments on day 16, but recovered by day 17, and RT was increased in LPS treatments 6 h post-injection. Steers receiving LPS spent less time highly active and eating than SALINE (P < 0.01). Steers in HIGHLPS spent lesser time ruminating, followed by LOWLPS and then SALINE (P < 0.001). An injection × time effect (P < 0.001) for plasma Zn showed decreased concentrations within 6 h of injection and remained decreased through 24 h before recovering by 48 h. A tendency for a diet × time effect (P = 0.06) on plasma Zn suggests plasma Zn repletion occurred at a greater rate in Zn100 compared to Zn30. These results suggest that increased supplemental Zn may alter the rate of recovery of Zn status from an acute inflammatory event. Additionally, ear-tag-based accelerometers used in this study were effective at detecting sickness behavior in feedlot steers, and rumination may be more sensitive than other variables.

Trace Elements , Accelerometry/veterinary , Acute-Phase Proteins , Animal Feed/analysis , Animals , Cattle , Diet/veterinary , Dietary Supplements , Lipopolysaccharides , Zinc
Transl Anim Sci ; 4(4): txaa207, 2020 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33409464


The objective of this study was to determine the effects of increased supplemental Zn from differing sources on growth performance of steers fed diets differing in net energy. Angus steers (n = 72, 324 ± 2.1 kg) with Genemax gain scores of 3, 4, or 5 were blocked by BW and stratified by Genemax gain score into 12 pens of 6 steers each for 158 d. Pens were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 Zn treatments (ZNTRT): 1) control (no supplemental Zn, analyzed 33 mg Zn/kg DM; CON); 2) inorganic Zn (CON + 120 mg supplemental Zn/kg DM as ZnSO4 for entire trial; INZN); or 3) 120 mg supplemental Zn/kg DM as Zn-amino acid complex (Availa-Zn; Zinpro, Eden Prairie, MN) for first 60 d, then a blend of ZnSO4 and Zn-AA complex (CON + 60 mg supplemental Zn/kg DM as ZnSO4 + 60 mg supplemental Zn/kg DM as Zn-amino acid complex) for the remainder of the trial (ZNBLD). Two dietary energy strategies (ENERGY) were formulated to reach ADG rates of 1) 1.6 kg/d (LE) or 2) 2.0 kg/d (HE) utilizing a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement (12 steers/treatment). All steers were fed LE for a 60 d growing period, then pens were randomly assigned to ENERGY treatments fed the remaining 91 d. Day 60 BW tended to be greater (P = 0.07) in steers receiving supplemental Zn vs. CON. Liver Cu was decreased in Zn supplemented steers vs. CON (P = 0.02). Liver Zn concentrations on d 56 did not differ for Zn vs. CON (P = 0.22) nor were there differences due to Zn source (P = 0.98). There were or tended to be ZNTRT × ENERGY effects for d 67-90 ADG and G:F (P ≤ 0.01), and d 122 BW and d 90-122 G:F (P ≤ 0.10) driven by improved performance for ZNBLD-HE over ZNBLD-LE, while ENERGY within CON and INZN did not differ. Day 90-122 ADG, overall ADG and overall G:F was greater (P ≤ 0.02) and d 67-90 G:F tended to be greater (P = 0.10) for HE vs. LE. No ZNTRT × ENERGY or ZNTRT effects were detected for HCW, REA, BF, KPH, MS, or YG (P ≥ 0.37) while HE increased HCW, BF, MS, and YG compared with LE (P ≤ 0.05). In the liver, ZNTRT affected d 97 MT1A expression (P = 0.03) where INZN was greater than ZNBLD or CON (P ≤ 0.02), while ZIP14 was unaffected due to ZNTRT, ENERGY, or the interaction (P ≥ 0.39). Supplying supplemental Zn as ZNBLD during the transition period appeared to improve performance measures, but no final performance advantages were noted due to increased supplemental Zn, regardless of source. Additionally, differences in liver MT1A expression may indicate differing post-absorptive metabolism between Zn sources.