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Rev. colomb. enferm ; 8(1): 53-60, Agosto de 2013.
Article in Spanish | BDENF - Nursing, LILACS | ID: biblio-1007955


[{"text": "Las políticas de salud suponen que el factor clave de sus programas preventivos está en la participación de la gente \r\nrespecto a su rehidratación, porque esta se considera un instrumento de prevención de las enfermedades crónicas dege\r\n-\r\nnerativas, que han incrementado su tasa de morbilidad recientemente. En tal sentido, el objetivo del presente trabajo es \r\nestablecer un modelo de las relaciones causales entre factores sociodemográficos y cognitivos relativos al consumo de \r\nbebidas. Para tal propósito, se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal y correlacional con una muestra de 100 afiliados a \r\nun hospital público. A partir de un modelo estructural (X2 = 163.873, 28 gl, p = .000; GFI = .875; AGFI = .840; PGF \r\n= .681; RMSEA = .027; RMR = .066), se estableció que la edad determinó negativamente la actitud hacia la rehidra\r\n-\r\ntación (\r\nß \r\n= -.22) mientras que las creencias de rehidratación grupal (CRG) incidieron de manera positiva (\r\nß\r\n = ,47.). En \r\nel marco de las teorías actitudinales, se discutió la inclusión de las normas y percepciones como sus determinantes.", "_i": "es"}, {"text": "Health policies assume that the key factor in their preven\r\n-\r\ntion programs is the participation of the people regarding \r\nrehydration, which is considered as an instrument of \r\nprevention of chronic degenerative diseases that in recent \r\ndays have increased it morbidity rate. The purpose of this \r\narticle is to establish a model of contributing relation\r\n-\r\nships between sociodemographic and cognitive factors \r\nrelated to beverage consumption. A cross-sectional and \r\ncorrelational study was performed with a sample of 100 \r\nmembers of a public hospital. From a structural model \r\n(X2 = 163,873, 28 df, p = .000, GFI = .875, AGFI = .840; \r\nPGF = .681, RMSEA = .027, RMR = 0.066) age deter\r\n-mined adversely rehydration attitude (\r\nß\r\n = -.22) while \r\nRehydration Beliefs Group (RBG) had a positive impact \r\n(\r\nß\r\n =, 47.) under the attitudinal theories, the inclusion \r\nof norms and perceptions and their determinants was \r\ndiscussed.", "_i": "en"}, {"text": "As políticas de saúde supõem que o fator-chave nos seus \r\nprogramas de prevenção é a participação das pessoas \r\nem relação à sua hidratação, que é considerado como \r\num instrumento para a prevenção de doenças degena\r\n-\r\ntivas crônicas que ultimamente têm aumentado a taxa de \r\nmorbidez. O propósito deste artigo é estabelecer relações \r\ncontribuintes entre fatores sócio-demográficos e cogni\r\n-\r\ntivos relacionados ao consumo de bebidas. Para isso, \r\nfoi realizado um estudo transversal e correlacional com \r\numa amostra de 100 membros de um hospital público. A \r\npartir de um modelo estrutural (X2 = 163.873, 28 gl, p \r\n= .000; GFI = .875; AGFI = .840; PGF = .681; RMSEA \r\n= .027; RMR = 0.066), a idade determino negativamente \r\na atitude de reidratação (\r\nß\r\n = - 0,22), enquanto o Grupo \r\nCrenças de Reidratação (GCR) teve um impacto posi\r\n-\r\ntivo (\r\nß\r\n =, 47.). De acordo com as teorias atitudinais, a \r\ninclusão de normas e percepções e seus determinantes \r\nforam discutidas.", "_i": "pt"}]

Carbonated Beverages , Water , Eating , Fluid Therapy , Organism Hydration Status
J Toxicol Environ Health ; 38(3): 225-32, 1993 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8450554


Lead levels in breast milk and blood were determined in women living within a 200-m radius of 3 smelters in Mexico City. All samples were analyzed on a Perkin Elmer 460 atomic absorption spectrometer equipped with HGA 2200. The mean blood lead level was 45.88 micrograms/dl (SD 19.88 microgram/dl), and the geometric mean of milk lead level was 2.47 micrograms/100 ml. The correlation coefficient of these two variables was 0.88. Using the mean value of lead found in breast milk, an infant of 5.5 kg would ingest 8.1 micrograms/kg/d in his diet. The daily permissible intake (DPI) established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1972 for an adult is 5.0 micrograms/kg/d.

Environmental Exposure , Environmental Pollution , Lead/analysis , Metallurgy , Milk, Human/chemistry , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Lead/blood , Mexico , Regression Analysis , Socioeconomic Factors , Spectrophotometry, Atomic
J Lab Clin Med ; 120(6): 949-54, 1992 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-1453115


Basal and luteinizing releasing hormone-stimulated gonadotropin secretion were studied in male rats made nephrotic with puromycin, and in pair-fed and normal control animals. In addition, plasma concentrations of testosterone, androstenedione, estradiol, and estrone were measured in the three groups of animals. Urinary testosterone concentrations were also measured in the three experimental groups. The data showed that basal luteinizing hormone concentration was significantly elevated in the nephrotic group compared with the pair-fed and normal control groups. Gonadotropin response to luteinizing releasing hormone stimulation was not significantly different in the three groups, suggesting an intact hypothalamic-pituitary axis in nephrotic syndrome. Urinary testosterone concentration in the nephrotic animals was significantly higher than in the pair-fed and normal control groups. Plasma testosterone, androstenedione, estradiol, and estrone concentrations were significantly lower in the nephrotic and pair-fed animals than in the normal control animals, indicating possibly impaired gonadal steroidogenesis in these two groups that may be related to the catabolic state of the animals. It thus appears that urinary loss of protein-bound (sex hormone binding globulin-bound) testosterone in the nephrotic syndrome leads to increased basal secretion of luteinizing hormone, presumably as a result of increased luteinizing releasing hormone secretion. This occurs to compensate for the abnormal urinary testosterone loss and is an attempt to restore plasma testosterone concentrations to normal. The higher basal plasma luteinizing hormone concentration in the nephrotic group supports this conclusion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

Gonadal Steroid Hormones/metabolism , Gonadotropins, Pituitary/metabolism , Nephrotic Syndrome/physiopathology , Animals , Creatinine/urine , Follicle Stimulating Hormone/blood , Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone/pharmacology , Luteinizing Hormone/blood , Male , Rats , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Testosterone/urine
J Philipp Dent Assoc ; 30(1): 16-7, 1977 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-351168
J Philipp Dent Assoc ; 29(4): 12-6, 21-3, 1976 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-1075193