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Phys Rev Lett ; 129(16): 165001, 2022 Oct 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36306746


Tokamak operational regimes with small edge localized modes (ELMs) could be a solution to the problem of large transient heat loads in fusion reactors. A ballooning mode near the last closed flux surface governed by the pressure gradient and the magnetic shear there has been proposed for small ELMs. In this Letter, we experimentally investigate several stabilizing effects near the last closed flux surface and present linear ideal simulations that indeed develop ballooninglike fluctuations there and connect them with nonlinear resistive simulations. The dimensionless parameters of the small ELM regime in the region of interest are very similar to those in a reactor, making this regime the ideal exhaust scenario for a future device.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(10): 103501, 2021 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34717377


We introduce a new correlation analysis technique for thermal helium beam (THB) diagnostics. Instead of directly evaluating line ratios from fluctuating time series, we apply arithmetic operations to all available He I lines and construct time series with desired dependencies on the plasma parameters. By cross-correlating those quantities and by evaluating ensemble averages, uncorrelated noise contributions can be removed. Through the synthetic data analysis, we demonstrate that the proposed analysis technique is capable of providing the power spectral densities of meaningful plasma parameters, such as the electron density and the electron temperature, even under low-photon-count conditions. In addition, we have applied this analysis technique to the experimental THB data obtained at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak and successfully resolved the electron density and temperature fluctuations up to 90 kHz in a reactor relevant high power scenario.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(10): 10D102, 2018 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30399953


The thermal helium beam edge diagnostic has recently been upgraded at the ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) tokamak experiment. Line ratio spectroscopy on neutral helium is a valuable tool for simultaneous determination of the electron temperature and density of plasmas. The diagnostic now offers a temporal resolution of 900 kHz with a spatial resolution of up to 3 mm at 32 lines of sight (LOS) simultaneously. The LOS covers a radial region of 8.5 cm, starting at the limiter radius and reaching into the confined region beyond the separatrix. Two components are of particular importance for the aforementioned hardware improvements. The first is the optical head, which collects the light from the experiment. Equipped with an innovative clamping system for optical fiber ends, an arbitrary distribution pattern of LOS can be achieved to gain radial and poloidal profiles. The second major development is a new polychromator system that measures the intensity of the 587 nm, 667 nm, 706 nm, and 728 nm helium lines simultaneously for 32 channels with filter-photomultiplier tube arrays. Thus, the thermal helium beam diagnostic supplements the AUG edge diagnostics, offering fast and spatially highly resolved electron temperature and density profile measurements that cover the plasma edge and scrape-off layer region. Plasma fluctuations, edge localized modes, filaments, and other turbulent structures are resolved, allowing analysis of their frequency and localization or their propagation velocity.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 88(7): 073508, 2017 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28764552


A new core charge exchange recombination spectroscopy diagnostic has been installed in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak that is capable of measuring the impurity ion temperature, toroidal rotation, and density on both the low field side (LFS) and high field side (HFS) of the plasma. The new system features 48 lines-of-sight (LOS) with a radial resolution that varies from ±2 cm on the LFS down to ±0.75 cm on the HFS and has sufficient signal to run routinely at 10 ms and for special circumstances down to 2.5 ms integration time. The LFS-HFS ion temperature profiles provide an additional constraint on the magnetic equilibrium reconstruction, and the toroidal rotation frequency profiles are of sufficiently high quality that information on the poloidal velocity can be extracted from the LFS-HFS asymmetry. The diagnostic LOS are coupled to two flexible-wavelength spectrometers such that complete LFS-HFS profiles from two separate impurities can be imaged simultaneously, albeit with reduced radial coverage. More frequently, the systems measure the same impurity providing very detailed information on the chosen species. Care has been taken to calibrate the systems as accurately as possible and to include in the data analysis any effects that could lead to spurious temperatures or rotations.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 88(4): 043103, 2017 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28456224


In this work, a new type of high through-put Czerny-Turner spectrometer has been developed which allows us to acquire multiple channels simultaneously with a repetition time on the order of 10 µs at different wavelengths. The spectrometer has been coupled to the edge charge exchange recombination system at ASDEX Upgrade which has been recently refurbished with new lines of sight. Construction features, calibration methods, and initial measurements obtained with the new setup will be presented.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 88(3): 033509, 2017 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28372367


In magnetically confined fusion plasmas controlled gas injection is crucial for plasma fuelling as well as for various diagnostic applications such as active spectroscopy. We present a new, versatile system for the injection of collimated thermal gas beams into a vacuum chamber. This system consists of a gas pressure chamber, sealed by a custom made piezo valve towards a small capillary for gas injection. The setup can directly be placed inside of the vacuum chamber of fusion devices as it is small and immune against high magnetic fields. This enables gas injection close to the plasma periphery with high duty cycles and fast switch on/off times ≲ 0.5 ms. In this work, we present the design details of this new injection system and a systematic characterization of the beam properties as well as the gas flowrates which can be accomplished. The thin and relatively short capillary yields a small divergence of the injected beam with a half opening angle of 20°. The gas box is designed for pre-fill pressures of 10 mbar up to 100 bars and makes a flowrate accessible from 1018 part/s up to 1023 part/s. It hence is a versatile system for both diagnostic as well as fuelling applications. The implementation of this system in ASDEX Upgrade will be described and its application for line ratio spectroscopy on helium will be demonstrated on a selected example.