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Front Public Health ; 8: 319, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32903835


Background: In populations with a history of conflict, early identification of pregnant women who are at risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes is challenging, especially if sonography is not available. We evaluated the performance of symphysis-fundal height (SFH) for identification of high-risk pregnancies and investigated if food security and diet quality, clinical biomarkers, and stress were associated with SFH and two known indicators of maternal-fetal well-being, sonography-estimated fetal weight and amniotic fluid index (AFI). Methods: For this cross-sectional study, 61 women with high-risk pregnancies were recruited after referral to the obstetrics and gynecology unit at San José Hospital in Popayán, Colombia. Multiple stepwise linear and ordered logistic regressions were used to identify associations of SFH, sonography-estimated fetal weight and AFI classification with history of displacement, food insecurity, post-traumatic stress symptoms as well as biopsychosocial risk evaluated through the Colombian risk scale. Results: History of displacement was associated with lower SFH Z-scores, but higher hemoglobin, taking iron supplements and a higher diastolic blood pressure were associated with higher SFH Z-scores. SFH was also associated with AFI but not with sonography-estimated fetal weight. Stress indicators were associated with a higher AFI. In contrast family support, an element of the Colombian biopsychosocial risk assessment, was associated with a higher sonography-estimated fetal weight, whereas more hours of sleep/day were associated with lower sonography-estimated fetal weight. Conclusion: SFH was not only associated with biological factors known to affect maternal/fetal health but also with history of displacement, thus validating its use in conflict areas for pregnancy assessment. Associations of biopsychosocial stressors with maternal-fetal outcomes highlight the need for a systematic assessment of stress in pregnant women from conflict zones.

Food Insecurity , Prenatal Care , Colombia/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Ultrasonography
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 82(2): 219-231, abr. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-899897


Objetivo: Establecer recomendaciones en el tipo de antihipertensivo que se debe seleccionar según escenarios clínicos en la hipertensión/preeclampsia postparto, dosis y pautas de seguridad en lactancia. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en inglés y español, utilizando las bases de datos PubMed, Ebsco y Science Direct, tomando como palabras clave los descriptores del Decs (español) y Mesh (inglés), realizando combinaciones con la conjunción Y (AND) y la disyunción O (OR), que hubieran evaluado el manejo, seguimiento en hipertensión y preeclampsia posparto. Como criterio de inclusión se tomaron estudios tipo Revisiones sistemáticas, ensayos clínicos, guías de práctica clínica, estudios observacionales, la calidad de los artículos se evaluó por PRISMA, CONSORT y STROBE según corresponda y se utilizó la herramienta Cochrane para la evaluación del riesgo de sesgos. Resultados: Se identificaron 59 artículos que cumplieron con los requisitos preestablecidos, se encontró que el reconocimiento de la hipertensión posparto es de vital importancia por el riesgo de complicaciones maternas, existe un grupo de mayor riesgo: las que presentaron trastorno hipertensivo ante parto sobre todo severo y con parto pretérmino, de ahí la importancia de vigilar la presión arterial en este periodo. La crisis hipertensiva requiere pronto reconocimiento, evaluación y tratamiento estandarizado para prevenir daño en órgano blanco. Los antihipertensivos de primera línea a utilizar durante la crisis son: labetalol, nifedipino, hidralazina, no existiendo diferencias estadísticas entre ellos con respecto al alcance de metas de control de presión arterial, ni en el tiempo de alcance de estas, tampoco diferencias en resultados adversos maternos perinatales, en la hipertensión no crisis el medicamento a elegir depende de la experticia sobre el fármaco que el clínico tenga, no hay un fármaco superior a otro, y finalmente se encontró que la mayoría de los antihipertensivos utilizados son de amplia seguridad en la lactancia materna, se consideran seguros de riesgo muy bajo (nivel 0) y riesgo bajo (nivel 1). Conclusiones: Los antihipertensivos de primera línea a utilizar durante la crisis son: labetalol, nifedipino, hidralazina, en la hipertensión no crisis el medicamento a elegir depende de la experticia sobre el fármaco que el clínico tenga, no hay un fármaco superior a otro, y en lactancia materna la mayoría de los antihipertensivos son considerados de amplio margen de seguridad.

Objective: To establish recommendations on the type of antihypertensive that should be selected according to clinical scenarios in postpartum hypertension/preeclampsia, doses and safety guidelines in lactation. Methods: A bibliographic search was performed using PubMed, Ebsco and Science Direct databases, using Decs (Spanish) and Mesh (English) descriptors as keywords, combining with the conjunction Y (AND) And O (OR) disjunction, who would have evaluated management, follow-up on hypertension, and postpartum preeclampsia. Inclusion criteria included systematic reviews, clinical trials, clinical practice guidelines, observational studies, the quality of the articles was evaluated by PRISMA, CONSORT and STROBE as appropriate and the Cochrane tool was used to assess the risk of bias. Results: We identified 59 articles that fulfilled the pre-established requirements, we found that the recognition of postpartum hypertension is of vital importance because of the risk of maternal complications, exists a higher risk group: those who presented hypertensive disorder before delivery, especially severe and with preterm labor, hence the importance of monitoring blood pressure in this period. The hypertensive crisis requires prompt recognition, evaluation, and standardized treatment to prevent damage to the target organ. The first line antihypertensives to be used during the crisis are: labetalol, nifedipine, hydralazine, there are no statistical differences between them in relation to the reach of blood pressure control goals, nor in the time of reach of these, nor differences in adverse outcomes Maternal perinatal, in non-crisis hypertension, the drug to be chosen depends on the expert's knowledge about the drug that the clinician has, there is no drug superior to another, and finally it was found that most of the antihypertensives used are of wide safety in lactation Are considered very low risk (level 0) and low risk (level 1). Conclusions: The first line antihypertensives to be used during the crisis are: labetalol, nifedipine, hydralazine, in non-crisis hypertension, the drug to be chosen depends on the expert's knowledge about the drug that the clinician has, there is no drug superior to another, and In breastfeeding the majority of antihypertensive drugs are considered to have a wide margin of safety.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pre-Eclampsia/therapy , Puerperal Disorders/therapy , Breast Feeding , Hypertension , Antihypertensive Agents/therapeutic use , Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced/therapy