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Front Psychol ; 9: 1712, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30283377


The purpose of the present systematic review was to examine extant research regarding the role of games used seriously in interventions with individuals with cerebral palsy. Therefore, PubMed, PsyINFO, Web of Science, Scopus, and IEEE databases were used. Search terms included: "serious games" OR "online games" OR "video games" OR "videogame" OR "game based" OR "game" AND "intervention" AND "cerebral palsy." After the full reading and quality assessment of the papers, 16 studies met the inclusion criteria. The majority of the studies reported high levels of compliance, motivation, and engagement with game-based interventions both at home and at the clinical setting intervention. Regarding the effectiveness of the use of games, the results of the studies show both positive and negative results regarding their effectiveness. The efficacy was reported to motor function (i.e., improvements in the arm function, hand coordination, functional mobility, balance and gait function, postural control, upper-limbs function) and physical activity. Findings of this review suggest that games are used as a complement to conventional therapies and not as a substitute. Practitioners often struggle to get their patients to complete the assigned homework tasks, as patients display low motivation to engage in prescribed exercises. Data of this review indicates the use of games as tools suited to promote patients' engagement in the therapy and potentiate therapeutic gains.

Front Psychol ; 9: 21, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29467685


Aims: The aim of the present study was to examine how executive functions are assessed in children and adolescents with Cerebral Palsy. Method: A systematic literature review was conducted using four bibliographic databases (WebScience, Scopus, PubMed, and Psycinfo), and only studies that evaluated at least one executive function were selected. Both the research and reporting of results were based on Cochrane's recommendations and PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) guidelines. Results: The instrument most frequently used was the D-KEFS. All studies point to the existence of impairments in the executive functions among children and adolescents with Cerebral Palsy with an impact on several cognitive and life domains. Interpretation: There is a need to further systematize the research protocols to study the executive functions and their assessment in the intervention context. Findings of this review presented a diversity of tests (e.g., D-KEFS) or tasks (e.g., The inhibitory ability task) used with children with Cerebral Palsy. However, no information was given about adaptations performed to the test/task to meet Cerebral Palsy's specificities. Future research could consider including this information, which is key both to researchers and practitioners. The results of this study have important implications and suggestions for future avenues and guidelines for research and practice.

Psicol. estud ; 11(3): 463-471, set.-dez. 2006. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-452959


O significado atribuído ao fenómeno "aprender " é influenciado pela inte-relação entre indivíduos, contextos e culturas. A idade do aluno, as concepções familiares e culturais e o contexto de ensino constituem-se como alguns dos aspectos que influenciam as concepções de aprendizagem dos alunos. O estudo apresentado, realizado no marco teórico fenomenográfico, está focalizado na descrição das concepções das pessoas sobre as várias facetas do fenómeno aprender. O principal objectivo centra-se no mapeamento das concepções de aprendizagem de alunos do 5.° ano de escolaridade e dos seus pais (encarregados de educação). Os dados foram obtidos através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e tratados qualitativa e quantitativamente. Os resultados sugerem que os pais conceptualizam o aprender maioritariamente como algo processual e experiencial, enquanto os filhos o conceptualizam sobretudo desde uma perspectiva processual e instrumental. São discutidas implicações destes dados para o processo de aprendizagem.

Peoples concept on learning is influenced by the interrelation among individuals, contexts and cultures. The students age, his family and cultural conceptions and the learning context are some of the main aspects that can influence the conceptions regarding the students learning process. Under the framework of phenomenographic theory, this paper focus on peoples description of the learning conceptions which are present in daily life phenomena. Mapping fifth grade students and their parents conceptions concerning the learning process is the main goal of this study. Semi-structured interviews were used; data were treated by following qualitative and quantitative approaches. The outcomes suggest that parents use to conceptualize ælearning' as something æprocessual and experimental' , whereas their children, the students, understand learning' under a processual, but also instrumental perspective. The implications of such findings, in relation to the learning process, are also discussed in the paper.

El significado atribuido al fenómeno "aprender " es influenciado por la interrelación entre individuos, contextos y culturas. La edad del alumno, las concepciones familiares y culturales y el contexto de enseñanza se constituyen como algunos de los aspectos que influencian las concepciones de aprendizaje de los alumnos. El estudio presentado, realizado en el marco teórico fenómeno gráfico, está focalizado en la descripción de las concepciones de las personas sobre las varias facetas del fenómeno aprender. El principal objetivo se centra en el "mapeamiento " de las concepciones de aprendizaje de alumnos del 5.° año de escolaridad y de sus padres (encargados de educación). Los datos fueron obtenidos a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas y tratados cualitativa y cuantitativamente. Los resultados sugieren que los padres conceptualizan el aprender mayoritariamente como algo procesual y experiencial, mientras los hijos lo conceptualizan sobretodo desde una perspectiva procesual e instrumental. Se discuten implicaciones de estos datos para el proceso de aprendizaje.

Psicol. estud ; 10(3): 343-351, set.-dez. 2005. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-420309


Urge entender o Trabalho de Casa (TPC) como processo complexo para o qual conflui um vasto leque de factores impactantes. Neste relato analisam-se as relações entre os perfis de atitudes e comportamentos diante do TPC de Inglês e o nível instrutivo dos pais, a auto-eficácia percebida nessa disciplina bem como a correlação entre tais perfis de TPC e os perfis auto-regulatórios, em face do estudo. A amostra tomada é composta de 3929 alunos. O nível instrutivo dos pais associa-se positiva e significativamente aos perfis de atitudes e comportamentos de TPC. As atitudes e comportamentos de TPC correlacionam-se, positiva e significativamente, com os perfis auto-regulatórios, diante do estudo. Alunos que se percepcionam como mais auto-eficazes registam melhores perfis de atitudes e comportamentos de TPC. Os resultados sugerem a necessidade de os diferentes parceiros do sistema educativo analisarem e promoverem activamente os processos auto-regulatórios envolvidos no ensino-aprendizagem em geral e no TPC em particular.
