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Sante Publique ; Vol. 33(1): 121-126, 2021 Jun 24.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34372631


OBJECTIVES: In a context of future generalization of access to genetic risk profiles, general practitioners (GP) will have a major role to play. The objective of this study was to understand their attitude towards this approach and the potential consequences on their practice. METHODS: In 2018, the University Center of General Medicine and Public Health of Lausanne, the Department of Primary Care Medicine of the University Hospitals of Geneva, and the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lausanne set up a study with patients and general practitioners concerning the access to genetic risk profiles. The GPs attitude, the subject of this study, was explored using the two-round Delphi consensus method. 120 interns and senior clinicians responded to 24 statements. RESULTS: A consensus was reached for 80% of the statements. The GP’s significant role in terms of access to genetic profiles became evident, even if their position seems conditioned by their position as front-line health workers, and doubts remain as to the impact of this process in guiding their practice. The need for training was widely emphasized as well as the possibility multidisciplinary support and management. There was also a consensus for the need of a legislative framework for these practices. CONCLUSION: This study has underlined the importance of anticipating the needs in developing an advanced and evolving training and information program for GPs in the domain of genomic medicine in light of the prevention activities that could result.

General Practice , General Practitioners , Attitude , Chronic Disease , Humans , Precision Medicine
BMC Fam Pract ; 22(1): 79, 2021 04 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33902442


BACKGROUND: Direct-to-consumer genetic testing (DTCGT) offers individuals access to information on their probable risks of suffering from a wide range of chronic diseases. General practitioners (GPs) will probably play a major role in supporting its use, but patients' perception of DTCGT remain unclear. This study aimed to describe those attitudes and expectations and how they might affect GPs' daily practices. METHODS: In 2018-2019, a study related to the use of DTCGT for preventive care in general medicine was conducted among patients in Switzerland's French-speaking areas. Data were collected in the waiting room using a self-administrated questionnaire about patients' interest in DTCGT and what their attitudes might be if testing revealed an elevated risk of diabetes, colorectal cancer, or Alzheimer's disease. RESULTS: About 40% of the 929 participating (participation rate about 80%) patients had heard about DTCGT and, once the test had been explained, 43% reported that they would be interested in being tested. If that testing suggested an elevated risk of disease, the majority of patients reported that they would change their lifestyle (65%-81%, depending on the disease), request more examinations (63%-77%), and expect changes in their GP's follow-up (48%-59%). Personal characteristics such as sex, age, urbanity, marital status, and perceived health were factors predictive of patients' attitudes. CONCLUSION: Findings indicated that the generalization of DTCGT might affect GPs' daily practices in terms of workload and knowledge about this approach. However, this result must be qualified by the fact that it is based on hypothetical situations.

General Practitioners , Attitude of Health Personnel , Cross-Sectional Studies , Genetic Testing , Humans , Intention
Rev Med Suisse ; 16(678): 117-122, 2020 Jan 22.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31967753


In healthy adults, vitamin D does not prevent falls or hip fractures. The diabetogenic effect of topical steroids is significant and dose dependent. Pulmonary embolism can be surely ruled out by the YEARS algorithm adapted to pregnancy. Patients with osteoarthritis treated with tramadol have a higher risk of death when compared to those treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Inappropriate prescribing in elderly patients can be reduced by an educational intervention deployed in pharmacies. Medical scribes are effective in improving visit quality and job satisfaction of family physicians. Impedance studies lead to new diagnostic approaches in chronic fatigue. In healthy individuals, isolated check-up interventions do not have an impact on morbidity and mortality.

Chez l'adulte en bonne santé, la vitamine D ne prévient ni les chutes ni les fractures de hanche. L'effet diabétogène des dermocorticoïdes est important et dose-dépendant. L'embolie pulmonaire peut être sûrement écartée par l'algorithme YEARS adapté à la grossesse. Les patients avec arthrose traités par tramadol ont un risque de mortalité supérieur comparés à ceux traités par anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens. Les prescriptions inappropriées chez les patients âgés peuvent être diminuées par une intervention éducative déployée en pharmacie. Les scribes médicaux sont efficaces pour augmenter la qualité des consultations et la satisfaction au travail des médecins de famille. Les études d'impédance amènent des nouvelles approches diagnostiques dans la fatigue chronique. Chez les individus sains, des interventions isolées de type « bilan de santé ¼ n'ont pas d'impact sur la morbidité et mortalité.

General Practice , Internal Medicine , Osteoarthritis , Adult , Aged , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal , Humans , Inappropriate Prescribing , Internal Medicine/trends , Osteoarthritis/drug therapy
Rev Med Suisse ; 15(664): 1721-1725, 2019 Sep 25.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31553538


In recent years, the media and internet have been the stage of a campaign of scientific disinformation led by patient advocacy groups, supported by some «â€…experts ¼ in the field, demanding recognition of health problems attributed to Lyme disease. The controversy has led several professional societies and leading scientific journals in Europe and the United States to reaffirm their position and update their recommendations. Tick bites are common in our area, and medical practitioners must know their potential complications, respond to questions from worried patients, and confront their own doubts and uncertainties. This article aims to give an update on current knowledge of tick-borne diseases based on a number of common assumptions.

Ces dernières années nous avons assisté à une campagne de désinformation scientifique menée par des associations de défense des malades, soutenue par certains «â€…experts ¼ du domaine, qui réclament une reconnaissance de leurs problèmes de santé attribués à la maladie de Lyme. Cette polémique a conduit plusieurs sociétés savantes et revues scientifiques de référence en Europe et aux Etats-Unis à réaffirmer leur position et mettre à jour leurs recommandations. Les morsures de tiques étant fréquentes dans nos régions, le médecin doit envisager leurs potentielles conséquences, répondre aux inquiétudes des patients et se confronter à ses propres doutes et incertitudes. Cet article a pour objectif de faire un point de situation sur les connaissances actuelles des maladies transmises par les tiques en partant d'un certain nombre d'idées reçues.

Health Education/standards , Tick-Borne Diseases , Animals , Europe , Humans , Lyme Disease , Patient Advocacy , Tick Bites/epidemiology , Ticks/microbiology , Uncertainty , United States
Rev Med Suisse ; 15(634): 129-133, 2019 Jan 17.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30657262


Mindfulness meditation and cognitive-behavioral therapy are more cost-effective than conventional management of chronic low back pain. Women with iron deficiency can be treated with oral iron substitution every other day to improve tolerance. Smokers who smoke four or less cigarettes per day have a disproportionately high risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. All antidepressants are effective in cases of severe depression. Cannabis derivatives have no analgesic effect and do not improve the quality of life of people with neuropathic pain. Cognitive training is effective in cases of mild cognitive impairment. Delegated medical protocols can aid with blood pressure control in hypertensive patients. Nitrofurantoin is the antibiotic of choice for uncomplicated cystitis.

La méditation de pleine conscience et la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale présentent un profil coût-efficacité plus avantageux qu'une prise en charge classique des lombalgies chroniques. Les femmes avec un déficit en fer peuvent être traitées par une substitution orale en fer prise un jour sur deux afin d'améliorer la tolérance. Les fumeurs de 4 ou moins cigarettes par jour ont un risque d'événement cardiovasculaire et cérébrovasculaire élevé. Les antidépresseurs sont tous efficaces en cas d'état dépressif sévère. Les dérivés du cannabis n'ont pas d'effet antalgique significatif et n'améliorent pas la qualité de vie des personnes avec douleurs neuropathiques. L'entraînement cognitif est efficace en cas de déficit cognitif léger. L'hypertension artérielle peut être contrôlée par des protocoles médico-délégués. La nitrofurantoïne est l'antibiotique de choix en cas de cystite non compliquée.

Internal Medicine , Meditation , Mindfulness , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Female , Humans , Internal Medicine/trends , Quality of Life