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Arq Asma Alerg Imunol ; 8(1): 3-9, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562844


A Carta de Maceió foi elaborada com base nas discussões do 3º Fórum SUS da Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia (ASBAI). O documento destaca os desafios e propostas para aprimorar a assistência a pacientes com doenças imunoalérgicas no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) do Brasil. Tais condições, frequentemente crônicas e debilitantes, afetam milhões de brasileiros e exigem uma abordagem integrada, desde a atenção primária à saúde até a atenção especializada. Foram discutidos a necessidade de aprimorar a gestão de referência e contrarreferência, a urgência na superação da carência de especialistas e o desafio representado pelo limitado acesso tanto a diagnóstico quanto a tratamento adequados. As doenças raras, incluindo os erros inatos da imunidade (EII), apresentam um desafio adicional, exigindo acesso a tecnologias de alto custo para diagnóstico e tratamento e cuidado multidisciplinar. Do fórum emergiram propostas como o financiamento adequado da saúde, o fortalecimento do diagnóstico precoce, a gestão integrada de cuidados, a educação continuada dos profissionais de saúde e a implementação de telemedicina. Essas ações visam um sistema de saúde mais inclusivo, eficiente e humanizado, atendendo às necessidades dos pacientes com doenças imunoalérgicas.

The Maceió Charter was based on discussions held at the 3rd Unified Health System Forum (Fórum SUS) of the Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunology (ASBAI). This document highlights challenges and proposals to improve care for patients with immune and allergic diseases within the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). Such conditions, often chronic and debilitating, affect millions of Brazilians and require an integrated approach from primary health through to specialty care. The need for improved management of referrals and counter-referrals, the urgency of overcoming the shortage of specialists, and the challenge represented by limited access to proper diagnosis and treatment alike were discussed. Rare diseases, including inborn errors of immunity (IEI), pose an additional challenge, requiring access to high-cost technologies for diagnosis and treatment as well as multidisciplinary care. Several proposals emerged from the Forum, such as securing sufficient funding for health, strengthening early diagnosis, integrating management, continuing education for health professionals, and implementation of telemedicine. These proposed interventions seek a more inclusive, efficient, and humanized healthcare system which meets the needs of patients with immune and allergic diseases.

Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 6(4): 427-431, out.dez.2022. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1452521


O Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) abrange todos os níveis de atenção à saúde e garante acesso integral, universal e gratuito para toda a população brasileira. As transições demográfica e epidemiológica observadas nas últimas décadas trouxeram um cenário de maior prevalência das doenças imunoalérgicas. Nesse contexto, a implementação de políticas de saúde voltadas à assistência à saúde dessa população tornou-se um desafio. Com o objetivo de discutir a atenção à saúde dos pacientes com doenças alérgicas e imunológicas no Brasil, a Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia (ASBAI) realizou em 26 de agosto de 2022, na cidade de São Paulo, o Fórum sobre a Assistência a Pacientes com Doenças Imunoalérgicas no SUS. O evento foi estruturado no formato de painéis e contou com a participação de membros da ASBAI e representantes da gestão pública federal, do Ministério Público, de sociedade de pacientes e profissionais de saúde de diversos serviços com experiência em programas e projetos bem sucedidos na assistência a pacientes com doenças imunoalérgicas. Após a discussão, concluiu-se que ainda existem muitas necessidades não atendidas em relação à atenção à saúde da população com doenças alérgicas e imunológicas no Brasil. A ASBAI tem trabalhado no sentido de contribuir para organizar, implantar e manter a assistência a estes pacientes no âmbito do SUS.

The Brazilian Unified Health System covers all levels of health care and guarantees full, universal and free access for the entire population. The demographic and epidemiological transitions observed in recent decades have led to a higher prevalence of allergic diseases. In this context, implementing health policies to benefit these patients has become a challenge. To discuss health care for patients with allergic and immunological diseases in Brazil, the Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunology (ASBAI) held a forum in São Paulo on August 26, 2022 called "Treating Patients with Allergic Diseases in the Unified Health System". The event's panels included members of ASBAI, representatives of the federal government, the attorney general's office, patients, and health professionals from various services with experience in successful programs for patients with allergic diseases. It was concluded that there are still many unmet health care needs for Brazilians with allergic and immunological diseases. ASBAI is contributing to the organization, implementation, and maintenance of care for these patients within the scope of the Unified Health System.

Humans , Societies, Medical
Front Allergy ; 3: 933816, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35935019


Objective: To assess the profile of allergist/immunologist (A/I) physicians in Brazil, the workplace, the access to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on professional practice. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted as an online survey. All adhering members of the Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunology (ASBAI) received a Google Forms tool by email. The questionnaire addressed sociodemographic and professional aspects of the Brazilian allergists/immunologists (A/I) daily routine. The information was analyzed by SPSS version 20.0. Results: Four hundred and sixty members answered the questionnaire. Women were predominant among the responders (336; 73%), and the median age was 47 years (range, 27-82 years). Most participants worked in the private sector (437, 95%), whereas 256 (47%) worked in the public sector. Among the public sector employees, 210 (82%) reported having access to some diagnostic test for allergic diseases and inborn errors of immunity. Only 91 (35%) A/I physicians in the public system had access to allergen-specific immunotherapy, compared to 416 (95, 9%) of those in the private sector. Regarding biological drugs, 135 (52.7%) and 314 (71.9%) of the A/I physicians working in the public and private sector, respectively, reported access. Two hundred and eighty-three (61.6%) had at least a 50% reduction in the number of consultations, and 245 (56%) provided telemedicine care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: Brazilian A/I have incorporated the most recent advances in managing immunoallergic diseases into their clinical practice, but they still have little access to various diagnostic methods. Strategies to enable the presence of A/I in public health services should be discussed and implemented. The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the incorporation of telemedicine as a viable and promising method of medical care and can expand access to the specialty.

Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 5(4): 322-345, out.dez.2021. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399777


Exacerbação aguda de asma é uma condição frequente na criança e no adolescente e uma das causas mais comuns de procura aos pronto atendimentos e de internações. Pode ocorrer em pacientes que ainda não foram diagnosticados como asmáticos, e mesmo naqueles cujo controle da doença não se encontre adequado. Reconhecer a exacerbação e iniciar seu tratamento desde o domicílio até o adequado manejo inicial em ambiente hospitalar é fundamental para evitar sua evolução para complicações que coloquem o paciente em risco de vida. O tratamento compreende o reconhecimento e tratamento da hipoxemia, da obstrução e do processo inflamatório, além de fornecer orientações na alta hospitalar e encaminhamentos para continuidade do tratamento.

Acute exacerbation of asthma is a frequent condition in children and adolescents and one of the most common causes of seeking emergency care and hospitalization. It can occur in patients who have not yet been diagnosed with asthma, and even in those whose disease control is not adequate. Recognizing the exacerbation and starting its treatment from home until proper initial management in a hospital environment is essential to avoid its evolution to complications that put the patient at risk of life. Treatment comprises the recognition and treatment of hypoxemia, obstruction, and the inflammatory process, in addition to providing guidance at hospital discharge and referrals for continued treatment.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Asthma , Societies, Medical , Therapeutics , Allergy and Immunology , Patients , Pediatrics , Referral and Consultation , Theophylline , Bronchial Spasm , Epinephrine , Adrenal Cortex Hormones , Ipratropium , Anesthetics, Inhalation , Emergency Medical Services , Adrenergic beta-2 Receptor Agonists , Noninvasive Ventilation , Aminophylline , Hospitalization , Ketamine , Magnesium Sulfate , Hypoxia , Anti-Bacterial Agents
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 5(4): 395-408, out.dez.2021. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399798


Introdução: É necessário conhecer a situação de alergistas/ imunologistas nos diferentes cenários de atuação, identificando perfis e eventuais dificuldades. O conhecimento destes dados poderá servir de subsídio para fomentar a implementação de políticas que garantam a integralidade na atenção à saúde do paciente com doenças alérgicas e erros inatos da imunidade (EII). Objetivo: Verificar o perfil dos especialistas em Alergia e Imunologia no Brasil, em relação ao local de atuação, acesso a exames, terapias e o impacto da pandemia COVID-19 sobre o seu exercício profissional. Métodos: Estudo descritivo-exploratório, com dados coletados por inquérito on-line, utilizando-se a ferramenta Google Forms. Todos os associados adimplentes da ASBAI foram convidados a participar. O questionário abordou aspectos sociodemográficos e profissionais. As informações foram analisadas no programa SPSS versão 20.0. Resultados: Quatrocentos e sessenta associados responderam ao questionário. Observou-se predomínio de mulheres (73%), com mediana de idade de 47 anos. A maioria dos participantes atua no setor privado (95%), e 47% no setor público. Aproximadamente 80% dos que atendem no setor público referiram ter acesso a algum exame diagnóstico para doenças alérgicas e EII. Apenas 35% dos especialistas do sistema público têm acesso a imunoterapia alérgeno específica, contra 96% dos que atuam no setor privado. Já aos medicamentos imunobiológicos, 53% e 72% dos especialistas que atuam no serviço público e privado, respectivamente, referiram acesso. Mais de 60% dos associados participantes da pesquisa tiveram redução no número de consultas em pelo menos 50%, e 56% tem realizado atendimento por teleconsulta durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Conclusão: Os associados da ASBAI têm incorporado na sua prática clínica os avanços na terapia das doenças imunoalérgicas, mas vários métodos diagnósticos ainda são pouco acessíveis. A presença do especialista em Alergia e Imunologia no SUS, também precisa ser ampliada. A pandemia do coronavírus trouxe a discussão da telemedicina como um método de atendimento clínico em nossa especialidade.

Introduction: It is necessary to know the situation of allergists/ immunologists in different scenarios of action, identifying profiles and possible difficulties. The knowledge of these data can serve as a subsidy to promote the implementation of policies that ensure comprehensive health care for patients with allergic diseases and inborn errors of immunity (IEI). Objective: To verify the profile of specialists in Allergy and Immunology in Brazil, concerning the place of work, access to tests, therapies, and the impact of the pandemic on their professional practice. Methods: Descriptive-exploratory study, with data collected through an online survey, using the Google Forms tool. All compliant ASBAI members were invited to participate. The questionnaire addressed sociodemographic and professional aspects. The information was analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Results: Four hundred and sixty associates answered the questionnaire. Women were predominant (73%), and the median age was 47 years. Most participants work in the private sector (95%) and 47% in the public sector. Approximately 80% of those who work in the public sector reported having access to some diagnostic tests for allergic diseases and IEI. Only 35% of specialists in the public system have access to specific allergen immunotherapy, against 96% of those working in the private sector. As for immunobiological drugs, 53% and 72% of specialists working in the public and private service, respectively, reported access. More than 60% of the members participating in the survey had a reduction in the number of consultations by at least 50% and 56% have been assisted by teleconsultation during the Covid19 pandemic. Conclusion: ASBAI associates have incorporated advances in the therapy of immune allergic diseases into their clinical practice, but several diagnostic methods are still inaccessible. The presence of specialists in Allergy and Immunology in the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS) also needs to be expanded. The coronavirus pandemic brought the discussion of telemedicine as a method of clinical care practice in our specialty.

Humans , History, 21st Century , Brazil , Comprehensive Health Care , Allergy and Immunology , Allergists , COVID-19 , Patients , Referral and Consultation , Societies, Medical , Therapeutics , Unified Health System , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Surveys and Questionnaires , Telemedicine , Public Sector , Private Sector , Remote Consultation , Diagnostic Tests, Routine , Health Services Needs and Demand , Hypersensitivity , Immunity , Immunotherapy
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol ; 127(3): 372-377, 2021 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34146698


BACKGROUND: Asthma control is not well reflected by spirometry, yet this is the most frequently used measure of lung function in asthma clinics. Oscillometry is an alternative technique suitable for those with severe asthma. OBJECTIVE: To investigate usefulness of oscillometry in subjects with severe asthma to determine which outcome variables best reflected asthma control. METHODS: Adults with severe asthma were recruited from a severe asthma clinic in Brazil. Oscillometry (conventional multifrequency measurements between 6 and 32 Hz; intrabreath tracking at 8 Hz) and spirometry were performed. Asthma control was determined by the asthma control test. RESULTS: A total of 60 adults were evaluated; mean age was 56.7 years. There was predominance of women (82%), and most patients (63%) reported onset of asthma symptoms in childhood or adolescence. There were no differences between controlled and uncontrolled asthma in spirometry. Uncontrolled asthma was associated with higher resistance (at 8 and 10 Hz) and more negative reactance (for 6, 8, and 10 Hz) (P < .05) on conventional oscillometry. Intrabreath oscillometry revealed significant differences between controlled and uncontrolled patients with asthma (P < .01 for changes in resistance and reactance between end expiration and end inspiration). The accuracy of the lung function tests in discriminating between controlled and uncontrolled asthma was higher for intrabreath variables (area under the curve = 0.65-0.72). CONCLUSION: Oscillometry, particularly the intrabreath technique, better reflected asthma control than spirometry measures. Our findings suggest that oscillometry may be a useful technique to aid management of severe asthma, with a potential to reflect loss of disease control.

Asthma/diagnosis , Oscillometry/methods , Respiratory Function Tests/methods , Adult , Aged , Anti-Asthmatic Agents/therapeutic use , Asthma/drug therapy , Asthma/physiopathology , Female , Humans , Lung/physiopathology , Male , Middle Aged
Braz. j. allergy immunol ; 2(4): 147-153, July-Aug.2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-775994


Avaliar parâmetros de resposta à terapia anti-IgE com omalizumabe em pacientes com asma de difícil controle. Métodos: Foram avaliados 24 pacientes com asma de difícil controle, em uso de omalizumabe há pelo menos 32 semanas e considerados como respondedores à terapia. Avaliou-se a pontuação do teste de controle de asma (TCA), a presença de sintomas de asma, a frequência de uso de ß2-agonista de curta ação, as doses de corticoide inalatório e oral e o percentual previsto do volume expiratório forçado no 1° minuto (VEF1), antes e com 16 e 32 semanas de tratamento. Resultados: Na avaliação da pontuação do TCA foram obtidas as médias 12,4 para o momento inicial, 15,7 e 17,9 para a 16ª semana e 32ª semana respectivamente (p < 0,0001). A dose média de corticoide inalatório diminuiu ao longo das 32 semanas, de 1.416 mcg para 1.250 mcg na 32ª semana (p = 0,0797). O número de idas à emergência e de sintomas noturnos também diminuíram. Observou-se redução da dose de corticoide oral, sendo inicialmente a dose média de 17,4 mg e após 16 e 32 semanas 6,7 mg e 4,4 mg, respectivamente(p < 0,0001). Houve aumento na média do VEF1 (% do previsto), de 37,5% no início do tratamentopara 44,0% na 16ª semana (p = 0,007). Conclusões: O omalizumabe como terapia adjuvante no tratamento de pacientes com asma de difícil controle foi eficaz na melhora de parâmetros clínicose funcionais, contribuindo para o controle da asma e diminuição dos riscos futuros...

To assess parameters of response to anti-IgE therapy with omalizumab in patients with difficult-to-control asthma. Methods: Twenty four patients with difficult-to-control asthma using omalizumab for at least 32 weeks and considered as treatment responders were assessed. The Asthma Control Test (ACT) was used to assess the presence of asthma symptoms, frequency of use of short-acting beta2-agonists, inhaled and oral corticosteroid doses, and percentage of predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) before treatment and after 16 and 32 weeks of treatment. Results: Mean ACT scores were 12.4 before treatment and 15.7 and 17.9 at 16 and 32 weeks post-treatment, respectively (p < 0.0001). Mean dose of inhaled corticosteroid decreased over the 32 weeks, from 1,416 mcg to 1,250 mcg (p = 0.0797). The number of visits to emergency services and nocturnal symptoms also decreased. There was a reduction in the mean dose of oral corticosteroids, from 17.4 mg at baseline to 6.7 mg and 4.4 mg after 16 and 32 weeks of treatment, respectively (p < 0.0001). Finally, an increase was found in the mean percentage values of predicted FEV1, from 37.5% at baseline to 44.0% at week 16 (p = 0.007). Conclusions: Omalizumab as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of patients with difficult-to-control asthma was effective in improving clinical and functional parameters, contributing to the control of asthma and to the reduction of future risks...

Young Adult , Middle Aged , Adrenal Cortex Hormones , Asthma , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures , Hypersensitivity , Immunoglobulin E , Methods , Morbidity , Reference Standards , Patients , Treatment Outcome
Braz. j. allergy immunol ; 1(5): 253-260, sept.-out. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-775972


A deficiência específica de anticorpo antipolissacarídeo de pneumococo é o comprometimento da resposta IgG específica aos antígenos polissacarídeos do pneumococo e manifesta-se de maneira semelhante às outras deficiências de imunoglobulinas, com infecções recorrentes do trato respiratório. A prevalência é variável, entre 7 a 19%, representando no Brasil 8,7% dos casos de imunodeficiências. O diagnóstico funcional baseia-se na capacidade do organismo montar uma resposta imune constituída pela produção de anticorpos quando estimulado por antígenos polissacarídeos presentes na vacina pneumocócica polissacarídea pura. No estudo da resposta à vacina pneumocócica polissacarídea pura é necessário testar os sorotipos não comuns à vacina polissacarídea conjugada para determinar a resposta de anticorpos antipolissacarídeos sem a interferência de anticorpos antiproteínas advindos da vacina polissacarídea conjugada. São reconhecidos quatro diferentes fenótipos da doença, denominados memória, leve, moderada e grave. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi realizar revisão da literatura para verificar a epidemiologia, diagnóstico e fenótipos da deficiência específica de anticorpo antipolissacarídeo de pneumococo. Trata-se de revisão narrativa de artigos nos últimos 10 anos sobre a deficiência de anticorpo específica para o pneumococo. Concluímos que a deficiência específica de anticorpo antipolissacarídeo de pneumococo é frequente, com espectro laboratorial variável.

Specific anti-pneumococcal polysaccharide antibody deficiency is characterized by impairment of specific IgG response to pneumococcal polysaccharide antigens. Its clinical manifestation is similar to other immunoglobulin deficiencies, with recurrent infections of the respiratory tract. Prevalence is variable, ranging from 7 to 19%; in Brazil, it accounts for 8.7% of cases of immunodeficiencies. Diagnosis is based on the body’s functional ability to mount an immuneresponse including the production of antibodies after stimulation by polysaccharide antigens present in the pure pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine. When studying responses to this vaccine, it is necessary to test serotypes other than those present in the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, in order to determine the response of anti-polysaccharide antibodies not influenced by antiprotein antibodies originating from the conjugate vaccine. Four different phenotypes of the disease are known: memory, mild, moderate, and severe. The objective of the present study was to review the literature on the epidemiology, diagnosis, and phenotypes of specific antipolysaccharide antibody deficiency. This narrative review includes papers published in the past 10 years on specific anti-pneumococcal polysaccharide antibody deficiency. We conclude that the condition is common, with a variable spectrum of laboratory findings.

Humans , Immunoglobulins , Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes , Pneumococcal Infections , Pneumococcal Vaccines , Polysaccharides, Bacterial , Severe Combined Immunodeficiency , Streptococcus pneumoniae , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures , Epidemiology , Methods , Prevalence
Rev. bras. alergia imunopatol ; 24(2): 65-74, mar.-abr. 2001. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-325390


Objetivo: Descrever seis casos de imunodeficiência combinada grave, alertando para o diagnóstico e terapêutica precoces. Metodologia: Säo descritos seis pacientes com imunodeficiência combinada grave (IDCG) admitidos na Unidade de Alergia e Imunologia do Instituto da Criança do Departamento de Pediatria da FMUSP, cujos principais dados que levaram a esta hipótese diagnóstica foram história familiar, manifestaçöes clínicas, hemograma e dosagem de imunoglobulinas. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a um protocolo clínico e laboratorial de avaliaçäo para imunodeficiência. Resultados: A idade de ínicio do quadro clínico variou do nascimento a oito meses e a idade do diagnóstico de um a onze meses. Quatro pacientes eram do sexo masculino e dois do sexo feminino. História familiar de óbito de irmäos, por quadro infeccioso, no primeiro ano de vida esteve presente em três casos. As manifestaçöes clínicas mais comuns foram: septicemia, pneumonia grave, diarréia crônica e desnutriçäo protéico-calórica. Os principais achados laboratoriais foram linfopenia e diminuiçäo das imunoglobulinas. Todos os pacientes receberam reposiçäo de gamaglobulina endovenosa, antibioticoterapia de amplo espectro e cuidados nutricionais. O óbito ocorreu em cinco casos, sendo quatro antes da realiazaçäo do transplante de medula óssea (TMO). Conclusäo: A imunodeficiência combinada grave é uma emergência pediátrica, sendo que o diagnóstico precoce e a instituiçäo de medidas específicas, incluindo a realizaçäo do TMO, permitem melhor evoluçäo desta doença.

Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child , Severe Combined Immunodeficiency/diagnosis