Background: Leptospirosis is considered the most widespread zoonosis worldwide, occurring more frequently in tropical and developing regions. The aim of the present study was to detect the presence of Leptospira spp. in different primate tissues, using immunohistochemical (IHC) assays, taking advantage of the considerable number of necropsies compatible with a diagnosis of leptospirosis in neotropical primates at the Animal Pathology Laboratory (APL) of the University of Passo Fundo (UPF) in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul.Materials, Methods & Results: Paraffin-embedded primate tissue samples were selected from necropsy examinations and subjected to IHC. The streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase method was used with diaminobenzidine chromogen (DAB) to verify immunostaining. Of the101 primates tested for Leptospira spp., 51.48% were positive; taining was distributed between lung (76.92%), liver (44.23%), and kidney (32.69%) tissue. Analysis of the combined anatomopathological verification data of the studied organs revealed a high frequency of lesions commonly observed in the tissues of animals exposed to the pathogen. For complementary diagnosis, an anti-Leptospira spp. antibody test was performed in primates at the UPF-Zoo, from which a population of the necropsied animals originated. The microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was utilized, which demonstrated 90.47% positi
Background: Leptospirosis is considered the most widespread zoonosis worldwide, occurring more frequently in tropical and developing regions. The aim of the present study was to detect the presence of Leptospira spp. in different primate tissues, using immunohistochemical (IHC) assays, taking advantage of the considerable number of necropsies compatible with a diagnosis of leptospirosis in neotropical primates at the Animal Pathology Laboratory (APL) of the University of Passo Fundo (UPF) in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul.Materials, Methods & Results: Paraffin-embedded primate tissue samples were selected from necropsy examinations and subjected to IHC. The streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase method was used with diaminobenzidine chromogen (DAB) to verify immunostaining. Of the101 primates tested for Leptospira spp., 51.48% were positive; taining was distributed between lung (76.92%), liver (44.23%), and kidney (32.69%) tissue. Analysis of the combined anatomopathological verification data of the studied organs revealed a high frequency of lesions commonly observed in the tissues of animals exposed to the pathogen. For complementary diagnosis, an anti-Leptospira spp. antibody test was performed in primates at the UPF-Zoo, from which a population of the necropsied animals originated. The microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was utilized, which demonstrated 90.47% positi
Background: Leptospirosis is considered the most widespread zoonosis worldwide, occurring more frequently in tropical and developing regions. The aim of the present study was to detect the presence of Leptospira spp. in different primate tissues, using immunohistochemical (IHC) assays, taking advantage of the considerable number of necropsies compatible with a diagnosis of leptospirosis in neotropical primates at the Animal Pathology Laboratory (APL) of the University of Passo Fundo (UPF) in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul.Materials, Methods & Results: Paraffin-embedded primate tissue samples were selected from necropsy examinations and subjected to IHC. The streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase method was used with diaminobenzidine chromogen (DAB) to verify immunostaining. Of the101 primates tested for Leptospira spp., 51.48% were positive; taining was distributed between lung (76.92%), liver (44.23%), and kidney (32.69%) tissue. Analysis of the combined anatomopathological verification data of the studied organs revealed a high frequency of lesions commonly observed in the tissues of animals exposed to the pathogen. For complementary diagnosis, an anti-Leptospira spp. antibody test was performed in primates at the UPF-Zoo, from which a population of the necropsied animals originated. The microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was utilized, which demonstrated 90.47% positi
Background: Leptospirosis is considered the most widespread zoonosis worldwide, occurring more frequently in tropical and developing regions. The aim of the present study was to detect the presence of Leptospira spp. in different primate tissues, using immunohistochemical (IHC) assays, taking advantage of the considerable number of necropsies compatible with a diagnosis of leptospirosis in neotropical primates at the Animal Pathology Laboratory (APL) of the University of Passo Fundo (UPF) in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul.Materials, Methods & Results: Paraffin-embedded primate tissue samples were selected from necropsy examinations and subjected to IHC. The streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase method was used with diaminobenzidine chromogen (DAB) to verify immunostaining. Of the101 primates tested for Leptospira spp., 51.48% were positive; taining was distributed between lung (76.92%), liver (44.23%), and kidney (32.69%) tissue. Analysis of the combined anatomopathological verification data of the studied organs revealed a high frequency of lesions commonly observed in the tissues of animals exposed to the pathogen. For complementary diagnosis, an anti-Leptospira spp. antibody test was performed in primates at the UPF-Zoo, from which a population of the necropsied animals originated. The microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was utilized, which demonstrated 90.47% positi
Background: Leptospirosis is considered the most widespread zoonosis worldwide, occurring more frequently in tropical and developing regions. The aim of the present study was to detect the presence of Leptospira spp. in different primate tissues, using immunohistochemical (IHC) assays, taking advantage of the considerable number of necropsies compatible with a diagnosis of leptospirosis in neotropical primates at the Animal Pathology Laboratory (APL) of the University of Passo Fundo (UPF) in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul.Materials, Methods & Results: Paraffin-embedded primate tissue samples were selected from necropsy examinations and subjected to IHC. The streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase method was used with diaminobenzidine chromogen (DAB) to verify immunostaining. Of the101 primates tested for Leptospira spp., 51.48% were positive; taining was distributed between lung (76.92%), liver (44.23%), and kidney (32.69%) tissue. Analysis of the combined anatomopathological verification data of the studied organs revealed a high frequency of lesions commonly observed in the tissues of animals exposed to the pathogen. For complementary diagnosis, an anti-Leptospira spp. antibody test was performed in primates at the UPF-Zoo, from which a population of the necropsied animals originated. The microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was utilized, which demonstrated 90.47% positi
Background: Leptospirosis is considered the most widespread zoonosis worldwide, occurring more frequently in tropical and developing regions. The aim of the present study was to detect the presence of Leptospira spp. in different primate tissues, using immunohistochemical (IHC) assays, taking advantage of the considerable number of necropsies compatible with a diagnosis of leptospirosis in neotropical primates at the Animal Pathology Laboratory (APL) of the University of Passo Fundo (UPF) in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul.Materials, Methods & Results: Paraffin-embedded primate tissue samples were selected from necropsy examinations and subjected to IHC. The streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase method was used with diaminobenzidine chromogen (DAB) to verify immunostaining. Of the101 primates tested for Leptospira spp., 51.48% were positive; taining was distributed between lung (76.92%), liver (44.23%), and kidney (32.69%) tissue. Analysis of the combined anatomopathological verification data of the studied organs revealed a high frequency of lesions commonly observed in the tissues of animals exposed to the pathogen. For complementary diagnosis, an anti-Leptospira spp. antibody test was performed in primates at the UPF-Zoo, from which a population of the necropsied animals originated. The microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was utilized, which demonstrated 90.47% positi
A dioctofimose é uma afecção pouco comum em cães, causada pelo Dioctophyma renale, que ocorre com maior frequência em animais errantes. Quando um único rim é parasitado, os pacientes podem não apresentar sinais clínicos devido à compensação pelo rim contralateral. Não havendo terapia clínica efetiva para a dioctofimose, o tratamento indicado é a nefrotomia ou nefrectomia, na dependência da gravidade da lesão. Foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF) um canino, fêmea, castrado, sem raça definida, com aproximadamente um ano e pesando 12 kg, proveniente de um abrigo de animais de rua da cidade de Passo Fundo (RS), apresentando hematúria e emagrecimento progressivo há 30 dias. Através dos exames complementares realizados, foi constatado parasitismo do rim direito por D. renale. O presente relato descreve o emprego alternativo da nefrectomia videolaparoscópica como um método seguro e efetivo para o tratamento de dioctofimose em um cão e os meios utilizados para o diagnóstico.
A dioctofimose é uma afecção pouco comum em cães, causada pelo Dioctophyma renale, que ocorre com maior frequência em animais errantes. Quando um único rim é parasitado, os pacientes podem não apresentar sinais clínicos devido à compensação pelo rim contralateral. Não havendo terapia clínica efetiva para a dioctofimose, o tratamento indicado é a nefrotomia ou nefrectomia, na dependência da gravidade da lesão. Foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF) um canino, fêmea, castrado, sem raça definida, com aproximadamente um ano e pesando 12 kg, proveniente de um abrigo de animais de rua da cidade de Passo Fundo (RS), apresentando hematúria e emagrecimento progressivo há 30 dias. Através dos exames complementares realizados, foi constatado parasitismo do rim direito por D. renale. O presente relato descreve o emprego alternativo da nefrectomia videolaparoscópica como um método seguro e efetivo para o tratamento de dioctofimose em um cão e os meios utilizados para o diagnóstico.
The epidemiological and pathological aspects of 19 outbreaks of photosensitization in cattle, observed in southern Brazil, between 1984 e 1997 were studied. The disease occurs mainly in spring and fall with morbidity of 0.08% to 64% and mortality of 0 to 14%. Cattle of all ages are affected. The pastures on which outbreaks occur are characterized by low, flat and wet land, used alternatedly for rice or other crops and natural or cultured pastures of clover, oat and ryegrass. The disease is characterized clinically by depression, anorexia, salivation and photosensitization of white or slightly colored and hairless skin such as muzzle, nostrils, eyelids, udder, groin and vulva. In severe cases the skin, mainly of dorsal midline and legs, was thickened, necrotic and sloughed revealing a raw area of subcutaneous tissue. The macroscopic lesions were tipically related to hepatic insuficiency. Jaundice, yellow to orange discoloration and swelling of the liver, edema of the gall bladder, excess of serous fluid in body cavities and occasionally subcutaneous and peritoneal edema were observed. The histological changes are characterized by degenerative changes of hepatocytes that are diffusely or zonal vacuolated and swollen. Individual or ramdomly scattered foci of hepatocellular necrosis, bile ductular proliferation, and portal fibrosis were also observed. The disease was characterized as a bovine hepatogenous photosensitivity syndrome resulting from primary damage to the liver parenchyma. The etiology is unknown and the main known causes of hepatogenous photosensitivity in cattle were ruled out.
São descritos aspectos epidemiológicos e patológicos de 19 surtos de fotossensibilização observados em bovinos na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul, no período entre 1984 e 1997. A doença ocorre, principalmente, nos meses de outono e primavera com morbidade de 0,08% a 64% e mortalidade de 0 a 14%. Todas as categorias são afetadas e as áreas onde ocorrem os surtos se caracterizam por campos planos e baixos, freqüentemente utilizados para o plantio de arroz irrigado ou pastagens de azevém, trevo e aveia ou, ainda, em áreas similares com vegetação nativa. A enfermidade caracteriza-se, clinicamente, por depressão, anorexia, salivação intensa e fotossensibilização observada nas áreas de pele despigmentadas e desprovidas de pêlos como o focinho, ao redor dos olhos, virilha, úbere e vulva. Nos casos severos, observam-se lesões caracterizadas por ressecamento, rachaduras e desprendimento da pele, principalmente do dorso e membros, deixando à mostra superfície ulcerada. As lesões macroscópicas são características de insuficiência hepática, observando-se icterícia, fígado aumentado de tamanho com coloração amarelada, aumento de tamanho da vesícula biliar, presença de líquido nas cavidades e, em alguns casos, edema do tecido subcutâneo e peritônio. As lesões histológicas caracterizam- se, principalmente, por lesões degenerativas do parênquima hepático, observando-se tumefação e vacuolização difusa ou zonal dos hepatócitos. Observa-se, também, apoptose ou focos de necrose distribuídos aleatoriamente pelo parênquima, presença de megalócitos e, ainda, fibroplasia dos espaços porta e proliferação de células de ductos biliares. A enfermidade é caracterizada como fotossensibilização hepatógena relacionada a dano primário ao parênquima hepático, de etiologia não determinada, uma vez que foram descartadas as principais causas conhecidas de fotossensibilização de origem hepática em bovinos.
The epidemiological and pathological aspects of 19 outbreaks of photosensitization in cattle, observed in southern Brazil, between 1984 e 1997 were studied. The disease occurs mainly in spring and fall with morbidity of 0.08% to 64% and mortality of 0 to 14%. Cattle of all ages are affected. The pastures on which outbreaks occur are characterized by low, flat and wet land, used alternatedly for rice or other crops and natural or cultured pastures of clover, oat and ryegrass. The disease is characterized clinically by depression, anorexia, salivation and photosensitization of white or slightly colored and hairless skin such as muzzle, nostrils, eyelids, udder, groin and vulva. In severe cases the skin, mainly of dorsal midline and legs, was thickened, necrotic and sloughed revealing a raw area of subcutaneous tissue. The macroscopic lesions were tipically related to hepatic insuficiency. Jaundice, yellow to orange discoloration and swelling of the liver, edema of the gall bladder, excess of serous fluid in body cavities and occasionally subcutaneous and peritoneal edema were observed. The histological changes are characterized by degenerative changes of hepatocytes that are diffusely or zonal vacuolated and swollen. Individual or ramdomly scattered foci of hepatocellular necrosis, bile ductular proliferation, and portal fibrosis were also observed. The disease was characterized as a bovine hepatogenous photosensitivity syndrome resulting from primary damage to the liver parenchyma. The etiology is unknown and the main known causes of hepatogenous photosensitivity in cattle were ruled out.
São descritos aspectos epidemiológicos e patológicos de 19 surtos de fotossensibilização observados em bovinos na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul, no período entre 1984 e 1997. A doença ocorre, principalmente, nos meses de outono e primavera com morbidade de 0,08% a 64% e mortalidade de 0 a 14%. Todas as categorias são afetadas e as áreas onde ocorrem os surtos se caracterizam por campos planos e baixos, freqüentemente utilizados para o plantio de arroz irrigado ou pastagens de azevém, trevo e aveia ou, ainda, em áreas similares com vegetação nativa. A enfermidade caracteriza-se, clinicamente, por depressão, anorexia, salivação intensa e fotossensibilização observada nas áreas de pele despigmentadas e desprovidas de pêlos como o focinho, ao redor dos olhos, virilha, úbere e vulva. Nos casos severos, observam-se lesões caracterizadas por ressecamento, rachaduras e desprendimento da pele, principalmente do dorso e membros, deixando à mostra superfície ulcerada. As lesões macroscópicas são características de insuficiência hepática, observando-se icterícia, fígado aumentado de tamanho com coloração amarelada, aumento de tamanho da vesícula biliar, presença de líquido nas cavidades e, em alguns casos, edema do tecido subcutâneo e peritônio. As lesões histológicas caracterizam- se, principalmente, por lesões degenerativas do parênquima hepático, observando-se tumefação e vacuolização difusa ou zonal dos hepatócitos. Observa-se, também, apoptose ou focos de necrose distribuídos aleatoriamente pelo parênquima, presença de megalócitos e, ainda, fibroplasia dos espaços porta e proliferação de células de ductos biliares. A enfermidade é caracterizada como fotossensibilização hepatógena relacionada a dano primário ao parênquima hepático, de etiologia não determinada, uma vez que foram descartadas as principais causas conhecidas de fotossensibilização de origem hepática em bovinos.