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Arq. bras psicol ; 73(2)2022-06-22.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428987


In the cases of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), treatment dropout is a frequent problem, which demands the development of instruments that enable treatment compliance. The present paper deals with the construction and validation of the Social Anxiety Disorder Exposure and Evaluation Scale (SADEE). The number of participants in the study was N = 407 responders of both genders. The process of content validity first led to the modification of problematic items. The construct validity was investigated by both exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, with the objective of estimating a unidimensional measure. The final adjustment obtained was that CFI = .99; TLI = .98; RMSEA = .04; SRMR = .07; χ2 /gl = 1.70. SADEE presented high correlation with the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale and high reliability. The conclusion was that SADEE showed satisfactory evidence of construct and concurrent validity, internal consistency and test-retest reliability.

Anxiety , Psychometrics , Behavior Therapy
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 16(3): 283-287, dez 19, 2017. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1293074


Introdução: bullying ocorre entre 5% e 35% dos estudantes, podendo gerar psicopatologias. Objetivos: verificar a incidência de "prática" e "vitimização" por bullying e correlações com as escalas SCARED e CDI; álcool; "pensamentos de ferir-se" e "comportamentos de ferir-se de propósito". Metodologia: foi realizado cálculo da ocorrência da forma direta de agressão em setenta e um escolares, com idade entre doze e dezessete anos, no contexto de estudo oferecendo treinamento baseado na Terapia Cognitiva Processual. Foi também calculada a correlação de Pearson e a análise de regressão linear, bem como a estatística descritiva da amostra (média e desvio padrão). Resultados: 54,93% eram meninas. Idade média: 13.92 anos. Meninos praticaram mais e meninas sofreram mais bullying. 56,35% reportaram envolvimento com agressão: 35,22% como vítimas, 21,13% como agressores e 14,09% como vítimas/ agressores. "Pensar em ferir-se" e "ferir-se de propósito" possuem correlação moderada e positiva com a prática de bullying e a escala SCARED apresentou associação fraca, mas significativa com o sofrer bullying. A análise de regressão mostrou que: 1) "pensar em ferir-se" tem possibilidade de predizer significantemente a prática de bullying e explica 15% de sua variância; 2) "ferir-se de propósito" tem potencial para predizer a prática da agressão, explicar 18% de sua variância e para predizê-la significativamente. A Scared associada com sofrer bullying explica 9% da variância e foi capaz de predizer o sofrer bullying. Não houve correlação com CDI e uso de álcool. Conclusão: a ocorrência de violência na escola é alta, sugerindo-se psicoeducação sobre bullying no ambiente escolar, tanto para os pais quanto para a população em geral.

Introduction: bullying occurs in 5% up to 35% of students, and can generate psychopathologies. Objectives: to verify the incidence of "practicing" and "suffering" bullying and correlations with SCARED and CDI scales; alcohol; "thoughts of self-wounding" and "behaviors of self-wounding on purpose." Methodology: to calculate the occurrence of the direct form of aggression in seventy-one school youngsters, aged between twelve and seventeen, in the context of a study offering training based on Cognitive Processual Therapy. Pearson's correlation was calculated, linear regression analysis and descriptive statistics of the sample (mean and standard deviation). Results: 54.93% were girls. Average age: 13.92 years. Boys practiced more and girls suffered more bullying. 56.35% reported involvement with aggression: 35.22% as victims, 21.13% as aggressors and 14.09% as victims/aggressors. "Thinking about getting hurt" and "hurt on purpose" have a moderate and positive correlation with the practice of bullying and the SCARED scale has a weak but significant association with suffering bullying. The regression analysis showed that: 1) "thinking about being hurt" has the possibility to significantly predict the practice of bullying and explains 15% of its variance; 2) "injuring oneself on purpose" has the potential to predict the practice of aggression, explain 18% of its variance, and to predict it significantly. SCARED associated with bullying, explains 9% of the variance and was able to predict suffering bullying. There was no correlation with ICD and alcohol. Conclusion: the incidence of violence within school is high, the measurement has biases and it is suggested psychoeducation on bullying in the school environment, for parents and for the population in general.
