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Pediatr. (Asunción) ; 51(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558634


Introducción: La caries es una de las enfermedades crónicas que más afecta a la humanidad, los niños son un grupo de alto riesgo de presentarla. La Calidad de Vida Relacionada con Salud Oral (CVRSO) se refiere a la percepción de las condiciones bucales de uno mismo y la manera en que los factores afectados impactan el bienestar y desempeño en las actividades diarias, el desarrollo de indicadores de esta se ve limitado por el nivel cognitivo de los niños, lo que genera el P-CPQ para determinar la percepción parental. Objetivo: determinar la percepción parental de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud bucal de los niños de 6 a 10 años. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo con componente analítico. Se llevó a cabo una encuesta a 98 padres, el P-CPQ modificado que consta de 23 preguntas que abarcan las subescalas de síntomas orales, limitaciones funcionales, bienestar emocional y bienestar social. Resultados: Relacionando los resultados del cuestionario con la presencia de caries en dientes permanentes se reportó el aumento de caries con la edad; el sexo femenino predominó entre los participantes con caries siendo el 63,8%. La puntuación media fue de 13,6 (DE=13,1). Se presentó una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la percepción parental de CVRSO de los niños y la presencia de caries dental en dientes permanentes (p=0,004). Conclusiones: Se concluyó que la presencia de caries en dientes permanentes en niños de 6 a 10 años puede disminuir significativamente la CVRSO en las dimensiones de síntomas orales, limitaciones funcionales y bienestar social.

Introduction: Caries is one of the chronic diseases that most affects humanity; children are a high-risk group for developing it. Oral Health Related Quality of Life (OHRQL) refers to the perception of one's own oral conditions and the way in which the affected factors impact well-being and performance in daily activities. The development of indicators of this is limited by the cognitive level of the children, which led to the P-CPQ to determine parental perception. Objective: to determine the parental perception of the quality of life related to the oral health of children from 6 to 10 years old. Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive and observational study with an analytical component. A survey of 98 parents was conducted, using the modified P-CPQ which consists of 23 questions covering the subscales of oral symptoms, functional limitations, emotional well-being, and social well-being. Results: Relating the results of the questionnaire with the presence of cavities in permanent teeth, an increase in cavities with age was reported; the female sex predominated among the participants with cavities, being 63.8%. The mean score was 13.6 (SD=13.1). There was a statistically significant association between parental perception of children's OHRQL and the presence of dental caries in permanent teeth (p=0.004). Conclusions: The presence of caries in permanent teeth in children aged 6 to 10 years can significantly reduce OHRQLin the dimensions of oral symptoms, functional limitations and social well-being.

Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 21(1): 1-11, ene.-abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427749


aquellos pacientes que requirieron tratamiento de ortodoncia informaron impactos negativos en su calidad de vida relacionada con salud oral, en comparación con aquellos pacientes conclusión normal. El objetivo fue analizar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud oral en pacientes con diferentes niveles de severidad de maloclusión que acudieron a consultorios odontológicos públicos de Paraguay durante el 2017. Materiales y métodos: estudio transversal. Se midieron variables sociodemográficas (como sexo, edad, residencia y nivel de estudios) y variables clínicas (como diastema, máxima irregularidad anterior maxilar y mandibular, resalte incisal y mordida cruzada anterior). Se utilizó el cuestionario Perfil de Impacto de Salud Oral en su versión paraguaya (ohip-14Py) y el Índice de Estética Dental (IED). Resultados: formaron parte del estudio 269 pacientes, la mayoría mujeres (75.1 %). El puntaje IED fue de 31.6 ± 11.6. Se observó resalte incisal aumentado (>2 mm) en poco más de la mitad (52.4 %) y una baja frecuencia de mordida cruzada anterior (5.9 %) y mordida abierta (10.0 %). Al evaluar por dimensiones, la incapacidad psicológica (p = 0.028), social (p = 0.034) y la minusvalía (p = 0.552) aumentaron conforme el nivel de severidad de maloclusión, por lo que fueron estadísticamente significativas las dos primeras. Conclusión: conforme aumenta la gravedad de la maloclusión, disminuye significativamente la calidad de vida oral para las dimensiones incapacidad psicológica e incapacidad social.

Patients requiring orthodontic treatment reported negative impacts on oral health-related qual-ity of life compared to patients with normal occlusion. Objective: To analyze the oral health-related quality of life in patients with different levels of severity of malocclusion attending public dental offices in Paraguay in 2017. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study. Both, the sociodemographic variables, like sex, age, res-idence, and educational level, and the clinical variables, like diastema, maximum anterior maxillary, and mandibular irregularity, incisal overhang, and anterior crossbite were measured. The Oral Health Impact Profile questionnaire was used in its Paraguayan version (ohip-14Py) and the Dental Aesthetic Index (ied) scale. Results: A total of 269 patients were a part of the study. Moreover, 75.1 % of them were women. The ied score was 31.4 ± 11.6. An increase in the incisal protrusion (>2 mm) was seen in 52.4 % of the patients. Whereas a low frequency of anterior crossbite and open bite were seen in 5.9 % and 10.0 % of the population, respec-tively. While conducting an evaluation based on the dimensions, the psychological disability (p = 0.028), social disability (p = 0.034), and handicap (p = 0.552) increased according to the level of severity of malocclusion, being statistically significant in the first two. Conclusion: As the severity of the level of malocclusion increases, the oral quality of life decreases for the psychological disability and social disability dimensions.

os pacientes que necessitaram de tratamento ortodôntico relataram impactos negativos na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal em comparação aos pacientes com oclusão normal. Objetivo:analisar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal em pacientes com diferentes graus de severi-dade da má oclusão que compareceram a consultórios odontológicos públicos no Paraguai durante o ano de 2017. Metodologia: estudo transversal. Foram mensuradas variáveis sociodemográficas como sexo, idade, residência e escolaridade e variáveis clínicas como diastema, irregularidade anterior maxilar e mandibular máxima, sobressaliência incisal e mordida cruzada anterior. Foram utilizados o questioná-rio Perfil de Impacto em Saúde Bucal em sua versão paraguaia (ohip-14Py) e o Índice de Estética Dental (ied). Resultados: fizeram parte do estudo 269 pacientes, sendo a maioria mulheres (75,1 %). A pontuação do ied foi de 31,6 ± 11,6. Observou-se aumento da saliência incisal (>2 mm) em pouco mais da metade (52,4 %) dos pacientes, além de baixa frequência de mordida cruzada anterior (5,9 %) e mordida aberta (10,0 %). Ao avaliar por dimensões, a incapacidade psicológica (p = 0,028), incapacidade social (p = 0,034) e desvantagem (p = 0,552) aumentaram de acordo com o grau de severidade da má oclusão, sendo as duas primeiras estatisticamente significativas. Conclusão: à medida que a gravidade da má oclusão aumenta, a qualidade de vida oral diminui significativamente para as dimensões de incapacidade psicológica e incapacidade social.

Humans , Patients , Quality of Life , Oral Health , Dental Offices , Esthetics, Dental , Malocclusion
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448690


Problemas de espacio de crecimiento transversal en ambos maxilares pueden ser predichos al conocerse la distancia del ancho intercanino e intermolar. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar valores de medidas transversales de arcadas en pacientes con dentición mixta y dentición permanente del posgrado de Ortodoncia del Instituto Latinoamericano de Estudios Superiores. Estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal, se tomaron las distancias lineales horizontales intercaninas temporarios y permanentes, y la distancia intermolar en primeros molares permanentes en modelos de estudio de pacientes entre el 2014 y el 2019. Participaron 144 pacientes de 8 a 32 años, 41,67% tenía más de 15 años, 65,28% eran mujeres y el 52,78% tenía dentición permanente. Los promedios de distancia intercanina maxilar fueron 33,22 ± 3,95 mm en hombres y 33,34 ± 3,90 mm en mujeres, la mandibular 27,30 ± 2,81 y 27,40 ± 2,92 mm respectivamente. La distancia intermolar maxilar en hombres fue de 34,16 ± 3,27 y 34,15 ± 3,26 mm en mujeres; la mandibular fue de 33,97 ± 3,27 y 33,94 ± 3,27 mm respectivamente. Los promedios de la distancia intercanina son similares por edad y sexo, mientras que los promedios de la arcada inferior son menores a los de la arcada superior en ambos sexos. Los promedios para la distancia intermolar son similares por edad, sexo y arcada.

Transverse growth space problems in both maxillaries can be predicted by knowing the intercanine and intermolar width distance. The objective of the study was to determine values of transverse measures of arcades in patients with mixed dentition and permanent dentition of the postgraduate degree in Orthodontics of the Latin American Institute of Higher Studies. Descriptive observational cross-sectional study, the temporary and permanent intercanine horizontal linear distances were taken as well as the intermolar distance in permanent first molars in patient study models between 2014 and 2019. One hundred and forty-four patients aged from 8 to 32 years old participated, 41.67% were over 15 years old, 65.28% were women and 52.78% had permanent dentition. The mean maxillary intercanine distance was 33.22 ± 3.95 mm in men and 33.34 ± 3.90 mm in women, the mandibular 27.30 ± 2.81 and 27.40 ± 2.92 mm respectively. The maxillary intermolar distance was 34.16 ± 3.27 mm in men and 34.15 ± 3.26 mm in women, the mandibular 33.97 ± 3.27 and 33.94 ± 3.27 mm respectively. The averages of the intercanine distance were similar by age and sex, while the means of the lower arcades were lower than those of the upper arcade in both sexes. Means of the intermolar distance was similar by age, sex, and arcade.

J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(3): 1-12, jun. 30, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427702


Aim: To determine the frequency of signs and/or symptoms compatible with COVID-19 in Paraguayan dentists, as well as the possible source of contagion. Material and Methods: Online survey consisting of 13 questions, applied to all dentists in Paraguay from January 20 to February 15, 2021. Results: A total of 433 dentists participated in the survey; 47.5% displayed symptoms compatible with COVID-19 and 13.39% indicated that they had contracted the disease, providing confirmation via a positive test result. Headache, loss of smell, loss of taste, cough, and fatigue were the most prevalent symptoms among COVID-19 positive cases. The main source of contagion was the family nucleus. Only one participant reported having contracted the disease while providing dental care. Conclusion: Almost half of the dentists displayed symptoms compatible with COVID-19. Only 13.39% tested positive for COVID-19. Only one case of contagion was reported to have happened during the provision of dental care.

Humans , Male , Female , Dentists , Pandemics , COVID-19 , Paraguay , Public Health , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 34(1): 14-21, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394658


Resumen Introducción: en diciembre del 2019, se reporta en el mundo un caso de neumonía causada por el coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). En Paraguay, actualmente se registraron más de 428.000 casos confirmados y más de 13.500 muertes. En ese contexto, la enseñanza ha tenido que convocarse al entorno virtual generando, en todos los niveles, modificaciones reactivas conductuales nacidas desde diversas causas: la dificultad al acceso a elementos informáticos, necesidad en diversos grados de reaprendizaje en un entorno no habitual y sobre todo la incertidumbre. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar los niveles de depresión, ansiedad y estrés durante la pandemia covid-19 en estudiantes de Odontología. Métodos: para este estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal se incluyeron estudiantes de grado de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción, matriculados al periodo académico 2021. Se utilizó la escala de Depression, Anxiety and Stress (DASS-21) short form. Cada uno de los tres ejes (depresión, ansiedad y estrés) contiene 7 ítems, divididas en subescalas de contenido similar. Las puntuaciones fueron categorizadas en cinco grupos ordenados (normal, leve, moderada, severa y muy severa). Resultados: los estudiantes de Odontología presentaron cuadros de depresión y ansiedad, con síntomas de ansiedad moderada en un 42,58%; 1,29% presentó depresión severa. Conclusión: la mayoría de los estudiantes de Odontología presentaron cuadros de depresión y ansiedad con síntomas muy comunes, como la imposibilidad de relajarse, falta de iniciativa, irritabilidad y nervios.

Abstract Introduction: in December 2019, a case of pneumonia caused by coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was reported in the world. Currently, Paraguay has registered more than 428,000 confirmed cases and more than 13,500 deaths. In this context, teaching has had to be transferred to the virtual environment, generating reactive behavioral modifications at all levels arising from various causes: difficulty in accessing computer elements, the need in varying degrees of relearning in an unusual environment and, above all, uncertainty. The aim of this study was to determine the levels of depression, anxiety and stress during the covid-19 pandemic in dental students. Methods: for this cross-sectional descriptive observational study, undergraduate students from the School of Dentistry of the National University of Asunción, enrolled in the academic period 2021, were included. The Depression, Anxiety and Stress (DASS-21) short form scale was used. Each of the three axes (depression, anxiety, and stress) contains 7 items, divided into subscales of similar content. The scores were categorized into five ordered groups (normal, mild, moderate, severe, and very severe). Results: dentistry students presented symptoms of depression and anxiety with symptoms of moderate anxiety in 42.58%; 1.29% presented severe depression . Conclusion: most of the dental students presented depression and anxiety with very common symptoms such as the inability to relax, lack of initiative, irritability and nervousness.

Students, Dental , Depression , Anxiety , COVID-19
Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 14(1): 18-29, Junio 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1372728


RESUMEN Introducción: la empatía es definida como la habilidad que pueden asumir las personas para ponerse en lugar de otros, de ahí que resulta lógico pensar que es uno de los ejes centrales en la relación odontólogo-paciente. Objetivo: determinar el nivel empatía en estudiantes de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción en el año 2021. Metodología: estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal. Los participantes fueron evaluados mediante la Escala de Empatía Médica de Jefferson, además se recabaron datos sociodemográficos. Se aplicó la prueba estadística Chi cuadrado de Pearson y el Test Exacto de Fisher con un nivel de confianza del 95 %. Resultado: participaron 125 estudiantes del tercero al quinto año, el 56 % residía en Asunción, con una edad promedio de 23 ± 2 años. La empatía promedio fue de 91,46 (CD = 9,48). La mayoría de los estudiantes tuvo un nivel de empatía bajo (68,8 %) en el componente "Cuidado con compasión", alto (89,6 %) en el componente "Toma de perspectiva" y media (66,4 %) en el componente "Ponerse en el lugar del otro". El 71,2 % tuvo nivel medio de empatía global. No se encontró asociación del nivel de empatía con sexo (p=1,00) ni curso académico (p=0,56). Conclusión: la mayoría de los estudiantes presentaron nivel medio de empatía; siendo alto para la toma de perspectiva, medio para ponerse en el lugar del otro y bajo para el cuidado de compasión.

ABSTRACT Introduction: empathy is defined as the ability that people can assume to put themselves in the place of others, hence it is logical to think that it is one of the central axes in the dentist-patient relationship. Objective: to determine the level of empathy in students of the Facultad de Odontología of Universidad Nacional de Asunción in the year 2021. Methodology: it was a cross-sectional descriptive observational study. The participants were evaluated using the Jefferson Medical Empathy Scale, and sociodemographic data were also collected. Pearson's Chi square statistical test and Fisher's Exact Test were applied with a confidence level of 95 %. Result: 125 students from third to fifth year participated, 56 % resided in Asunción, with an average age of 23 ± 2 years. The mean empathy was 91,46 (cd = 9,48). Most of the students presented low empathy (68.8%) in the "Care with Compassion" component, high (89.6 %) with respect to "Perspective Taking", and medium (66.4 %) regarding to "put yourself in the place of the other". The 71.2 % had a medium level of global empathy. No association was found between the level of empathy and gender (p=1.00) or academic year (p=0.56). Conclusion: most of the students presented a medium level of empathy, being high for perspective taking, medium for putting yourself in another's shoes, and low for compassionate care.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35627858


This study aimed to determine the general labor well-being of Latin American dentists according to sociodemographic characteristics during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional study was conducted in a final sample of 2214 participants from 11 countries. A validated online questionnaire on general work well-being was used (data collection period from 1 June to 10 July 2021), containing two dimensions: psychosocial well-being and collateral effects. The sociodemographic characteristics of the dentists and their perception of the economic impact of the pandemic were also recorded. A multivariate linear regression analysis was performed (hierarchical regression model) to evaluate the joint effect of the explanatory variables on labor well-being and the changes in the variance between each model. A score of psychosocial well-being of 233.6 + 40.2 and collateral effects of 45 + 20.1 was found. Psychosocial well-being was associated with sex, country of origin, academic training achieved, type of dental activity, and perceived impact during the pandemic (p < 0.05). Somatization was frequently manifested through back pain (88.2%) and muscular tensions (87.2%). Women, those who worked 41 or more hours and had between 1 to 15 years of professional experience presented a greater collateral effect (p < 0.001). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic a year and a half after it began on the labor well-being of Latin American dentists was evidenced with important interactions with social characteristics.

COVID-19 , COVID-19/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dentists , Female , Humans , Latin America/epidemiology , Pandemics
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386328


RESUMEN Las enfermedades bucales están asociadas con factores de riesgo que son comunes a enfermedades no transmisibles. La salud bucal tiene implicaciones sistémicas potencialmente multiorgánicas, que van desde una resistencia a la insulina producida por la presencia de enfermedad periodontal hasta complicaciones sistémicas multiorgánicas más complejas que involucran al sistema cardiovascular o incluso patología neurodegenerativa. El objetivo fue correlacionar la calidad de vida relacionada con salud oral y la calidad de vida relacionada con salud general en un grupo de adultos paraguayos. Estudio transversal donde participaron adultos paraguayos de ambos sexos. Se utilizaron los cuestionarios de la EuroQol (EQ-5D-3L) para medir la autopercepción en salud y el Perfil de Impacto de la Salud Oral (OHIP-14Py) para medir la calidad de vida relacionada con salud oral. Se utilizó el análisis de correlación de Pearson con un nivel de confianza del 95%. La muestra quedó conformada por 333 adultos, siendo 77,48% mujeres. El promedio del OHIP-14Py fue de 5,53±5,19. El EQ EVA promedio fue de 78,25±19,74. El 21,62% presentó angustia y/o depresión moderada y el 16,52% presentó dolor y/o malestar moderado. El 11111 correspondió al 56,46% y en el 33333 se encontró el 0,30% de la muestra. La correlación entre OHIP-14Py y EQ EVA fue negativo (Rho=-0,29; p<0,01), mientras que con el EQ-5D-3L fue positiva (Rho=0,21; p<0,01). Se reportaron niveles moderados y severos de angustia/depresión, dolor/malestar y alteración de actividades diarias por problemas con su salud. El OHIP-14Py se correlacionó significativamente con el EQ-5D-3L.

ABSTRACT Oral diseases are associated with risk factors that are common to non-transmissible diseases. Oral health has potentially multi-organ systemic implications, ranging from insulin resistance produced by the presence of periodontal disease to more complex multi-organ systemic complications involving the cardiovascular system or even neurodegenerative pathology. The objective was to correlate the quality of life related to oral health and the quality of life related to general health in a group of Paraguayan adults. Cross-sectional study in which Paraguayan adult men and women participated. The EuroQol questionnaires (EQ-5D-3L) were used to measure self-perception of health and the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14Py) to measure the quality of life related to oral health. Pearson's correlation analysis was used with a confidence level of 95%. The sample consisted of 333 adults and 77.48% of them were women. The mean OHIP-14Py was 5.53±5.19. The mean EQ EVA was 78.25±19-74. The 21.62% showed moderate distress and/or depression and 16.52% showed moderate pain and/or discomfort. The 11111 corresponded to 56.46% and the 0.30% of the sample was in the 33333. The correlation between OHIP-14Py and EQ EVA was negative (Rho=-0.29; p<0.01), while it was positive with EQ-5D-3L (Rho=0.21; p<0.01). Moderate and severe levels of distress/depression, pain/discomfort, and disruption of daily activities due to health problems were reported. The OHIP-14Py correlated meaningfully with the EQ-5D-3L.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386330


RESUMEN La disposición que puede adoptar un tercer molar mandibular resulta en la mayoría de los casos impredecible. Para facilitar el análisis de la posición e inclinación de los terceros molares autores como Pell-Gregory y Winter, establecieron una clasificación de esas piezas dentarias para guiar la técnica operatoria más adecuada para cada situación. El objetivo fue determinar la frecuencia de la posición, inclinación y grado de dificultad quirúrgica en terceros molares mandibulares. El estudio fue observacional descriptivo, retrospectivo de corte transversal. Formaron parte del estudio radiografías panorámicas de pacientes que acudieron a la Facultad de Odontología UNA entre el 2018 y 2020. Un total de 220 radiografías panorámicas fueron incluidas en el estudio, 120 (54,5%) correspondían al sexo femenino y 100 (45,4%) al sexo masculino, la franja etaria de 18 a 28 años fue la de más participación con 134 (61%) radiografías. Se evidenció una frecuencia en la posición A clase II de 141 (36,6%), en cuanto a la inclinación de las piezas dentarias, la más frecuente fue la mesioangular 174 (45,5%) y en cuanto al grado de dificultad quirúrgica se observó una dificultad mínima a moderada. Se evidenció una frecuencia alta de la posición A clase II e inclinación mesial del total de las radiografías analizadas.

ABSTRACT The position a mandibular third molar can adopt is unpredictable in most cases. To facilitate the analysis of the position and inclination of third molars, authors such as Pell-Gregory and Winter established a classification of these teeth to guide the most appropriate surgical technique for each situation. The objective was to determine the frequency of the position, inclination and degree of surgical difficulty in mandibular third molars. The study was descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional, and observational. Panoramic radiographs of patients who attended the School of Dentistry of the National University of Asuncion between 2018 and 2020 were part of the study. A total of 220 panoramic radiographs were included in the study, 120 (54.5%) corresponded to women and 100 (45.4%) to men, the age group from 18 to 28 years old had the most participation with 134 (61%) radiographs. A frequency in position A class II of 141 (36.6%) was evidenced, while in terms of the inclination the mesioangular was the most frequent, 174 (45.5%) and in terms of the degree of surgical difficulty, minimal to moderate difficulty was observed. A high frequency of position A class II, mesial inclination was evidenced in all the radiographs analyzed.

Rev Cient Odontol (Lima) ; 10(1): e096, 2022.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38389911


Introduction: Canine impaction is an anomaly in which the tooth is prevented from erupting. It occurs when eruption has been delayed and there is radiographic evidence. Objective: To determine the prognosis of impacted canines according to their position in the maxilla by means of different analyses: Ericson & Kurol, Warford and Power & Short; in patients attending private clinics in the city of Asuncion from 2015 to 2020. Methodology: The design is observational descriptive, cross-sectional, using panoramic radiograph measurements. Results: The sample consisted of 37 patients and the 48 canines. It was found that the presence of impacted canines was more frequent in women (69.44%), with unilateral location (70.27%) and palatal position (68.75%). In more than half of the cases the prognosis was unfavorable, however, the concordance was only 75%. There was greater concordance in Warford's prognosis with that of Power & Short (95.91%), while the concordance was lower with that of Ericson & Kurol (81.25%). Conclusion: The frequency of impacted canines in a Paraguayan sample was higher in females, unilaterally located and positioned by palatine. Being unfavorable in more than half of the cases. It is suggested to combine the analyses for projection.

Rev Cient Odontol (Lima) ; 10(1): e095, 2022.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38389907


Objective: To evaluate the economic and psychological repercussions, among other difficulties encountered during the COVID-19 pandemic in a group of dentists. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive observational study. An online questionnaire was applied to dentists from the "Rigoberto Caballero" Central Police Hospital (HCPRC) of Asunción-Paraguay that was distributed between July and September 2021. It consisted of 32 closed questions distributed in 5 sections: sociodemographic data, economic effects of the pandemic, psychological effects, contagion, and experiences with respect to the clinic. The data were analyzed with the Epi Info version 7 program and the results are represented in tables, the Fisher's exact test and the Chi-square test were also used. Results: 78 dentists participated, 78.2% female, 56.4% from the 35-45 age group. 88.5% reported a decrease in income in private practice and the majority had to resort to another source to be able to cover daily expenses. Most reported having suffered symptoms of anxiety and depression during the pandemic and felt the need to consult a psychiatrist. It was reported an increase in the demand for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and an increase in its costs. Almost half of all dentists reported getting COVID-19. Conclusion: The pandemic had a considerable impact on HCPRC dentists, causing financial problems, psychological repercussions and difficulties with prices and a shortage of PPE.

Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 33(2): 9-20, July-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394651


Resumen Introducción: los profesionales en odontología han sido identificados como de muy alto riesgo de exposición al coronavirus, específicamente cuando llevan a cabo procedimientos de generación de aerosoles en pacientes infecciosos. El objetivo fue conocer los mecanismos mecánicos y químicos usados por los odontólogos paraguayos para evitar la propagación del COVID-19. Evaluar el porcentaje de odontólogos que hayan atendido pacientes COVID positivo y que posteriormente hayan desarrollado la enfermedad. Métodos: estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal. Participaron del estudio odontólogos paraguayos con acceso a internet. La difusión del enlace de acceso se realizó por redes sociales. Se recolectaron datos sociodemográficos y medidas de protección utilizadas en el consultorio a fin de disminuir el riesgo biológico. Resultados: participaron 428 odontólogos, 84,11 % fueron mujeres, 38,32 % tenía de 30-39 años. Las medidas de desinfección y cuidados más utilizadas fueron la desinfección del sillón dental (96,7 %), lavado de manos del profesional (93,46 %) y desinfección de superficies con alcohol 70 (88,08 %). El 59,1% utilizaba el peróxido de hidrógeno al 1% como enjuague bucal preoperatorio. La mayoría utilizaba tapabocas KN95 (48,83%), bata de tela tejida (78,04 %), bata desechable (72,20%); uso de gorrito (89,49%) y/o cubre calzado (76,40 %) por parte del paciente, y esterilizan en autoclave sus instrumentales (82,48%). Un profesional relató haberse contagiado en el consultorio odontológico. Conclusión: La mayoría de los odontólogos paraguayos encuestados cumple con los protocolos establecidos por el Ministerio de Salud y organismos internacionales, los cuales aparentan ser efectivos como mecanismos de protección contra el COVID-19 en el ambiente clínico.

Abstract Introduction: dental professionals have been identified as having a very high risk of exposure to coronavirus, specifically when they carry out procedures to generate aerosols in infectious patients. The objective was identifying the mechanical and chemical mechanisms used by Paraguayan dentists to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Evaluate the percentage of dentists who have treated positive COVID patients and who have subsequently developed the disease. Methods: it was a cross-sectional descriptive observational study. Paraguayan dentists with internet access participated. The questions were about sociodemographic data and protection measures used in the office to reduce biological risk. The access link was disseminated through social networks. Results: 428 dentists participated in the study, 84.11 % were women, 38.32 % were 30-39 years old. The most used disinfection and care measures were dental chair disinfection (96.7 %), hand washing (93.46 %) and surface disinfection with alcohol 70 (88.08 %). 59.1% used 1% hydrogen peroxide as a preoperative mouthwash. The majority wore KN95 masks (48.83 %), woven cloth robe (78.04 %), disposable robe (72.20 %); The patient is fitted with a disposable surgeon's cap (89.49 %) and/or shoe covers (76.40 %), and their instruments are sterilized in an autoclave (82.48%). One professional reported having been infected in the dental office. Conclusion: most of the Paraguayan dentists surveyed comply with the protocols established by the Ministry of Health and international organizations, which appear to be effective as protection mechanisms against COVID-19 in the clinical environment.

SARS-CoV-2 , Paraguay , Hazardous Substances , Dentistry , COVID-19
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 10(3): 1-10, jun. 30, 2021. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390691


Introduction: Oral diseases affect some 3.9 billion people worldwide, the most prevalent are dental caries, gingivitis, and periodontitis. Untreated dental caries lesions affect 35% of the population. Objective: To determine the level of severity of dental caries lesions in adults treated at public dental services in the cities of Asunción and Pirayú, Paraguay, in 2 017. Material and Methods: Sociodemographic and clinical variables of oral health status were evaluated by means of a cross-sectional study using consecutive sampling. Two dentists were calibrated to perform the oral examination. Caries experience was evaluated using the DMF-T index. The Chi square test and Fisher's exact test were applied, with a confidence level of 95%. Results:333 subjects with a mean age of 35 years participated in the study, 77.2% were females, and 64.0% did not have access to private health care services. The DMF-T index was 11.43 (SD=6.7); 12.6% obtained a very low level, 35.7% low level, 41.7% had a medium level, and 9.9% had a high level in the DMF-T index. The DMF-T index was significantly higher in females (p=0.001), in the age range of 50 to 59 years (p<0.001), in those who did not have access to private health services (p=0.008), in those who reported a negative self-evaluation of their oral health (p=0.04), in those with a normal molar ratio (p=0.023) and a very severe aesthetic index (p<0 . 0 01). Conclusion: The general level of severity of global caries was medium and associated with sociodemographic and clinical variables.

Introducción: Las enfermedades orales afectan a 3,9 billones de personas a nivel mundial, siendo las más prevalentes la caries dental, la gingivitis y periodontitis; afectando al 35% de la población las lesiones de caries dental no tratadas. Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de severidad de lesiones de caries dental en adultos que acuden a servicios odontológicos públicos en las ciudades de Asunción y Pirayú, en el Paraguay, en el año 2017. Material y Métodos: Estudio transversal donde se evaluaron variables sociodemográficas y clínicas del estado de salud oral. El muestreo fue de casos consecutivos. Dos odontólogos fueron calibrados para realizar el examen oral. La experiencia de caries fue evaluada mediante el índice CPO-D. Se aplicaron las pruebas Chi cuadrado y Test exacto de Fisher, con un nivel de confianza del 95%. Resultados: Participaron del estudio 333 sujetos, con edad promedio de 35 años, el 77,2% mujeres y el 64,0% no tenía acceso a servicios de salud privado. El índice CPO-D fue de 11,43 (DE = 6,7). El 12,6% obtuvo un nivel muy bajo, el 35,7% nivel bajo, el 41,7% tuvo nivel medio y el 9,9% nivel alto del CPO-D, siendo significativamente más elevado en mujeres (p= 0, 0 01), en la edad de 50 a 59 años (p<0,001), en aquellos que no cuentan con acceso a servicios de salud privado (p=0,008), los que relataron una autoevaluación negativa de su salud bucal (p=0,04), los que tenían una relación molar normal (p=0,023) e índice de estética muy grave (p<0, 0 01). Conclusión: El nivel general de severidad de caries global fue medio, se asoció con variables sociodemográficas y clínicas.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Oral Health , Dental Caries/epidemiology , Paraguay/epidemiology , Chi-Square Distribution , DMF Index , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev Cient Odontol (Lima) ; 9(4): e083, 2021.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38463729


Objective: To evaluate the application of the dental trauma guide according to the International Association of Dental Traumatology in a group of Paraguayan dentists from April to May 2021. The was a descriptive, cross-sectional, observational study. A group of Paraguayan dentists with internet access accepted to participate in the study. The measurement instrument was a closed questionnaire from Google Forms, distributed by instant messaging (WhatsApp) from January to April 2021. Based on the Guidelines for the Evaluation and Management of Traumatic Dental Injuries by the International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT), the questionnaire includes 20 questions on the assessment of clinical and radiographic signs, determination of treatment variables, differentiation of the type of treatment, biological consequences of trauma, materials and splint time, and postoperative indications and medication. Results: 230 dentists participated; the mean age was 33 (SD = 6.4) years, 70.43% were women, 30.87% were general dentists, and 70.87% were practicing exclusively in private practice. 68.70% responded that they were familiar with the management and treatment of dentoalveolar trauma, while 70.87% had not heard or read about the IADT dental trauma guide. Regarding the level of knowledge, 60.00% scored an average mark. Conclusion: Most of the dentists surveyed had moderate knowledge regarding the evaluation and management of traumatic dental injuries.

J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 9(6): 483-489, dic. 31, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1178943


Introduction: Oral health can be defined as the absence of pathologies and disorders that affect the stomatognathic system. Objetives: This study aimed to determine the characteristics of self-assessment oral health status, in the clinical experience of dental caries, periodontal status, periodontal fixation loss and to investigate the association between self-reported and clinical oral health status among Paraguayans adults during early 2017. Material and Methods: The design is cross-sectional. Two dentists carried out the oral examinations following the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). Results: There were 333 adult participants with a mean age of 35 ± 13 years. Most (77.2%) of the participants were female. Missing teeth (5.32±6), filled teeth (3.56±4), and decayed teeth (2.55±3) were also detected. Almost half (48.0%) of participants had dental calculus, while 5.8% had a periodontal pocket and 48.6% periodontal fixation loss. The self-perception of oral health was poor in 12.3% of participants, fair in 29.8%, normal in 31.8%, good in 16.2%, and excellent in 9.9%. Oral health self-assessment was positive in 58.0% and negative in 42.0%. A statistically significant difference was found when comparing the DMFT index according to self-perception of oral health, the score being higher in those who had negative self-perception; obtaining similar results in the decayed component. Conclusion: Negative oral health self-perception was associated with a high DMFT index, of this, the decayed component was the only one that presented statistically significant differences.

Introducción: La salud bucodental puede ser definida como la ausencia de patologías y trastornos que afectan el sistema estomatognático. Objetivos: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las características de la autoevaluación del estado de salud bucal, en la experiencia clínica de la caries dental, el estado periodontal, la fijación de la pérdida periodontal e investigar la asociación entre el estado de salud bucal autoinformado y clínico entre los adultos paraguayos a principios de 2017. Material y Métodos: El diseño es transversal. Dos odontólogos fueron calibrados para el examen bucal, siguiendo las recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Resultados: Participaron 333 sujetos, el promedio de edad fue de 34.93 (DE=12.64) años, 77.2% eran mujeres. El 21.1% de las piezas dentarias estaban perdidas, el 12.2% obturadas y el 9.2% cariadas. El 48.0% presentó cálculo dental, 5.8% el bolsa periodontal y el 48.6% pérdida de fijación. La autopercepción de salud bucal fue para el 12.3% pobre, el 29.8% regular, el 31.8% normal, el 16.2% buena y el 9.9% excelente. Tuvieron una autoevaluación de su salud oral positiva el 58.0% y negativa el 42.0%. Se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa al comparar el DMFT index según la autopercepción de salud oral, siendo mayor el puntaje en los negativos; obteniéndose resultados similares con el componente cariado. Conclusión: La autopercepción de salud oral negativa se asoció con un elevado DMFT index, de este, el componente cariado fue el único que presentó diferencias estadísticamente significativas.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Oral Health , Diagnostic Self Evaluation , Paraguay/epidemiology , Periodontal Diseases/diagnosis , DMF Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dental Caries/diagnosis
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 9(4): 280-292, ago. 31, 2020. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1179047


Objetive: The objective of this study was to culturally adapt and validate the short version of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) instrument into Spanish for use by Paraguayan adults who attended dental clinics. Material and methods: The design was a cross-sectional observational study based on Classical Test Theory (CTT). The original English language version was subjected to a forward-backward translation processes; a calibration of the examiners and pilot test were performed. The questionnaire was applied by dentists through interviews; the same dentists also made the oral examination. The dimensionality of the questionnaire was evaluated using Confirmatory Factorial Analysis (CFA). The total and item-total internal consistencies were evaluated using Cronbach's alpha. To evaluate the discriminating validity, the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used. Spearman's correlation analysis was used to measure convergent validity for total-dimension, self-assessment of oral health, and dental caries experience index with the DMFT Index. Results: Three-hundred-thirty-three patients participated in the study. The CFA indicates the Paraguayan's OHIP (OHIP-14Py) is considered a multi-dimensional instrument. The Cronbach's alpha values were appropriate for both the total (α=0.061) and for item total (α=0.80) correlation. The OHIP-14Py discriminated for the variable self-perception of oral health (p=0.001), symptoms of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) (p=0.026), need of upper dental prosthesis (p=0.001), need of lower dental prosthesis (p=0.001), and ≥20 teeth healthy (p=0.001). For measuring convergent validity, all coefficients of correlation were statistically significant (p=0.001). Conclusion: The OHIP-14Py is a reliable and valid questionnaire for the evaluation of oral health-related quality of life in Paraguayan adults.

Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio fue adaptar culturalmente y validar el instrumento Perfil de Impacto de Salud Oral (OHIP) en la versión corta de 14 ítems en español, en adultos paraguayos que acudieron a consultorios odontológicos durante el primer trimestre del año 2017. Material y Métodos: El diseño del estudio fue transversal, basado en la Teoría Clásica de los Test (TCT). La versión original en inglés fue sometida al proceso de traducción-retraducción. Se realizó calibración de exa-minadores y prueba piloto. El cuestionario fue aplicado por odontólogos mediante entrevista, quienes además realizaron examen bucal. Se evaluó la dimensionalidad del cuestionario mediante el Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC). La consistencia interna fue evaluada mediante Alfa de Cronbach (α) para total e ítem-total. Se evaluó la validez discriminante utilizando las pruebas de Mann-Whitney y Kruskal-Wallis, validez convergente utilizando correlación de Spearman para total-dominio, autoevaluación del estado de salud oral e índice de experiencia de caries CPO-D. Resultados: Participaron del estudio 333 pacientes de 18 a 59 años. El AFC se consideró al instrumento multidimensional. Para el total α=0,861 y para correlación ítem-total al suprimir cada elemento α=0,80 siendo todos adecuados. Discriminó para las variables autoevaluación de salud bucal (p=0,001), síntomas de ATM (p=0,026), necesidad de prótesis superior (p=0,001) e inferior (p=0,001) y ≥20 dientes sanos (p=0,001). Todos los coeficientes de correlación de Spearman resultaron estadísticamente significativos con p=0,001. Conclusión: El OHIP-14Py es un cuestionario fiable y válido para la evaluación de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud oral en adultos paraguayos.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Quality of Life , Oral Health , Paraguay , Self Concept , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Factor Analysis, Statistical
Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 18(1): 96-107, ene.-mar. 2020. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1115532


Resumen Introducción: numerosos estúdios mencionan que las variaciones del crecimiento y orientation del ángulo de la base craneal pueden alterar la posición de ambos maxilares en relación con la base craneal. En este estudio se busca relacionar el ángulo de la base craneal con las clases esqueletales, en telerradiografías laterales de pacientes adultos que acudieron a la Clínica Odontológica del Instituto Latinoamericano de Estudios Superiores, de la ciudad de Asuncion, Paraguay, entre los anos 2010 y 2018. Materiales y métodos: estudio transversal retrospectivo. Para clasificar la clase esqueletal, se utilizo el ángulo ANB de Steiner, y para determinar el ángulo de la base craneal posterior, el NSBA de Varjanne y Koski. Luego, se aplico la prueba chi-cuadrado para relacionar el ángulo de la base craneal y las clases esqueletales, con un nivel de confianza del 95 %. Resultados: formaron parte del estudio 185 telerradiografías laterales de cráneo de pacientes que acudieron a la clínica. La media del ángulo NSBa fue 128.4 ° ± 5.17 °; la clase I fue de 128.27 ° ± 5.27 °; la clase II, de 129.1 ° ± 4.7 °; y la clase III, de 127.84 ° ± 5 °. El 65.95 % posee valores del ángulo NSBa fuera de la norma, de los cuales el 87.7 % presentan un ángulo cerrado. Conclusión: el promedio del ángulo de la base craneal estaba fuera de la norma en todas las clases esqueletales, siendo más frecuente la flexion craneal, en orden decreciente para las clases III, I y II.

Abstract Introduction: Many studies mention that variations in growth and orientation of the cranial base angle can alter the position of both jaws in relation to the cranial base. This study seeks to relate the cranial base angle according to skeletal classes in adult patients who attended the Dental Clinic of the Instituto Latinoamericano de Estudios Superiores in Asuncion city in Paraguay, between 2010 and 2018, using lateral cephalometric radiographs. Materials and methods: Retrospective cross-sectional study. Skeletal classes were classified using the ANB angle and the NSBa angle of Varjanne and Koski to determine the cranial base angle. Chi-square tests were applied to associate the cranial base angle according to skeletal classes, with a confidence level of 95 %. Results: In this study, 185 lateral cephalometric radiographs were included in the study of people who attended the clinic. The mean values of NSBa angle were 128.84° ±5.17° for all classes; 128.27° ± 5.27° for class I, 129.1° ± 4.7° for class II and 127.84° ± 5° for class III. The 65.95 % of participants had NSBa angle values out of the norm, from which 87.7 % reported a small cranial base angle. Conclusion: The average cranial base angle was found to be out of the norm in every skeletal class in decreasing order for classes III, I, and II, cranial flexure being more frequent than others.

Resumo Introdução: Numerosos estudos mencionam que as variações do crescimento e orientação do ângulo da base craniana podem alterar a posição de ambos os maxilares em relação com a base craniana. Este estudo busca relacionar o ângulo da base craniana com as classes esqueléticas, em telerradiografias laterais de pacientes adultos que acudiram à Clínica Odontologica do Instituto Latino-Americano de Estudos Superiores, da cidade de Asuncion, Paraguai, nos años 2010-2018. Materiais e métodos: estudo transversal retrospectivo. Para classificar a classe esquelética utilizou-se o ângulo ANB de Steiner e para determinar o ângulo da base craniana posterior o NSBa de Varjanne e Koski. Se aplicou a prova Qhi quadrado para relacionar o ângulo da base craniana e as classes esqueléticas, com um nível de confiança do 95 %. Resultados: Formaram parte do estudo 185 telerradiografias laterais de crâneo de pacientes que acudiram à clínica. A média do ângulo NSBa foi 128.4° ± 5.17°; a classe I foi de 128.27° ± 5.27°, a classe II 129.1° ± 4.7° e classe III 127.84° ± 5°. O 65.95 % possui valores do ângulo NSBa fora da norma, dos quais o 87.7 % apresentam um ângulo fechado. Conclusão: A média do ângulo da base craniana estava fora da norma em todas as classes esqueléticas, sendo mais frequente a flexão craniana, em ordem decrescente para as classes III, I e II.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Cephalometry , Orthodontics , Paraguay , Skull Base , Diagnosis
Rev. salud pública Parag ; 9(1): [P41-P46], jun. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-1047018


Introducción: El dolor constituye el principal motivo de consulta en Atención Primaria de Salud. El dolor crónico es uno de los mayores desafíos con los que se encuentra el médico en la consulta ambulatoria. Objetivo: Relacionar la autopercepción del nivel de intensidad en presencia de dolor crónico con la autovaloración de la propia salud general en pacientes que acudieron al Servicio de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación del Hospital Central del Instituto de Previsión Social en el año 2018. Materiales y Métodos: El diseño del estudio fue transversal. Se entregó a los participantes del estudio un cuestionario con preguntas cerradas sobre edad, sexo, procedencia y patología de base; las escalas de Walco & Howite y Verbal de Autopercepción de la salud. Resultados: Participaron 62 pacientes, con mediana de 65 años, el 85,48% fueron mujeres, el 80,65% procedió de zonas urbanas. El 87,10% eran portadores de artropatías y el 67,74% eran hipertensos. El 56,45% presentó dolor intermitente, localizado con mayor frecuencia en miembros inferiores y en miembros superiores, de intensidad severa en 35,48% de los casos. En cuanto a la autovaloración de la salud, el 46,77% la consideró regular y el 41,93% buena. Existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre la autopercepción de la intensidad del dolor crónico y la autovaloración de la salud general (p=0,007). Conclusión: La mayoría de los pacientes que percibieron dolor leve y moderado consideraron gozar de buena salud, mientras que la mayoría de los pacientes que percibieron dolor severo y máximo imaginable refirieron encontrarse en regular estado de salud. Palabras-clave: Dolor Crónico; Percepción Del Dolor; Autoimagen; Paraguay

Introduction: Pain is the main reason for consultation in Primary Health Care. Chronic pain is one of the biggest challenges that the doctor finds in the outpatient clinic. Objective: To relate the self-perception of the intensity level in the presence of chronic pain with the self-assessment of their own general health in patients who went to the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service of the Central Hospital of the Institute of Social Welfare in 2018. Methodology: The design of the study was transversal. A questionnaire with closed questions was given to the study participants, where data such as age, sex, origin and basic pathology were collected. Besides this, the Walco & Howite Scale and the Verbal Scale of Self-perception of health was included. Results: 62 patients participated, with a median age of 65 years, 85.48% were women, and 80.65% came from urban areas. 87.10% were carriers of arthropathies and 67.74% were hypertensive. 56.45% of patients presented intermittent pain, located more frequently in lower limbs and upper limbs, of severe intensity in 35.48% of cases. Regarding the self-assessment of health, 46.77% considered it regular and 41.93% considered it good. There is a statistically significant relationship between the intensity of chronic pain self-perception and the self-assessment of general health (p = 0.007). Conclusion: The majority of patients who perceived mild and moderate pain considered to be in good health, while the majority of patients who perceived severe and maximum pain imaginable reported being in a regular state of health. Key words: Chronic Pain; Pain Perception; Self-Concept Paraguay

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Hospital Care , Chronic Pain , Pain Perception
Mem. Inst. Invest. Cienc. Salud (Impr.) ; 16(3): 22-29, dic. 2018. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-998240


El bienestar integral del adolescente está sujeto al entorno biopsicosocial de la familia. La disfunción familiar, como factor desequilibrante en la familia, se asocia con resultados negativos durante la adolescencia, tanto conductuales como de salud. Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo. El propósito fue describir la frecuencia de disfunción familiar y la repercusión en los adolescentes como grupo vulnerable en el seno familiar en el Barrio Rosa Mística, Mariano Roque Alonso en el 2012. Se utilizó el censo poblacional, identificándose los posibles riesgos biopsicosociales y familiares de la comunidad, la ficha clínica y el APGAR familiar como instrumentos válidos aplicados en un grupo de adolescentes residentes del Barrio Rosa Mística, área jurisdiccional de la Unidad de Salud Familiar "Virgen de Guadalupe" donde acudieron a las consultas médicas, previo consentimiento de los padres de familia y de los adolescentes. Fueron evaluados 148 adolescentes, la frecuencia de disfunción familiar severa fue de 2,0% (APGAR familiar < 3), y la de disfunción familiar leve a moderada (APGAR familiar 4-7) 57,0%, respectivamente. Existía disfunción familiar en este grupo de familias representativas (APGAR familiar leve a severo), pues se identificaron como factores de riesgo el grado de inestabilidad matrimonial de los padres de familia, la conformación del hogar, el embarazo en la adolescencia, la necesidad de trabajar del adolescente por motivos económicos lo que conlleva a la deserción escolar en algunos de los casos y, además, la alta probabilidad de que los adolescentes consuman alcohol y cigarrillo, repercutiendo en la salud biopsicosocial de los adolescentes(AU)

The integral health of the adolescent is in a direct relationship to the biopsychosocial wellbeing of the family. Family dysfunction, as an unbalanced factor in the family, is associated with negative results during adolescence, both behavioral and health. An observational and descriptive study was carried out. The purpose was to describe the frequency of family dysfunction and the impact in the adolescents as a vulnerable group within the families of Rosa Mística neighborhood, Mariano Roque Alonso - 2012. A population census was used to identify the possible biopsychosocial and familiar risks of that community. The clinical history and the Family APGARs were used as valid instruments in a group of adolescent residents of Rosa Mística neighborhood which is into the jurisdiction of the "Virgen de Guadalupe Family Health Unit", where they attended for medical consultation, with previous consent of the adolescents and their parents. One hundred and forty eight adolescents were studied, the frequency of severe family dysfunction was 2.0% (Family APGAR<3) while 57.0% of mild and moderate family dysfunction (Family APGAR familiar 4-7). There was some kind of family dysfunction in these studied families (Family APGAR mild to severe). Risk factors identified were the degree of marital instability of the parents, family structure, adolescent pregnancy, need to work of the adolescents because of economic problems forcing them to give up school in some cases, high probability of adolescents to smoke or drink alcohol, all of these risk factors that affect the biopsychosocial health of the adolescents(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adolescent Behavior , Family Relations , Paraguay , Primary Health Care , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors