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ASME J Heat Mass Transf ; 146(3)2024 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38162462


A breathable air source is required for a confined space such as an underground refuge alternative (RA) when it is occupied. To minimize the risk of suffocation, federal regulations require that mechanisms be provided and procedures be included so that, within the refuge alternative, the oxygen concentration is maintained at levels between 18.5% and 23% for 96 h. The regulation also requires that, during use of the RA, the concentration of carbon dioxide should not exceed 1%, and the concentration of carbon monoxide should not exceed 25 ppm. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) evaluated the cryogenic air supply's ability to provide breathable air for a refuge alternative. A propane smoker was used to simulate human breathing by burning propane gas which will consume O2 and generate CO2 and H2O. The rate of propane burned at the smoker was controlled to represent the O2 consumption rate for the breathing of a certain number of people. Two 96-h tests were conducted in a sealed shipping container, which was used as a surrogate for a refuge alternative. While burning propane gas to simulate human oxygen consumption, cryogenic air was provided to the shipping container to determine if the cryogenic air supply would keep the O2 level above 18.5% and CO2 level below 1% inside the shipping container as required by the federal regulations pertaining to refuge alternatives. Both of the 96-h tests simulated the breathing of 21 persons. The first test used the oxygen consumption rate (1.32 cu ft of pure oxygen per hour per person) specified in federal regulations, while the second test used the oxygen consumption rate specified by (Bernard et al. 2018, "Estimation of Metabolic Heat Input for Refuge Alternative Thermal Testing and Simulation," Min. Eng., 70(8), pp. 50-54) (0.67 cu ft of pure oxygen per hour per person). The test data shows that during both 96-h tests, the oxygen level was maintained within a 21-23% range, and the CO2 level was maintained below 1% (0.2-0.45%). The information in this paper could be useful when applying a cryogenic air supply as a breathable air source for an underground refuge alternative or other confined space. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4064062].

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38192371


Federal regulations require refuge alternatives (RAs) in underground coal mines to provide a life-sustaining environment for miners trapped underground when escape is impossible. A breathable air supply is among those requirements. For built-in-place (BIP) RAs, a borehole air supply (BAS) is commonly used to supply fresh air from the surface. Federal regulations require that such a BAS must supply fresh air at 12.5 cfm or more per person to maintain the oxygen concentration between 18.5% and 23% and carbon dioxide level below the 1% limit specified. However, it is unclear whether 12.5 cfm is indeed needed to maintain this carbon dioxide level. The minimal fresh air flow (FAF) rate needed to maintain the 1% CO2 level will depend on multiple factors, including the number of people and the volume of the BIP RA. In the past, to predict the interior CO2 concentration in an occupied RA, 96-h tests were performed using a physical human breathing simulator. However, given the infinite possibility of the combinations (number of people, size of the BIP RA), it would be impractical to fully investigate the range of parameters that can affect the CO2 concentration using physical tests. In this paper, researchers at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) developed a model that can predict how the %CO2 in an occupied confined space changes with time given the number of occupants and the FAF rate. The model was then compared to and validated with test data. The benchmarked model can be used to predict the %CO2 for any number of people and FAF rate without conducting a 96-h test. The methodology used in this model can also be used to estimate other gas levels within a confined space.