Am. j. trop. med. hyg
; Am. j. trop. med. hyg;21(2): 194-200, Mar. 1972.
in English
| MedCarib
| ID: med-12999
Patois, Zegla, and Shark River-like arboviruses in the Patois group were isolaed in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and British Honduras during 1963 to 1968. Twenty-three Patois viruses came from mosquitoes, sentinel hamsters, and suckling mice, 21 Zegla viruses from sentinel hamsters and mice and from a wild cotton rat, and two Shark River-like viruses from sentinel hamsters. Hemagglutination-inhibition(HI) and neutralizing antibody tests with Patois virus were positive with human sera from each country, and HI antibody tests were positive with sera from pigs in Mexico, Guatemala, and British Honduras and from small wild mammals, wild birds, and cattle in Mexico.(AU)