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Pediátrika (Madr.) ; 26(4): 84-90, abr. 2006. tab, graf
Article in Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-047815


Las vacunas constituyen una de las medidas másefectivas en la lucha contra las enfermedades transmisibles.La utilización de las mismas de forma sistemáticapermite el control e incluso la erradicaciónde algunas de estas enfermedades.Uno de los objetivos de la Organización Mundialde la Salud es la erradicación del sarampión en 3 desus regiones entre las que se incluye la europea. Comoconsecuencia de lo anterior, se han desarrolladoplanes de actuación específicos en nuestro pais queincluyen entre sus estrategias la de alcanzar una altacobertura vacunal. La vacuna del sarampión está incluidaen el calendario vacunal en nuestro país desde1981, administrándose de forma conjunta a las dela rubéola y la parotiditis en forma de vacuna trivalente.Esta vacuna se obtiene mediante cultivo del virusen fibroblastos de embrión de pollo. La posibilidadde desarrollar una reacción anafiláctica tras suadministración en niños alérgicos al huevo aceleró eldesarrollo de otras vacunas desarrolladas en célulasdiploides humanas que se han venido utilizando ensustitución de la TV tradicional. Sin embargo, el ceseen la producción de una de ellas y la falta de disponibilidadde la otra, que además no incluye cepas delvirus de la parotiditis, ha supuesto el resurgir de lacontroversia en torno a la utilización de esta vacunaen caso de alergia al huevo

Vaccines are one of the most powerfull tools availablein the battle against infectious agents. The useof systematic vaccinnation allows both the controland erradication of some infectious diseases.As a primary target, regional measles eliminationinitiatives have been stablished in three of the WHOregions, being the European Region one of them.Therefore, specific actuation plans are being developedin our country, these national plans include intheir strategy to obtain a high coverage inmunization.In our country, since 1981, measles vaccine isincluded in the vaccine schedule, wich is simultaneouslydelivered with rubella and mumps vaccine(MMR). Measles virus used in the MMR is grown incultures of fibroblasts from chicken embryos. Therisk of anaphylaxis in egg allergic individuals aftervaccination promoted the research of two vaccinesgrown in diploid human cells (Triviraten and Moruviraten).These vaccines have been administrated toegg allergic patients in the last years in substitutionof traditional MMR. Taking into account that triviratenworld wide production has ceased and that moruviratennot only run out of stocks but also doesn`tinclude mumps vaccine, the controversial about theuse of MMR in egg allergic individuals has reappeared

Humans , Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine/pharmacokinetics , Egg Hypersensitivity/complications , Rubella/prevention & control , Measles/prevention & control , Parotitis/prevention & control , Anaphylaxis/epidemiology
Rev Clin Esp ; 197(4): 220-4, 1997 Apr.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9254395


A study was made of the routes of transmission of HCV in 106 carrier patients and the prevalence of antibodies to HCV antigen (HCV Ab) in 132 family contacts (mothers, sexual partners and children of carrier women) attended at a Primary Care Center in Madrid. The following data were obtained through a personal interview: age, gender and possible routes of contagion. Also, ALT and serologic status to HBV. Household contacts were interviewed and HCV Ab status obtained. Only in 21 patients (19.8%) was no risk factor found ("sporadic cases"). Eighty-one individuals (76.4%) and 13 (12.3%) had percutaneous transmission and sexual transmission risk factors, respectively. Out of 18 studied mothers, two (11.1%) had HCV Ab. The prevalence of HCV Ab in household contacts was 8.35%. These results suggest that the proportion of sporadic cases decreases significantly when a thorough investigation is carried out in carrier patients. The percutaneous route is responsible for most of HCV infections. The prevalence of HCV Ab among household contacts appears to be higher than among general population.

Carrier State/transmission , Hepatitis C/transmission , Adult , Carrier State/diagnosis , Child , Contact Tracing , Female , Hepatitis C/diagnosis , Hepatitis C Antibodies/analysis , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Mothers , Prevalence , Risk Factors