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J Cardiothorac Surg ; 18(1): 246, 2023 Aug 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37596679


BACKGROUND: In the present case, we applied postmortem computed tomography angiography (PMCTA) in a medical dispute involving sudden death after cardiovascular surgery. CASE PRESENTATION: A 39-year-old man underwent aortic arch replacement combined with stented elephant trunk implantation surgery under extracorporeal circulation. All vital signs were stable and he was arranged for discharge seven days after surgery. Several days later, the patient was sent back to the hospital for chest pain and poor appetite. Unfortunately, his condition worsened and he ultimately died. PMCT scanning detect pericardial effusion. Family members suspected that the surgical sutures were not dense enough, causing the patient's postoperative bleeding and resulting in cardiac tamponade and death. PMCTA was performed before autopsy, which showed pericardial effusion. However, postmortem angiography with simulated blood pressure showed no leakage of contrast agent, which guided the subsequent autopsy and histological examinations. CONCLUSIONS: While many previous postmortem imaging case reports have shown positive results that provided evidence of medical malpractice, the current case excludes the possibility of physician negligence and reasonably settles the medical dispute from another perspective. In short, the PMCTA approach we describe here was an effective tool that can be applied to certain medical-related forensic cases.

Aortic Dissection , Pericardial Effusion , Male , Humans , Adult , Computed Tomography Angiography , Dissent and Disputes , Angiography , Aortic Dissection/surgery
Journal of Medical Biomechanics ; (6): E346-E352, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-987957


Objective To investigate the effect of different optimization algorithms on accurate reconstruction of traffic accidents. Methods Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II ( NSGA-II), neighborhood cultivation genetic algorithm (NCGA) and multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) were used to optimize the multi-rigid body dynamic reconstruction of a real case. The effects of different optimization algorithms on convergence speed and optimal approximate solution were studied. The optimal initial impact parameters were simulated as boundary conditions of finite element method, and the simulated results were compared with the actual injuries. Results NCGA had a faster convergence speed and a better result in optimization process. The kinematic response of pedestrian vehicle collision reconstructed by the optimal approximate solution was consistent with the surveillance video. The prediction of craniocerebral injury was basically consistent with the cadaver examination. Conclusions The combination of optimization algorithm, rigid multibody and finite element method can complete the accurate reconstruction of traffic accidents and reduce the influence of human factors.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 109-113, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-608163


Objective T o explore the application value of postm ortem com puted tom ography (C T ) an-giography on diagnosis of coronary atherosclerotic stenosis degree. Methods B ased on the previous ex-perim ental results, the postm ortem C T angiography device of hum an isolated heart w as im proved. D iffer-ent coronary atherosclerotic stenosis degree of sudden death cases w as selected. B efore the cardiac anatom y, hearts w ere rem oved out com pletely and C T angiography w as perform ed im m ediately. T he C T angiography results w ere com pared w ith histopathological findings. M eanw hile, the advantages and disad-vantages of the angiography device before and after im provem ent w ere com pared. Results T he im proved angiography device of isolated heart could get better im aging results. T he postm ortem C T angiography results had high consistency w ith the histopathological findings on diagnosis of coronary atherosclerotic stenosis degree. A nd the coronary artery lesions could be revealed m ore objectively and vividly by 3D reconstruction technology. H ow ever, C T angiography could only be used to exam ine the pathological changes of blood vessels, w hich m ight have som e lim itations on the diagnosis of cause of death. Con-clusion Postm ortem C T angiography can be used as an additional m ethod for the conventional autopsy in the cases of coronary atherosclerosis.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-503422


Objective To evaluate the effect of consecutive diet nursing intervention on elderly patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods 56 elderly type 2 diebetes patients were randomly selected in control group and were given conventional type 2 diabetes management. The other 56 patients in experimental group were not only given routine care, but also 3 months of consecutive diet nursing intervention. At the 1st and 3rd month, assessment of blood glucose test and quality of life were conducted by all patients conducted. T test, chi-square test were used in the statistics. Results In experimental group, the controlling effect of fasting plasma glucose and 2-hour postprandial blood glucose have been significantly improved. 3 months after the consecutive diet nursing intervention, fasting plasma glucose of control and experimental groups were (7.18±0.89) mmol/L and (6.37±0.74) mmol/L (P=0.027). After 1 months of the consecutive diet nursing intervention, 2-hour postprandial blood glucose of control group and the experimental group were (11.69 ± 1.58) mmol/ L and (9.03 ± 2.13) mmol/ L (P = 0.028) respectively. After 3 months of intervention, the number were were (12.12±2.36) mmol/L and (8.36±1.65) mmol/L respectively (P<0.01). In the experimental group, the therapeutic dimension of quality of life has been gradually decreased and the difference was statistically significant. Conclusions Consecutive diet nursing intervention can effectively improve the blood glucose control of elderly type 2 diabetes patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-503441


We study the possible reasons and the scientific and effective intervention measures of the prevalence of PLBP among nurses. There is a high frequency of work-related PLBP among nurses, and to explore associations with personal characteristics, occupational risk factors and psychosocial influences. The factors related to PLBP find in this study are: age, length of employed, bearing household, the department, weekly bending times, monthly night shift, moving and handling times.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 86-89,93, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-604728


Objective To explore the application value of postm ortem m ulti-slice spiral com puted tom o-graphy (MSCT) by observing and analyzing the injury features in the traffic accident victim s. Methods Ten traffic accident victim s w ere scanned w ith w hole body MSCT. The system ic autopsy w as subse-quently perform ed to com pare w ith the results of MSCT. The advantages and disadvantages of autopsy and MSCTfor obtaining the inform ation of traffic accident injuries w ere then analyzed. Results MSCTcould reveal 3D shape of fractures clearly and detect air accum ulation in different positions of the body, w hich show ed the obvious advantages com pared w ith autopsy. H ow ever, the resolution of MSCTw as lim ited com pared to the detection of organ and soft tissue injuries. Conclusion A com bination of MSCTand autopsy is the best w ay for determ ining the m anner and the cause of death in traffic fatality victim s.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 15-19, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-498897


Objective To explore the application value of multi-slice spiral computed tomography (MSCT) in traffic accidents through observing and analyzing the injury features of the accidents. Methods Two fatal cases caused by traffic accidents were fully examined using MSCT, 3D imaging reconstruction and angiography through cardiac puncture. The features of traffic injury mechanism were analyzed through combination of MSCT and postmortem external examination. Results In case 1, right cardiac rupture was found by MSCT and angiography through cardiac puncture. The cause of death was cardiac tam-ponade and right ventricular rupture due to the crush injury of chest in the traffic accident. In case 2, splenic rupture and intra-abdominal hemorrhage was found and caused by injury of left trunk by MSCT. The cause of death was hemorrhage and traumatic shock. Conclusion MSCT could observe skeletal in-jury, soft tissue injury, and hematologic disorder well. The combination use of MSCT and angiography through cardiac puncture provided assistance to the diagnosis of cardiovascular system injury.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 361-365, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-500298


Objective To explore the related risk facts of pulm onary throm boem bolism (PTE ) and analyze the relation betw een PTE and the traum a or m edical behavior by investigating the cases of PTE . Methods Thirty-three cases w ere selected from Institute of Forensic Science (IFS) from 2000 to 2014. Results In 33 cases, 16 decedents w ere m ale, 17 decedents w ere fem ale;different degrees of dyspnea, chest tight-ness and syncope sym ptom s w ere the clinical m anifestation of the deceased; the throm bus w as mainly distributed in the left and right pulm onary arteries. The main source of em bolism w as the deep vein of low er lim b and the left probability w as higher. Traum a, lim ited position, operation and cardiovascular disease show ed high-risk factors of PTE; D-D im er test, hem olytic test and com puter tom ography pul-m onary angiography w ere the diagnostic tools for PTE . In som e cases, traum a and m edical m alpractice could be involved in the cause of death. Conclusion N on-typical clinical sym ptom s present in the m ost cases caused by PTE , and these cases alw ays show m any high-risk factors. The relation betw een PTE and injury or m edical behavior should be considered carefully in the forensic pathological practice.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 287-292,297, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-604735


Postm ortem chem istry is becom ing m ore and m ore essential in routine forensic pathology and has m ade considerable progress over the past years. B iochem ical analyses of vitreous hum or, blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid m ay provide im portant inform ation in determ ining the cause of death or in elucidating forensic issues. Postm ortem chem istry m ay be essential for the determ ination of cause of death w hen m orphological m ethods (diabetes m ellitus, alcoholic ketoacidosis and electrolytic disorders) cannot detect the pathophysiological changes involved in the death process. It can also provide m any in-form ation in other forensic situations, including m yocardial ischem ia, sepsis, inflam m ation, infection, ana-phylaxis and horm onal disturbances. T he m ost recent relevant research advances on glucose m etabolism , liver function, cardiac function, renal function, sepsis, inflam m ation, infection, anaphylaxis and horm onal aspect are hereby review ed.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 85-87,92, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-605040


Objective To observe the time-course expression of zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) in cerebral cortex after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Methods The TBI model of mouse was established. The mice were divided in 1 h, 3 h, 6 h, 12 h, 24 h, 3 d, 7 d after TBI, shamand control groups. The permeability of the blood brain barrier was evaluated by measuring the extravasation of Evans blue (EB) dye. The expression of Z O-1 in cerebral cortex in the injured area was detected by western blotting and im-munohistochemistry. Results The extravasation of EBdye of injured cortex gradually increased from 1 h, peaked at 1-3 d and approximately decreased to normal at 7 d after TBI. western blotting revealed that the expression of Z O-1 gradually decreased after 1 h, was at the lowest at 1-3 d, and then significantly increased after 7 d but was still lower than that of normal and shamgroups. The result of immunohisto-chemistry showed that Z O-1 had strong expression in vessel of normal cortex, gradually decreased after TBI, and almost disappeared at 3 d after TBI and gradually recovered to normal level later. Conclusion The expression of Z O-1 in the injured cortex after TBI initially decreases and then increases. The nega-tive correlation between Z O-1 expression and EBextravasation after TBI could be used as a newindi-cator for wound age estimation.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 148-150, 2014.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-498861


A 45-year-old male car driver died in a traffic accident of four cars rear-end collision on the highway. He was found to have died after a respiratory and cardiac arrest at the scene. No sign of skin injuries was observed from the external inspection. The autopsy was not permitted by the family members because of the local culture. Multislice computed tomography (MSCT) was applied to the current case, showing dislocation of C3~4 cervical vertebrae with Ⅱ degree, C4 vertebral plate fractures, and spinal stenosis. Post-mortem MSCT confirmed the diagnosis as whiplash injuries. MSCT was verified to be effective in showing the severity of whiplash injuries, thus providing certain objective evidence for medicolegal expertise.