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Phys Rev Lett ; 133(5): 052702, 2024 Aug 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39159101


Asymptotic giant branch stars are responsible for the production of most of the heavy isotopes beyond Sr observed in the solar system. Among them, isotopes shielded from the r-process contribution by their stable isobars are defined as s-only nuclei. For a long time the abundance of ^{204}Pb, the heaviest s-only isotope, has been a topic of debate because state-of-the-art stellar models appeared to systematically underestimate its solar abundance. Besides the impact of uncertainties from stellar models and galactic chemical evolution simulations, this discrepancy was further obscured by rather divergent theoretical estimates for the neutron capture cross section of its radioactive precursor in the neutron-capture flow, ^{204}Tl (t_{1/2}=3.78 yr), and by the lack of experimental data on this reaction. We present the first ever neutron capture measurement on ^{204}Tl, conducted at the CERN neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF, employing a sample of only 9 mg of ^{204}Tl produced at the Institute Laue Langevin high flux reactor. By complementing our new results with semiempirical calculations we obtained, at the s-process temperatures of kT≈8 keV and kT≈30 keV, Maxwellian-averaged cross sections (MACS) of 580(168) mb and 260(90) mb, respectively. These figures are about 3% lower and 20% higher than the corresponding values widely used in astrophysical calculations, which were based only on theoretical calculations. By using the new ^{204}Tl MACS, the uncertainty arising from the ^{204}Tl(n,γ) cross section on the s-process abundance of ^{204}Pb has been reduced from ∼30% down to +8%/-6%, and the s-process calculations are in agreement with the latest solar system abundance of ^{204}Pb reported by K. Lodders in 2021.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(12): 122701, 2024 Mar 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38579210


^{140}Ce(n,γ) is a key reaction for slow neutron-capture (s-process) nucleosynthesis due to being a bottleneck in the reaction flow. For this reason, it was measured with high accuracy (uncertainty ≈5%) at the n_TOF facility, with an unprecedented combination of a high purity sample and low neutron-sensitivity detectors. The measured Maxwellian averaged cross section is up to 40% higher than previously accepted values. Stellar model calculations indicate a reduction around 20% of the s-process contribution to the Galactic cerium abundance and smaller sizeable differences for most of the heavier elements. No variations are found in the nucleosynthesis from massive stars.

Eur Phys J A Hadron Nucl ; 58(12): 239, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36514540


Neutron capture reaction cross sections on 74 Ge are of importance to determine 74 Ge production during the astrophysical slow neutron capture process. We present new resonance data on 74 Ge( n , γ ) reactions below 70 keV neutron energy. We calculate Maxwellian averaged cross sections, combining our data below 70 keV with evaluated cross sections at higher neutron energies. Our stellar cross sections are in agreement with a previous activation measurement performed at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe by Marganiec et al., once their data has been re-normalised to account for an update in the reference cross section used in that experiment.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 19788, 2021 10 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34611245


This work presents the first direct measurement of the 93Mo half-life. The measurement is a combination of high-resolution mass spectrometry for the determination of the 93Mo concentration and liquid scintillation counting for determining the specific activity. A 93Mo sample of high purity was obtained from proton irradiated niobium by chemical separation of molybdenum with a decontamination factor larger than 1.6 × 1014 with respect to Nb. The half-life of 93Mo was deduced to be 4839(63) years, which is more than 20% longer than the currently adopted value, whereas the relative uncertainty could be reduced by a factor of 15. The probability that the 93Mo decays to the metastable state 93mNb was determined to be 95.7(16)%. This value is a factor of 8 more precise than previous estimations. Due to the man-made production of 93Mo in nuclear facilities, the result leads to significantly increased precision for modelling the low-level nuclear waste composition. The presented work demonstrates the importance of chemical separations in combination with state-of-the-art analysis techniques, which are inevitable for precise and accurate determinations of nuclear decay data.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(14): 142701, 2020 Oct 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33064503


The neutron capture cross sections of several unstable nuclides acting as branching points in the s process are crucial for stellar nucleosynthesis studies. The unstable ^{171}Tm (t_{1/2}=1.92 yr) is part of the branching around mass A∼170 but its neutron capture cross section as a function of the neutron energy is not known to date. In this work, following the production for the first time of more than 5 mg of ^{171}Tm at the high-flux reactor Institut Laue-Langevin in France, a sample was produced at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. Two complementary experiments were carried out at the neutron time-of-flight facility (n_TOF) at CERN in Switzerland and at the SARAF liquid lithium target facility at Soreq Nuclear Research Center in Israel by time of flight and activation, respectively. The result of the time-of-flight experiment consists of the first ever set of resonance parameters and the corresponding average resonance parameters, allowing us to make an estimation of the Maxwellian-averaged cross sections (MACS) by extrapolation. The activation measurement provides a direct and more precise measurement of the MACS at 30 keV: 384(40) mb, with which the estimation from the n_TOF data agree at the limit of 1 standard deviation. This value is 2.6 times lower than the JEFF-3.3 and ENDF/B-VIII evaluations, 25% lower than that of the Bao et al. compilation, and 1.6 times larger than the value recommended in the KADoNiS (v1) database, based on the only previous experiment. Our result affects the nucleosynthesis at the A∼170 branching, namely, the ^{171}Yb abundance increases in the material lost by asymptotic giant branch stars, providing a better match to the available pre-solar SiC grain measurements compared to the calculations based on the current JEFF-3.3 model-based evaluation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(4): 042701, 2018 Jul 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30095928


We report on the measurement of the ^{7}Be(n,p)^{7}Li cross section from thermal to approximately 325 keV neutron energy, performed in the high-flux experimental area (EAR2) of the n_TOF facility at CERN. This reaction plays a key role in the lithium yield of the big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) for standard cosmology. The only two previous time-of-flight measurements performed on this reaction did not cover the energy window of interest for BBN, and they showed a large discrepancy between each other. The measurement was performed with a Si telescope and a high-purity sample produced by implantation of a ^{7}Be ion beam at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. While a significantly higher cross section is found at low energy, relative to current evaluations, in the region of BBN interest, the present results are consistent with the values inferred from the time-reversal ^{7}Li(p,n)^{7}Be reaction, thus yielding only a relatively minor improvement on the so-called cosmological lithium problem. The relevance of these results on the near-threshold neutron production in the p+^{7}Li reaction is also discussed.

Anal Chem ; 89(12): 6861-6869, 2017 06 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28528549


This work presents the determination of the 148Gd and 154Dy content in Pb targets irradiated by 220-2600 MeV protons. It includes the chemical separation of lanthanides, followed by the preparation of proper samples, by molecular plating technique, for α-spectrometry measurements. The experimental cross section results were compared with theoretical predictions, calculated with the INCL++-ABLA07 code. The comparisons showed a satisfactory agreement for 148Gd (less than within a factor two), while measured 154Dy cross sections are higher than the theoretical values.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(15): 152701, 2016 Oct 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27768364


The energy-dependent cross section of the ^{7}Be(n,α)^{4}He reaction, of interest for the so-called cosmological lithium problem in big bang nucleosynthesis, has been measured for the first time from 10 meV to 10 keV neutron energy. The challenges posed by the short half-life of ^{7}Be and by the low reaction cross section have been overcome at n_TOF thanks to an unprecedented combination of the extremely high luminosity and good resolution of the neutron beam in the new experimental area (EAR2) of the n_TOF facility at CERN, the availability of a sufficient amount of chemically pure ^{7}Be, and a specifically designed experimental setup. Coincidences between the two alpha particles have been recorded in two Si-^{7}Be-Si arrays placed directly in the neutron beam. The present results are consistent, at thermal neutron energy, with the only previous measurement performed in the 1960s at a nuclear reactor. The energy dependence reported here clearly indicates the inadequacy of the cross section estimates currently used in BBN calculations. Although new measurements at higher neutron energy may still be needed, the n_TOF results hint at a minor role of this reaction in BBN, leaving the long-standing cosmological lithium problem unsolved.

Eur Phys J C Part Fields ; 75(3): 112, 2015.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25995704


The European Research Council has recently funded HOLMES, a new experiment to directly measure the neutrino mass. HOLMES will perform a calorimetric measurement of the energy released in the decay of [Formula: see text]Ho. The calorimetric measurement eliminates systematic uncertainties arising from the use of external beta sources, as in experiments with beta spectrometers. This measurement was proposed in 1982 by A. De Rujula and M. Lusignoli, but only recently the detector technological progress allowed to design a sensitive experiment. HOLMES will deploy a large array of low temperature microcalorimeters with implanted [Formula: see text]Ho nuclei. The resulting mass sensitivity will be as low as 0.4 eV. HOLMES will be an important step forward in the direct neutrino mass measurement with a calorimetric approach as an alternative to spectrometry. It will also establish the potential of this approach to extend the sensitivity down to 0.1 eV. We outline here the project with its technical challenges and perspectives.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(4): 041101, 2015 Jan 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25679883


In order to resolve a recent discrepancy in the half-life of 60Fe, we performed an independent measurement with a new method that determines the 60Fe content of a material relative to 55Fe (t1/2=2.744 yr) with accelerator mass spectrometry. Our result of (2.50±0.12)×10(6) yr clearly favors the recently reported value (2.62±0.04)×10(6) yr, and rules out the older result of (1.49±0.27)×10(6) yr. The present weighted mean half-life value of (2.60±0.05)×10(6) yr substantially improves the reliability as an important chronometer for astrophysical applications in the million-year time range. This includes its use as a sensitive probe for studying recent chemical evolution of our Galaxy, the formation of the early Solar System, nucleosynthesis processes in massive stars, and as an indicator of a recent nearby supernova.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(2): 022501, 2013 Jan 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23383895


The 63Ni(n,γ) cross section has been measured for the first time at the neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN from thermal neutron energies up to 200 keV. In total, capture kernels of 12 (new) resonances were determined. Maxwellian averaged cross sections were calculated for thermal energies from kT=5-100 keV with uncertainties around 20%. Stellar model calculations for a 25M⊙ star show that the new data have a significant effect on the s-process production of 63Cu, 64Ni, and 64Zn in massive stars, allowing stronger constraints on the Cu yields from explosive nucleosynthesis in the subsequent supernova.

Phys Rev Lett ; 104(13): 132502, 2010 Apr 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20481879


We have analyzed data of the DISTO experiment on the exclusive pp --> pLambdaK+ reaction at 2.85 GeV to search for a strongly bound compact K- pp(approximately = X) state to be formed in the pp --> K+ + X reaction. The observed spectra of the K+ missing mass and the pLambda invariant-mass with high transverse momenta of p and K+ revealed a broad distinct peak of 26-sigma confidence with a mass M(X)=2267+/-3(stat)+/-5(syst) MeV/c2 and a width Gamma(X)=118+/-8(stat)+/-10(syst) MeV. The enormously large cross section indicates formation of a compact K- pp with a large binding energy of B(K)=103 MeV, which can be a possible gateway toward cold and dense kaonic nuclear matter.

J Phys Chem A ; 112(40): 9628-49, 2008 Oct 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18828572


The energetics, interfacial properties, instabilities, and fragmentation patterns of electrosprays made from formamide salt solutions are investigated in a mass spectrometric vacuum electrospray experiment and using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The electrospray source is operated in a Taylor cone-jet mode, with the nanojet that forms being characterized by high surface-normal electric field strengths in the vicinity of 1 V/nm. Mass-to-charge ratios were determined for both positive and negative currents sprayed from NaI-formamide solutions with solute-solvent mole ratios of 1:8.4 and 1:36.9, and from KI-formamide solutions with mole ratios of 1:41 and 1:83. The molecular dynamics simulations were conducted on isolated 10 nm NaI-formamide droplets at mole ratios of 1:8 and 1:16. The droplet was subjected to a uniform electric field with strengths ranging between 0.5 and 1.5 V/nm. Both the experiments and simulations demonstrate a mixed charge emission regime where field-induced desorption of solvated ions and charged droplets occurs. The macroscopic parameters, such as average mass-to-charge ratio and maximum surface-normal field strengths deduced from the simulations are found to be in good agreement with the experimental work and consistent with electrohydrodynamic theory of cone-jets. The observed mass spectrometric Na (+) and I (-) solvated ion distributions are consistent with a thermal evaporation process, and are correctly reproduced by the simulation after incorporation of the different flight times and unimolecular ion dissociation rates in the analysis. Alignment of formamide dipoles and field-induced reorganization of the positive and negative ionic charges in the interfacial region are both found to contribute to the surface-normal field near the points of charge emission. In the simulations the majority of cluster ions are found to be emitted from the tip of the jet rather than from the neck region next to the Taylor cone. This finding is consistent with the experimental energy distributions of the solvated ions which demonstrate that indeed most ions are emitted closer to the jet region, that is, beyond the cone-neck region where ohmic losses occur. This observation is also consistent with continuum electrohydrodynamic predictions of cluster-ion evaporation at surface regions of high curvature and therefore maximum surface electric field strengths, which may be the cone-neck region, the breakup region of the jet (usually near the tip of the jet), or the emitted charged droplets. In the nanoscale jets observed in this study, the regions of highest spatial curvature are at the ends of the jets where nascent drops either are forming or have just detached.

J Chem Phys ; 128(23): 234306, 2008 Jun 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18570498


The pulsed-field-ionization zero-kinetic-energy photoelectron spectrum of Xe(2) has been measured between 97 350 and 108 200 cm(-1), following resonant two-photon excitation via selected vibrational levels of the C 0(u) (+) Rydberg state of Xe(2). Transitions to three of the six low-lying electronic states of Xe(2) (+) could be observed. Whereas extensive vibrational progressions were observed for the transitions to the I(32g) and I(32u) states, only the lowest vibrational levels of the II(12u) state could be detected. Assignments of the vibrational quantum numbers were derived from the analysis of the isotopic shifts and from the modeling of the potential energy curves. Adiabatic ionization energies, dissociation energies, and vibrational constants are reported for the I(32g) and the I(32u) states. Multireference configurational interaction and complete active space self-consistent field calculations have been performed to investigate the dependence of the spin-orbit coupling constant on the internuclear distance. The energies of vibrational levels, measured presently and in a previous investigation (Rupper et al., J. Chem. Phys. 121, 8279 (2004)), were used to determine the potential energy functions of the six low-lying electronic states of Xe(2) (+) using a global model that includes the long-range interaction and treats, for the first time, the spin-orbit interaction as dependent on the internuclear separation.

J Chem Phys ; 126(23): 234305, 2007 Jun 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17600418


The absolute integral cross sections for the formation of HeH+ and HeD+ from the collisions of HD+(v,j=1)+He have been examined over a broad range of vibrational energy levels v=0-13 at the center-of-mass collision energies (ET) of 0.6 and 1.4 eV using the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) pulsed field ionization photoelectron secondary ion coincidence method. The ET dependencies of the integral cross sections for products HeH+ and HeD+ from HD+(v=0-4)+He collisions in the ET range of 0-3 eV have also been measured using the VUV photoionization guided ion beam mass spectrometric technique, in which vibrationally selected HD+(v) reactant ions were prepared via excitation of selected autoionization resonances of HD. At low total energies, a pronounced isotope effect is observed in absolute integral cross sections for the HeH++D and HeD++H channels with significant favoring of the deuteron transfer channel. As v is increased in the range of v=0-9, the integral cross sections of the HeH++D channel are found to approach those of HeD++H. The observed velocity distributions of products HeD+ and HeH+ are consistent with an impulsive or spectator-stripping mechanism. Detailed quasiclassical trajectory (QCT) calculations are also presented for HD+(v,j=1)+He collisions at the same energies of the experiment. The QCT calculations were performed on the most accurate ab initio potential energy surface available. If the zero-point energy of the reaction products is taken into account, the QCT cross sections for products HeH+ and HeD+ from HD+(v)+He are found to be significantly lower than the experimental results at ET values near the reaction thresholds. The agreement between the experimental and QCT cross sections improves with translational energy. Except for prethreshold reactivity, QCT calculations ignoring the zero-point energy in the products are generally in good agreement with experimental absolute cross sections. The experimental HeH+/HeD+ branching ratios for the HD+(v=0-9)+He collisions are generally consistent with QCT predictions. The observed isotope effects can be rationalized on the basis of differences in thermochemical thresholds and angular momentum conservation constraints.

Nature ; 447(7140): 72-5, 2007 May 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17476264


The heaviest elements to have been chemically characterized are seaborgium (element 106), bohrium (element 107) and hassium (element 108). All three behave according to their respective positions in groups 6, 7 and 8 of the periodic table, which arranges elements according to their outermost electrons and hence their chemical properties. However, the chemical characterization results are not trivial: relativistic effects on the electronic structure of the heaviest elements can strongly influence chemical properties. The next heavy element targeted for chemical characterization is element 112; its closed-shell electronic structure with a filled outer s orbital suggests that it may be particularly susceptible to strong deviations from the chemical property trends expected within group 12. Indeed, first experiments concluded that element 112 does not behave like its lighter homologue mercury. However, the production and identification methods used cast doubt on the validity of this result. Here we report a more reliable chemical characterization of element 112, involving the production of two atoms of (283)112 through the alpha decay of the short-lived (287)114 (which itself forms in the nuclear fusion reaction of 48Ca with 242Pu) and the adsorption of the two atoms on a gold surface. By directly comparing the adsorption characteristics of (283)112 to that of mercury and the noble gas radon, we find that element 112 is very volatile and, unlike radon, reveals a metallic interaction with the gold surface. These adsorption characteristics establish element 112 as a typical element of group 12, and its successful production unambiguously establishes the approach to the island of stability of superheavy elements through 48Ca-induced nuclear fusion reactions with actinides.

Phys Rev Lett ; 97(24): 242501, 2006 Dec 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17280272


Theoretical calculations predict 270Hs (Z=108, N=162) to be a doubly magic deformed nucleus, decaying mainly by alpha-particle emission. In this work, based on a rapid chemical isolation of Hs isotopes produced in the 26Mg+248Cm reaction, we observed 15 genetically linked nuclear decay chains. Four chains were attributed to the new nuclide 270Hs, which decays by alpha-particle emission with Qalpha=9.02+/-0.03 MeV to 266Sg which undergoes spontaneous fission with a half-life of 444(-148)(+444) ms. A production cross section of about 3 pb was measured for 270Hs. Thus, 270Hs is the first nucleus for which experimental nuclear decay properties have become available for comparison with theoretical predictions of the N=162 shell stability.

J Chem Phys ; 122(16): 164301, 2005 Apr 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15945678


The endothermic proton transfer reaction, H2+(upsilon+)+He-->HeH+ + H(DeltaE=0.806 eV), is investigated over a broad range of reactant vibrational levels using high-resolution vacuum ultraviolet to prepare reactant ions either through excitation of autoionization resonances, or using the pulsed-field ionization-photoelectron-secondary ion coincidence (PFI-PESICO) approach. In the former case, the translational energy dependence of the integral reaction cross sections are measured for upsilon+=0-3 with high signal-to-noise using the guided-ion beam technique. PFI-PESICO cross sections are reported for upsilon+=1-15 and upsilon+=0-12 at center-of-mass collision energies of 0.6 and 3.1 eV, respectively. All ion reactant states selected by the PFI-PESICO scheme are in the N+=1 rotational level. The experimental cross sections are complemented with quasiclassical trajectory (QCT) calculations performed on the ab initio potential energy surface provided by Palmieri et al. [Mol. Phys. 98, 1839 (2000)]. The QCT cross sections are significantly lower than the experimental results near threshold, consistent with important contributions due to resonances observed in quantum scattering studies. At total energies above 2 eV, the QCT calculations are in excellent agreement with the present results. PFI-PESICO time-of-flight (TOF) measurements are also reported for upsilon+=3 and 4 at a collision energy of 0.6 eV. The velocity inverted TOF spectra are consistent with the prevalence of a spectator-stripping mechanism.

Phys Rev Lett ; 89(9): 092001, 2002 Aug 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12190389


Total and differential cross sections for the exclusive reaction pp-->pp rho observed via the pi(+)pi(-) decay channel have been measured at p(beam)=3.67 GeV/c. The observed total meson production cross section is determined to be (23.4+/-0.8+/-8) mu b and is significantly lower than typical cross sections used in model calculations for heavy-ion collisions. The differential cross sections measured indicate a strong anisotropy (approximately cos(theta(CM)(rho)) in the rho(0) meson production.

Nature ; 418(6900): 859-62, 2002 Aug 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12192405


The periodic table provides a classification of the chemical properties of the elements. But for the heaviest elements, the transactinides, this role of the periodic table reaches its limits because increasingly strong relativistic effects on the valence electron shells can induce deviations from known trends in chemical properties. In the case of the first two transactinides, elements 104 and 105, relativistic effects do indeed influence their chemical properties, whereas elements 106 and 107 both behave as expected from their position within the periodic table. Here we report the chemical separation and characterization of only seven detected atoms of element 108 (hassium, Hs), which were generated as isotopes (269)Hs (refs 8, 9) and (270)Hs (ref. 10) in the fusion reaction between (26)Mg and (248)Cm. The hassium atoms are immediately oxidized to a highly volatile oxide, presumably HsO(4), for which we determine an enthalpy of adsorption on our detector surface that is comparable to the adsorption enthalpy determined under identical conditions for the osmium oxide OsO(4). These results provide evidence that the chemical properties of hassium and its lighter homologue osmium are similar, thus confirming that hassium exhibits properties as expected from its position in group 8 of the periodic table.