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Med J Armed Forces India ; 69(2): 130-3, 2013 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24600085


BACKGROUND: Medical management of an unruptured ectopic pregnancy with intramuscular methotrexate is a common and cost-effective alternative to surgery. Early diagnosis and timely institution of methotrexate has resulted in a dramatic decline in the morbidity, mortality and financial burden associated with ectopic pregnancy. The objective of our study was to evaluate the efficacy of medical management in a series of patients with unruptured ectopic pregnancy meeting the strict inclusion criteria. METHODS: Multiple dose methotrexate regimen was utilized for the management of the cases. Parenteral methotrexate 1 mg/kg was administered on Day 1, Day 3, Day 5 and Day 7 whereas rescue dose of injection leucovorin 0.1 mg/kg was given on Day 2, Day 4, Day 6 and Day 8. Monitoring for the resolution of the ectopic was carried out with ß-hCG, done on Day 1, Day 3, Day 5, and Day 7. Any value showing a decline of >15% of the baseline value led to the termination of treatment and only surveillance was carried out. If the decrease was <15%, treatment was continued. RESULTS: Total 43 patients with ectopic pregnancy were diagnosed over a period of 1 year, conceived during infertility evaluation and treatment. 11 cases went directly for surgery whereas 32 were subjected to medical treatment. 75% of the patients got successfully treated and rest 25% required surgery following failed medical management. CONCLUSIONS: Methotrexate therapy is a safe and effective alternative for the management of unruptured ectopic pregnancies with minimal or no side-effects and associated advantage of avoiding invasive surgery.

Med J Armed Forces India ; 67(3): 241-4, 2011 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27365814


BACKGROUND: The transvaginal ultrasound-guided embryo reduction technique is a feasible option for the prevention and management of the medical and obstetric risks associated with high-order multiple pregnancy resulting from assisted reproductive treatment. METHOD: Multifoetal pregnancy reduction was carried out in 51 in vitro fertilisation pregnancies (IVF) and one intrauterine quintuplet pregnancy resulting from intrauterine insemination (IUI) using transvaginal approach under ultrasonographic guidance. RESULTS: Of the 52 embryo reduction procedures, 48 (92%) were performed between the seventh and eighth weeks of gestation, three between eighth and ninth weeks and one in the 10th week of gestation. Forty-nine patients (94%) underwent reduction from triplets to twins, two from quadruplet to twins, and one from quintuplet to twin pregnancy. The average time required for the embryo reduction was 5.0 ± 0.5 minutes per sac in early gestation (6th-9th weeks), increasing to 8.5 minutes per sac for later procedures, due to technical difficulties brought about by increased embryo size and mobility. All embryo reduction procedures were successfully performed in a single session. CONCLUSION: Transvaginal ultrasound guided embryo reduction technique performed between seventh and eighth-weeks of gestation is an effective and safe procedure for embryo reduction.

Med J Armed Forces India ; 67(4): 311-4, 2011 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27365837


BACKGROUND: Although every step in the in vitro fertilisation (IVF) procedure is important, the impact of embryo transfer (ET) on pregnancy rate (PR) is significant. Of all the crucial aspects of ET the type of catheter used and the technique of transfer on the PR has drawn the maximum attention and controversy. We aimed to compare the outcome of two different ET catheters on the PR. METHOD: A prospective analysis comparing the classical Frydman (Laboratoire CCD, France) and the soft Cook (Cook Medical, Indiana, USA) ET catheters was performed. Primary end-point was clinical pregnancy rate (CPR); secondary end-points were rates of difficult transfer. A total of 1,446 ETs were performed in women undergoing IVF treatment, of which 723 cycles were randomised to the Cook catheter and 723 to the Frydman catheter. RESULTS: It was observed that, although the Cook catheter was related to a slightly higher PR, the overall comparison failed to indicate a significant difference in CPR. It was also seen that the ease of transfer did not significantly affect the PRs. CONCLUSION: Individual variables during ET may not contribute significantly to the success of an IVF programme; however, a holistic approach encompassing all the factors is quintessential to improve the PR.

Med J Armed Forces India ; 65(4): 332-5, 2009 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27408287


BACKGROUND: To evaluate the diagnostic potential of saline infusion sonography to pick up uterine cavity lesions and compare it with the gold standard office hysteroscopy. METHODS: Study population consisted of women scheduled for office hysteroscopy for various indications. Uterine cavity of 208 women of the study group were evaluated first by saline infusion sonography and then by office hysteroscopy by two separate examiners. Findings were recorded separately for both procedures and compared. Pain rating was also noted after each procedure. RESULT: In eight patients either or both the procedures could not be performed for various reasons, hence were excluded from the analysis. With saline infusion sonography, pathological findings were identified in 93 (46.5%) patients and hysteroscopy detected lesions in 88 (44%) patients. For all findings combined sensitivity of saline infusion sonography was 90.9%, specificity 88.3%, positive predictive value 86.0% and negative predictive value 92.5% as compared to hysteroscopy. Former was less painful and easier to perform than the latter. CONCLUSION: The findings of saline infusion sonography and office hysteroscopy did not differ significantly. Thus saline infusion sonography is an excellent option for uterine cavity evaluation.

Med J Armed Forces India ; 62(3): 275-6, 2006 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27365691
Med J Armed Forces India ; 62(2): 119-22, 2006 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27407876


BACKGROUND: In patients with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), resolution of infertility is an important goal of treatment. Wedge resection of the ovaries described as a means to achieve this was practiced in the middle of twentieth century. With the advent of endoscopic surgery, surgical approach for the same condition has been modified. Multi point biopsy, multiple needle puncture, electofulguration and laser fulguration are being tried in the context of PCOS. This project was taken up to evaluate the scope of electo fulguration in clomiphene resistant PCOS. METHODS: Forty patients who did not show sonographic evidence of ovulation with clomiphene citrate (CC) 100mg OD for 05 days in two cycles were subjected to laparoscopy. The patients who did not show any pelvic factor for infertility were alternately assigned to electro - fulguration treatment of ovaries or no fulguration during laparoscopy. These were designated as 'Lap EC' & 'Only CC' group respectively. For 'Only CC' group' stimulation with CC was continued for four cycles with a higher dose 150 mg OD for 05 days. Lap EC group were subjected to CC 100mg OD for 5 days for two cycles in case of non achievement of ovulation in the first two drug free cycles following EC. Folliculometry, HCG administration and Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) was performed for both groups. RESULTS: Total percentage of ovulatory cycles were 51.8% in EC group compared to 5.26% in the CC group. Overall pregnancy rate of 30% was achieved in the Lap EC group as compared to only 10% in the CC group (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Laparoscopic electrofulguration of ovaries increases the chances of ovulation and conception. This being a cheaper one time procedure as compared to other expensive ovulation inducing agents, should be the preferred mode and the primary procedure wherever polycystic ovaries are encountered while evaluating a case of infertility by laparoscopy.

Med J Armed Forces India ; 61(4): 403, 2005 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27407823
Med J Armed Forces India ; 60(1): 28-30, 2004 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27407573


Retrospective study of 121 cases of adnexal masses which were managed laparoscopically was carried out. The aim of study was to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of laparoscopic management of adnexal masses. In 120 cases, procedure was completed safely with minimum morbidity. In one case laparotomy had to be done to complete the procedure. In 76 cases cystectomy was done, 26 required salpingo-oophorectomy and 19 required only salpingectomy. Histologic evaluation revealed 30 functional cysts, 36 endometriotic cysts, 11 dermoids, 9 serous cystadenomas, 3 mucinous cystadenomas, 11 parovarian cysts, 19 cases of hydrosalpinx and 2 cases of tuberculosis.

Med J Armed Forces India ; 60(3): 220-3, 2004 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27407636


To compare the laparoscopic approach with laparotomy in the treatment of ectopic pregnancy, a retrospective analysis involving 52 patients with ectopic pregnancies was done. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of laparoscopic surgery for ectopic pregnancies. 30 patients underwent laparoscopic management while 22 patients were managed by conventional laparotomy. In the laparoscopic group, the postoperative morbidity and post-hospital stay were significantly less. Although laparoscopic surgery for ectopic pregnancies is a new approach and it is not widely practised in service hospitals, it has more advantages than open surgery and it has been well accepted by the surgeons and patients. It is a safe and feasible approach.

Med J Armed Forces India ; 59(1): 29-31, 2003 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27407453


690 hysteroscopies done over a period of four and a half years for infertility were evaluated. 85 therapeutic hysteroscopic procedures like hysterscopic metroplasty, lysis of intrauterine adhesions, electroresection of fibroids, removal of foreign bodies and cornual cannulation were carried out. These minimally invasive procedures were associated with satisfying results, least morbidity, shorter hospital stay and high patient satisfaction.

Med J Armed Forces India ; 59(3): 202-4, 2003 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27407515


The most frequent indication for hysterectomy is menorrhagia, even though the uterus is normal in a large number of patients. Transcervical resection of the endometrium (TCRE) is a less drastic alternative, but success rates have varied and menorrhagia can recur. 60 patients with menorrhagia due to various causes who failed to respond to medical therapy and did not desire pregnancy and hysterectomy underwent TCRE with hysteroscope. 56 cases have been followed up postoperatively for 3 years. The primary endpoints were women's satisfaction and need for further surgery. The proportion of patients who attained amennorhea 24 months after the procedure was 44.4% and the percentage of patients who attained hypomennorhea was 44.4%. The patients satisfaction rate after 24 months of follow up was 88.8%. Failure of TCRE procedure was encountered in 6.6% of patients. Randomized comparison with hysterectomy has shown short-term benefits in the form of shorter operating time, fewer complications and faster rates of recovery and almost as high satisfaction levels. TCRE is an effective procedure in treating menorrhagia and is an acceptable alternative to medical management and hysterectomy in the treatment of menorrhagia for many women with no other serious disorders.

Med J Armed Forces India ; 58(1): 44-6, 2002 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27365659


Fecundity is an area where individual experiences, community belief and anecdotes cloud scientific evidence. It has been a common belief that working women experience various types of subfecundity like infertility, abortion and prolonged waiting time for pregnancy. Work environment may be contributing to this end, besides the delay in starting a reproductive career. Since working women in military environment are exposed to factors like mobility, shift duty, anaesthetic gases etc, it was decided to study their fecundity vis-a-vis housewives of same sodo economic status. In this study 204 subjects returned the questionnaire with a response rate of 68%. It was found that higher shades of subfecundity exist among women engaged in military service but does not reach the level of statistical significance (p=>0.05) to attribute it to the work environment.

Med J Armed Forces India ; 58(4): 293-4, 2002 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27407415
Med J Armed Forces India ; 58(4): 295-7, 2002 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27407416


In clinical gynaecology, one comes across a large number of patients with intra-uterine pathology. Various investigations have been devised to evaluate these disorders. Hysteroscopy, since its advent has progressed a long way to be recognized as the gold standard in diagnosing intra-uterine pathologies. An attempt to make it an OPD procedure was encouraging. 100 cases of office hysteroscopy were performed at our centre. Pain, patient comfort and acceptability were studied. A favourable outcome was achieved and wider application is recommended.

Med J Armed Forces India ; 58(4): 319-22, 2002 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27407423


Hysterosalpingography (HSG) and hysteroscopy, two investigative modalities were performed on a group of 50 patients of secondary infertility and the results analysed. In this study, the infertile women were evaluated with HSG followed by hysteroscopy to evaluate the causes of secondary infertility and attempt a correlation between these investigative modalities. The complete agreement between HSG and hysteroscopy was established in 43 (86%) cases. HSG showed a false positive rate of 23% and false negative rate of 6%. The sensitivity of HSG was 77% and specificity 93% in diagnosing uterine conditions. The conditions missed were likely due to the overfilling of the uterus. HSG showed a good correlation with hysteroscopy and being a safe and simple procedure, it should be the preliminary Investigation in infertile patients. Thus, the two investigative modalities were found to be complementary to each other rather than being mutually exclusive.

Med J Armed Forces India ; 58(4): 331-4, 2002 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27407425