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J Chem Phys ; 160(10)2024 Mar 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38469909


Wave packet interferometry with vacuum ultraviolet light has been used to probe a complex region of the electronic spectrum of molecular nitrogen, N2. Wave packets of Rydberg and valence states were excited by using double pulses of vacuum ultraviolet (VUV), free-electron-laser (FEL) light. These wave packets were composed of contributions from multiple electronic states with a moderate principal quantum number (n ∼ 4-9) and a range of vibrational and rotational quantum numbers. The phase relationship of the two FEL pulses varied in time, but as demonstrated previously, a shot-by-shot analysis allows the spectra to be sorted according to the phase between the two pulses. The wave packets were probed by angle-resolved photoionization using an infrared pulse with a variable delay after the pair of excitation pulses. The photoelectron branching fractions and angular distributions display oscillations that depend on both the time delays and the relative phases of the VUV pulses. The combination of frequency, time delay, and phase selection provides significant control over the ionization process and ultimately improves the ability to analyze and assign complex molecular spectra.

J Chem Phys ; 154(14): 144305, 2021 Apr 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33858156


We have used the FERMI free-electron laser to perform time-resolved photoelectron imaging experiments on a complex group of resonances near 15.38 eV in the absorption spectrum of molecular nitrogen, N2, under jet-cooled conditions. The new data complement and extend the earlier work of Fushitani et al. [Opt. Express 27, 19702-19711 (2019)], who recorded time-resolved photoelectron spectra for this same group of resonances. Time-dependent oscillations are observed in both the photoelectron yields and the photoelectron angular distributions, providing insight into the interactions among the resonant intermediate states. In addition, for most states, we observe an exponential decay of the photoelectron yield that depends on the ionic final state. This observation can be rationalized by the different lifetimes for the intermediate states contributing to a particular ionization channel. Although there are nine resonances within the group, we show that by detecting individual photoelectron final states and their angular dependence, we can identify and differentiate quantum pathways within this complex system.

Opt Express ; 28(16): 23251-23265, 2020 Aug 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32752324


The dynamics and the decay processes of inner-shell excited atoms are of great interest in physics, chemistry, biology, and technology. The highly excited state decays very quickly through different channels, both radiative and non-radiative. It is therefore a long-standing goal to study such dynamics directly in the time domain. Using few-cycle infrared laser pulses, we investigated the excitation and ionization of inner-shell electrons through laser-induced electron re-collision with the original parent ions and measured the dependence of the emitted x-ray spectra on the intensity and ellipticity of the driving laser. These directly re-colliding electrons can be used as the initiating pump step in pump/probe experiments for studying core-hole dynamics at their natural temporal scale. In our experiment we found that the dependence of the x-ray emission spectrum on the laser intensity and polarization state varies distinctly for the two kinds of atomic systems. Relying on our data and numerical simulations, we explain this behavior by the presence of different excitation mechanisms that are contributing in different ratios to the respective overall x-ray emission yields. Direct re-collision excitation competes with indirect collisions with neighboring atoms by electrons having "drifted away" from the original parent ion.

Opt Express ; 28(5): 7314-7322, 2020 Mar 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32225962


High-harmonic generation (HHG) in crystals offers a simple, affordable and easily accessible route to carrier-envelope phase (CEP) measurements, which scales favorably towards longer wavelengths. We present measurements of HHG in ZnO using few-cycle pulses at 3.1µm. Thanks to the broad bandwidth of the driving laser pulses, spectral overlap between adjacent harmonic orders is achieved. The resulting spectral interference pattern provides access to the relative harmonic phase, and hence, the CEP.

Nature ; 578(7795): 386-391, 2020 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32042171


Attosecond pulses are central to the investigation of valence- and core-electron dynamics on their natural timescales1-3. The reproducible generation and characterization of attosecond waveforms has been demonstrated so far only through the process of high-order harmonic generation4-7. Several methods for shaping attosecond waveforms have been proposed, including the use of metallic filters8,9, multilayer mirrors10 and manipulation of the driving field11. However, none of these approaches allows the flexible manipulation of the temporal characteristics of the attosecond waveforms, and they suffer from the low conversion efficiency of the high-order harmonic generation process. Free-electron lasers, by contrast, deliver femtosecond, extreme-ultraviolet and X-ray pulses with energies ranging from tens of microjoules to a few millijoules12,13. Recent experiments have shown that they can generate subfemtosecond spikes, but with temporal characteristics that change shot-to-shot14-16. Here we report reproducible generation of high-energy (microjoule level) attosecond waveforms using a seeded free-electron laser17. We demonstrate amplitude and phase manipulation of the harmonic components of an attosecond pulse train in combination with an approach for its temporal reconstruction. The results presented here open the way to performing attosecond time-resolved experiments with free-electron lasers.