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Phys Rev Lett ; 130(21): 213602, 2023 May 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37295110


Experiments have demonstrated that the strong light-matter coupling in polaritonic microcavities significantly enhances transport. Motivated by these experiments, we have solved the disordered multimode Tavis-Cummings model in the thermodynamic limit and used this solution to analyze its dispersion and localization properties. The solution implies that wave-vector-resolved spectroscopic quantities can be described by single-mode models, but spatially resolved quantities require the multimode solution. Nondiagonal elements of the Green's function decay exponentially with distance, which defines the coherence length. The coherent length is strongly correlated with the photon weight and exhibits inverse scaling with respect to the Rabi frequency and an unusual dependence on disorder. For energies away from the average molecular energy E_{M} and above the confinement energy E_{C}, the coherence length rapidly diverges such that it exceeds the photon resonance wavelength λ_{0}. The rapid divergence allows us to differentiate the localized and delocalized regimes and identify the transition from diffusive to ballistic transport.

Photons , Vibration , Diffusion , Thermodynamics
Phys Rev Lett ; 126(9): 090601, 2021 Mar 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33750178


In recent experiments, the light-matter interaction has reached the ultrastrong coupling limit, which can give rise to dynamical generalizations of spatial symmetries in periodically driven systems. Here, we present a unified framework of dynamical-symmetry-protected selection rules based on Floquet response theory. Within this framework, we study rotational, parity, particle-hole, chiral, and time-reversal symmetries and the resulting selection rules in spectroscopy, including symmetry-protected dark states (spDS), symmetry-protected dark bands, and symmetry-induced transparency. Specifically, dynamical rotational and parity symmetries establish spDS and symmetry-protected dark band conditions. A particle-hole symmetry introduces spDSs for symmetry-related Floquet states and also a symmetry-induced transparency at quasienergy crossings. Chiral symmetry and time-reversal symmetry alone do not imply spDS conditions but can be combined to define a particle-hole symmetry. These symmetry conditions arise from destructive interference due to the synchronization of symmetric quantum systems with the periodic driving. Our predictions reveal new physical phenomena when a quantum system reaches the strong light-matter coupling regime, which is important for superconducting qubits, atoms and molecules in optical or plasmonic field cavities, and optomechanical systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(12): 120602, 2019 Sep 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31633942


If an open quantum system is periodically driven with high frequency and the driving commutes with the system-bath coupling operator, it is known that the system approaches a Floquet-Gibbs state, a generalization of Gibbs states to periodically driven systems. Here, we investigate the stationary state of an ac-driven system when the driving and dissipation are noncommutative. Then, the resulting stationary state does not obey the Floquet-Gibbs distribution, and the system dynamics is determined by inelastic scattering processes of the driving field. Based on the Floquet-Redfield formalism, we show that the probability distribution can exhibit population inversion and discontinuities, i.e., jumps, for parameters at which coherent destruction of tunneling takes place. These discontinuities can be observed as intensity jumps in the emission into the bath.