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J Med Case Rep ; 17(1): 440, 2023 Oct 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37867194


BACKGROUND: The most common source of pyogenic liver abscess is biliary tract infection. Other less common routes include the spread of bacteria from distant foci. However, direct extension of a perinephric infection focus to the liver is extremely rare. CASE REPORT: The patient was a non-diabetic, immunocompetent, 29-year-old woman of mixed race ancestry with a history of recurrent urinary tract infections who was referred to our hospital because of an ultrasound-detected liver abscess. She was initially treated with metronidazole for 20 days at the referring institution for suspected amebic abscess without improvement. On admission to our center, she was febrile and complained of a dull right upper quadrant pain. A POCUS ultrasound suggested a pyogenic abscess, probably from a staghorn calculus infection. She received meroperem and amikacin for 22 and 10 days, respectively. Repeat hemocultures showed no growth, but urine cultures were positive for Proteus sp. Complete remission of clinical and imaging findings was observed under antibiotics. The patient was referred to the urology outpatient clinic to discuss the option of radical nephrectomy. CONCLUSION : This case underlines the high morbidity of staghorn calculi.

Liver Abscess , Staghorn Calculi , Female , Humans , Adult , Staghorn Calculi/complications , Staghorn Calculi/diagnostic imaging , Staghorn Calculi/drug therapy , Liver Abscess/drug therapy , Ultrasonography , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Amikacin
Int Med Case Rep J ; 15: 719-724, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36540621


Background: Myiasis is an infestation by fly larvae. Some species exclusively affect humans, contaminating wounds, mucous membranes, and other tissues. It is a disease with marked socioeconomic connotations. Case Presentation: The current case involves a 95-year-old woman, an inhabitant of the Andean region of Ecuador with a history of resection of basal cell carcinoma in the left zygomatic region and a diagnosis of chronic leukemia. The surgical wound was secondarily infested with Cochliomyia hominivorax fly larvae and the patient was readmitted to the hospital to treat this complication. A marked clinical improvement was observed after surgical debridement, removal of larvae and administration of ivermectin and antibiotics. Conclusion: The determinants of this infestation were advanced age, neglect, and destitution in a patient with an open wound on the face after resection of a basal cell carcinoma. This case illustrates the appalling reality of the marginalized and excluded population of South America. Also of concern is the expansion of myiasis-producing fly populations to areas outside their natural humid and warm habitat. South American governments are called upon to act jointly and effectively against this ominous disease.

Vive (El Alto) ; 5(13): 52-62, abr. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410331


El inicio sexual temprano, conlleva numerosos riesgos como embarazos precoces o enfermedades de transmisión sexual, abortos; por ello, la importancia de que los adolescentes conozcan la anticoncepción de emergencia, sobre todo, para la prevención del embarazo no deseado y las secuelas del aborto. Objetivo. Describir la anticoncepción de emergencia y la evaluación de su conocimiento en adolescentes. Materiales y métodos. Revisión sistemática, basado en criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se realizó la búsqueda de documentos entre los años 2020 y 2021, de las bases de datos PubMed, Cochrane, Science Direct, Redalyc, Scielo. Se usaron las palabras clave de los DeCS y MeSH; además, se utilizó los operadores booleanos AND, OR. Se obtuvieron 18 artículos para elaborar esta investigación. Resultados. El uso de anticoncepción de emergencia (AE) varía entre el 10,6% hasta un 60% en dependencia de la población estudiada, además, gran parte de los factores de rechazo radican en una desinformación acerca de su mecanismo de acción y a la estigmatización de la misma, el cual es visto como un método abortivo. El nivel de conocimiento acerca de la AE es baja, destacando factores como el hecho de asistir a un colegio de menor nivel académico y ser inmigrante, los que se asocian con un menor conocimiento de la misma. Conclusiones. Pese a los esfuerzos por garantizar una salud sexual y reproductiva los niveles de conocimiento sobre el AE son bajos, siendo reflejado en la prevalencia de utilización y en los factores que limitan su adquisición y uso.

Early sexual initiation carries numerous risks such as early pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases, abortions; therefore, it is important for adolescents to know about emergency contraception, especially for the prevention of unwanted pregnancy and the sequelae of abortion. Objective. To describe emergency contraception and the evaluation of its knowledge in adolescents. Materials and methods. Systematic review, based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, we searched for documents between 2020 and 2021, from PubMed, Cochrane, Science Direct, Redalyc, Scielo databases. DeCS and MeSH keywords were used; in addition, the Boolean operators AND, OR were used. Eighteen articles were obtained to prepare this research. Results. The use of emergency contraception (EC) varies from 10.6% to 60% depending on the population studied. In addition, a large part of the rejection factors lie in misinformation about its mechanism of action and its stigmatization, which is seen as an abortive method. The level of knowledge about EC is low, with factors such as the fact of attending a school with a lower academic level and being an immigrant being associated with a lower level of knowledge. Conclusions. Despite the efforts to guarantee sexual and reproductive health, the levels of knowledge about EC are low, being reflected in the prevalence of use and in the factors that limit its acquisition and use.

A iniciação sexual precoce acarreta inúmeros riscos, como gravidez precoce ou doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, abortos; portanto, é importante que as adolescentes estejam cientes da contracepção de emergência, especialmente para a prevenção da gravidez indesejada e das conseqüências do aborto. Objetivo. Para descrever a anticoncepção de emergência e a avaliação de seus conhecimentos em adolescentes. Materiais e métodos. Revisão sistemática, baseada em critérios de inclusão e exclusão, pesquisamos documentos entre 2020 e 2021, nas bases de dados PubMed, Cochrane, Science Direct, Redalyc, Scielo. Foram utilizadas as palavras-chave DeCS e MeSH; além disso, foram utilizados os operadores Booleanos AND, OR. Dezoito artigos foram obtidos para esta pesquisa. Resultados. O uso da anticoncepção de emergência (CE) varia de 10,6% a 60% dependendo da população estudada. Além disso, uma grande parte dos fatores de rejeição reside na desinformação sobre seu mecanismo de ação e sua estigmatização, o que é visto como um método abortivo. O nível de conhecimento sobre CE é baixo, com fatores como o fato de freqüentar uma escola com um nível acadêmico inferior e ser um imigrante sendo associado a um nível de conhecimento inferior. Conclusões. Apesar dos esforços para garantir a saúde sexual e reprodutiva, os níveis de conhecimento sobre CE são baixos, como refletido na prevalência do uso e nos fatores que limitam sua aquisição e uso.

Vive (El Alto) ; 3(9): 265-274, dic. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252343


INTRODUCCIÓN: en los países subdesarrollados, los programas de tamizaje apoyados en la citología como el de Detección Oportuna del Cáncer Cérvicouterino, no han tenido el éxito esperado, debido a que se solicitan múltiples recursos para ejecutar cada uno de los pasos del programa, y no siempre se cuenta con el personal y la infraestructura necesaria. OBJETIVO: determinar la frecuencia del cumplimiento del programa de Detección Oportuna del Cáncer cérvicouterino. METODOLOGÍA: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica se incluyeron investigaciones que proporcionaron información cuantitativa sobre el Programa de Detección Oportuna del Cáncer Cérvicouterino de las unidades de salud del Ministerio Salud Pública. La información se recolectó de artículos originales de revistas indexadas, y que se encontraron en la base de datos científicas como Scopus, Scielo y Google académico. Se encontraron 116 artículos, pero solo 17 resultaron ser elegibles y válidos para el estudio. RESULTADOS: el incumplimiento de la cobertura del programa DOCcu a nivel nacional fue del 41,5% para el test de Papanicolaou, y de inmunizaciones contra el VPH fue del 15,91% para las niñas de 9 años, y en mujeres de más edad fue del 60%, esto hasta el año 2018, a partir de esas fechas no hay registros, ni tampoco de las otras pruebas. El grupo de edad que más participó en DOCcu son las mujeres de 45 hasta los 49 años, con instrucción superior. CONCLUSIONES: el Programa de Detección Oportuna de cáncer, en relación al Paptest y la vacunación del VPH en Ecuador aún es deficiente.

INTRODUCTION: in underdeveloped countries, screening programs supported by cytology such as the Timely Detection of Cervical Cancer have not had the expected success, because multiple resources are requested to execute each of the steps of the program, and the necessary staff and infrastructure are not always in place. OBJECTIVE: to determine the frequency of compliance with the program for the Timely Detection of Cervical Cancer. METHODOLOGY: a bibliographic review was carried out, and investigations were included that provided quantitative information on the Program for the Timely Detection of Cervical Cancer of the health units of the Ministry of Public Health. The information was collected from original articles from indexed journals, which were found in scientific databases such as Scopus, Scielo and academic Google 116 articles were found, but only 17 were found to be eligible and valid for the study. RESULTS: non-compliance with the DOCcu program coverage at the national level was 41.5% for the Papanicolaou test, and immunizations against HPV was 15.91% for 9-year-old girls, and in older women It was 60%, this until 2018, as of those dates there are no records, nor of the other tests. The age group that most participated in DOCcu are women from 45 to 49 years old, with higher education. CONCLUSIONS: the Program for the Timely Detection of cancer, in relation to the Paptest and HPV vaccination in Ecuador is still deficient.

INTRODUÇÃO: em países subdesenvolvidos, programas de rastreamento apoiados por citologia, como a Detecção Oportuna de Câncer do Colo Uterino, não tiveram o sucesso esperado, pois vários recursos são solicitados para executar cada uma das etapas do programa, e o pessoal necessário e a infraestrutura nem sempre está instalada. OBJETIVO: determinar a frequência de cumprimento do programa de Detecção Oportunidade de Câncer do Colo Uterino. METODOLOGIA: foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica, incluindo-se investigações que fornecessem informações quantitativas sobre o Programa de Detecção Atempada do Câncer do Colo Uterino das unidades de saúde do Ministério da Saúde Pública. As informações foram coletadas a partir de artigos originais de periódicos indexados, encontrados em bases de dados científicas como Scopus, Scielo e Google acadêmico. 116 artigos foram encontrados, mas apenas 17 foram considerados elegíveis e válidos para o estudo. RESULTADOS: o não cumprimento da cobertura do programa DOCcu em nível nacional foi de 41,5% para o teste de Papanicolau e a imunização contra o HPV foi de 15,91% para meninas de 9 anos, e em mulheres mais velhas foi de 60%, até 2018, a partir dessas datas não há registros, nem dos demais testes. A faixa etária que mais participa do DOCu são mulheres de 45 a 49 anos, com ensino superior. CONCLUSÕES: o Programa de Detecção Oportuna de Câncer, em relação à vacinação Paptest e HPV no Equador, ainda é deficiente.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms , Public Health , Records
Kasmera ; 48(1): e48116092019, ene-jun 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1103093


La procalcitonina, reactante de fase aguda, permite establecer el estado de los pacientes con diagnóstico de sepsis, brindando la posibilidad de asociarlo con su pronóstico. El objetivo de este estudio fue el determinar el pronóstico clínico de la hiperprocalcitonemia en pacientes sépticos de los centros hospitalarios privados de Cuenca­Ecuador. El estudio fue analítico de corte transversal, la muestra fueron 207 pacientes. Los datos se analizaron con el programa estadístico SPSS (25,0); el análisis se realizó mediante estadística descriptiva; la asociación mediante Odds Ratio (OR), intervalo de confianza (95%), considerando valores estadísticamente significativos con p <0,05. La prevalencia de hiperprocalcitonemia severa fue 63,29%, la media de edad 67,25±19,07 años; predominó el sexo masculino 57% y la etnia mestiza. Se evidenció asociación estadística entre hiperprocalcitonemia severa y mayor estancia hospitalaria (>15 días) OR: 2,41 (IC 95% 1,11-5,19 p: 0,015); de igual manera con la mortalidad intrahospitalaria OR: 9,37 (IC 95% 4,31-20,37 p: <0,000). Se determinó asociación, mas no significancia estadística con la presencia de comorbilidades OR: 1,35 (IC 95% 0,69-2,64 p: 0,243). Se evidenció hiperprocalcitonemia severa en casi 2/3 de los pacientes, y existió asociación con aumento de mortalidad y estancia hospitalaria.

Procalcitonin, an acute phase's reactant, enables to establish sepsis-diagnosis'-patients status, bringing the possibility of associate it with its prognosis. The aim of this study was to determine the clinical prognosis of hyperprocalcitonemia in septical patients of private hospital centers in Cuenca­Ecuador. The study was cross-sectional, the sample were 207 patients. Data was analyzed with SPSS statistical program (25.0); analysis was done through descriptive statistic; association through Odds Ratio (OR), confidence interval (95%), considering statiscally significant values with p <0.05. Severe hyperprocalcitonemia prevalence was 63.29%, average age 67.25±19.07 years old; male sex prevailed 57% and half-blood ethnic group. A statistical association between severe hyperprocalcitonemia and longer hospital stay (≥15 days) was shown OR: 2.41 (CI 95% 1.11­5.19 p: 0.015); likewise, with in-hospital mortality OR: 9.37 (CI 95% 4.31­20.37 p: <0.000). Association was determined, but statistical significance with presence of comorbidities was not OR: 1.35 (CI 95% 0.69­2.64 p:0.243). Severe hyperprocalcitonemia was shown in almost 2/3 of patients, and there was an association with mortality increase and hospital stay.

Kasmera ; 47(2): 95-101, 02-12-2019.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1046319


Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers in female population worldwide in underdeveloped countries, and in Ecuador it stands out in second place. This research focuses on HPV-genotype description in type III-intraepithelial neoplasms. The study type was analytical, retrospective and cross-sectional. The sample was 195 patients with NIC III diagnosis, from 20 to 60 years old, who were in the data system of "Sociedad de Lucha Contra el Cancer" Cuenca­Ecuador, 2013-2017 term. It was established that HPV-16 genotype was in 32.9% (n 51) of all cases; factors like sociodemographic variables, tobacco use, infection, hormonal contraceptives use, more than one sexual partner, age of start of active sex life equal or less than 20 years old, didn´t show a relationship with HPV infection; on the other hand, IUD use and HPV-16 infection had a statically significant relationship (OR 2,75; CI 95% 1,21-6,26; p 0,01). HPV genotype HPV-16 was the most common, and IUD use was a risk factor to get HPV infection

El cáncer de cuello uterino, es uno de los cánceres más frecuentes en la población femenina a nivel mundial en países subdesarrollados, y en Ecuador ocupa el segundo lugar. Esta investigación se sitúa en la descripción de los genotipos del VPH en neoplasias intraepiteliales tipo III. El tipo de estudio fue analítico, retrospectivo y transversal. La muestra fueron 195 pacientes con diagnóstico de NIC III, de 20 hasta los 60 años de edad, que se encontraba en el sistema informático de la "Sociedad de Lucha Contra el Cáncer", Cuenca ­ Ecuador, periodo 2013 - 2017. Los datos fueron procesados a través del software SPSS 23.00. Se determinó que el genotipo VPH-16 estuvo en el 32,9% (n 51) de los casos; las variables sociodemográficas, consumo de tabaco, infecciones, uso de anticonceptivos hormonales, más de una pareja sexual, IVSA igual o menor de 20 años no presentaron relación a la infección por VPH; pero, el uso de DIU e infección por VPH-16 tuvo una relación estadísticamente significativa (OR 2,75; IC 95% 1,21-6,26; p 0,01). El genotipo de VPH-16 fue el más frecuente, y el uso de DIU fue un factor de riesgo para adquirir la infección por el VPH

Article in Spanish | BDNPAR | ID: biblio-981719


El Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico (LES) es una enfermedad autoinmune, multisistémica, episódica que puede llegar a ser fatal. Su sintomatología variable y presentaciones atípicas hacen de esta patología un reto diagnóstico.Se reporta el caso de una paciente mujer de 31 años con antecedente de teratoma de ovario, que refiere desde hace 9 meses la sensación de plentud epigástrica y distensión abdominal compatible con ascitis, acompañada de baja ponderal de peso. El diagnóstico riguroso que incluyó pruebas de laboratorio, de imagen y de líquido ascítico, descartó la etiología neoplásica; llegando a concluir que LES era la causa de estas manifestaciones. Debido a la demora en el diagnóstico y pese a que se inició tratamiento esteroideo, la presentación de una respuesta desfavorable al tratamiento y una infección intercurrente influyó en el desenlace fatal, lo que nos hace considerar la presentación de este caso.

Humans , Female , Adult , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/drug therapy , Prognosis , Ascites/diagnosis , Ascites/etiology , Prednisone/therapeutic use , Cephalosporins/therapeutic use , Chloroquine/therapeutic use , Colony-Stimulating Factors/therapeutic use , Fatal Outcome , Antirheumatic Agents/therapeutic use , Cyclophosphamide/therapeutic use , Delayed Diagnosis , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/complications , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/diagnosis , Anti-Infective Agents/therapeutic use