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J Phys Chem A ; 128(33): 6927-6942, 2024 Aug 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39119943


A combined analysis of millimeter-wave (70-700 GHz) and rotationally resolved infrared (400-1200 cm-1) spectra of the ground state and seven fundamental vibrational modes of 1H-1,2,4-triazole is reported. While the lowest-energy vibrationally excited state (ν18) is well-treated using a single-state distorted-rotor Hamiltonian, the second (ν17) and third (ν16) vibrationally excited states are involved in strong c-type Coriolis coupling and require an appropriate two-state Hamiltonian. The oblate nature of 1H-1,2,4-triazole is sufficiently close to the oblate symmetric-top limit that the analysis requires the use of A-reduced, sextic centrifugally distorted-rotor Hamiltonian models in the Ir representation in order to achieve low σfit values. The coupling between ν17 (A″) and ν16 (A″) resulted in many transitions with slightly perturbed frequencies, many highly displaced resonant intrastate transitions, and 165 nominal interstate transitions. Modeling the spectra of ν17 and ν16 required three c-axis Coriolis-coupling terms (Fab, FabJ, and FabK) to treat the interaction. Many of the nominal interstate transitions form clearly discernible Q-branch bands, comprising degenerate sets of a- and b-type transitions. The rotational spectra of four higher-energy vibrationally excited states (ν15, ν14, ν13, and ν12), which form a complex polyad involving Coriolis and anharmonic coupling interactions, were analyzed by single-state models, thus producing only effective spectroscopic constants. Inclusion of rotationally resolved infrared transitions enabled the accurate and precise determination of vibrational band origins for the four lowest-energy fundamental states: ν18 = 542.601 824 3 (28) cm-1, ν17 = 665.183 128 5 (43) cm-1, ν16 = 682.256 910 5 (43) cm-1, and ν15 = 847.557 400 (11) cm-1.

J Phys Chem A ; 128(29): 6084-6097, 2024 Jul 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38916202


The rotational spectrum of 3-furonitrile has been collected from 85 to 500 GHz, spanning the most intense rotational transitions observable at room temperature. The large dipole moment imparted by the nitrile substituent confers substantial intensity to the rotational spectrum, enabling the observation of over 5600 new rotational transitions. Combined with previously published transitions, the available data set was least-squares fit to partial-octic, distorted-rotor A- and S-reduced Hamiltonian models with low statistical uncertainty (σfit < 0.031 MHz) for the ground vibrational state. Similar to its isomer 2-furonitrile, the two lowest-energy vibrationally excited states of 3-furonitrile (ν17, ν24), which correspond to the in-plane and out-of-plane nitrile bending vibrations, form an a- and b-axis Coriolis-coupled dyad. Rotationally resolved infrared transitions (30-600 cm-1) and over 4200 pure rotational transitions for both ν17 and ν24 were fit to a partial-octic, Coriolis-coupled, two-state Hamiltonian with low statistical uncertainty (σfit rot < 0.045 MHz, σfit IR < 6.1 MHz). The least-squares fitting of these vibrationally excited states provides their accurate and precise vibrational frequencies (ν17 = 168.193 164 8 (67) cm-1 and ν24 = 169.635 831 5 (77) cm-1) and seven Coriolis-coupling terms (Ga, GaJ, GaK, Fbc, FbcK, Gb, and Fac). The two fundamental states exhibit a notably small energy gap (1.442 667 (10) cm-1) and an inversion of the relative energies of ν17 and ν24 compared to those of the isomer 2-furonitrile. The rotational frequencies and spectroscopic constants of 3-furonitrile that we present herein provide a sufficient basis for conducting radioastronomical searches for this molecule across the majority of the frequency range available to current radiotelescopes.

J Chem Phys ; 160(19)2024 May 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38747434


The gas-phase rotational spectrum from 8 to 750 GHz and the high-resolution infrared (IR) spectrum of pyridazine (o-C4H4N2) have been analyzed for the ground and four lowest-energy vibrationally excited states. A combined global fit of the rotational and IR data has been obtained using a sextic, centrifugally distorted-rotor Hamiltonian with Coriolis coupling between appropriate states. Coriolis coupling has been addressed in the two lowest-energy coupled dyads (ν16, ν13 and ν24, ν9). Utilizing the Coriolis coupling between the vibrational states of each dyad and the analysis of the IR spectrum for ν16 and ν9, we have determined precise band origins for each of these fundamental states: ν16 (B1) = 361.213 292 7 (17) cm-1, ν13 (A2) = 361.284 082 4 (17) cm-1, ν24 (B2) = 618.969 096 (26) cm-1, and ν9 (A1) = 664.723 378 4 (27) cm-1. Notably, the energy separation in the ν16-ν13 Coriolis-coupled dyad is one of the smallest spectroscopically measured energy separations between vibrational states: 2122.222 (72) MHz or 0.070 789 7 (24) cm-1. Despite ν13 being IR inactive and ν24 having an impractically low-intensity IR intensity, the band origins of all four vibrational states were measured, showcasing the power of combining the data provided by millimeter-wave and high-resolution IR spectra. Additionally, the spectra of pyridazine-dx isotopologues generated for a previous semi-experimental equilibrium structure (reSE) determination allowed us to analyze the two lowest-energy vibrational states of pyridazine for all nine pyridazine-dx isotopologues. Coriolis-coupling terms have been measured for analogous vibrational states across seven isotopologues, both enabling their comparison and providing a new benchmark for computational chemistry.

J Phys Chem A ; 128(8): 1427-1437, 2024 Feb 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38354365


The gas-phase rotational spectrum of 1-cyano-2-methylenecyclopropane (C1, C5H5N), an isomer of pyridine, is presented for the first time, covering the range from 235 to 500 GHz. Over 3600 a-, b-, and c-type transitions for the ground vibrational state have been assigned, measured, and least-squares fit to partial-octic A- and S-reduced distorted-rotor Hamiltonians with low statistical uncertainty (σfit = 42 kHz). Transitions for the two lowest-energy fundamental states (ν27 and ν26) and the lowest-energy overtone (2ν27) have been similarly measured, assigned, and least-squares fit to single-state Hamiltonians. Computed vibration-rotation interaction constants (B0-Bv) using the B3LYP and MP2 levels of theory are compared with the corresponding experimental values. Based upon our preliminary analysis, the next few vibrationally excited states form one or more complex polyads of interacting states via Coriolis and anharmonic coupling. The spectroscopic constants and transition frequencies presented here form the foundation for both future laboratory spectroscopy and astronomical searches for 1-cyano-2-methylenecyclopropane.

J Phys Chem A ; 128(8): 1417-1426, 2024 Feb 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38329215


Broad-band ultraviolet photolysis (λ > 200 nm) of (cyanomethylene)cyclopropane (5) in an argon matrix at 20 K generates 1-cyano-2-methylenecyclopropane (7), a previously unknown compound. This product was initially identified by comparison of its infrared spectrum to that predicted by an anharmonic MP2/6-311+G(2d,p) calculation. This assignment was unambiguously confirmed by the synthesis of 1-cyano-2-methylenecyclopropane (7) and observation of its authentic infrared spectrum, which proved identical to that of the observed photoproduct. We investigated the singlet and triplet potential energy surfaces associated with this isomerization process using density functional theory and multireference calculations. The observed rearrangement of compound 5 to compound 7 is computed to be endothermic (3.3 kcal/mol). We were unable to observe the reverse reaction (7 → 5) under the photochemical conditions.

J Phys Chem A ; 128(1): 191-203, 2024 Jan 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38153243


The millimeter-wave rotational spectrum of 1-oxaspiro[2.5]octa-4,7-dien-6-one (1) was collected from 235 to 360 GHz. With the rotational spectrum of this compound available for the first time, more than 5500 a- and c-type transitions were observed and assigned for the vibrational ground state. These transitions were least-squares fit to S- and A-reduced, sextic distorted-rotor Hamiltonians in the Ir representation (σfit = 37 kHz). Additionally, transitions of four fundamental states (ν22, ν21, ν39, and ν38), four overtone states (2ν22, 3ν22, 4ν22, and 5ν22), and two combination states (ν22 + ν21 and ν22 + ν39) were measured, assigned, and least-squares fit to single-state, S- and A-reduced, sextic distorted-rotor Hamiltonians in the Ir representation (σfit < 42 kHz). The computed vibration-rotation interaction constants (B0 - Bv) (MP2 and B3LYP/6-311+G(2d,p)) were compared to their corresponding experimental values, showing excellent agreement for all fundamental states. Based on the intensities of the transitions from six members of the v ν22 series, the fundamental frequency of ν22 was determined to be 79.0 (2.1) cm-1.

J Org Chem ; 88(23): 16176-16185, 2023 Dec 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37948641


Photolysis (λ > 613 nm) of 1-(3-thienyl)diazoethane (21) yields the s-E rotamer of triplet 1-(3-thienyl)ethylidene (3), as characterized by UV/vis and EPR spectroscopy. The s-Z rotamer of 3 was not observed. EPR and UV/vis signals attributed to carbene 3 decrease by approximately 50% upon standing in the dark for 68 h at 10 K. Although formally spin-forbidden, an intramolecular [1,2]-hydrogen shift in triplet carbene 3 to afford singlet s-E 3-vinylthiophene (8) is presumed to occur via quantum mechanical tunneling. The behavior of the CD3 analogue supports this interpretation. Photolysis (λ > 613 nm) of 1-(3-thienyl)diazoethane-d3 (21-d3) yields triplet 1-(3-thienyl)ethylidene-d3 (3-d3), as characterized by IR, UV/vis, and EPR spectroscopy. No change in the signal intensity of EPR and UV/vis signals of triplet 3-d3 is observed upon standing in the dark for 68 h at 10 K. In a series of 2-substituted thienyl derivatives, irradiation of 1-(2-thienyl)diazoethane (22), 1-(2-thienyl)diazoethane-d3 (22-d3), or (3-methyl-2-thienyl)diazomethane (23) does not yield triplet carbene intermediates. Positioning and labeling of the methyl group proved to have a large effect on products observed for these species. 1-(2-Thienyl)diazoethane (22) yields the products of [1,2]-hydrogen migration, s-Z and s-E 2-vinylthiophene (7), while 22-d3 and 23 give products derived from opening of the thiophene ring.

J Am Chem Soc ; 145(40): 21785-21797, 2023 Oct 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37774420


Recent advances in gas-phase structure determination afford outstanding agreement between the CCSD(T)/cc-pCVTZ-corrected semi-experimental (reSE) equilibrium structures and their corresponding best theoretical estimates (BTEs) of the equilibrium structures (re) based upon corrections to the CCSD(T)/cc-pCV5Z geometries for the aromatic heterocycles pyrimidine and pyridazine. Herein, that same analysis is extended to the fundamental aromatic molecule benzene, using published experimental spectroscopic data for a total of 11 available isotopologues. The incorporation of rotational constants from all of these isotopologues and CCSD(T) corrections to address the impacts of both the vibration-rotation interaction and electron-mass distribution results in a highly precise and accurate reSE structure. The CCSD(T)/cc-pCV5Z optimized geometry has been further corrected to address a finite basis set, untreated electron correlation, relativistic effects, and a breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. This analysis achieves outstanding agreement between the re (BTE) and reSE structural parameters of benzene to a highly satisfying level (0.0001 Å), an agreement that surpasses our recently published structures of the aforementioned nitrogen-substituted benzene analogues. The D6h geometry of benzene is now known to an unprecedented precision: RC-C = 1.3913 (1) Å and RC-H = 1.0809 (1) Å. The mutual agreement between theory and experiment presented in this work validates both, substantially resolving all discrepancies between the reSE and theoretical re structures available in the literature.

J Chem Phys ; 158(24)2023 Jun 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37352424


The millimeter-wave rotational spectrum of ketene (H2C=C=O) has been collected and analyzed from 130 to 750 GHz, providing highly precise spectroscopic constants from a sextic, S-reduced Hamiltonian in the Ir representation. The chemical synthesis of deuteriated samples allowed spectroscopic measurements of five previously unstudied ketene isotopologues. Combined with previous work, these data provide a new, highly precise, and accurate semi-experimental (reSE) structure for ketene from 32 independent moments of inertia. This reSE structure was determined with the experimental rotational constants of each available isotopologue, together with computed vibration-rotation interaction and electron-mass distribution corrections from coupled-cluster calculations with single, double, and perturbative triple excitations [CCSD(T)/cc-pCVTZ]. The 2σ uncertainties of the reSE parameters are ≤0.0007 Å and 0.014° for the bond distances and angle, respectively. Only S-reduced spectroscopic constants were used in the structure determination due to a breakdown in the A-reduction of the Hamiltonian for the highly prolate ketene species. All four reSE structural parameters agree with the "best theoretical estimate" (BTE) values, which are derived from a high-level computed re structure [CCSD(T)/cc-pCV6Z] with corrections for the use of a finite basis set, the incomplete treatment of electron correlation, relativistic effects, and the diagonal Born-Oppenheimer breakdown. In each case, the computed value of the geometric parameter lies within the statistical experimental uncertainty (2σ) of the corresponding semi-experimental coordinate. The discrepancies between the BTE structure and the reSE structure are 0.0003, 0.0000, and 0.0004 Å for rC-C, rC-H, and rC-O, respectively, and 0.009° for θC-C-H.

Ethylenes , Quantum Theory , Spectrum Analysis , Ketones
J Phys Chem A ; 127(19): 4277-4290, 2023 May 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37146283


We present computational studies of reaction pathways for alkyne/polyyne dimerization that represent plausible early steps in mechanisms for carbon condensation. A previous computational study of the ring coalescence and annealing model of C60 formation revealed that a 1,4-didehydrobenzocyclobutadiene intermediate (p-benzyne derivative) has little to no barrier to undergoing an unproductive retro-Bergman cyclization, which brings into question the relevance of that reaction pathway. The current study investigates an alternative model, which proceeds through an initial [4 + 2] cycloaddition instead of a [2 + 2] cycloaddition. In this pathway, the problematic intermediate is avoided, with the reaction proceeding via a (potentially) more kinetically stable tetradehydronaphthalene derivative. The computational studies of the [2 + 2] and [4 + 2] model systems, with increasing alkyne substitutions, reveal that the para-benzyne diradical of the [4 + 2] pathway has a significantly greater barrier to ring opening than the analogous intermediates of the [2 + 2] pathway and that alkyne substitution has little effect on this important barrier. These studies employ spin-flip, time-dependent density functional theory (SF-TDDFT) to provide suitable treatment of open-shell diradical intermediates.

J Chem Phys ; 158(4): 044301, 2023 Jan 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36725515


In this work, we present the spectral analysis of 1H- and 2H-1,2,3-triazole vibrationally excited states alongside provisional and practical computational predictions of the excited-state quartic centrifugal distortion constants. The low-energy fundamental vibrational states of 1H-1,2,3-triazole and five of its deuteriated isotopologues ([1-2H]-, [4-2H]-, [5-2H]-, [4,5-2H]-, and [1,4,5-2H]-1H-1,2,3-triazole), as well as those of 2H-1,2,3-triazole and five of its deuteriated isotopologues ([2-2H]-, [4-2H]-, [2,4-2H]-, [4,5-2H]-, and [2,4,5-2H]-2H-1,2,3-triazole), are studied using millimeter-wave spectroscopy in the 130-375 GHz frequency region. The normal and [2-2H]-isotopologues of 2H-1,2,3-triazole are also analyzed using high-resolution infrared spectroscopy, determining the precise energies of three of their low-energy fundamental states. The resulting spectroscopic constants for each of the vibrationally excited states are reported for the first time. Coupled-cluster vibration-rotation interaction constants are compared with each of their experimentally determined values, often showing agreement within 500 kHz. Newly available coupled-cluster predictions of the excited-state quartic centrifugal distortion constants based on fourth-order vibrational perturbation theory are benchmarked using a large number of the 1,2,3-triazole tautomer isotopologues and vibrationally excited states studied.

J Phys Chem A ; 127(8): 1909-1922, 2023 Mar 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36794985


The rotational spectrum of 2-furonitrile (2-cyanofuran) has been obtained from 140 to 750 GHz, capturing its most intense rotational transitions at ambient temperature. 2-Furonitrile is one of two isomeric cyano-substituted furan derivatives, both of which possess a substantial dipole moment due to the cyano group. The large dipole of 2-furonitrile allowed over 10 000 rotational transitions of its ground vibrational state to be observed and least-squares fit to partial octic, A- and S-reduced Hamiltonians with low statistical uncertainty (σfit = 40 kHz). The high-resolution infrared spectrum, obtained at the Canadian Light Source, allowed for accurate and precise determination of the band origins of its three lowest-energy fundamental modes (ν24, ν17, and ν23). Similar to other cyanoarenes, the first two fundamental modes (ν24, A″, and ν17, A', for 2-furonitrile) form an a- and b-axis Coriolis-coupled dyad. More than 7000 transitions from each of these fundamental states were fit to an octic A-reduced Hamiltonian (σfit = 48 kHz), and the combined spectroscopic analysis determines fundamental energies of 160.1645522 (26) cm-1 and 171.9436561 (25) cm-1 for ν24 and ν17, respectively. The least-squares fitting of this Coriolis-coupled dyad required 11 coupling terms, Ga, GaJ, GaK, GaJJ, GaKK, Fbc, FbcJ, FbcK, Gb, GbJ, and FacK. Using both the rotational and high-resolution infrared spectra, a preliminary least-squares fit was obtained for ν23, providing its band origin of 456.7912716 (57) cm-1. The transition frequencies and spectroscopic constants provided in this work, when combined with theoretical or experimental nuclear quadrupole coupling constants, will provide the foundation for future radioastronomical searches for 2-furonitrile across the frequency range of currently available radiotelescopes.

J Phys Chem A ; 126(44): 8196-8210, 2022 Nov 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36314454


The millimeter/submillimeter spectrum of 1H-1,2,4-triazole is reported from 70 to 700 GHz, providing spectral frequencies directly comparable to radio telescopes and enabling an astronomical search. Using four deuteriated samples of 1,2,4-triazole, we measured, assigned, and least-squares fit transitions for 26 isotopologues to sextic A- and S-reduced Hamiltonians. An accurate and precise semi-experimental (reSE) structure from 50 independent moments of inertia has been obtained. Structural parameters are provided with 2σ uncertainties within 0.0009 Å for bond distances and 0.09° for bond angles. The structural parameters are in quite good agreement with the best theoretical estimate (BTE) obtained using CCSD(T)/cc-pCV5Z, where an agreement within the 2σ uncertainty is observed for all but one case. Despite the large number of isotopologues already included in this structure, more may be useful. One isotopologue, [1,3-2H]-1H-1,2,4-triazole, is observed to closely approach the oblate asymmetric-top limit, resulting in a clear breakdown of the A-reduction Hamiltonian. The highly accurate reSE structure and subsequent analysis demonstrates that the S-reduction is also unable to adequately model the spectrum of this isotopologue.

J Chem Phys ; 157(8): 084305, 2022 Aug 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36050027


The 1H- and 2H-1,2,3-triazoles are isomeric five-membered ring, aromatic heterocycles that may undergo chemical equilibration by virtue of intramolecular hydrogen migration (tautomerization). Using millimeter-wave spectroscopy in the 130-375 GHz frequency range, we measured the spectroscopic constants for thirteen 1H-1,2,3-triazole and sixteen 2H-1,2,3-triazole isotopologues. Herein, we provide highly accurate and highly precise semi-experimental equilibrium (re SE) structures for the two tautomers based on the spectroscopic constants of each set of isotopologues, together with vibration-rotation interaction and electron-mass distribution corrections calculated using coupled-cluster singles, doubles, and perturbative triples calculations [CCSD(T)/cc-pCVTZ]. The resultant structures are compared with a "best theoretical estimate" (BTE), which has recently been shown to be in exceptional agreement with the semi-experimental equilibrium structures of other aromatic molecules. Bond distances of the 1H tautomer are determined to <0.0008 Å and bond angles to <0.2°. For the 2H tautomer, bond angles are also determined to <0.2°, but bond distances are less precise (2σ ≤ 0.0015). Agreement between BTE and re SE values is discussed.

J Chem Phys ; 157(3): 034303, 2022 Jul 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35868945


Hydrazoic acid (HN3) is used as a case study for investigating the accuracy and precision by which a molecular structure-specifically, a semi-experimental equilibrium structure (re SE)-may be determined using current state-of-the-art methodology. The influence of the theoretical corrections for effects of vibration-rotation coupling and electron-mass distribution that are employed in the analysis is explored in detail. The small size of HN3 allowed us to deploy considerable computational resources to probe the basis-set dependence of these corrections using a series of coupled-cluster single, double, perturbative triple [CCSD(T)] calculations with cc-pCVXZ (X = D, T, Q, 5) basis sets. We extrapolated the resulting corrections to the complete basis set (CBS) limit to obtain CCSD(T)/CBS corrections, which were used in a subsequent re SE structure determination. The re SE parameters obtained using the CCSD(T)/cc-pCV5Z corrections are nearly identical to those obtained using the CCSD(T)/CBS corrections, with uncertainties in the bond distances and angles of less than 0.0006 Å and 0.08°, respectively. The previously obtained re SE structure using CCSD(T)/ANO2 agrees with that using CCSD(T)/cc-pCV5Z to within 0.000 08 Å and 0.016° for bond distances and angles, respectively, and with only 25% larger uncertainties, validating the idea that re SE structure determinations can be carried out with significantly smaller basis sets than those needed for similarly accurate, strictly ab initio determinations. Although the purely computational re structural parameters [CCSD(T)/cc-pCV6Z] fall outside of the statistical uncertainties (2σ) of the corresponding re SE structural parameters, the discrepancy is rectified by applying corrections to address the theoretical limitations of the CCSD(T)/cc-pCV6Z geometry with respect to basis set, electron correlation, relativity, and the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, thereby supporting the contention that the semi-experimental approach is both an accurate and vastly more efficient method for structure determinations than is brute-force computation.

J Phys Chem A ; 126(12): 1980-1993, 2022 Mar 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35316046


The rotational spectrum of 1-cyanocyclobutene from 130 to 360 GHz has been observed, assigned, and least-squares fit for the ground state and the two lowest-energy vibrationally excited states. Synthesis by UV photochemical dimerization of acrylonitrile and subsequent base-catalyzed dehydrocyanation affords a highly pure sample, yielding several thousand observable rotational transitions for this small organic nitrile. Over 2500 a-type, R-branch transitions of the ground state have been least-squares fit to low error with partial-octic A- and S-reduced Hamiltonians, providing precise determinations of the corresponding spectroscopic constants. In both reductions, computed spectroscopic constants are in close agreement with their experimentally determined counterparts. Two vibrationally excited states (ν27 and ν17) form a Coriolis-coupled dyad, displaying many a-type and b-type local resonances and related nominal interstate transitions. Somewhat unexpectedly, despite the very small permanent b-axis dipole moment, a number of b-type transitions could be observed for the ν17 state; this is explained in terms of state mixing by the Coriolis perturbations. Over 2200 transitions for each of these states have been least-squares fit to a low-error, two-state, partial-octic, A-reduced Hamiltonian with nine Coriolis-coupling terms (Ga , GaJ, GaK, GaJJ, Fbc , FbcK, Gb , GbJ, and Fac). The availability of so many observed rotational transitions, including resonant transitions and nominal interstate transitions, enables a very accurate and precise determination of the energy difference (ΔE27,17 = 14.0588093 (43) cm-1) between ν27 and ν17. The spectroscopic constants presented herein provide a starting point for future astronomical searches for 1-cyanocyclobutene.

J Phys Chem A ; 125(36): 7976-7987, 2021 Sep 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34478298


A semi-experimental equilibrium structure (reSE) of pyridazine (o-C4H4N2) has been determined using the rotational spectra of 18 isotopologues. Spectroscopic constants of four isotopologues are reported for the first time (measured from 235 to 360 GHz), while spectroscopic constants for previously reported isotopologues are improved by extending the frequency coverage (measured from 130 to 375 GHz). The experimental values of the ground-state rotational constants (A0, B0, and C0) from each isotopologue were converted to determinable constants (A0″, B0″, and C0″), which were then corrected for the effects of vibration-rotation interactions and electron-mass distributions using CCSD(T)/cc-pCVTZ calculations. The resultant reSE for pyridazine determines bond distances to within 0.001 Å and bond angles within 0.04°, a reduction in the statistical uncertainties by at least a factor of two relative to the previously reported reSE. The improvement in precision appears to be largely due to the use of higher-level theoretical calculations of the vibration-rotation and electron-mass effects, though the incorporation of the newly measured isotopologues ([4-2H, 4-13C]-, [4-2H, 5-13C]-, [4-2H, 6-13C]-, and [4,5-2H, 4-13C]-pyridazine) is partially responsible for the improved determination of the hydrogen-containing bond angles. The computed equilibrium structure (re) (CCSD(T)/cc-pCV5Z) and a "best theoretical estimate" of the equilibrium structure (re) both agree with the updated reSE structure within the statistical experimental uncertainty (2σ) of each structural parameter.

J Chem Phys ; 155(5): 054302, 2021 Aug 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34364360


The pure rotational spectrum of thiazole (c-C3H3NS, Cs) has been studied in the millimeter-wave region from 130 to 375 GHz. Nearly 4800 newly measured rotational transitions for the ground vibrational state of the main isotopologue were combined with previously reported measurements and least-squares fit to a complete sextic Hamiltonian. Transitions for six singly substituted heavy-atom isotopologues (13C, 15N, 33S, 34S) were observed at natural abundance and likewise fit. Several deuterium-enriched samples were prepared, which gave access to the rotational spectra of 16 additional isotopologues, 14 of which had not been previously studied. The rotational spectra of each isotopologue were fit to A- and S-reduced distorted-rotor Hamiltonians in the Ir representation. The experimental values of the ground-state rotational constants (A0, B0, and C0) from each isotopologue were converted to determinable constants (A0″, B0″, and C0″), which were corrected for effects of vibration-rotation interactions and electron-mass distributions using coupled-cluster singles, doubles, and perturbative triples calculations [CCSD(T)/cc-pCVTZ]. The moments of inertia from the resulting constants (Ae, Be, and Ce) of 24 isotopologues were used to determine the precise semi-experimental equilibrium structure (re SE) of thiazole. As a basis for comparison, a purely theoretical equilibrium structure was estimated by an electronic structure calculation [CCSD(T)/cc-pCV5Z] that was subsequently corrected for extrapolation to the complete basis set, electron correlation beyond CCSD(T), relativistic effects, and the diagonal Born-Oppenheimer correction. The precise re SE structure is compared to the resulting "best theoretical estimate" structure. Some, but not all, of the best theoretical re structural parameters fall within the narrow statistical limits (2σ) of the re SE results. The possible origin of the discrepancies between the best theoretical estimate re and semi-empirical re SE structures is discussed.

J Chem Phys ; 154(24): 244310, 2021 Jun 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34241363


The rotational spectrum of thiophene (c-C4H4S) has been collected between 8 and 360 GHz. Samples of varying deuterium-enrichment were synthesized to yield all possible deuterium-substituted isotopologues of thiophene. A total of 26 isotopologues have been measured and least-squares fit using A- and S-reduced distorted-rotor Hamiltonians in the Ir representation. The resultant rotational constants (A0, B0, and C0) from each reduction were converted to determinable constants (A″, B″, and C″) to remove the impact of centrifugal distortion. The computed vibrational and electron mass corrections [CCSD(T)/cc-pCVTZ] were applied to the determinable constants to obtain semi-experimental equilibrium rotational constants (Ae, Be, and Ce) for 24 isotopologues. A precise semi-experimental equilibrium (re SE) structure has been achieved from a least-squares fit of the equilibrium moments of inertia. The combination of the expanded isotopologue rotational data with high-level computational work establishes a precise re SE structure for this sulfur-containing heterocycle. The CCSD(T)/cc-pCV5Z structure has been obtained and corrected for the extrapolation to the complete basis set, electron correlation beyond CCSD(T), relativistic effects, and the diagonal Born-Oppenheimer correction. The precise re SE structure is compared to the resulting "best theoretical estimate" structure. Several of the best theoretical re structural parameters fall within the narrow statistical limits (2σ) of the re SE results. The possible origin of the discrepancies for the computed parameters that fall outside the statistical uncertainties is discussed.

J Am Chem Soc ; 143(25): 9551-9564, 2021 06 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34155881


Three cyanobutadiene isomers have been synthesized and their rotational spectra analyzed in the 130-375 GHz frequency range. These species, which are close analogues of known interstellar molecules and are isomers of the heterocyclic aromatic molecule pyridine (C5H5N), offer the opportunity of revealing important insights concerning the chemistry in astronomical environments. The s-trans conformers of E-1-cyano-1,3-butadiene and Z-1-cyano-1,3-butadiene are observed, while both the anti-clinal and syn-periplanar conformers of 4-cyano-1,2-butadiene are evident in the rotational spectra. Over 1000 transitions for s-trans-Z-1-cyano-1,3-butadiene and for syn-periplanar-4-cyano-1,2-butadiene are fit to an octic, distorted-rotor Hamiltonian with low uncertainty (<50 kHz). Although neither s-trans-E-1-cyano-1,3-butadiene nor anti-clinal-4-cyano-1,2-butadiene can be fully treated with a distorted-rotor Hamiltonian in this frequency range, we provide herein minimally perturbed, single-state least-squares fits of over 1000 transitions for each species, yielding sets of spectroscopic constants that are expected to enable accurate prediction of high-intensity transitions at frequencies up to 370 GHz for both isomers. The assigned transitions and spectroscopic constants for these cyanobutadienes have already enabled the identification of two isomers in harsh reaction environments and should be sufficient to enable their identification in astronomical environments by radio astronomy.