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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 41: e218925, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1340427


Resumo A psicologia do esporte é uma área de estudos da psicologia que tem como objetivo contribuir para o aprimoramento dos aspectos psicológicos e de desempenho durante a prática esportiva, seja ela amadora ou profissional. Dentro desse contexto, a análise do comportamento se apresenta como uma abordagem relevante ao permitir observar e avaliar as contingências ambientais estabelecidas em treinamentos e competições. A relação entre comissão técnica e atletas de uma equipe está sujeita a diversas variáveis, inclusive aos tipos de liderança que caracterizam o ambiente. Dessa forma, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar, por meio da observação comportamental e dos modelos de liderança, o tipo de interação e comunicação entre comissão técnica e atletas de basquetebol. Jogadores e membros da comissão técnica de uma equipe profissional de basquetebol participaram do estudo. Para a mensuração de dados foram utilizados uma câmera filmadora para gravações em vídeo e os softwares The Observer XT Noldus e SPSS 23.0, com estatísticas descritivas e correlacionais. Os resultados mostraram que o estilo de liderança da comissão técnica influencia diretamente o comportamento dos atletas. Uma liderança autoritária fez com que comportamentos baseados em reforçamento negativo, como olhar para o técnico, obedecer ao treinador e incentivar os colegas após um erro, fossem emitidos com maior frequência. Por sua vez, quando a liderança era democrática, os jogadores emitiram respostas que orientavam outros jogadores mais vezes, como organizar jogadas e comentar movimentos, sempre com aval hierárquico do técnico.(AU)

Abstract Sport Psychology is a study area within the field of Psychology that aims to contribute to the improvement of psychological aspects and performance during sports practice, either amateur or professional. Behavior Analysis plays a relevant role in this scenario, enabling professionals to observe and evaluate environmental contingences of trainings and competitions. The relationship between technical committee and athletes is subject to numeral variables, including the leadership style characterizing the environment. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the interaction and communication established between technical committee and basketball athletes based on behavioral observation and leadership models. The study comprised athletes and members of the technical committee of a professional basketball team. Data were collected using a video camera and processed using The Observer XT - Noldus® software and SPSS 23.0®, providing descriptive and correlational statistical analysis. The results show that the leadership style adopted by the technical committee directly influences athletes' behavior. When the committee exercised an authoritative leadership, behaviors based on negative reinforcement were more frequent, such as observing and obeying the coach or encouraging colleagues after an error. In turn, democratic leaderships lead players to guide other players more often, organizing plays and commenting movements - always upon the coach's endorsement.(AU)

Resumen La psicología del deporte es un área de estudio de la psicología que tiene como objetivo contribuir a la modernización de los aspectos psicológicos y de desarrollo durante la práctica deportiva amadora o profesional. En este contexto, el análisis del comportamiento es un enfoque relevante, permitiendo notar y evaluar las contingencias del ambiente establecidas en entrenamientos y competiciones. Con eso, la relación entre el comité técnico y los deportistas está sujeta a variables, incluso a los tipos de liderazgo, que caracterizan el ambiente. De esta forma, este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar, a partir de la observación del comportamiento y de modelos de liderazgo, el tipo de interacción y comunicación entre el comité técnico y los deportistas de baloncesto. Jugadores y miembros de la comisión técnica de un equipo profesional de baloncesto participaron en el estudio. Para la medición de los datos, se utilizó una cámara de vídeo, el software The Observer XT - Noldus® y SPSS 23.0, presentando estadísticas descriptivas y correlacionadas. Los resultados mostraron que el estilo de liderazgo del comité técnico influye directamente en los comportamientos de los deportistas. Un liderazgo autoritario tiende a llevar con mayor frecuencia a comportamientos basados en refuerzo negativo, como mirar al técnico, obedecer al entrenador y animar a los colegas después de un error. Por otro lado, el liderazgo democrático lleva a los deportistas a orientar más a sus compañeros, organizando jugadas y comentando movimientos, siempre con aval jerárquico del técnico.(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Behavior , Basketball/psychology , Athletes/psychology , Psychology, Sports , Professional Staff Committees , Behavior Observation Techniques
Rev. psicol. (Fortaleza, Online) ; 10(2): 128-140, jul.-dez. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1343443


Alguns fatores estudados pela Psicologia do Esporte, como ansiedade e estresse são considerados fundamentais devido ao seu impacto na vida dos atletas. Antes de intervir é necessário avaliar esses fatores, justificando o presente estudo, o qual objetivou verificar a relação entre ansiedade, estresse e estratégias de enfrentamento em jogadores de basquetebol em período de treinamento pré-competitivo. Participaram do estudo uma equipe de basquetebol do interior do estado de São Paulo (N=13), participantes do Novo Basquete Brasil (NBB), com idade entre 18 e 36 anos. Foram aplicados o Competitive State Anxiety Inventory (CSAI-2), O Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Athletes (RESTQ-SPORT) e o Athletic Coping Skills Inventory- 25BR (ACSI-25BR), tendo os dados analisados no SPSS 23.0 utilizando estatística descritiva, Correlação de Spearman e o teste estatístico Kruskal Wallis (p≤0,05). Com relação à ansiedade, os atletas obtiveram pior escore nas subescalas Ansiedade Cognitiva e Autoconfiança. Em estresse, obtiveram bons escores nas subescalas Autoeficácia e Autorregulação e pior escore em Lesões e Estresse Específico. No coping, os melhores escores foram em Confiança e Motivação e o pior em Desempenho Sob Pressão. Conclui-se que a ansiedade, o estresse e não ter um coping adaptativo pode afetar o desempenho dos atletas nesta modalidade e categoria estudada

Some factors studied by Sport Psychology, such as anxiety and stress are considered fundamental due to their impact on athletes' lives. Before intervening, it is necessary to evaluate these factors, justifying the present study, which aimed to verify the relationship between anxiety, stress and coping in basketball players in a period of pre-competitive training. A basketball team from the state of São Paulo (N = 13), participants of the New Basketball Brazil (NBB), aged 18-36 years, participated in the study. The Competitive State Anxiety Inventory (CSAI-2), the Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Athletes (RESTQ-SPORT) and the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory-25BR (ACSI-25BR) were applied and the data analyzed in SPSS 23.0 using descriptive statistics, Spearman correlation and the Kruskal Wallis statistical test (p≤0.05). Concerning anxiety, athletes scored worse on the Cognitive Anxiety and Self-confidence subscales. In stress, they obtained good scores in the subscales Self-efficacy and Self-regulation and worse score in Injuries and Specific Stress. In coping, the best scores were in Confidence and Motivation and the worst in Performance Under Pressure. It is concluded that anxiety, stress and not having an adaptive coping can affect the performance of the athletes in this modality and category studied

Psychology, Sports , Anxiety , Basketball , Test Anxiety
PLoS One ; 14(6): e0217909, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31166997


Pain experience involves a complex relationship between sensory and both emotional and cognitive factors, which appear to be mediated by different neural pathways. Previous evidence has shown that whereas conscious processing of unpleasant stimuli enhances pain perception, the influence of emotions on pain under unaware conditions is much less known. The need to better characterise the relationship between pain processing and emotional factors is crucial for dealing with chronic pain conditions. Therefore, the present study aimed to explore the neural correlates relating to the influence of visual masking emotional stimulation on the processing of painful stimuli in chronic pain patients suffering from fibromyalgia (FM). Twenty FM and 22 healthy control (HC) women participated in the study. The experimental masking paradigm consisted of a rapid succession of two types of stimuli, where a masked picture (neutral, negative or pain-related) was followed by a laser stimulus (painful or not painful). LEP activity was recorded at sixty scalp electrodes. An LEP-amplitude approach was used to quantify the main cerebral waves linked to pain response. ANOVAs indicated that the posterior regions of the P1 component were sensitive to experimental manipulation (p<0.05). Specifically, FM patients showed higher amplitudes to painful stimuli preceded by pain-related pictures compared with painful trials preceded by other emotional pictures. The FM group also showed greater amplitudes than those in the HC group in P2a and P2b waves. In addition to the scalp data, at the neural level the posterior cingulate cortex, lingual gyrus and insular cortex showed higher activation in the FM group than in the HC group. Our findings show an early cerebral modulation of pain (as reflected by the P1) in FM patients, suggesting that only pain-related information, even when it is unconsciously perceived, is capable to enhance exogenous (automatic) attention, increasing the neural activity involved in processing painful stimulation. Further research is needed to fully understand unconscious emotional influences on pain in fibromyalgia.

Brain/physiopathology , Emotions , Fibromyalgia/physiopathology , Fibromyalgia/psychology , Pain/physiopathology , Pain/psychology , Adult , Arousal , Behavior , Case-Control Studies , Evoked Potentials , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Reaction Time
Psicol. argum ; 35(90): 1-19, jul.-dez. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-72149


O objetivo do presente artigo foi verificar estudos no período de 2006-2016, que discutissem formas de avaliação e intervenção sobre a ansiedade em atletas e praticantes de exercício físico. Para alcançar este objetivo, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura, consultando as bases Scielo, Bvs, e Pepsic, utilizando os descritores “ansiedade”, “esportes”, “atletas”, “bailarinos”, “exercício”, em português, inglês e espanhol. Após a aplicação dos critérios de exclusão – a) 2 artigos de revisão de literatura; b) artigos repetidos; c) sem pertinência, pois fugiam da temática - e eliminação de duplicações, permaneceram 39 artigos. Os resultados do presente estudo são de fundamental importância por poderem proporcionar novos parâmetros sobre os fatores individuais intervenientes na percepção da ansiedade em atletas de diferentes modalidades esportivas e suas relações com os diferentes tipos de ansiedade ao longo de uma competição.(AU)

The aim of the present article was to verify studies in the period 2006-2016 that discuss ways of evaluation and intervention on anxiety in athletes and physical exercise practitioners. To achieve this aim, a systematic review of the literature was conducted, consulting the Scielo, Bvs, and Pepsic bases, using the descriptors “anxiety”, “sports”, “athletes”, “dancers”, “exercise”, in english, portuguese and spanish. After applying the exclusion criteria – a) literature revision articles; b) repeated articles; c) irrelevant, as they avoided the issue - and elimination of duplication, 39 articles remained. The results of the present study are of fundamental importance for being able to provide new parameters on the individual factors involved in the perception of anxiety in athletes of different sports modalities and its relations with the different types of anxiety throughout a competition. (AU)

Humans , Anxiety , Athletes , Dancing , Exercise , Sports/psychology , Stress, Psychological , Psychology
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 25(4): 701-712, out.-dez. 2016. tab, graf, mapa
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-828776


OBJETIVO: descrever os coeficientes de prevalência e caracterizar os casos de microcefalia ao nascer no Brasil, no período 2000-2015. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo com dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (Sinasc). Foram calculados coeficientes segundo regiões e características das mães e nascidos vivos (NV). RESULTADOS: a média anual de casos de microcefalia foi 164 no período 2000-2014, enquanto em 2015 foram registrados 1.608 casos (54,6 casos por 100 mil NV). Coeficientes mais elevados foram observados entre prematuros (81,7; IC95%72,3; 92,2), nascidos de mães pretas (70,9; IC95%58,5; 85,9) ou pardas (71,5; IC95%67,4; 75,8), com idades ≤19 (70,3; IC95%63,5; 77,8) ou ≥40 anos (62,1; IC95%46,6; 82,6), ≤3 anos de estudo (73,4; IC95%58,2; 92,4) e residentes na região Nordeste (138,7; IC95%130,9; 147,0). CONCLUSÃO: o elevado número de casos de microcefalia registrado em 2015 reforça a importância do Sinasc e do aprimoramento do sistema de vigilância das anomalias congênitas.

OBJECTIVE: to describe the prevalence coefficients and characterize cases of microcephaly at birth in Brazil from 2000-2015. METHODS: this is a descriptive study with data from the Information System on Live Births (Sinasc). The coefficients were calculated by region and characteristics of mothers and live births (LB). RESULTS: the annual average number of microcephaly cases was 164 for the period 2000-2014, whilst in 2015, 1,608 cases were registered (54.6 cases per 100 thousand LB). Higher coefficients were observed among preterm babies (81.7; 95%CI 72.3;92.2), born from black-skinned (70.9; 95%CI 58.5;85.9) or to brown-skinned (71.5; 95%CI67.4;75.8) women, to women aged ≤19 (70.3; 95%CI 63.5;77.8) or ≥40 (62.1; 95%CI 46.6;82.6), with ≤3 years of study (73.4; 95%CI 58.2;92.4) and residents in the Northeast region (138.7; 95%CI 130.9;147.0). CONCLUSION: the high number of microcephaly cases in 2015 reinforces the importance of Sinasc and the need to improve the surveillance of congenital anomalies.

OBJETIVO: describir coeficientes de prevalencia y caracterizar casos de microcefalia al nacer en Brasil, en el periodo 2000-2015. MÉTODOS: estudio descriptivo con datos del Sistema de Informaciones sobre Nacidos Vivos (Sinasc). Los coeficientes fueron calculados según regiones, características maternas y del nacido vivo (NV). RESULTADOS: el promedio anual de casos de microcefalia fue 164 en el periodo 2000-2014, mientras en 2015 fue 1.608 (54,6 casos por 100.000 NV). Coeficientes más elevados fueron observados entre prematuros (81,7; IC95% 72,3-92,2), nacidos de madres negras (70,9; IC95% 58,5-85,9) o pardas (71,5; IC95% 67,4-75,8), con edades ≤19 (70,3; IC95% 63,5-77,8) o ≥40 años (62,1; IC95% 46,6-82,6), ≤3 años de estudio (73,4; IC95% 58,2-92,4), y residentes del Noreste (138,7; IC95% 130,9-147,0). CONCLUSIÓN: el elevado número de casos de microcefalia, en 2015, refuerza la importancia del Sinasc y necesidad de mejorías del sistema de vigilancia de anomalías congénitas.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Congenital Abnormalities/epidemiology , Zika Virus Infection/complications , Microcephaly/embryology , Microcephaly/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Live Birth
Epidemiol Serv Saude ; 25(3): 637-646, 2016.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27869935


OBJECTIVE: to present a method for estimating low birth weight (LBW) prevalence and infant mortality rate (IMR) indicators for Brazilian municipalities, so as to incorporate considerations with regard to sampling fluctuation. METHODS: binomial and Poisson distributions were used to estimate 95% confidence intervals (95%CI); when the number of infant deaths was zero, the upper limit of the 95%CI was estimated by the cross-multiplication method; indicators were estimated for the year 2012 for demonstration purposes. RESULTS: a slight increase in LBW and a decrease in IMR were detected as municipality population size increased; LBW estimates were more accurate than those for IMR; single-year estimates showed large width 95%CI in small municipalities and low reliability. CONCLUSION: an electronic spreadsheet was developed which will allow service managers to estimate the precision of these indicators for their municipalities.

Infant Mortality , Infant, Low Birth Weight , Brazil/epidemiology , Cities/epidemiology , Confidence Intervals , Humans , Infant , Live Birth/epidemiology , Prevalence , Reproducibility of Results
Epidemiol Serv Saude ; 25(4): 701-712, 2016.
Article in English, Portuguese, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27869983


OBJECTIVE: to describe the prevalence coefficients and characterize cases of microcephaly at birth in Brazil from 2000-2015. METHODS: this is a descriptive study with data from the Information System on Live Births (Sinasc). The coefficients were calculated by region and characteristics of mothers and live births (LB). RESULTS: the annual average number of microcephaly cases was 164 for the period 2000-2014, whilst in 2015, 1,608 cases were registered (54.6 cases per 100 thousand LB). Higher coefficients were observed among preterm babies (81.7; 95%CI 72.3;92.2), born from black-skinned (70.9; 95%CI 58.5;85.9) or to brown-skinned (71.5; 95%CI67.4;75.8) women, to women aged ≤19 (70.3; 95%CI 63.5;77.8) or ≥40 (62.1; 95%CI 46.6;82.6), with ≤3 years of study (73.4; 95%CI 58.2;92.4) and residents in the Northeast region (138.7; 95%CI 130.9;147.0). CONCLUSION: the high number of microcephaly cases in 2015 reinforces the importance of Sinasc and the need to improve the surveillance of congenital anomalies.

Live Birth/epidemiology , Microcephaly/epidemiology , Adult , Brazil/epidemiology , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Information Systems , Maternal Age , Middle Aged , Pregnancy , Prevalence , Sex Distribution , Young Adult
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 25(3): 637-646, jul.-set. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-795350


OBJETIVO: apresentar um método para estimação dos indicadores de prevalência de baixo peso ao nascer (BPN) e coeficiente de mortalidade infantil (CMI) para municípios brasileiros, de modo a incorporar considerações de flutuação amostral. MÉTODOS: as distribuições binomial e de Poisson foram usadas para estimar os intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC95%); quando o número de óbitos infantis foi zero, o limite superior do IC95% foi estimado pelo método da "regra do três"; como demonstração, foram estimados indicadores para o ano de 2012. RESULTADOS: observou-se discreto aumento do BPN e diminuição do CMI com o aumento da população municipal; as estimativas foram mais precisas para o BPN do que para o CMI, apresentaram grande amplitude dos IC95% em municípios pequenos e baixa confiabilidade quando analisadas apenas para um ano específico. CONCLUSÃO: foi desenvolvida uma planilha eletrônica que permitirá aos gestores estimarem a precisão desses indicadores para seus municípios.

OBJETIVO: presentar un método para el cálculo de indicadores de prevalencia de bajo peso al nacer (BPN) y coeficiente de mortalidad infantil (CMI) para municipios brasileros, para incorporar consideraciones de fluctuación en las muestras. MÉTODOS: las distribuciones binomial y Poisson fueron usadas para estimar intervalos de confianza de 95% (IC95%) de los indicadores; cuando el número de muertes infantiles era cero, el límite superior del IC95% fue estimado por el método "regla de tres". Como demostración fueron estimados indicadores para el año 2012. RESULTADOS: fue observado un discreto aumento del BPN y disminución del CMI en municipios más populosos; Las estimativas de BPN fueron más precisas que las de CMI, presentando IC95% más amplios en municipios pequeños e con baja confiabilidad cuando analizadas apenas para un año específico. CONCLUSIÓN: fue creada una planilla electrónica que permitirá a los gestores estimar la precisión de éstos indicadores para sus municipios.

OBJECTIVE: to present a method for estimating low birth weight (LBW) prevalence and infant mortality rate (IMR) indicators for Brazilian municipalities, so as to incorporate considerations with regard to sampling fluctuation. METHODS: binomial and Poisson distributions were used to estimate 95% confidence intervals (95%CI); when the number of infant deaths was zero, the upper limit of the 95%CI was estimated by the cross-multiplication method; indicators were estimated for the year 2012 for demonstration purposes. RESULTS: a slight increase in LBW and a decrease in IMR were detected as municipality population size increased; LBW estimates were more accurate than those for IMR; single-year estimates showed large width 95%CI in small municipalities and low reliability. CONCLUSION: an electronic spreadsheet was developed which will allow service managers to estimate the precision of these indicators for their municipalities.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Infant, Low Birth Weight , Infant Mortality , Brazil , Binomial Distribution , Cities
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 38(3),sept. 2015
Article in English | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-10077


Objective. To describe trends, geographic distribution, and risk factors for cesarean deliveries in Brazil in 2000–2011, and to determine if efforts to curtail rates have had a measurable impact. Methods. This was an observational study using nationwide information from the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS). Individual level analyses were based on data regarding maternal education, age, parity, and skin color. Ecological analyses at the level of 431 health districts investigated the relationships with health facility density and poverty level. Results. Cesarean rates increased markedly, from 37.9% in 2000 to 53.9% in 2011. Preliminary results from 2012 showed a rate of 55.8%, with the richest geographic areas showing the highest rates. Rates at the municipal level varied from 9%–96%. Cesareans were more common in women with higher education, white skin color, older age, and in primiparas. In the ecological analyses, the number of health facilities per 1 000 population was strongly and positively correlated with cesarean rates, with an increase of 16.1 percentage points (95% Confidence Interval [95%CI] = 4.3–17.8) for each facility. An increase of 1 percentage point in the poverty rate was associated with a decline of 0.5 percentage point in cesarean rates (95%CI = 0.5–0.6). Conclusions. The strong associations with maternal education and health facility density suggest that the vast majority of cesareans are not medically indicated. A number of policies and programs have been launched to counteract this trend, but have had virtually no impact.

Objetivo. Describir las tendencias, la distribución geográfica, y los factores de riesgo de parto por cesárea en el Brasil durante el período del 2000 al 2011, y determinar si las iniciativas dirigidas a reducir las tasas de cesáreas han tenido una repercusión cuantificable. Métodos. Se trata de un estudio de observación que utilizó información a escala nacional del Departamento de Informática del Sistema Unificado de Salud (DATASUS). Los análisis a nivel individual se basaron en datos sobre el nivel de formación materna, la edad, la paridad y el color de la piel. Se investigaron las relaciones con la densidad de establecimientos de salud y el nivel de pobreza mediante análisis ecológicos a nivel de 431 distritos de salud. Resultados. Las tasas de cesáreas aumentaron notablemente, de 37,9% en el 2000 a 53,9% en el 2011. Los resultados preliminares del 2012 mostraron una tasa de 55,8%, con tasas más elevadas en las zonas geográficas más ricas. Las tasas a escala municipal variaron de 9 a 96%. Los partos por cesárea fueron más frecuentes en las mujeres blancas, en las que tenían un mayor nivel de formación, en las de mayor edad y en las primíparas. En los análisis ecológicos, el número de establecimientos de salud por 1 000 habitantes se correlacionó intensa y positivamente con la tasa de cesáreas, con un incremento de 16,1 puntos porcentuales (intervalo de confianza (IC) de 95% = 4,3–17,8) para cada establecimiento. Un aumento de un punto porcentual en la tasa de pobreza se asociaba con una disminución de medio punto porcentual en la tasa de cesáreas (IC de 95% = 0,5–0,6). Conclusiones. Las intensas asociaciones con el nivel de formación materna y la densidad de establecimientos de salud indican que la mayor parte de las cesáreas no están indicadas médicamente. Se han puesto en marcha diversos programas y políticas dirigidos a contrarrestar esta tendencia, pero prácticamente no han tenido ninguna repercusión.

Cesarean Section , Delivery, Obstetric , Trial of Labor , Socioeconomic Factors , Child Health , Maternal Health , Cesarean Section , Delivery, Obstetric , Trial of Labor , Socioeconomic Factors , Maternal and Child Health , Brazil , Brazil
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 38(3): 217-225, Sep. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-766432


OBJECTIVE: To describe trends, geographic distribution, and risk factors for cesarean deliveries in Brazil in 2000-2011, and to determine if efforts to curtail rates have had a measurable impact. METHODS: This was an observational study using nationwide information from the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS). Individual level analyses were based on data regarding maternal education, age, parity, and skin color. Ecological analyses at the level of 431 health districts investigated the relationships with health facility density and poverty level. RESULTS: Cesarean rates increased markedly, from 37.9% in 2000 to 53.9% in 2011. Preliminary results from 2012 showed a rate of 55.8%, with the richest geographic areas showing the highest rates. Rates at the municipal level varied from 9%-96%. Cesareans were more common in women with higher education, white skin color, older age, and in primi- paras. In the ecological analyses, the number of health facilities per 1 000 population was strongly and positively correlated with cesarean rates, with an increase of 16.1 percentage points (95% Confidence Interval [95%CI] = 4.3-17.8) for each facility. An increase of 1 percentage point in the poverty rate was associated with a decline of 0.5 percentage point in cesarean rates (95%CI = 0.5-0.6). CONCLUSIONS: The strong associations with maternal education and health facility density suggest that the vast majority of cesareans are not medically indicated. A number of policies and programs have been launched to counteract this trend, but have had virtually no impact.

OBJETIVO: Describir las tendencias, la distribución geográfica, y los factores de riesgo de parto por cesárea en el Brasil durante el período del 2000 al 2011, y determinar si las iniciativas dirigidas a reducir las tasas de cesáreas han tenido una repercusión cuantificable. MÉTODOS: Se trata de un estudio de observación que utilizó información a escala nacional del Departamento de Informática del Sistema Unificado de Salud (DATASUS). Los análisis a nivel individual se basaron en datos sobre el nivel de formación materna, la edad, la paridad y el color de la piel. Se investigaron las relaciones con la densidad de establecimientos de salud y el nivel de pobreza mediante análisis ecológicos a nivel de 431 distritos de salud. RESULTADOS: Las tasas de cesáreas aumentaron notablemente, de 37,9% en el 2000 a 53,9% en el 2011. Los resultados preliminares del 2012 mostraron una tasa de 55,8%, con tasas más elevadas en las zonas geográficas más ricas. Las tasas a escala municipal variaron de 9 a 96%. Los partos por cesárea fueron más frecuentes en las mujeres blancas, en las que tenían un mayor nivel de formación, en las de mayor edad y en las primíparas. En los análisis ecológicos, el número de establecimientos de salud por 1 000 habitantes se correlacionó intensa y positivamente con la tasa de cesáreas, con un incremento de 16,1 puntos porcentuales (intervalo de confianza (IC) de 95% = 4,3-17,8) para cada establecimiento. Un aumento de un punto porcentual en la tasa de pobreza se asociaba con una disminución de medio punto porcentual en la tasa de cesáreas (IC de 95% = 0,5-0,6). CONCLUSIONES: Las intensas asociaciones con el nivel de formación materna y la densidad de establecimientos de salud indican que la mayor parte de las cesáreas no están indicadas médicamente. Se han puesto en marcha diversos programas y políticas dirigidos a contrarrestar esta tendencia, pero prácticamente no han tenido ninguna repercusión.

Socioeconomic Factors , Cesarean Section , Cesarean Section/statistics & numerical data , Maternal Health
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 38(3): 217-25, 2015 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26758000


OBJECTIVE: To describe trends, geographic distribution, and risk factors for cesarean deliveries in Brazil in 2000-2011, and to determine if efforts to curtail rates have had a measurable impact. METHODS: This was an observational study using nationwide information from the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS). Individual level analyses were based on data regarding maternal education, age, parity, and skin color. Ecological analyses at the level of 431 health districts investigated the relationships with health facility density and poverty level. RESULTS: Cesarean rates increased markedly, from 37.9% in 2000 to 53.9% in 2011. Preliminary results from 2012 showed a rate of 55.8%, with the richest geographic areas showing the highest rates. Rates at the municipal level varied from 9%-96%. Cesareans were more common in women with higher education, white skin color, older age, and in primi- paras. In the ecological analyses, the number of health facilities per 1 000 population was strongly and positively correlated with cesarean rates, with an increase of 16.1 percentage points (95% Confidence Interval [95%CI] = 4.3-17.8) for each facility. An increase of 1 percentage point in the poverty rate was associated with a decline of 0.5 percentage point in cesarean rates (95%CI = 0.5-0.6). CONCLUSIONS: The strong associations with maternal education and health facility density suggest that the vast majority of cesareans are not medically indicated. A number of policies and programs have been launched to counteract this trend, but have had virtually no impact.

Cesarean Section , Brazil/epidemiology , Female , Humans , Poverty , Pregnancy , Risk Factors , White People
Junguiana ; 32(2): 66-74, jul.-dez. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-733973


Casos clínicos são apresentados neste artigo para demonstrar que a idolatria pode evidenciar tanto aspectos criativos como defensivos da estruturação do psiquismo. Em sua face defensiva, possui estreita ligação com a onipotência narcísica, que é a identificação do ego com os poderes dos deuses. É observável tanto no nível individual como no coletivo, sendo patente, por exemplo, no exibicionismo exacerbado, nas explosões de violência e nos escândalos de corrupção. O mito do Bezerro de Ouro, relatado na Bíblia, é abordado neste artigo com o objetivo de destacar que a luta entre as polaridades matriarcal e patriarcal da consciência é arquetípica e, do mesmo modo como esteve presente nos primórdios da nação do povo de Israel, quando a consciência patriarcal foi fortemente estruturante, constelou no caso aqui estudado, em que se buscava o equilíbrio dialético entre as potências matriarcal e patriarcal da psique, para que o sujeito em análise passasse a estar no mundo de maneira mais adaptada. A idealização do analista, bem como sua capacidade de ecoar o analisando, foi fundamental para que a lenta e esperada transformação do self narcísico dele ocorresse e o caminho de evolução da consciência pudesse ser retomado.

Clinical cases are presented in this article aiming to demonstrate that idolatry may signify both creative and defensive aspects of the psyche development. On what comes to its defensive traits, idolatry is closely connected to the narcissistic omnipotence, which is the identification on the ego with god's powers. It may be observed both in the individual and the collective levels, since it is evident, for instance, in the exacerbation of the exhibitionism, the outbursts of violence and in corruption scandals. The Golden Calf myth, presented in the Bible, is approached in this text with the objective of highlighting that the conflict between the matriarchal and patriarchal poles of the conscience is archetypal. It took place in the origins of the Israeli nation as well as in the clinical case studied herein, in which the dialetical balance between the matriarchal and patriarchal forces of the psyche was aspired, in view of a more adapted way of living for the person in analysis. The idealization of the analyst of echoing the patient were extremely important for the slow and desired transformation of the narcissistic self to happen and for the evolution path of the conscience to be resumed.

Conflict, Psychological , Ego , Father-Child Relations , Identification, Psychological , Mythology , Transference, Psychology
Junguiana ; 32(2): 66-74, jul.-dez. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-61655


Casos clínicos são apresentados neste artigo para demonstrar que a idolatria pode evidenciar tanto aspectos criativos como defensivos da estruturação do psiquismo. Em sua face defensiva, possui estreita ligação com a onipotência narcísica, que é a identificação do ego com os poderes dos deuses. É observável tanto no nível individual como no coletivo, sendo patente, por exemplo, no exibicionismo exacerbado, nas explosões de violência e nos escândalos de corrupção. O mito do Bezerro de Ouro, relatado na Bíblia, é abordado neste artigo com o objetivo de destacar que a luta entre as polaridades matriarcal e patriarcal da consciência é arquetípica e, do mesmo modo como esteve presente nos primórdios da nação do povo de Israel, quando a consciência patriarcal foi fortemente estruturante, constelou no caso aqui estudado, em que se buscava o equilíbrio dialético entre as potências matriarcal e patriarcal da psique, para que o sujeito em análise passasse a estar no mundo de maneira mais adaptada. A idealização do analista, bem como sua capacidade de ecoar o analisando, foi fundamental para que a lenta e esperada transformação do self narcísico dele ocorresse e o caminho de evolução da consciência pudesse ser retomado (AU)

Clinical cases are presented in this article aiming to demonstrate that idolatry may signify both creative and defensive aspects of the psyche development. On what comes to its defensive traits, idolatry is closely connected to the narcissistic omnipotence, which is the identification on the ego with god's powers. It may be observed both in the individual and the collective levels, since it is evident, for instance, in the exacerbation of the exhibitionism, the outbursts of violence and in corruption scandals. The Golden Calf myth, presented in the Bible, is approached in this text with the objective of highlighting that the conflict between the matriarchal and patriarchal poles of the conscience is archetypal. It took place in the origins of the Israeli nation as well as in the clinical case studied herein, in which the dialetical balance between the matriarchal and patriarchal forces of the psyche was aspired, in view of a more adapted way of living for the person in analysis. The idealization of the analyst of echoing the patient were extremely important for the slow and desired transformation of the narcissistic self to happen and for the evolution path of the conscience to be resumed (AU)

Ego , Mythology , Identification, Psychological , Conflict, Psychological , Father-Child Relations , Transference, Psychology
São Bernardo do Campo; Grupo Saúde e Vida; [2014?]. 202 p.
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS, Coleciona SUS, Sec. Munic. Saúde SP, COVISA-Acervo | ID: biblio-1555512
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 22(4): 557-564, dez. 2013. graf, tab, mapas
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-702269


Objetivo: estimar a prevalência corrigida de nascimentos pré-termo no Brasil, macrorregiões e unidades da federação para o período de 2000 a 2011. Métodos: utilizou-se a distribuição de peso ao nascer informada pelo Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (Sinasc) e aplicou-se essa distribuição às prevalências de nascimentos pré-termos obtidas em estudos com dados primários brasileiros, para construção de curvas de correção; as prevalências de prematuridade foram calculadas separadamente, para cada sexo e para cada grupo de 100g de peso ao nascer, logo acumuladas para as diferentes unidades geográficas. Resultados: a prevalência oficial de nascimentos pré-termo no Brasil oscilou entre 6 e 7 por cento, de 2000 a 2010, conforme o Sinasc, enquanto as estimativas corrigidas mostraram valores entre 11 e 12 por cento; no ano de 2011, a prevalência de prematuridade foi apenas 15 por cento inferior àquela estimada. Conclusão: no período estudado, foi confirmada a subestimação dos nascimentos pré-termo na base de dados do Sinasc.

Objective: to estimate corrected preterm birth prevalence nationally, as well as in the country’s macro-regions and states in 2000-2011. Methods: we used the distribution of birth weight reported by the Live Births Information System (SINASC) and, in order to build correction curves, applied this distribution to preterm birth prevalence obtained in primary studies conducted in different regions of Brazil. Preterm birth prevalence was calculated separately for both sexes and for each 100g birth weight group, and then accumulated for the different geographical units. Results: official prevalence of preterm births in Brazil was between 6 per cent and 7 per cent for the 2000-2011 period according to the SINASC system, while the corrected estimates showed values between 11 per cent and 12 per cent. In 2011, preterm birth prevalence was only 15 per cent below the estimated. Conclusion: our study confirmed underestimated preterm birth on the SINASC system for the 2000-2011 period.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant, Newborn , Population Forecast , Premature Birth , Prevalence
Junguiana ; 31(1): 21-29, jan.-jun. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-57726


O presente artigo tem como finalidade despertar o interesse pelo fenômeno narcísico, tanto o individual como o coletivo. Busca unir alguns conceitos oriundos da psicanálise e da psicologia do self com os da psicologia analítica, considerando a função narcísica como responsável pelo desenvolvimento da consciência ou por sua estagnação, que resulta de falhas de espelhamento do bebê, que, por sua vez, geram feridas narcísicas. A fim de promover a retomada do desenvolvimento do eu do sujeito em análise, o analista deverá ter entrado profundamente e por inteiro no processo de autoconhecimento. Com essa mesma disposição, ele contribuirá para a individuação de seu analisando. (AU)

This paper aims to waken interest for the narcissistic phenomenon on individual and collective matters. It intends to unite some of the concepts that were create by psychoanalysis' and the self psychology's theories with the ones of analytical psychology, based on the fact that the narcissistic function is responsible for the development of the conscience, as well as for its stagnation, which is due to failures in the mirroring of the baby. These failures result in narcissistic wounds. To promote the resumption of the development of the patient's I in the analysis process, the analyst should have had the opportunity to profoundly enter in his or her own self-knowledge process. With quite the same disposition, the analyst shall be able to contribute to his or her patient's individuation process. (AU)

Narcissism , Self Psychology , Psychoanalysis
Junguiana ; 31(1): 21-29, jan.-jun. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-686425


O presente artigo tem como finalidade despertar o interesse pelo fenômeno narcísico, tanto o individual como o coletivo. Busca unir alguns conceitos oriundos da psicanálise e da psicologia do self com os da psicologia analítica, considerando a função narcísica como responsável pelo desenvolvimento da consciência ou por sua estagnação, que resulta de falhas de espelhamento do bebê, que, por sua vez, geram feridas narcísicas. A fim de promover a retomada do desenvolvimento do eu do sujeito em análise, o analista deverá ter entrado profundamente e por inteiro no processo de autoconhecimento. Com essa mesma disposição, ele contribuirá para a individuação de seu analisando.

This paper aims to waken interest for the narcissistic phenomenon on individual and collective matters. It intends to unite some of the concepts that were create by psychoanalysis' and the self psychology's theories with the ones of analytical psychology, based on the fact that the narcissistic function is responsible for the development of the conscience, as well as for its stagnation, which is due to failures in the mirroring of the baby. These failures result in narcissistic wounds. To promote the resumption of the development of the patient's I in the analysis process, the analyst should have had the opportunity to profoundly enter in his or her own self-knowledge process. With quite the same disposition, the analyst shall be able to contribute to his or her patient's individuation process.

Narcissism , Psychoanalysis , Self Psychology
Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 22(3)set. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-698453


Relata-se um caso de teratoma parasitário do omento que se originou de um tumor dermoide do ovário esquerdo. Revisão da literatura revelou 23 casos que ocorreram, na maior parte, no sexo feminino. Em alguns casos, o teratoma maduro do omento demonstrou evidência histológica de estroma ovariano, sendo associado a tumor dermoide do ovário remanescente contralateral, como neste caso. Acredita-se, então, que a autoamputação e reimplante de um tumor dermoide do ovário seja a etiologia mais comum do teratoma omental. Dor abdominal é geralmente o principal sintoma e no exame físico uma massa móvel abdominal ou pélvica é frequentemente encontrada. Tanto a ultrassonografia com doppler de fluxo em cores como a tomografia computadorizada são úteis no diagnóstico, porém a localização omental correta e exata é extremamente difícil. Teratomas maduros do omento podem ser tratados por ressecção simples. Já os teratomas imaturos, tumores potencialmente malignos, requerem tratamento adjuvante...

This is a case report of a parasitic teratoma of the omentum that derived from a dermoid tumor in the left ovary. The review of the literature pointed to 23 cases of teratoma, most of which affecting women. In some cases, as the one herein described, the mature teratoma of the omentum is followed by histologic evidence of stroma of the ovary and associated with dermoid tumor of the remaining contralateral ovary. Self-amputation and reimplantation of a dermoid tumour in the ovary is thus believed to be the most common etiology for teratoma of the omentum Abdominal pain is usually the main symptom, and mobile abdominal or pelvic mass is usually found during physical examination. Both color doppler fluximetry ultrasound and computerized tomography are useful for diagnosis purposes, but the accurate and precise localization of the omentum is of high complexity. Mature teratomas of the omentum can be treated with simple resection. I mmature teratomas, potentially malign tumors, demand adjuvant treatment...

Humans , Female , Aged , Ovarian Neoplasms , Omentum , Teratoma/diagnosis , Dermoid Cyst
PLoS One ; 7(8): e41918, 2012.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22870262


Although it is in the Tropics where nearly half of the world population lives and infectious disease burden is highest, little is known about the impact of influenza pandemics in this area. We investigated the mortality impact of the 2009 influenza pandemic relative to mortality rates from various outcomes in pre-pandemic years throughout a wide range of latitudes encompassing the entire tropical, and part of the subtropical, zone of the Southern Hemisphere (+5(°)N to -35(°)S) by focusing on a country with relatively uniform health care, disease surveillance, immunization and mitigation policies: Brazil. To this end, we analyzed laboratory-confirmed deaths and vital statistics mortality beyond pre-pandemic levels for each Brazilian state. Pneumonia, influenza and respiratory mortality were significantly higher during the pandemic, affecting predominantly adults aged 25 to 65 years. Overall, there were 2,273 and 2,787 additional P&I- and respiratory deaths during the pandemic, corresponding to a 5.2% and 2.7% increase, respectively, over average pre-pandemic annual mortality. However, there was a marked spatial structure in mortality that was independent of socio-demographic indicators and inversely related with income: mortality was progressively lower towards equatorial regions, where low or no difference from pre-pandemic mortality levels was identified. Additionally, the onset of pandemic-associated mortality was progressively delayed in equatorial states. Unexpectedly, there was no additional mortality from circulatory causes. Comparing disease burden reliably across regions is critical in those areas marked by competing health priorities and limited resources. Our results suggest, however, that tropical regions of the Southern Hemisphere may have been disproportionally less affected by the pandemic, and that climate may have played a key role in this regard. These findings have a direct bearing on global estimates of pandemic burden and the assessment of the role of immunological, socioeconomic and environmental drivers of the transmissibility and severity of this pandemic.

Influenza, Human/mortality , Models, Biological , Pandemics , Tropical Climate , Adult , Aged , Brazil/epidemiology , Female , History, 21st Century , Humans , Immunization , Influenza, Human/history , Influenza, Human/prevention & control , Influenza, Human/therapy , Middle Aged , Pneumonia/history , Pneumonia/mortality , Pneumonia/prevention & control , Pneumonia/therapy , Respiratory Distress Syndrome/history , Respiratory Distress Syndrome/mortality , Respiratory Distress Syndrome/prevention & control , Respiratory Distress Syndrome/therapy
Junguiana ; 30(1): 29-36, jan.-jun. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-53091


O objetivo deste artigo é aproximar a reflexão do filósofo alemão Arthur Schopenhauer da prática clínica da psicoterapia. No percurso do texto, fica demontrado que as ideias do filósofo são compatíveis com alguns fundamentos da psicologia analítica e da psicanálise no que diz respeito ao conceito de paixão. Por essa abordagem, a paixão advém da Vontade, que, segundo Schopenhauer, é a força cega faminta e desejante pela qual o ser humano e outros seres viventes são transpassados.Tal força, na interioridade humana, se objetiva na forma de instinto, sobrecarregando o sujeito de desejos e frustrações (AU)

This paper aims to converge the thinking of German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer to the clinical and psychotherapeutic practice. Along the text, it is demonstrated that the philosopher's ideas are compatible with some fundaments of the analytical psychology and the psychoanalysis, on what comes to the concept of passion. According to this approach, passion derives from the Will which Schopenhauer sees as the blind and hungry desiring force through which human beings and other living creatures are passed through. Such a force is made objective in human interiority in the form os instinct, burdening the individual with desires and frustration (AU)

Volition , Psychoanalysis , Psychotherapy , Intuition , Awareness