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Nat Commun ; 15(1): 6838, 2024 Aug 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39122695


Semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (MX2) occur in 2H and rhombohedral (3R) polytypes, respectively distinguished by anti-parallel and parallel orientation of consecutive monolayer lattices. In its bulk form, 3R-MX2 is ferroelectric, hosting an out-of-plane electric polarisation, the direction of which is dictated by stacking. Here, we predict that twin boundaries, separating adjacent polarisation domains with reversed built-in electric fields, are able to host two-dimensional electrons and holes with an areal density reaching  ~ 1013cm-2. Our modelling suggests that n-doped twin boundaries have a more promising binding energy than p-doped ones, whereas hole accumulation is stable at external surfaces of a twinned film. We also propose that assembling pairs of mono-twin films with a 'magic' twist angle θ* that provides commensurability between the moiré pattern at the interface and the accumulated carrier density, should promote a regime of strongly correlated states of electrons, such as Wigner crystals, and we specify the values of θ* for homo- and heterostructures of various TMDs.

ACS Nano ; 18(33): 22172-22180, 2024 Aug 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39116121


Understanding and controlling the electrical properties of solution-processed 2D materials is key to further printed electronics progress. Here, we demonstrate that the thermolysis of the aromatic intercalants utilized in nanosheet exfoliation for graphene laminates allows for high intrinsic mobility and the simultaneous control of doping type (n- and p-) and concentration over a wide range. We establish that the intraflake mobility is high by observing a linear magnetoresistance of such solution-processed graphene laminates and using it to devolve the interflake tunneling and intralayer magnetotransport. Consequently, we determine the temperature dependencies of the inter- and intralayer characteristics. The intraflake transport appears to be dominated by electron-phonon scattering processes at temperatures T > 20 K, while the interflake transport is governed by phonon-assisted tunneling. In particular, we identify the efficiency of phonon-assisted tunneling as the main limiting factor for electrical conductivity in graphene laminates at room temperature. We also demonstrate a thermoelectric sensitivity of around 50 µV·K-1 in a solution-processed metal-free graphene-based thermocouple.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 4449, 2024 May 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38789446


Van der Waals heterostructures have opened new opportunities to develop atomically thin (opto)electronic devices with a wide range of functionalities. The recent focus on manipulating the interlayer twist angle has led to the observation of out-of-plane room temperature ferroelectricity in twisted rhombohedral bilayers of transition metal dichalcogenides. Here we explore the switching behaviour of sliding ferroelectricity using scanning probe microscopy domain mapping and tunnelling transport measurements. We observe well-pronounced ambipolar switching behaviour in ferroelectric tunnelling junctions with composite ferroelectric/non-polar insulator barriers and support our experimental results with complementary theoretical modelling. Furthermore, we show that the switching behaviour is strongly influenced by the underlying domain structure, allowing the fabrication of diverse ferroelectric tunnelling junction devices with various functionalities. We show that to observe the polarisation reversal, at least one partial dislocation must be present in the device area. This behaviour is drastically different from that of conventional ferroelectric materials, and its understanding is an important milestone for the future development of optoelectronic devices based on sliding ferroelectricity.

ACS Nano ; 18(18): 11769-11777, 2024 May 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38648369


Twist-controlled moiré superlattices (MSs) have emerged as a versatile platform for realizing artificial systems with complex electronic spectra. The combination of Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene (BLG) and hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) can give rise to an interesting MS, which has recently featured a set of unexpected behaviors, such as unconventional ferroelectricity and the electronic ratchet effect. Yet, the understanding of the electronic properties of BLG/hBN MS has, at present, remained fairly limited. Here, we combine magneto-transport and low-energy sub-THz excitation to gain insights into the properties of this MS. We demonstrate that the alignment between BLG and hBN crystal lattices results in the emergence of compensated semimetals at some integer fillings of the moiré bands, separated by van Hove singularities where the Lifshitz transition occurs. A particularly pronounced semimetal develops when eight holes reside in the moiré unit cell, where coexisting high-mobility electron and hole systems feature strong magnetoresistance reaching 2350% already at B = 0.25 T. Next, by measuring the THz-driven Nernst effect in remote bands, we observe valley splitting, indicating an orbital magnetization characterized by a strongly enhanced effective gv-factor of 340. Finally, using THz photoresistance measurements, we show that the high-temperature conductivity of the BLG/hBN MS is limited by electron-electron umklapp processes. Our multifaceted analysis introduces THz-driven magnetotransport as a convenient tool to probe the band structure and interaction effects in van der Waals materials and provides a comprehensive understanding of the BLG/hBN MS.

Adv Mater ; 36(19): e2309644, 2024 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38279553


Bandstructure engineering using alloying is widely utilized for achieving optimized performance in modern semiconductor devices. While alloying has been studied in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, its application in van der Waals heterostructures built from atomically thin layers is largely unexplored. Here, heterobilayers made from monolayers of WSe2 (or MoSe2) and MoxW1 - xSe2 alloy are fabricated and nontrivial tuning of the resultant bandstructure is observed as a function of concentration x. This evolution is monitored by measuring the energy of photoluminescence (PL) of the interlayer exciton (IX) composed of an electron and hole residing in different monolayers. In MoxW1 - xSe2/WSe2, a strong IX energy shift of ≈100 meV is observed for x varied from 1 to 0.6. However, for x < 0.6 this shift saturates and the IX PL energy asymptotically approaches that of the indirect bandgap in bilayer WSe2. This observation is theoretically interpreted as the strong variation of the conduction band K valley for x > 0.6, with IX PL arising from the K - K transition, while for x < 0.6, the bandstructure hybridization becomes prevalent leading to the dominating momentum-indirect K - Q transition. This bandstructure hybridization is accompanied with strong modification of IX PL dynamics and nonlinear exciton properties. This work provides foundation for bandstructure engineering in van der Waals heterostructures highlighting the importance of hybridization effects and opening a way to devices with accurately tailored electronic properties.

Nano Lett ; 24(2): 601-606, 2024 Jan 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38180909


Electronic spectra of solids subjected to a magnetic field are often discussed in terms of Landau levels and Hofstadter-butterfly-style Brown-Zak minibands manifested by magneto-oscillations in two-dimensional electron systems. Here, we present the semiclassical precursors of these quantum magneto-oscillations which appear in graphene superlattices at low magnetic field near the Lifshitz transitions and persist at elevated temperatures. These oscillations originate from Aharonov-Bohm interference of electron waves following open trajectories that belong to a kagome-shaped network of paths characteristic for Lifshitz transitions in the moire superlattice minibands of twistronic graphenes.

Nano Lett ; 24(6): 1996-2002, 2024 Feb 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38295286


Twisted bilayers of two-dimensional semiconductors offer a versatile platform for engineering quantum states for charge carriers using moiré superlattice effects. Among the systems of recent interest are twistronic MoX2/WX2 heterostructures (X = Se or S), which undergo reconstruction into preferential stacking domains and highly strained domain wall networks, determining the electron/hole localization across moiré superlattices. Here, we present a catalogue of options for the formation of self-organized quantum dots and wires in lattice-reconstructed marginally twisted MoX2/WX2 bilayers with a relative lattice mismatch δ ≪ 1 for twist angles ranging from perfect alignment to θ ∼ 1°. On the basis of multiscale modeling taking into account twirling of domain wall networks, we analyze bilayers with both parallel and antiparallel orientations of their unit cells and describe crossovers between different positioning of band edges for electrons and holes across moiré superlattices when θ < δ and θ > δ.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 62(52): e202314537, 2023 Dec 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37966039


In nature and technologies, many chemical reactions occur at interfaces with dimensions approaching that of a single reacting species in nano- and angstrom-scale. Mechanisms governing reactions at this ultimately small spatial regime remain poorly explored because of challenges to controllably fabricate required devices and assess their performance in experiment. Here we report how efficiency of electrochemical reactions evolves for electrodes that range from just one atom in thickness to sizes comparable with and exceeding hydration diameters of reactant species. The electrodes are made by encapsulating graphene and its multilayers within insulating crystals so that only graphene edges remain exposed and partake in reactions. We find that limiting current densities characterizing electrochemical reactions exhibit a pronounced size effect if reactant's hydration diameter becomes commensurable with electrodes' thickness. An unexpected blockade effect is further revealed from electrodes smaller than reactants, where incoming reactants are blocked by those adsorbed temporarily at the atomically narrow interfaces. The demonstrated angstrom-scale electrochemistry offers a venue for studies of interfacial behaviors at the true molecular scale.

Nano Lett ; 23(23): 10758-10764, 2023 Dec 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38007708


The mid-infrared (MIR) spectral region attracts attention for accurate chemical analysis using photonic devices. Few-layer graphene (FLG) polytypes are promising platforms, due to their broad absorption in this range and gate-tunable optical properties. Among these polytypes, the noncentrosymmetric ABCB/ACAB structure is particularly interesting, due to its intrinsic bandgap (8.8 meV) and internal polarization. In this study, we utilize scattering-scanning near-field microscopy to measure the optical response of all three tetralayer graphene polytypes in the 8.5-11.5 µm range. We employ a finite dipole model to compare these results to the calculated optical conductivity for each polytype obtained from a tight-binding model. Our findings reveal a significant discrepancy in the MIR optical conductivity response of graphene between the different polytypes than what the tight-binding model suggests. This observation implies an increased potential for utilizing the distinct tetralayer polytypes in photonic devices operating within the MIR range for chemical sensing and infrared imaging.

Nano Lett ; 23(19): 8875-8880, 2023 Oct 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37781903


Lattice relaxation in twistronic bilayers with close lattice parameters and almost perfect crystallographic alignment of the layers results in the transformation of the moiré pattern into a sequence of preferential stacking domains and domain wall networks. Here, we show that reconstructed moiré superlattices of the perfectly aligned heterobilayers of same chalcogen transition metal dichalcogenides have broken-symmetry structures featuring twisted nodes ("twirls") of domain wall networks. The analysis of twist-angle dependence of strain characteristics for the broken-symmetry structures shows that the formation of twirl reduces the amount of hydrostatic strain around the nodes, potentially weakening their influence on the band edge energies of electrons and holes.

Nature ; 620(7975): 756-761, 2023 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37468634


Van der Waals assembly enables the design of electronic states in two-dimensional (2D) materials, often by superimposing a long-wavelength periodic potential on a crystal lattice using moiré superlattices1-9. This twistronics approach has resulted in numerous previously undescribed physics, including strong correlations and superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene10-12, resonant excitons, charge ordering and Wigner crystallization in transition-metal chalcogenide moiré structures13-18 and Hofstadter's butterfly spectra and Brown-Zak quantum oscillations in graphene superlattices19-22. Moreover, twistronics has been used to modify near-surface states at the interface between van der Waals crystals23,24. Here we show that electronic states in three-dimensional (3D) crystals such as graphite can be tuned by a superlattice potential occurring at the interface with another crystal-namely, crystallographically aligned hexagonal boron nitride. This alignment results in several Lifshitz transitions and Brown-Zak oscillations arising from near-surface states, whereas, in high magnetic fields, fractal states of Hofstadter's butterfly draw deep into the bulk of graphite. Our work shows a way in which 3D spectra can be controlled using the approach of 2D twistronics.

Adv Mater ; 35(38): e2207816, 2023 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37377064


Semiconducting ferroelectric materials with low energy polarization switching offer a platform for next-generation electronics such as ferroelectric field-effect transistors. Recently discovered interfacial ferroelectricity in bilayers of transition metal dichalcogenide films provides an opportunity to combine the potential of semiconducting ferroelectrics with the design flexibility of 2D material devices. Here, local control of ferroelectric domains in a marginally twisted WS2 bilayer is demonstrated with a scanning tunneling microscope at room temperature, and their observed reversible evolution is understood using a string-like model of the domain wall network (DWN). Two characteristic regimes of DWN evolution are identified: (i) elastic bending of partial screw dislocations separating smaller domains with twin stackings due to mutual sliding of monolayers at domain boundaries and (ii) merging of primary domain walls into perfect screw dislocations, which become the seeds for the recovery of the initial domain structure upon reversing electric field. These results open the possibility to achieve full control over atomically thin semiconducting ferroelectric domains using local electric fields, which is a critical step towards their technological use.

Nano Lett ; 23(10): 4120-4125, 2023 May 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37158207


Ferroelectricity (Valasek, J. Phys. Rev. 1921, 17, 475), a spontaneous formation of electric polarization, is a solid state phenomenon, usually, associated with ionic compounds or complex materials. Here we show that, atypically for elemental solids, few-layer graphenes can host an equilibrium out-of-plane electric polarization, switchable by sliding the constituent graphene sheets. The systems hosting such effect include mixed-stacking tetralayers and thicker (5-9 layers) rhombohedral graphitic films with a twin boundary in the middle of a flake. The predicted electric polarization would also appear in marginally (small-angle) twisted few-layer flakes, where lattice reconstruction would give rise to networks of mesoscale domains with alternating value and sign of out-of-plane polarization.

Nano Lett ; 23(11): 5201-5208, 2023 Jun 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37235208


Diverse emergent correlated electron phenomena have been observed in twisted-graphene layers. Many electronic structure predictions have been reported exploring this new field, but with few momentum-resolved electronic structure measurements to test them. We use angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to study the twist-dependent (1° < θ < 8°) band structure of twisted-bilayer, monolayer-on-bilayer, and double-bilayer graphene (tDBG). Direct comparison is made between experiment and theory, using a hybrid k·p model for interlayer coupling. Quantitative agreement is found across twist angles, stacking geometries, and back-gate voltages, validating the models and revealing field-induced gaps in twisted graphenes. However, for tDBG at θ = 1.5 ± 0.2°, close to the magic angle θ = 1.3°, a flat band is found near the Fermi level with measured bandwidth Ew = 31 ± 5 meV. An analysis of the gap between the flat band and the next valence band shows deviations between experiment (Δh = 46 ± 5 meV) and theory (Δh = 5 meV), indicative of lattice relaxation in this regime.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 18(3): 250-256, 2023 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36879123


Materials such as graphene and topological insulators host massless Dirac fermions that enable the study of relativistic quantum phenomena. Single quantum dots and coupled quantum dots formed with massless Dirac fermions can be viewed as artificial relativistic atoms and molecules, respectively. Such structures offer a unique testbed to study atomic and molecular physics in the ultrarelativistic regime (particle speed close to the speed of light). Here we use a scanning tunnelling microscope to create and probe single and coupled electrostatically defined graphene quantum dots to unravel the magnetic-field responses of artificial relativistic nanostructures. We observe a giant orbital Zeeman splitting and orbital magnetic moment up to ~70 meV T-1 and ~600µB (µB, Bohr magneton) in single graphene quantum dots. For coupled graphene quantum dots, Aharonov-Bohm oscillations and a strong Van Vleck paramagnetic shift of ~20 meV T-2 are observed. Our findings provide fundamental insights into relativistic quantum dot states, which can be potentially leveraged for use in quantum information science.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 34(49)2022 Oct 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36223792


Here we investigate how charge density waves (CDWs), inherent to a monolayer, are effected by creating twisted van der Waals structures. Homobilayers of metallic transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), at small twist angles where there is significant atomic reconstruction, are utilised as an example to investigate the interplay between the moiré domain structure and CDWs of different periods. For3×3CDWs, there is no geometric constraint to prevent the CDWs from propagating throughout the moiré structure. Whereas for2×2CDWs, to ensure the CDWs in each layer have the most favourable interactions in the domains, the CDW phase must be destroyed in the connecting domain walls. For3×3CDWs with twist angles close to 180∘, moiré-scale triangular structures can form; while close to 0∘, moiré-scale dimer domains occur. The star-of-David CDW (13×13) is found to host CDWs in the domains only, since there is one low energy stacking configuration, similar to the2×2CDWs. These predictions are offered for experimental verification in twisted bilayer metallic TMDs which host CDWs, and we hope this will stimulate further research on the interplay between the moiré superlattice and CDW phases intrinsic to the comprising 2D materials.

Nano Lett ; 22(16): 6760-6766, 2022 Aug 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35930625


We report experimental investigations of transport through bilayer graphene (BLG)/chromium trihalide (CrX3; X = Cl, Br, I) van der Waals interfaces. In all cases, a large charge transfer from BLG to CrX3 takes place (reaching densities in excess of 1013 cm-2), and generates an electric field perpendicular to the interface that opens a band gap in BLG. We determine the gap from the activation energy of the conductivity and find excellent agreement with the latest theory accounting for the contribution of the σ bands to the BLG dielectric susceptibility. We further show that for BLG/CrCl3 and BLG/CrBr3 the band gap can be extracted from the gate voltage dependence of the low-temperature conductivity, and use this finding to refine the gap dependence on the magnetic field. Our results allow a quantitative comparison of the electronic properties of BLG with theoretical predictions and indicate that electrons occupying the CrX3 conduction band are correlated.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 3917, 2022 Jul 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35798736


Light-emitting electronic devices are ubiquitous in key areas of current technology, such as data communications, solid-state lighting, displays, and optical interconnects. Controlling the spectrum of the emitted light electrically, by simply acting on the device bias conditions, is an important goal with potential technological repercussions. However, identifying a material platform enabling broad electrical tuning of the spectrum of electroluminescent devices remains challenging. Here, we propose light-emitting field-effect transistors based on van der Waals interfaces of atomically thin semiconductors as a promising class of devices to achieve this goal. We demonstrate that large spectral changes in room-temperature electroluminescence can be controlled both at the device assembly stage -by suitably selecting the material forming the interfaces- and on-chip, by changing the bias to modify the device operation point. Even though the precise relation between device bias and kinetics of the radiative transitions remains to be understood, our experiments show that the physical mechanism responsible for light emission is robust, making these devices compatible with simple large areas device production methods.

Nano Lett ; 22(4): 1534-1540, 2022 Feb 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35129361


Moiré structures in small-angle-twisted bilayers of two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors with a broken-symmetry interface form arrays of ferroelectric (FE) domains with periodically alternating out-of-plane polarization. Here, we propose a network theory for the tunability of such FE domain structure by applying an electric field perpendicular to the 2D crystal. Using multiscale analysis, we derive a fully parametrized string-theory-like description of the domain wall network (DWN) and show that it undergoes a qualitative change, after the arcs of partial dislocation (PD) like domain walls merge (near the network nodes) into streaks of perfect screw dislocations (PSD), which happens at a threshold displacement field dependent on the DWN period.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 17(4): 390-395, 2022 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35210566


Twisted heterostructures of two-dimensional crystals offer almost unlimited scope for the design of new metamaterials. Here we demonstrate a room temperature ferroelectric semiconductor that is assembled using mono- or few-layer MoS2. These van der Waals heterostructures feature broken inversion symmetry, which, together with the asymmetry of atomic arrangement at the interface of two 2D crystals, enables ferroelectric domains with alternating out-of-plane polarization arranged into a twist-controlled network. The last can be moved by applying out-of-plane electrical fields, as visualized in situ using channelling contrast electron microscopy. The observed interfacial charge transfer, movement of domain walls and their bending rigidity agree well with theoretical calculations. Furthermore, we demonstrate proof-of-principle field-effect transistors, where the channel resistance exhibits a pronounced hysteresis governed by pinning of ferroelectric domain walls. Our results show a potential avenue towards room temperature electronic and optoelectronic semiconductor devices with built-in ferroelectric memory functions.