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Med. segur. trab ; 69(272): 149-159, Sep 30, 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-232437


Introducción: objetivo de este estudio es presentar el proceso de adaptación transcultural del instrumento Percei-ved Stress Scale-10 (PSS-10) para la población de profesores que realizaron docencia de forma telemática a estu-diantes de nivel primario y secundario durante la pandemia por COVID-19 en Chile.Método: Estudio de corte transversal, polietápico. Se adaptó transculturalmente la PSS-10 al español chileno me-diante un proceso de validación de contenido por expertos usando el método Delphi. Se seleccionaron 9 jueces expertos. Los ítems del cuestionario fueron evaluados bajo tres categorías: relevancia, claridad y suficiencia. Se realizaron dos rondas de evaluación para determinar el grado de concordancia entre jueces, evidenciado mediante el cálculo de índices de validez de contenido. La fase de pilotaje del instrumento se llevó a cabo utilizando la pla-taforma QuestionPro® en una muestra de 54 docentes, seleccionados a través de un muestreo por conveniencia. Como medida de consistencia interna se calculó un Alfa de Cronbach.Resultados: el instrumento obtuvo un índice de validez de contenido por ítem entre 0,80 y 1,00, un índice de validez de contenido promedio de 0,97 y un índice de validez de contenido universal de 0,96. La consistencia interna arrojó una fiabilidad adecuada del PSS-10 (alfa de Cronbach de 0,85) adaptado transculturalmente al español chileno. Conclusiones: La validación de contenido de la PSS-10, utilizando el método Delphi, permitió consensuar las opi-niones expresadas por los expertos en estrés laboral. La escala demostró ser fiable, por tanto, podría ser aplicado para evaluar la autopercepción de estrés laboral en docentes chilenos. (AU)

Introduction: the aim of this study is to present the process of cross-cultural adaptation of the Perceived Stress Sca-le-10 (PSS-10) instrument for a population of teachers who taught primary and secondary school students remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile.Method: Cross-sectional, multistage study. The PSS-10 was cross-culturally adapted to Chilean Spanish by means of a content validation process by experts using the Delphi method. Nine expert judges were selected. The ques-tionnaire items were evaluated under three categories: relevance, clarity and sufficiency. Two rounds of evaluation were carried out to determine the degree of concordance between judges, evidenced by the calculation of content validity indexes. The trial phase of the instrument was carried out using the QuestionPro® platform in a sample of 54 teachers, selected through convenience sampling. Cronbach’s alpha was calculated as a measure of internal consistency.Results: the instrument obtained a content validity index per item between 0.80 and 1.00, an average content vali-dity index of 0.97 and a universal content validity index of 0.96. Internal consistency yielded an adequate reliability of the PSS-10 (Cronbach’s alpha of 0.85) cross-culturally adapted to Chilean Spanish. Conclusion: The content validation of the PSS-10, using the Delphi method, allowed consensus on the opinions ex-pressed by experts in occupational stress. The scale proved to be reliable; therefore, it could be applied to evaluate the self-perception of work stress in Chilean teachers. (AU)

Humans , Faculty , Burnout, Professional , Delphi Technique , Pandemics , Cross-Sectional Studies , Chile
Cienc. Trab ; 20(62): 84-89, ago. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-974652


Resumen: Los estudiantes que cursan el internado profesional de fonoaudiologia experimentan situaciones de estrés y agotamiento propias de esta acti vidad, pudiendo presentar burnout académico (BA), ya que el contacto con usuarios reales, la exigencia académica y las acciones propias de un contexto laboral son caracteristicas de la práctica profesional. El objeti vo del presente estudio es determinar la existencia del burnout acadé mico y la asociación con variables sociodemográficas en los estudiantes de 5to año de fonoaudiología. Se aplicó un cuestionario a 47 sujetos de internado profesional para recopilar antecedentes personales, académi cos y sociales. Luego, para evaluar el burnout académico, se aplicó el Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey. Los estudiantes evaluados no presentan el síndrome, aunque el factor cansancio emocional se presentó con más altos puntajes. Tampoco existen diferencias entre los puntajes del síndrome para los estudiantes que realizan su práctica en las áreas de Salud y Educación. Las variables explicativas del alto cansancio emocional en este estudio son el sexo masculino, pertenecer a sector urbano y aumento de consumo de taba co. El estudio del BA es importante para tomar medidas preventivas en el transcurso de la vida universitaria para garantizar a futuro el com promiso y mejor desempeño por parte de los estudiantes que realizan su práctica profesional.

Abstract: Students who attend internship of speech language pathology expe rience situations of stress and exhaustion characteristic of this activ ity, being able to present academic burnout, due to the contact with real users, the academic requirement and the own actions of a work context, which are characteristics of the internship. The objective of this study was to determine the existence of academic burnout and its association with sociodemographic variables in the 5th year stu dents of speech language pathology. A questionnaire was applied to 47 intern students in order to gather personal, academic and social backgrounds. After to evaluate the academic burnout, the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Student Survey was applied. The students evaluated did not present the syndrome, although the emotional fatigue factor was presented with higher scores. There are also no differences in the scores of the syndrome for students who did their practice in both health and education setting. The explana tory variables of high emotional fatigue in this study were male sex, belonging to the urban sector and increased tobacco consumption. The BA study is important to take preventive measures over the university life to ensure future commitment and better performance by students who perform their professional practice.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Students/psychology , Burnout, Professional/etiology , Burnout, Professional/epidemiology , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Professional Practice , Universities , Burnout, Professional/diagnosis , Burnout, Professional/psychology , Logistic Models , Chile , Surveys and Questionnaires , Speech-Language Pathology , Depersonalization , Academic Performance , Internship and Residency