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Zootaxa ; 5374(1): 137-147, 2023 Nov 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38220867


Suphis fluviatilis Guignot, 1948 was described based on a single female specimen, and according to the author, the type was deposited in the Museum National dHistoire Naturelle (Paris, France). However, the diagnostic features of the specimen deposited under this name and provided with the respective labels deviate considerably from those given by Guignot in his original description. It is shown that this specimen belongs to Suphis notaticollis Zimmermann, 1921, confirming previous observations by Luis Grosso in 1980. Thus, a neotype of S. fluviatilis is designated to avoid instability of the nomenclature by the impending synonymy of S. fluviatilis with S. notaticollis. Suphis fluviatilis is redescribed in detail, including illustrations of the main diagnostic characters. The species is compared with other Neotropical Suphis species, in particular with S. notaticollis. Additionally, the male genitalia of Suphis intermedius Rgimbart, 1903 are described for the first time, and a first record from Paraguay is given.

Coleoptera , Male , Female , Animals , Museums
Zootaxa ; 5061(2): 323-339, 2021 Nov 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34810625


Cybister (s. str.) poblanus sp. n. is described from the Puebla state in Mexico. The species belongs to a group of members of the genus Cybister Curtis, 1827, which occur only in North America (including the Caribbean Islands) and are characterised by having several distinct ridges on the metacoxae (stridulatory organ) in males. The new species is the third of the genus reported for Mexico and the fourth for North America. It can easily be separated from its congeners by its great size and the shape of the male aedeagus. The habitus, the male genitalia and other details of C. poblanus sp. n. are illustrated and photographs of the male genitalia of the other three Cybister are given for comparison. Megadytes (Bifurcitus) lherminieri (Gurin-Meville, 1829) and M. (B.) magnus Trmouilles Bachmann, 1980 are the only other big species of subfamily Cybistrinae which occur in North America. They are externally similar to the new species and can easily be confused with it, hence the illustrations of their aedeagi to facilitate identification. A key to species is given for all species of Cybistrinae occurring in America north of Belize and Guatemala, including Cuba and the Bahamas. Lectotypes are designated for Cybister flavocinctus Aub, 1838, Cybister explanatus var. fusculus Zimmermann, 1919, and Cybister (Megadytes) aubei Wilke, 1920. Notes are given on material of some Neotropical and Nearctic species of Cybister and Megadytes stored in different museums.

Coleoptera , Animals , Male , Mexico
Zootaxa ; 5027(4): 563-575, 2021 Sep 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34811154


Bidessus anatolicus adiyaman ssp. n. is described from the Adyaman province in southern Turkey. The taxon belongs to the unistriatus-group of the genus and can be separated from the nominotypical subspecies of Bidessus anatolicus Wewalka, 1972 by the broader body and the different shape of the male genitalia. The new taxon is illustrated in detail and photographs of the type locality and the surrounding area are given.

Coleoptera , Animals , Male , Turkey
Zootaxa ; 4990(3): 553-562, 2021 Jun 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34186745


Aphodius coenobita Gravenhorst, 1807 is an almost forgotten name which has never been used as valid after its establishment. Studies of Gravenhorst's life story and his relations with contemporary entomologists revealed that at least a part of the original syntype series of this taxon is stored in the "Museum für Naturkunde Berlin" (Germany). Furthermore, it is given evidence that Aphodius stercorosus F.E. Melsheimer, 1844 (currently placed in the genus Blackburneus Schmidt, 1913) is a junior synonym of Gravenhorst's name. In order to stabilise the nomenclature the name A. coenobita is declared to be a nomen oblitum under Article 23.9 of the Code of Zoological Nomenclature. At the same time A. stercorosus is declared a nomen protectum and it is given precedence over the older name. Additionally, one and the same specimen of the syntype series is designated as lectotype for both taxa.

Coleoptera/classification , Animals , Museums
Zootaxa ; 4861(2): zootaxa.4861.2.9, 2020 Oct 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33311229


Hydroporus novacula sp. n. is described on a single male accidentally found when collecting Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) in south-western Georgia (Caucasus) by sifting more or less dry material quite far from any water. The species belongs to the longulus-group of the genus (former subgenus Sternoporus). However, the shape of the median lobe, the club-like pro- and mesotibiae and the evenly curved protarsal claws separate it from all other species of the group. Additionally, no natatory setae could be detected on any leg of the single male studied. Together with the collecting circumstances, it appears not unlikely that the new species is the first terrestrial Hydroporus known to science. The species is described in detail and important features are illustrated.

Coleoptera , Animal Distribution , Animals , Georgia (Republic) , Male
Zootaxa ; 4691(5): zootaxa.4691.5.10, 2019 Nov 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31719384


Two new diving beetle species of the subtribe Deronectina are described from south-eastern Anatolia. Deronectes kabilcevz sp. n. belongs to the D. longipes-subgroup of the D. parvicollis-group. It is externally similar to the other members of this subgroup, but can be separated by the different shape of the median lobe of aedeagus. Deronectes propedoriae sp. n. belongs to the D. doriae-group. Analysis of molecular studies suggests that the new species and D. doriae Sharp, 1882 are closely related but undoubtedly different with an uncorrected p distance of 7% in the cytochrome oxydase gene. Also external characters allow an easy separation although only the female holotype of the new species is known-the pronotum and the last abdominal ventrite of each have very different shapes. The habitus, the genitalia and other features of the species are illustrated. The keys to species of the respective groups of genus Deronectes are updated. Including the results of this study, 61 species of Deronectes are now known.

Coleoptera , Animals , Female , Turkey
Zootaxa ; 4565(4): zootaxa.4565.4.11, 2019 Mar 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31716459


The nomenclature of some taxa of the tribe Bidessini is dealt with. Currently, the names of these taxa are mostly interpreted as synonyms of Bidessus unistriatus (Goeze, 1777). The four oldest names for this species are shown to be nomina dubia due to insufficient descriptions and lack of name-bearing types. These names are in their original combinations Dyticus parvulus O.F. Müller, 1776, Dytiscus unistriatus Goeze, 1777, Dytiscus unistriatus Schrank, 1781, and Dyticus monostriatus Geoffroy in Fourcroy, 1785. The uncertainties of these species-level names also affect the identity of the genus-level names Bidessus Sharp, 1882, and Hydroglyphus Motschulsky, 1853a, meaning that the stability of nomenclature in the tribe Bidessini is considerably threatened. To eliminate this threat by clarifying the taxonomic status and the type locality of each of these nominal taxa, one and the same male specimen is designated as neotype for unistriatus Goeze, unistriatus Schrank and monostriatus Geoffroy in Fourcroy, and thus these three names become objective synonyms. The neotype is selected from modern material collected near Paris (France) because the type localities of all three taxa include "Paris environs". This is the locality from which Geoffroy (1762) described the non-binominal "ditique à une seule strie" and to which is referred in the descriptions of the latter three taxa. To prevent the threat of the stability by the name parvulus O.F. Müller it is intended to make an application to the ICZN in order to suppress this name for the purpose of priority.

Coleoptera , Animals , France , Male , Paris
Zootaxa ; 4543(1): 1-36, 2019 Jan 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30647310


The genus Speonemadus Jeannel, 1922 currently includes 12 species distributed in the Western Mediterranean (Iberian Peninsula, North Africa, Sicily and continental Italy). Two new species are described from Morocco, S. brusteli sp. n. from the Rif and S. comasi sp. n. from the High Atlas, the first in the S. vandalitiae-group of species and the second with an isolated position within the genus. Two species are also resurrected from synonymy, S. pulchellus (Reitter, 1885) stat. rest. (former synonym of S. orchesioides (Fairmaire, 1879)) and S. gracilis (Kraatz, 1870) stat. rest. (former synonym of S. vandalitiae (Heyden, 1870)), raising the total number of species of the genus to 16. Lectotypes are designated for Anemadus pulchellus Reitter, 1885, and Anemadus tenuipes Peyerimhoff, 1917. A molecular phylogeny of the genus Speonemadus is presented, based on a combination of mitochondrial and nuclear genes and including seven of the currently recognised species, one of the newly described (S. brusteli sp. n.) and the two reinstated taxa. The genus is estimated to have diversified from the late Miocene (Tortonian), with successive cladogenetic events related to the isolation of landmasses between Iberia and North Africa, including the opening of the Strait of Gibraltar at the end of the Messinian. The distribution of some of the species of Speonemadus remains still uncertain, due to their frequent misidentification and the problems with their taxonomic status.

Coleoptera , Phylogeny , Animals , Morocco
Zootaxa ; 4474(1): 1-104, 2018 Sep 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30313353


The subtribe Deronectina Galewski, 1994 (Dytiscidae, Hydroporinae, Hydroporini) is distributed in the Nearctic, in the north of the Neotropical region, and in the Palaearctic and Afrotropical regions. It is currently composed of 194 species and 13 subspecies in eight genera: Amurodytes Fery Petrov, 2013, Boreonectes Angus, 2010, Deronectes Sharp, 1882, Nebrioporus Régimbart, 1906, Oreodytes Seidlitz, 1887, Scarodytes Gozis, 1914, Stictotarsus Zimmermann, 1919, and Trichonectes Guignot, 1941. We present a morphological and a molecular phylogeny of the species of the subtribe, and a revision of their taxonomy to accommodate our phylogenetic results. The morphological phylogeny is based on the study of 54 characters of the adults of 189 species and 2 subspecies, of which 114 species and the 2 subspecies were coded in the morphological matrix. For the molecular phylogeny we investigated 115 species and 11 subspecies, using a combination of fragments of four mitochondrial (COI, 16S rRNA, tRNA-Leu and NAD1) and two nuclear genes (18S rRNA and H3), analysed with maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. For both datasets we included the type species of all genus-group taxa. The morphological, molecular and combined phylogenies mostly agree with the current classification of the group, but in some cases our results are in contradiction with established genera. Most remarkable are the polyphyly of Stictotarsus and Nebrioporus, the low support for the monophyly and internal phylogeny of Oreodytes, and the low support for the monophyly of Deronectina with molecular data. Thus, we introduce some taxonomic changes in the current classification to accommodate the generic concepts to our phylogenetic results. Nine new genera are established: Clarkhydrus n. gen. (type species Hydroporus roffii Clark, 1862), Hornectes n. gen. (type species Hydroporus quadrimaculatus Horn, 1883), Iberonectes n. gen. (type species Deronectes bertrandi Legros, 1956), Larsonectes n. gen. (type species Potamonectes minipi Larson, 1991), Leconectes n. gen. (type species Hydroporus striatellus LeConte, 1852), Mystonectes n. gen. (type species Deronectes neomexicanus Zimmerman Smith, 1975), Nectoboreus n. gen. (type species Hydroporus aequinoctialis Clark, 1862), Nectomimus n. gen. (type species Oreodytes okulovi Lafer, 1988), and Zaitzevhydrus n. gen. (type species Hydroporus formaster Zaitzev, 1908). Three genera are reinstated as valid: Deuteronectes Guignot, 1945 (stat. rest.) (type species Hydroporus picturatus Horn, 1883), Nectoporus Guignot, 1950 (stat. rest.) (type species Hydroporus abbreviatus Fall, 1923), and Neonectes J. Balfour-Browne, 1940 (stat. rest.) (type species Hydroporus natrix Sharp, 1884). Thirty-six new combinations for species and subspecies thus far treated in the genera Boreonectes, Nebrioporus, Oreodytes and Stictotarsus result from the new classification: Clarkhydrus corvinus (Sharp, 1887) n. comb., C. decemsignatus (Clark, 1862) n. comb., C. deceptus (Fall, 1932) n. comb., C. eximius (Motschulsky, 1859) n. comb., C. falli (Nilsson, 2001) n. comb., C. interjectus (Sharp, 1882) n. comb., C. minax (Zimmerman, 1982) n. comb., C. opaculus (Sharp, 1882) n. comb., C. roffii (Clark, 1862) n. comb., C. spectabilis (Zimmerman, 1982) n. comb., Deuteronectes angustior (Hatch, 1928) n. comb., Hornectes quadrimaculatus (Horn, 1883) n. comb., Iberonectes bertrandi (Legros, 1956) n. comb., Larsonectes minipi (Larson, 1991) n. comb., Leconectes striatellus (LeConte, 1852) n. comb., Mystonectes coelamboides (Fall, 1923) n. comb., M. grammicus (Sharp, 1887) n. comb., M. neomexicanus (Zimmerman Smith, 1975) n. comb., M. panaminti (Fall, 1923) n. comb., M. titulus (Leech, 1945) n. comb., Nectoboreus aequinoctialis (Clark, 1862) n. comb., N. dolerosus (Leech, 1945) n. comb., N. funereus (Crotch, 1873) n. comb., Nectomimus okulovi (Lafer, 1988) n. comb., Nectoporus angelinii (Fery, 2015) n. comb., N. congruus (LeConte, 1878) n. comb., N. crassulus (Fall, 1923) n. comb., N. obesus obesus (LeConte, 1866) n. comb., N. obesus cordillerensis (Larson, 1990) n. comb., N. rhyacophilus (Zimmerman, 1985) n. comb., N. sanmarkii sanmarkii (C.R. Sahlberg, 1826) n. comb., N. sanmarkii alienus (Sharp, 1873) n. comb., N. sierrae (Zimmerman, 1985) n. comb., N. subrotundus (Fall, 1923) n. comb., Zaitzevhydrus formaster formaster (Zaitzev, 1908) n. comb., and Z. formaster ulanulana (C.-K. Yang, 1996) n. comb.

Coleoptera , Phylogeny , Animals , Bayes Theorem , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S , RNA, Ribosomal, 18S
Zootaxa ; 4422(3): 403-410, 2018 May 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30313494


Deronectes taron sp. n. from the Mus province in the eastern Anatolian region of Turkey is described and illustrated in detail. The species belongs to the D. longipes subgroup of the D. parvicollis species group and resembles in particular D. syriacus Wewalka, 1971. It can be differentiated from this and the other species of the group by the shape of the median lobe which is strongly bent in lateral view. A part of the key to species of the subgroup is updated. Together with the new species the number of the known species of the genus Deronectes Sharp, 1882 is now 59 and that of the longipes-subgroup is 13.

Coleoptera , Animals , Mice , Turkey
Zootaxa ; 4341(3): 425-427, 2017 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29245666


Recently, Villastrigo et al. (2017b) published a new classification of the species of the tribe Hygrotini (subfamily Hydroporinae) based on a thorough phylogenetic investigation using molecular as well as morphological data (Villastrigo et al. 2017a).

Coleoptera , Animals , Humans , Phylogeny , Population Groups
Zootaxa ; 3745: 533-50, 2013 Dec 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25113369


Stictonectes abellani sp. n. is described from the Iberian Peninsula. On average, the new species is larger and the colouration of the upper surface darker than in most other species of the genus. Seemingly the species has been confounded with others in the past, particularly S. optatus (Seidlitz, 1887). Males can be separated from externally similar species by studying the shape of the parameres. Additionally, the anterior margin of the clypeus is provided with a distinct rim in both sexes, which is absent or only weakly present in other species. The habitus and the male genitalia of the new species are illustrated, and compared with those of S. optatus. External morphological differences from other members of the genus are discussed. According to studies of the molecular phylogeny, based on fragments of four mitochondrial genes, S. abellani sp. n. is clearly separated from previously described species of Stictonectes Brinck, 1943, apparently being relatively basal within the genus. The new species is rather widely distributed in the south-western part of the Iberian Peninsula, inhabiting pools in small temporary siliceous streams. We provide distributional maps for all eight Iberian Stictonectes and estimate the potential distributional areas of the new species and the other two endemic Iberian species S. occidentalis Fresneda & Fery, 1990 and S. rebeccae Bilton, 2011, based on environmental niche modelling. 

Animal Distribution , Coleoptera/classification , Ecosystem , Animal Structures/anatomy & histology , Animals , Coleoptera/anatomy & histology , Coleoptera/genetics , Europe , Female , Male , Molecular Sequence Data , Phylogeny