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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 24-41, abr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430585


Resumen El presente trabajo es una revisión sistemática documental para el desarrollo de un marco de referencia sobre los factores psicológicos de estudiantes universitarios en relación con la calidad de vida prepandemia. Se utilizó un método cualitativo descriptivo a través de una revisión sistemática documental a partir de la metodología PRISMA (Khan et al., 2003; Moher et al., 2009). Como fuente de información, se utilizaron trabajos publicados en las bases de datos RedALyC, Scopus, Elsevier, EBSCO, Springer Link, Medline y Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection durante el período 2015 al 2020. Para el análisis descriptivo, se seleccionaron 29 documentos que cumplían con los criterios de selección en el marco del proceso de búsqueda, identificación, selección, elección e interpretación. Los resultados muestran la prevalencia de estudios de tipo cuantitativo, así como el interés vigente por el momento del ciclo vital adolescencia-juventud en uno de sus contextos de desarrollo: la universidad, y los factores psicológicos sumados a los aspectos contextuales emergentes como la ansiedad, la ideación suicida y la depresión. Asimismo, se evidencia el efecto de estos aspectos en la percepción de la calidad de vida y del bienestar psicológico y emerge el concepto de estilos de vida como variable que actúa como producto y condición en el desarrollo de los estudiantes en esta etapa del ciclo vital. Finalmente, se evidencian categorías como la inteligencia emocional, la resiliencia y el afrontamiento, que se constituyen en insumos para formular propuestas que permitan favorecer el desarrollo de adolescentes-jóvenes en el contexto universitario.

Abstract This work presents a systematic documentary review for the development of a frame of reference on the psychological factors of university students in relation to the pre-pandemic quality of life. Psychological factors are understood as psychological well-being and present the development of individual capabilities and human growth from self-acceptance, autonomy, positive relationships, life purpose and personal growth, which reflect attitudes and values of people, which are directly related to their quality of life. Likewise, it is evident in the literature that the stage of university life is framed by biopsychosocial changes that establish it as a period of attention for mature development and is considered as a transition for the later stages of the human life cycle. In this sense, from an ecological theory perspective, the environment in which people relate has a direct influence on their formative development (Bronfenbrenner, 1987), since the levels of environment in which they are immersed determine positive or negative behavior, affecting their social and cultural conditions (Shelton, 2019). Therefore, changes in behavior are associated with some risk factors that can affect the health and quality of life of university students. The methodological approach used is focused on a descriptive qualitative study, through a systematic documentary review by the PRISMA methodology (Khan et al., 2003 y Moher et al., 2009) with the main characteristics, trends and particularities existing in the literature on psychological factors in young university students. For the systematic review of this work, we chose to use the five stages called: Search, Identification, Screening, Eligibility, and Interpretation. The Search procedure was initiated from the categories of psychological factors related to the quality of life in university students and from the search equations. As a source of information, papers published in the databases of RedALyC, Scopus, Elsevier, EBSCO, Springer Link, Medline and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection during the period between January 2015 and first half of the year 2020 were used. For the Identification stage, inclusion and exclusion criteria were elaborated considering articles published in scientific journals of psychology and health in the period covered. In the Screening stage, they found a total of 41 950 papers in 82 journals registered in the databases. The following were eliminated: 28 125 papers outside the selection period, 1 457 duplicate studies, and 11 733 articles from other disciplines. Therefore, in the Eligibility stage, 635 papers were selected for the reading of the title and summary; of these, 263 documents were chosen for the reading of the complete texts and, a total of 29 papers were left in the last stage of Interpretation for the study and analysis of the results. The results show the prevalence of quantitative studies, as well as the current interest for the moment of the life cycle of adolescence-youth in one of its developmental contexts: the university; and the psychological factors added to the contextual aspects involved in the emergence and approach of problems such as anxiety, suicidal ideation and depression. Likewise, the effect of these aspects on the perception of quality of life and psychological well-being is evident. Similarly, the concept of lifestyles emerges as a variable that acts as a product and condition in the development of students at this stage of the life cycle. Finally, categories such as emotional intelligence, resilience, and coping are shown to be inputs to formulate proposals that can favor the development of adolescents and young people. In conclusion, it is necessary to carry out more studies on psychological factors and the problems associated with them, as a reflection of the quality of life from the perspective of promoting the health of university students.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 13(1): 13-26, ene.-jun. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-891137


Resumen En este artículo se presenta una revisión de las estrategias de inclusión social en la escuela presentadas en artículos científicos y textos, las cuáles fueron identificadas a través del análisis de contenido de tipo categorial en cuatro categorías; competencia, singularidad, vínculos y participación. Se encuentran aportes desde los avances en la comprensión de la inclusión a partir de estrategias que trascienden su nexo con la diversidad en su concepción como minoría, y la necesaria conexión entre el reconocimiento de la singularidad para la construcción de vínculos, el desarrollo de competencias y su incidencia en la participación como elemento clave de la inclusión.

Abstract This article presents a review of the social inclusion strategies at schools mentioned in scientific articles and books. These strategies were identified through categorical content analysis in four categories: competency, singularity, bonding and participation. There are contributions from strategies that go beyond their connection to diversity from its idea of "minority", and the necessary connection between the recognition of the uniqueness for link building, skill development and their impact on participation as a key element of inclusion.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 7(2): 321-333, dic. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-639844


Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo comprender los significados acerca de la atención educativa en el aula regular a niñas y niños en situación de discapacidad, en tres instituciones educativas. Para ello, se planteó una investigación cualitativa que se desarrolló a partir de algunos principios de la etnometodología. La información se obtuvo a través de estrategias de investigación como la entrevista a profundidad, el cuento y la comprensión de documentos que involucraban a los que se consideran principales protagonistas de la atención educativa en el aula regular de niñas y niños en situación de discapacidad: niñas y niños, padres o acudientes, profesores y directivas de las instituciones. Esta información se sistematizó a través del análisis de contenido de tipo categorial, codificación y vaciado en matrices. Como producto del desarrollo de esta investigación se identificaron los significados desde tres subcategorias: canónico, excepcional y negociaciones con respecto a la discapacidad, la integración y la inclusión escolar.

This research aimed at understanding the meanings about the educational services in the regular classroom for children with disabilities in three educational institutions. To achieve this, a qualitative research developed from some guidelines of the ethomethodology was proposed. The information was obtained through research strategies such as participant observation, depth interviews, the story and understanding of documents involving those who are considered key players in providing education in the regular classroom for children with disabilities: children, parents or guardians, teachers and directors of institutions. This information was systematized through content analysis of categorical type, encoding and cast in matrixes. As results of the development of this research, the meanings were identified from three subcategories: canonical, exceptional and negotiations with regard to disability, school integration and inclusion.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 3(1): 67-79, jun. 2007.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-635576


Esta investigación tuvo como propósito principal caracterizar los marcos de referencia de los maestros que favorecen la comprensión de las matemáticas en estudiantes de primaria en 10 colegios de Bogotá. Se utilizó una investigación de tipo cualitativo, en la cual se identificaron estudiantes que evidenciaban un desempeño académico en el área de matemáticas por encima del promedio, luego se recogió información a través de la observación en el aula y de la entrevista semiestructurada a los maestros. Se utilizó el análisis de contenido de tipo categorial y las matrices de cotejación. Como resultado se evidenció el papel predominante de la afectividad, los contextos inmediatos y la historia de vida de los estudiantes en los marcos de referencia de los maestros.

The aim of this research was to characterize the reference framework of teachers that favour mathematical comprehension at the elementary level in ten schools in Bogotá. A qualitative research was used in which the students who showed performance above average were identified. The information was then gathered through direct classroom observation and semi- structured interview of the instructors. A categories analysis as a type of content analysis was also used. As a result, the predominant roll of affectivity was found out together with immediate contexts, and the life history of the students in the reference framework of the teachers.