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Acta pediatr. esp ; 71(4): 99-103, abr. 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-111835


Tradicionalmente, la introducción de la alimentación complementaria pasa por un periodo de alimentación triturada, hasta que el lactante adquiere las habilidades para tomar comida en trocitos. En la práctica, el momento de la introducción de alimentos no triturados se ha ido retrasando, lo que ha llevado a una mayor frecuencia de problemas en la alimentación en esa edad. La alimentación complementaria guiada por el bebé (baby-led weaning) se basa en que sea el propio lactante quien se alimenta llevándose la comida a la boca, en vez de ser alimentado con una cuchara por un adulto. En esta práctica, el lactante se incorpora pronto a la comida familiar y comparte su menú, manteniendo la lactancia materna. Algunos estudios observacionales de pequeño tamaño sugieren que esta técnica favorece los patrones de alimentación, aunque no se ha podido demostrar si se plasma en efectos beneficiosos para la salud. Su difusión surge a raíz de la recomendación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud de retrasar la introducción de la alimentación complementaria hasta los 6 meses, en un momento en que el lactante ha alcanzado hitos importantes en su desarrollo, lo que haría posible que se alimentara por sí mismo. Algunos de los aspectos contenidos en esta filosofía serían válidos para la mayoría de los lactantes, aunque es difícil aceptarlo en su radicalidad (oposición a las comidas con cuchara). Las principales dudas que se plantean respecto a esta técnica son saber si el lactante recibe suficiente variedad de nutrientes y en una cuantía suficiente (p. ej., el hierro), si existe riesgo de atragantamiento y si la técnica es aplicable en todos los niños. A fecha de hoy, parece importante que los pediatras conozcamos en qué consiste esta técnica de alimentación y podamos responder a las preguntas de los padres sobre su eficacia y seguridad(AU)

Usually complementary feedings include, at least temporar­ily, pureed foods or spoon foods until infant is able to grasp food and feed herself. In daily practice time for chewable foods has delayed is this is a cause of eating problems in late infancy. Baby-led weaning (BLW) is an alternative approach for introducing complementary foods that emphasises infant self-feeding rather than adult spoon-feeding. In this way infants early joins family meals and share familial menu. Some small observacional studies suggest that this approach enhances eating patterns, although benefits for health are still to be probed. Its diffusion is according to the recommendations from the WHO to delay complementary feedings till 6 months of age. Many of the considerations of these phylosophy could be applied to most infants, although it is difficult to agree in some radical aspects (opposition to pureed foods). Main unanswered questions are: do infants following BLW obtain sufficient nutrients, including energy and iron? Are iron deficiency, choking and growth faltering real concerns for those following BLW approach? Is the technique suitable for all infants? Up to date, it seems important that pediatricians know about BLW approach, its benefits and risks(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Infant Nutrition/standards , Infant Nutritional Physiological Phenomena/economics , Infant Nutritional Physiological Phenomena/standards , Supplemental Health/standards , Supplemental Health , Breast Feeding/methods , Breast Feeding/trends , Gagging/prevention & control , Gagging/physiology , Infant Nutritional Physiological Phenomena/physiology , Infant Nutrition/education
Acta pediatr. esp ; 70(10): 399-402, nov. 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-109375


La leche constituye un alimento básico en la alimentación humana, más allá del periodo de destete, al menos en la población de origen caucásico. En los últimos años han comenzado a circular, fundamentalmente a través de canales de información no profesionales, ideas sobre los perjuicios del consumo de la leche de vaca en la edad infantil. En la mayoría de ocasiones se trata de posturas apriorísticas con poco o ningún fundamento que las sustente. El papel del consumo de leche de vaca y la aparición de anemia ferropénica, la intolerancia a la lactosa y la alergia a las proteínas de leche de vaca constituyen algunas de las justificaciones que tradicionalmente se han utilizado para argumentar esa postura. A ellas se han unido más recientemente su influencia en la aparición del síndrome metabólico o de otras enfermedades no transmisibles o de origen autoinmune (como la diabetes mellitus tipo 1), pero también la relación con los trastornos del desarrollo, o como causa del aumento de mucosidad o de los problemas respiratorios de los niños. En estos artículos se repasan las debilidades y dudas, donde las hubiere, de cada uno de estos aspectos, para concluir con unas recomendaciones prácticas de consumo de leche en la etapa infantil(AU)

Cow' milk is a main food in human nutrition, even beyond the weaning period, at least in Causasian population. In the last few years, through the web or other non-conventional information technologies some negative ideas on the intake of cow's milk have arisen. Mostly they are aprioristic positions with little scientific evidence. In this paper we will review the role on cow's milk intake in the development of ferropenic anemia, the causes of lactose intolerance or the prevalence of cow's milk allergy beyond infancy. Some voices have pointed a disputable role of cow's milk in the development of metabolic syndrome or other chronic non-transmissible diseases. Even autistic disorders or mucous production have being associated with the intake of cow's milk. Strengthnesses and weaknesses of these arguments will be reviewed. Some practical points will be set at the end of the papers(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Breast-Milk Substitutes , Anemia, Iron-Deficiency/diet therapy , Anemia, Iron-Deficiency/diagnosis , Lactose Intolerance/complications , Lactose Intolerance/diet therapy , Lactose Intolerance/diagnosis , Diabetes Complications/diagnosis , Diabetes Complications/therapy , Motor Activity/physiology , Milk Substitutes/methods , Weaning , Child Welfare/statistics & numerical data , Child Welfare/trends
Acta pediatr. esp ; 70(9): 369-375, oct. 2012. tab, mapa, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-103755


La leche constituye un alimento básico en la alimentación humana, más allá del periodo de destete, al menos en la población de origen caucásico. En los últimos años han comenzado a circular, fundamentalmente a través de canales de información no profesionales, ideas sobre los perjuicios del consumo de la leche de vaca en la edad infantil. En la mayoría de ocasiones se trata de posturas apriorísticas con poco o ningún fundamento que las sustente. El papel del consumo de leche de vaca y la aparición de anemia ferropénica, la intolerancia a la lactosa y la alergia a las proteínas de leche de vaca constituyen algunas de las justificaciones que tradicionalmente se han utilizado para argumentar esa postura. A ellas se han unido más recientemente su influencia en la aparición del síndrome metabólico o de otras enfermedades no transmisibles o de origen autoinmune (como la diabetes mellitus tipo 1), pero también la relación con los trastornos del desarrollo, o como causa del aumento de mucosidad o de los problemas respiratorios de los niños. En estos artículos se repasan las debilidades y dudas, donde las hubiere, de cada uno de estos aspectos, para concluir con unas recomendaciones prácticas de consumo de leche en la etapa infantil(AU)

Cow’ milk is a main food in human nutrition, even beyond the weaning period, at least in Causasian population. In the last few years, through the web or other non-conventional information technologies some negative ideas on the intake of cow’s milk have arisen. Mostly they are aprioristic positions with little scientific evidence. In this paper we will review the role on cow’s milk intake in the development of ferropenic anemia, the causes of lactose intolerance or the prevalence of cow’s milk allergy beyond infancy. Some voices have pointed a disputable role of cow’s milk in the development of metabolic syndrome or other chronic non-transmissible diseases. Even autistic disorders or mucous production have being associated with the intake of cow’s milk. Strength nesses and weaknesses of these arguments will be reviewed. Some practical points will be set at the end of the papers(AU)

Humans , Breast-Milk Substitutes , Milk/adverse effects , Milk Hypersensitivity/epidemiology , Lactose Intolerance/epidemiology , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/etiology , Metabolic Syndrome/etiology , Anemia, Iron-Deficiency/etiology
Acta pediatr. esp ; 68(8): 403-408, sept. 2010. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-83223


En ocasiones, se ha considerado que el desayuno es la comida más importante del día, aunque paradójicamente es la que se omite con más frecuencia. Existe un interés creciente en la comunidad científica en señalar qué papel desempeña el desayuno en el control del peso y del apetito, en la calidad global de la dieta y en la prevención de enfermedades crónicas del adulto. El consumo regular del desayuno se ha asociado a mejores rendimientos académicos y mejores habilidades sociales. Además, se considera que el desayuno es un buen marcador de un estilo de vida saludable y, por tanto, puede influir positivamente en la prevención de la obesidad infantojuvenil. En este artículo revisaremos los datos científicos más relevantes y se propondrán algunas sugerencias encaminadas a mejorar esta práctica entre nuestros jóvenes (AU)

It has been considered in occasions that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, although paradoxically it is the most missed meal. There is a growing scientific interest in the role of breakfast in weight control, and in factors such as appetite control, dietary quality and the reduction of risk of chronic diseases. The regular consumption of breakfast has been linked with improvement in academic performance and better social abilities’. Breakfast consumption is also considered an important determinant of a healthful lifestyle and this association may have a positive influence in the prevention of childhood obesity. We will review the scientific data on this topic and will propose some suggestions directed to improve the practice of eating breakfast among our youngsters (AU)

Humans , Feeding Behavior , Obesity/prevention & control , Whole Foods , Life Style , Underachievement
Pediatr. aten. prim ; 8(supl.5): s11-s25, ene. 2006. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-132788


Las influencias precoces en la alimentación del lactante y el niño pequeño condicionan las preferencias futuras por determinados alimentos. Existe una tendencia natural en el recién nacido a aceptar los sabores dulces y rechazar los amargos, lo que constituye una ventaja para la especie. Los niños que reciben lactancia materna tienen preferencia por los sabores que experimentan a través de la leche y que, en general, constituyen los hábitos tradicionales de su cultura. A medida que el niño crece, otros factores entran en juego que diluyen en parte esos factores condicionantes iniciales. Los sabores a los que el niño se ve expuesto en los primeros meses de la vida se aceptan mejor que si la exposición se produce más tardíamente en la niñez. Estas características llevan a señalar algunas recomendaciones prácticas en la introducción de la alimentación complementaria en el niño. Las estrategias de educación nutricional se han enfocado clásicamente a proporcionar información sobre las características de los alimentos. Sin embargo, no han sido eficaces en la prevención de trastornos relacionados con la comida, en especial los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria o la obesidad. El objetivo de esta revisión es proporcionar conocimientos que puedan servir de base para desarrollar hábitos de alimentación infantil que fomenten patrones sanos de aceptación de los alimentos, al tiempo que contribuyan a reducir la ansiedad de los padres en relación con la alimentación de sus hijos (AU)

Early influences on feeding practices in infants and toddlers have a relevant role on later food preferences. There is a natural preference for sweet tastes and dislike for strong bitter tastes, and this characteristic is an adaptative advantage. Infants present a preference for food flavours experienced in their mother’s milk. These flavours reflect her food choices and the food choices of her culture. As the infant grows up, other influences on food preference will come into play, so these early effects cannot be expected to lead to exclusive preferences. In the first few months of life, infants do accept unusual flavours more easily than when they are offered later on life. Following these early influences it seems advisable to suggest some practical recommendations for the introduction of complementary foods in the infant diet. Educational strategies involving attempts to impart basic nutritional information have not been successful in decreasing obesity or in achieving healthy eating habits. An alternative strategy would be to teach parents more about child development that may help both to promote start healthy feeding guidelines for infants and toddlers and to decrease parental anxiety related to infant feeding (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Infant Nutrition , Infant Food/analysis , Child Nutrition Disorders/prevention & control , Pediatric Obesity/prevention & control , Food Preferences/psychology , Food, Formulated/analysis , Dietary Supplements/analysis , Breast Feeding/statistics & numerical data , Nutritional Requirements , Flavoring Agents , Feeding Behavior/psychology
Pediatr. aten. prim ; 8(supl.5): s37-s49, ene. 2006. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-132790


La alimentación durante los primeros meses de vida tiene una gran importancia tanto en las fases tempranas del desarrollo como en su salud a largo plazo. La Organización Mundial de la Salud señala que la lactancia materna exclusiva es el alimento ideal para el recién nacido a término sano desde el nacimiento hasta los 6 meses de edad. Cuando una madre no puede amamantar a su hijo, las fórmulas infantiles constituyen la mejor alternativa como fuente de alimentación. A medida que hemos ido conociendo mejor las necesidades nutricionales del lactante, se ha ido modificando la composición de las fórmulas. Se han añadido nuevos ingredientes funcionales en el intento de hacerlas más semejantes a la leche humana. En la presente revisión se comentará el interés nutricional y funcional de los avances más recientes en las fórmulas infantiles para lactantes sanos, como son la adición de alfalactoalbúmina, ácidos grasos poliinsaturados de cadena larga, palmítico en posición beta, nucleótidos, oligosacáridos con efecto prebiótico y los probióticos (AU)

Feeding during the first months of life has a decisive influence not only on early developmental phases in infants but also in their long-term health. The World Health Organization points out that exclusive breastfeeding is the ideal feeding from birth to sixth months of age in the healthy term newborn. When a mother cannot breastfeed her offspring, infant formulas stay as a good alternative for infant feeding. The deeper our knowledge on the nutritional needs of infants the more precise the composition of infant formulas. New functional ingredients have been incorporated to paediatric milk formulas with the goal of mimicking the functional properties of human milk. In the present article we review the most recent advances in infant formulas: alpha-lactalbumin, polyunsaturated fatty acids, beta-palmitate, nucleotides, prebiotic oligosaccharides and probiotics (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Breast-Milk Substitutes , Food, Formulated/analysis , Infant Food/analysis , Dietary Supplements/analysis , Probiotics/analysis , Fatty Acids, Unsaturated/analysis , Functional Food/analysis , Palmitic Acid/analysis , Nucleotides/analysis
Acta pediatr. esp ; 63(7): 279-282, jul.-ago. 2005. ilus, tab
Article in Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-040532


Las fórmulas infantiles en polvo no son productos estériles. Se han descrito infecciones graves en recién nacidos y lactantes vulnerables relacionadas con la contaminación de las fórmulas infantiles en polvo. De entre todos los gérmenes contaminantes, adquiere especial relevancia el Enterobacter sakazakii. Por este motivo, la OMS/FAO y la Sociedad Europea de Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Nutrición Pediátricas han elaborado una serie de recomendaciones sobre la preparación y la manipulación de estas fórmulas en polvo, dirigidas tanto a los fabricantes de fórmulas infantiles, como a las instituciones en las que se utilicen estos productos y a los padres que preparan los biberones en casa. Estas recomendaciones y algunas consideraciones sobre el uso de las fórmulas infantiles en polvo constituyen el objetivo de este trabajo de revisión

Powdered infant formulas are not sterile and can contain small numbers of bacteria. Serious infections, especially in newborns and infants at risk, have been attributed to the contamination of these products. Of all the contaminating microorganisms, Enterobacter sakazakii, a gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium, appears to pose particularly serious risks. For this reason, in recent years, the World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization and the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) have become concerned with this problem and have drawn up a series of recommendations for the preparation and handling of powdered infant formulae, in the attempt to minimize the risk of infections. These recommendations are intended not only for the manufacturers of these products, but for the institutional and home settings, as well. The purpose of this review is to discuss these recommendations and a number of considerations concerning the use of powdered infant formulas

Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child , Humans , Infant Formula/chemistry , Infant Formula/standards , Milk Substitutes/chemical synthesis , Milk Substitutes/isolation & purification , Food Contamination/analysis , Cronobacter sakazakii/immunology , Cronobacter sakazakii/pathogenicity , Food Handling/methods , Food Contamination/prevention & control , Quality Control
An Pediatr (Barc) ; 60(6): 550-4, 2004 Jun.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15207167


BACKGROUND: Long-term parenteral nutrition is effective in the treatment of intestinal failure. Equally, the results of intestinal transplantation (IT) are promising. The choice of one or other form of treatment depends on the balance between the advantages and disadvantages of each. Based on these premises, we analyzed the outcome of home parenteral nutrition (HPN) for intestinal failure in our patients. METHODS: Intestinal failure was considered when parenteral nutrition was required for more than 5 months. In the 14 patients included in the HPN program since 1993, we reviewed the indication of HPN as well as their suitability for IT. RESULTS: Five of the 14 patients received HPN for causes other than intestinal failure. Of the remaining nine patients, four had severe motility disorder, three had short bowel syndrome, and two had protracted diarrhea of infancy. All these patients would be potential candidates for IT. Five patients were weaned off HPN because of intestinal adaptation between 2.5 and 13 months after starting HPN. One patient died because of lack of venous access. Three patients currently continue on HPN. CONCLUSION: Intestinal rehabilitation constitutes the best option for patients with intestinal failure. HPN offers the best interim treatment while waiting for adaptation. IT should be reserved for those patients with severe complications due to HPN. Nevertheless, it may become a real option for those with indefinite HPN. HPN and IT should be considered as complementary treatments.

Intestines/transplantation , Parenteral Nutrition, Home , Short Bowel Syndrome/therapy , Child, Preschool , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Longitudinal Studies , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome
Acta pediatr. esp ; 61(8): 406-412, sept. 2003. tab
Article in Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-25164


En ocasiones, puede ser útil aumentar el contenido energético de la alimentación del lactante. Este objetivo puede conseguirse usando fórmulas de mayor contenido calórico, aumentando la concentración de las fórmulas o mediante el uso de módulos nutricionales, fundamentalmente hidratos de carbono, lípidos o combinaciones de ambos. La bibliografía sobre su uso es escasa. Se revisarán los preparados disponibles, las prácticas de uso y las complicaciones derivadas de su utilización. Los módulos nutricionales o nutrientes modulares consisten en uno o en la combinación de varios nutrientes que pueden añadirse a la dieta habitual para enriquecerla y variar su composición. Existen módulos hidrocarbonados, grasos, proteicos o combinaciones. La adición de los módulos ha de ser progresiva, sin perder de vista el equilibrio entre los componentes de la fórmula final. Las complicaciones más habituales derivan de errores durante su preparación o de mala tolerancia digestiva. La mayoría de estos nutrientes específicos están financiados por el Sistema Público de Salud y pueden utilizarse fuera del ámbito hospitalario. Conclusión: se dispone de un buen número de productos modulares que permiten modificar de una forma segura la composición de la dieta, en especial, buscando un mayor aporte calórico. Es importante la monitorización cuidadosa de su uso en el paciente pediátrico (AU)

Infant , Humans , Food, Fortified , Infant Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Table of Food Composition , Nutritional Requirements
An Esp Pediatr ; 51(1): 22-6, 1999 Jul.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10452141


OBJECTIVE: Liver dysfunction (LD) with abnormalities in biochemical liver function tests is the most common metabolic complication of parenteral nutrition (PN). The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of LD in children receiving short-term PN and to identify risk factors. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Data were gathered retrospectively during a 2-year period. Ninety-four children older than 28 days received PN (mean age 5.4 +/- 5.1 years). PN related LD was defined as when serum levels of one or more of the following liver function tests were increased: ALT > or = 80 IU/L, GGT > or = 120 IU/L and total bilirubin > or = 1.8 mumol/L. Children with previous liver disease were excluded (n = 17), as well as those with incomplete data (n = 16). RESULTS: LD was present in 33 children (54%). The incidence rate was 5.8 cases/100 patient days of PN. It started 9.8 +/- 6.9 days after beginning PN. The nadir appeared during the second week of PN. The following variables did not appear to significantly influence the presence of PN: age, gender, nutritional status, PN caloric load or composition and underlying disease. Length of PN (9.6 +/- 4.4 vs 19.5 +/- 10.5 days; p < 0.001) and presence of sepsis (21% vs 55%, p = 0.014) were the only variables associated with LD. It was not necessary to discontinue PN because of LD in any case. CONCLUSIONS: Early LD is present in more than 50% of our children on PN. In preventing LD we should try to avoid infection and to reduce the time on PN.

Liver Diseases/etiology , Parenteral Nutrition/adverse effects , Adolescent , Child , Child, Preschool , Cohort Studies , Female , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Male , Observation , Retrospective Studies , Time Factors
Nutr Hosp ; 13(5): 228-32, 1998.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9830843


RATIONALE: Administering raw corn starch can maintain normoglycemia for long periods after being ingested, thus facilitating control in patients with type I and III glycogenosis. METHODS: The metabolic effects and the effects on the nutritional status of a treatment with fractionated administrations of raw starch are assessed in two patients with type I glycogenosis (ages 18 and 12 years) and one patient with type III glycogenosis (aged 13 years). In the first two cases the response was previously studied after administering a load of raw corn starch in a water suspension, in an amount similar to the estimated rate of endogenous glucose production during the fasting period (5 mg/kg/minute). RESULTS: The results of the overload of starch showed a normoglycemia and an absence of lactoacidosis between 4 and 6 hours after its ingestion. The three patients were given two doses of raw corn starch (2 g/kg/dose) at 1.00 and 5.00 hours during the night. After one year of treatment, all patients showed glycemia levels at 9.00 AM that were greater than 90 mg/dl and lactic acid levels that were lower than 2.4 mmol/l. Moreover, in two of the cases there was an increase in the growth rate. In all cases the amount of the hepatomegaly decreased as did the size of the hepatic adenomas that were present in two of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with type I and III glycogenosis, raw corn starch can balance the results of the nightly gastric glucose infusion, both with regard to the metabolic control and with regard to the growth.

Glycogen Storage Disease Type III/diet therapy , Glycogen Storage Disease Type I/diet therapy , Phytotherapy , Starch/therapeutic use , Zea mays/therapeutic use , Humans
Nutr Hosp ; 13(2): 90-4, 1998.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9644948


UNLABELLED: Enteral feedings delivered by either gastrostomy or a nasogastric tube are often used in infants and toddlers to ensure adequate caloric and nutrient intake. If we are not aware of a rapid introduction of oral feedings they may develop poor feeding skills. PATIENTS: Seven infants (mean age: 6.7 months; SD: 3.6) presented this problem during the 1993-96 period. Six of them were using a nasogastric tube, another one a gastrostomy (PEG). At the beginning of the enteral feeding regimen their weight was -3.32 z-score (SD: -1.2) and for height: -2.11 z-score (SD: -0.51). The underlying disease was gastroesophageal reflux (n = 4), esophageal atresia (n = 1), short bowel syndrome (n = 1) and unexplained anorexia (n = 1). RESULTS: The mean length of artificial nutrition was 20 months (SD: 11.5), although two of the patients still receive nocturnal enteral drip. Six patients resumed a normal feeding pattern within 3 months to 2 years after behavior modification program was started. CONCLUSION: According to our experience, there is a critical period involved with oral feeding during the first year of life. If not aware, children in transition for tube to oral feeding may display oral-motor, sensory and developmental feeding problems.

Enteral Nutrition/adverse effects , Feeding and Eating Disorders of Childhood/etiology , Age Factors , Anorexia/therapy , Child, Preschool , Feeding Behavior , Gastroesophageal Reflux/therapy , Humans , Infant , Infant Nutrition Disorders/etiology , Infant, Newborn , Short Bowel Syndrome/therapy , Time Factors