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Vet Sci ; 8(1)2021 Jan 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33418909


Seasonality effects on the mineral profile of goats were evaluated. Fifty males were divided into two groups, one with mineral supplementation and one control. Seasonal evaluation was conducted during four periods: beginning, middle, and end of the dry period and middle of the rainy period. Rib and liver biopsies were performed, and blood was collected at each period to evaluate mineral accumulation. Ca, P, Cu, Fe, Mo, Zn, and Co concentrations were determined using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry after acid digestion. Normal Ca, P, and Mo; low Cu, Zn, and Co; and high Fe levels were observed in the diet. The young animals analyzed showed normal serum and bone Ca and P concentrations, suggesting no need for supplementation throughout the entire year under the conditions of this study. Iron showed high values throughout the year, being potentially dangerous especially owing to its antagonistic relationship with other elements. Cu and Zn deficiency in the diet was observed under the conditions of this study, requiring supplementation with values higher than those contained in the mineral supplement used in the middle and end of the dry period. The supply of specific mineral supplement formulated for animals farmed in the semiarid region is suggested and would reduce costs.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 49(10): e20190267, 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045244


ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the hematological, biochemical, and blood gas alterations of goat whole blood stored in different blood bags. Seven male, adult, crossbreed goats were used, weighing 62±1.8 kg. Nine hundred milliliters of whole blood from each animal was collected and stored in blood bags (450 ml in each), CPDA-1 (citrate phosphate dextrose-adenine) and CPD/SAG-M (citrate phosphate dextrose with saline-glucose-mannitol) as additive solutions, and kept refrigerated (2-4 ºC) for 42 days. Blood samples were collected from the plastic bags at baseline (T0) and after seven, 14, 21,28, 35, and 42 days for hematological, biochemical, blood gas, and microbiological evaluations. Free hemoglobin, degree of hemolysis, lactate, and pO2were increased in both bags, whereas hydrogen potential (pH) and the total hemoglobin concentration decreased overtime(P<0.05). The red blood cell count, glucose, sodium, and potassium remained stable, compared to the baseline. The CPD/SAG-M bag presented a lower red cell count, globular volume, total hemoglobin, and sodium, and a higher degree of hemolysis and plasma hemoglobin, compared with the CPDA-1 bag. The whole goat blood remained viable for therapeutic use; although, there were some important changes in the variables of the 42-day stored blood in relation to fresh blood (T0). We concluded that the CPDA-1 bag is more suitable for use in the storage of goat blood because of its lower commercial value.

RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as alterações hematológicas, bioquímicas e hemogasométricas do sangue total de caprinos armazenado em diferentes bolsas de sangue. Foram utilizados sete caprinos machos, adultos, sem raça definida, pesando 62±1,8kg. Coletou-se 900 mL de sangue total de cada animal, em duas bolsas plásticas tipos CPDA-1 (citrato-fosfato-dextrose-adenina) e CPD/SAG-M (citrato-fosfato-dextrose com solução aditiva de salina-glicose-manitol), armazenadas sob refrigeração (2-4 °C) durante 42 dias. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas das bolsas no início do estudo (T0) e depois de sete, 14, 21, 28, 35 e 42 dias, para realização de análises hematológicas, bioquímicas, hemogasométricas e microbiológicas. Nas duas bolsas houve aumento da concentração de hemoglobina plasmática, grau de hemólise, lactato, pO2 e redução de hemoglobina total e pH (p<0,05), porém não houve variação no número de hemácias, glicose, sódio e potássio quando comparado ao momento basal (T0). A bolsa CPD/SAG-M apresentou menor número de hemácias, volume globular, concentração de hemoglobina total e sódio, e maiores valores de grau de hemólise e hemoglobina plasmática em relação a bolsa CPDA-1 (P<0,05). Apesar de serem constatadas alterações em importantes variáveis do sangue caprino armazenado durante 42 dias em relação ao sangue fresco (T0), o sangue total caprino permaneceu viável para uso terapêutico. A análise comparativa entre os dois tipos de bolsa revelou uma similaridade de resultados para a grande maioria das variáveis estudadas, portanto a bolsa CPDA-1 pode ser considerada a mais indicada para uso na espécie caprina exclusivamente devido ao seu menor valor comercial.