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Rev. psicol. trab. organ. (1999) ; 39(3): 121-130, Dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-228567


In talent management, predicting high potential (HP) is one of the most important questions human resources professionals face. The main goal of this study was to analyze which competences predict employees’ HP and whether these competences differ by gender. The study analyzed 806 employees in the Spanish branch of a multinational service firm that employs over 6,000 employees. Participants, were classified as HP using a questionnaire about eight competences identified as key to the firm’s talent management (TM) and divided into two categories: cognitive-intrapersonal and emotional-interpersonal, and assessment interviews of supervisors. Results indicate that the competences in the cognitive-intrapersonal category contribute greater weight in predicting HP. More specifically, competences of Initiative, Appetite for learning, and Thinking beyond boundaries were significantly related to the HP criterion. The competences that were significant by gender were also analyzed. Application of these results, as well as the study’s limitations and recommendations for future research, are discussed.(AU)

En la gestión del talento, predecir un alto potencial (AP) es una de las cuestiones más importantes a las que se enfrentan los profesionales de recursos humanos. El objetivo principal de este estudio ha sido analizar qué competencias predicen el AP de los empleados y si estas competencias difieren en función del género. El estudio analiza a 806 empleados de la sucursal española de una empresa multinacional de servicios que emplea a más de 6,000 trabajadores. Los participantes fueron clasificados como AP mediante un cuestionario sobre ocho competencias identificadas como clave para la gestión del talento de la empresa y entrevistas de evaluación a supervisores, y divididas en dos categorías: cognitivo-intrapersonal y emocional-interpersonal. Los resultados indican que las competencias de la categoría cognitivo-intrapersonal aportan un mayor peso en la predicción del AP. Más concretamente, las competencias de iniciativa, hambre de aprender y pensar más allá de los límites se relacionaban significativamente con el criterio de AP. También se analizaron las competencias que resultaron significativas en función del género. Se discute la aplicación de estos resultados, así como las limitaciones del estudio y las recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones.(AU)

Humans , Aptitude , Labor Relations , /psychology , Organizations , Employment , Employee Performance Appraisal , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Burnout, Professional , Work Performance
Rev. psicol. trab. organ. (1999) ; 39(2): 75-88, Agos. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-224069


The use of LinkedIn as a tool in the recruitment and selection process has become routine in human resource management. However, a major drawback of such an approach is the lack of systematic and rigorous inferences on the psychological characteristics of the candidates. Calls have been made by scholars for further research on the psychometric guarantee of LinkedIn as a tool in the selection process. This study adopts signalling theory as a framework for exploring how LinkedIn profile information signals a candidate’s soft skills. Using a sample of 169 ITC professionals, through a cross-sectional design, soft skills were measured by means of a self-report questionnaire and LinkedIn profiles were assessed using rubrics for measuring the LinkedIn Big Four. Our findings demonstrate that LinkedIn Big Four Breadth of Professional Experience and Social Capital are valid signals of leadership, communication, problem solving, entrepreneurial and commercial thinking, planning and organization, and teamwork. We discuss the practical and theoretical implications of our results.(AU)

El uso de LinkedIn como herramienta en el proceso de reclutamiento y selección se ha convertido en algo habitual en la gestión de recursos humanos. Sin embargo, se carece de información rigurosa sobre la calidad de las inferencias que realizan los evaluadores sobre las características psicológicas de los candidatos, por lo que es necesario realizar más investigación sobre las garantías psicométricas de LinkedIn como herramienta de selección de personal. En consecuencia, el presente estudio adopta la teoría de las señales como marco para explorar cómo la información del perfil de LinkedIn es un indicador válido de las soft skills de los candidatos. Utilizando una muestra de 169 profesionales del sector tecnológico en España, mediante un diseño transversal, se midieron estas “habilidades blandas” a través de un cuestionario, mientras que los perfiles de LinkedIn se evaluaron utilizando las rúbricas del modelo LinkedIn Big Four. Los resultados muestran que las dimensiones del LinkedIn Big Four referentes a la experiencia profesional y el capital social, son señales válidas de las siguientes soft skills: liderazgo, comunicación, resolución de problemas, intraemprendimiento, pensamiento comercial, planificación y organización y trabajo en equipo. Finalmente, se discuten las implicaciones prácticas y teóricas de nuestros resultados.(AU)

Humans , Personnel Selection/methods , Employment , Organizational Culture , Planning , Spain , Personnel Staffing and Scheduling
Rev. psicol. trab. organ. (1999) ; 38(3): 129-147, dic. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-212971


Human Resources Analytics (HRA) is drawing more attention every year, and will be crucial to human resource development. However, the literature around the topic would appear to be more promotional than descriptive. With this in mind, we conducted a systematic literature review and content analysis with the following objectives: first, to address the current state of HRA and second, to propose a framework for the development of HRA as a sustainable practice. We analyzed 79 articles from research databases and found 34 empirical studies for subsequent content analysis. While the main results reflect the relative newness of the field of HRA, with the majority of the empirical articles focusing on financial aspects, they also reveal the growing importance given to ethics. Finally, we propose a framework for the development of sustainable HRA based on the triple bottom line and discuss the implications of our findings for researchers and practitioners.(AU)

La analítica de recursos humanos (ARH) atrae cada vez más atención en los últimos años y será crucial para el desarrollo del ámbito de los recursos humanos. No obstante, la literatura sobre el tema parece ser más promocional que descriptiva. Para comprobar esto, llevamos a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura y un análisis de contenido con los siguientes objetivos: primero, abordar el estado actual la ARH y segundo, proponer un marco para el desarrollo de la AHR como una práctica sostenible. Analizamos 79 artículos de investigación incluidos en las más prestigiosas bases de datos y encontramos 34 estudios empíricos para su posterior análisis de contenido. Los principales resultados reflejan la relativa novedad del campo de la ARH, estando centrados la mayoría de los artículos en los aspectos financieros. No obstante, también se observa la creciente importancia dada a la ética. Finalmente, proponemos un marco para el desarrollo de una ARH basada en la triple cuenta de resultados (económica, social y medioambiental, y se discuten las implicaciones prácticas y teóricas de nuestros hallazgos.(AU)

Humans , Employment , Sustainable Development , Big Data , Artificial Intelligence , Sustainable Development Indicators , Ethics , Psychology , Psychology, Industrial , Organizations
Rev. psicol. trab. organ. (1999) ; 36(3): 231-242, dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-FGT-5731


Biodata have been widely used in personnel selection for a long time, mainly due to their predictive validity in different contexts, low faking, and positive applicant reactions. At the same time, some disadvantages need to be highlighted, with discriminatory content representing a major concern. In order to shed light on these issues, the objectives of the present research are twofold: firstly, we aim to develop biodata items for personnel selection for the provision of managerial positions in Public Administration and, secondly, we aim to test the fuzzy logic method as a valid approach for the development of biodata scales, with a view to choosing the best biodata items in terms of job performance, fairness, and privacy, according with manager and applicant perspectives. Participants assessed 26 items according to traditional and fuzzy rules, resulting in 8 highly effective items. Then, both approaches were compared: fuzzy logic turned out to have similar results as the traditional approach. Finnally, future developments in research an practical implications in the field are suggested

Los datos biográficos (biodata) se han utilizado en la selección de personal durante mucho tiempo debido, principalmente, a su buena validez predictiva en diferentes contextos, a su bajo falseamiento y a las reacciones positivas de los solicitantes de empleo. No obstante, podemos destacar el posible contenido discriminatorio como su principal desventaja. Por tanto, los objetivos de la presente investigación son, en primer lugar, desarrollar empíricamente ítems válidos y justos para la selección de puestos directivos en la Administración Pública y, en segundo lugar, comprobar la utilidad de la lógica difusa en el desarrollo de escalas con biodata para elegir los mejores ítems en términos de desempeño laboral, equidad y privacidad, de acuerdo con las perspectivas de directivos y de solicitantes de empleo. Los participantes en el estudio evaluaron 26 ítems según reglas tradicionales y difusas, y se obtuvieron 8 ítems altamente efectivos. Posteriormente se compararon ambos enfoques: aunque la lógica difusa demostró cierta eficacia, logró resultados similares a los del enfoque tradicional. Finalmente, se proponen futuros desarrollos de investigación e implicaciones prácticas en esta materia

Humans , Personnel Management/methods , Public Administration , Fuzzy Logic
Rev. psicol. trab. organ. (1999) ; 36(3): 231-242, dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | IBECS-Express | IBECS | ID: ibc-198243


Biodata have been widely used in personnel selection for a long time, mainly due to their predictive validity in different contexts, low faking, and positive applicant reactions. At the same time, some disadvantages need to be highlighted, with discriminatory content representing a major concern. In order to shed light on these issues, the objectives of the present research are twofold: firstly, we aim to develop biodata items for personnel selection for the provision of managerial positions in Public Administration and, secondly, we aim to test the fuzzy logic method as a valid approach for the development of biodata scales, with a view to choosing the best biodata items in terms of job performance, fairness, and privacy, according with manager and applicant perspectives. Participants assessed 26 items according to traditional and fuzzy rules, resulting in 8 highly effective items. Then, both approaches were compared: fuzzy logic turned out to have similar results as the traditional approach. Finnally, future developments in research an practical implications in the field are suggested

Los datos biográficos (biodata) se han utilizado en la selección de personal durante mucho tiempo debido, principalmente, a su buena validez predictiva en diferentes contextos, a su bajo falseamiento y a las reacciones positivas de los solicitantes de empleo. No obstante, podemos destacar el posible contenido discriminatorio como su principal desventaja. Por tanto, los objetivos de la presente investigación son, en primer lugar, desarrollar empíricamente ítems válidos y justos para la selección de puestos directivos en la Administración Pública y, en segundo lugar, comprobar la utilidad de la lógica difusa en el desarrollo de escalas con biodata para elegir los mejores ítems en términos de desempeño laboral, equidad y privacidad, de acuerdo con las perspectivas de directivos y de solicitantes de empleo. Los participantes en el estudio evaluaron 26 ítems según reglas tradicionales y difusas, y se obtuvieron 8 ítems altamente efectivos. Posteriormente se compararon ambos enfoques: aunque la lógica difusa demostró cierta eficacia, logró resultados similares a los del enfoque tradicional. Finalmente, se proponen futuros desarrollos de investigación e implicaciones prácticas en esta materia

Rev. psicol. trab. organ. (1999) ; 35(2): 53-64, ago. 2019. tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-184730


Social networks websites, and specially the LinkedIn platform, have changed the landscape of recruitment and personnel selection to a unified organizational process. Thus, apart from using LinkedIn as a recruitment tool, professionals also use it to make evaluative inferences regarding the individual characteristics of the candidates (e.g., their personality). However, most of the research focused on LinkedIn has left aside the evidence about its validity for decision making in the work setting. In our study we analyze the criterion oriented validity of LinkedIn incumbents professional profiles (N = 615) in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector with some measures of job performance. The results show four major factors underlying LinkedIn profiles about professional experience, social capital, updating knowledge, and non-profesional information. These factors are significantly related to productivity, absenteeism, and the potential for professional development. These findings are discussed in light of their theoretical and practical implications

Las redes sociales, y especialmente la plataforma LinkedIn, están convirtiendo la función de reclutamiento y selección de personal en un proceso cada vez más unificado. Además de como herramienta de reclutamiento, los profesionales utilizan esta plataforma para hacer inferencias de evaluación sobre las características individuales de los candidatos, aunque la mayoría de las investigaciones han dejado de lado el análisis de su validez para la toma de decisiones en el entorno laboral. En nuestra investigación hemos estudiado los perfiles profesionales en LinkedIn de trabajadores del sector de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (N = 615), y su validez orientada a criterios de desempeño laboral. Los resultados muestran cuatro factores principales que subyacen a los perfiles de LinkedIn: experiencia profesional, capital social, actualización de conocimientos e información complementaria. Estos factores están significativamente relacionados con la productividad, el absentismo y el potencial de desarrollo profesional. Estos hallazgos se discuten a la luz de sus implicaciones teóricas y prácticas

Humans , Online Social Networking , Personnel Selection/methods , Professional Competence , Psychometrics/methods , Quality Control , Test Taking Skills/psychology , Job Description
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31121842


Women continue to lag behind for accessing managerial positions, partially due to discrimination at work. One of the main roots of such discrimination is gender stereotyping, so we aim to comprehend those biased procedures. First, we have analyzed those highlighted gender lawsuit cases in the scientific literature that have dealt with stereotypes both in the American and the European work contexts. Second, meta-analytic studies regarding organizational consequences of gender stereotypes have been synthetized. Third, gender stereotypes have been grouped by means of a content analysis of the existing literature after processing 61 articles systematically retrieved from WOS, SCOPUS, and PsycINFO databases. As a result, a taxonomy of gender stereotypes has been achieved evidencing that descriptive and prescriptive stereotypes have an impact on decision-making procedures through the apparently perception of women as less suitable for managerial positions. Moreover, we offer a deep explanation of the gender discrimination phenomenon under the umbrella of psychosocial theories, and some measures for successfully overcoming management stereotyping, showing that organizational culture can be improved from both the perspective of equal employment opportunities and the organizational justice frameworks for reaching a balanced and healthier workplace.

Organizational Culture , Stereotyping , Decision Making , Europe , Female , Humans , Male , Social Justice , United States , Workplace
Front Psychol ; 9: 1351, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30174626


Women have traditionally been underrepresented on boards of companies, but after some social and legal pressure their presence has been increased during recent years. This paper examines the relation of the presence of female directors both at board meetings and at audit and remuneration committees, with CEO pay and the shareholders' consultative vote on managerial remuneration plans ("say on pay"). Using a large sample of Spanish firms listed between 2011 and 2015, our study reveals that firms with female representation on their remuneration committee, display lower levels of CEO pay and CEO pay growth. We also obtain evidence that this effect is attributable to the proprietary female directors. Additionally, from the "say on pay" perspective, female membership of the remuneration committee is associated with a lower number of votes in terms of director remuneration reports and related policies. Overall, our results indicate that female directors on the remuneration committee contribute to a moderation of executive remuneration growth and are consequently perceived by shareholders as valuable resources in the design of executive remuneration plans. This confirms the influence of the minority group, females, in the sustainable progress of these companies. Our results support the presence of female directors not only as a social measure or tokenism, but also as a contribution to good governance practice.

Psicothema (Oviedo) ; 30(3): 344-350, ago. 2018. tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-175904


BACKGROUND: Interest in measuring the perception of organizational justice has been growing in recent years due to its proven ability to produce significant organizational outcomes such as well-being and emotional exhaustion. In Spain, the Organizational Justice Scale (OJS) can be highlighted as an instrument which has shown good psychometric properties in previous research in the hotel industry. This study provides further evidence of the characteristics of the OJS using a large multi-sectorial sample. METHOD: Participants comprised 849 employees from different occupational sectors. The structure of the OJS was studied by means of an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis splitting the sample up into two random subsamples. The reliability and validity of each dimension was also analyzed. RESULTS:Results indicated a three-factorial structure: distributive, procedural, and interactional, offering adequate reliability and validity. As expected, positive correlations were found between perception of organizational justice and well-being, and negative correlations with respect to emotional exhaustion. CONCLUSIONS: OJS is an appropriate tool for use by researchers and practitioners in the study of the perception of organizational justice in Spain, additionally ensuring adequate validity and reliability

ANTECEDENTES: el interés por la medición de la percepción de justicia organizacional ha aumentado en los últimos años debido a su demostrada relación con resultados organizacionales significativos, como el bienestar y el agotamiento emocional. En España, se puede destacar la Escala de Justicia Organizacional (OJS) como un instrumento que ha mostrado buenas propiedades psicométricas en estudios previos en el sector hotelero. Este estudio complementa la evidencia de las características de la OJS utilizando una amplia muestra multisectorial. MÉTODO: los participantes fueron 849 empleados de diferentes sectores ocupacionales. La estructura de la OJS se estudió mediante análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio dividiendo la muestra en dos submuestras aleatorias. Además, se analizó la fiabilidad y validez de cada dimensión. RESULTADOS: los resultados indicaron que la escala está constituida por tres factores (distributiva, procedimental y en la interacción), con una fiabilidad y validez adecuadas. Por otra parte, como era de esperar, se encontraron correlaciones positivas entre la percepción de justicia organizacional y el bienestar, y negativas con el agotamiento emocional. CONCLUSIONES: la OJS es una herramienta adecuada para su uso por parte de académicos y profesionales en el estudio de la percepción de justicia organizacional en España, garantizando una validez y fiabilidad adecuadas

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Organizational Culture , Social Justice , Reproducibility of Results , Psychometrics , Spain
Psicothema ; 30(3): 344-350, 2018 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30009759


BACKGROUND: Interest in measuring the perception of organizational justice has been growing in recent years due to its proven ability to produce significant organizational outcomes such as well-being and emotional exhaustion. In Spain, the Organizational Justice Scale (OJS) can be highlighted as an instrument which has shown good psychometric properties in previous research in the hotel industry. This study provides further evidence of the characteristics of the OJS using a large multi-sectorial sample. METHOD: Participants comprised 849 employees from different occupational sectors. The structure of the OJS was studied by means of an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis splitting the sample up into two random subsamples. The reliability and validity of each dimension was also analyzed. RESULTS: Results indicated a three-factorial structure: distributive, procedural, and interactional, offering adequate reliability and validity. As expected, positive correlations were found between perception of organizational justice and well-being, and negative correlations with respect to emotional exhaustion. CONCLUSIONS: OJS is an appropriate tool for use by researchers and practitioners in the study of the perception of organizational justice in Spain, additionally ensuring adequate validity and reliability.

Organizational Culture , Social Justice , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Psychometrics , Reproducibility of Results , Spain
Rev. psicol. trab. organ. (1999) ; 31(3): 155-164, dic. 2015.
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-146249


The recruitment process aims to request relevant information from applicants, but sometimes this could be used to discriminate. Based mainly on the legal framework and the Rational Bias, the present paper explores the use of potentially discriminatory content against women in Spanish companies according to the enforcement of the equal employment opportunity legislation in 2007, and its relationship with organizational results. We have performed a comparative study between 2005 and 2009 implementing a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis. All the websites of the Spanish Stock Exchange were analyzed. Results show that companies did include potentially discriminatory questions in application forms, even after the law enforcement, but not in recruitment statements. Regarding organizational results, small but significant relationships between legal fulfillment and annual returns were found, but these results could have been influenced by factors attributable to the economic crisis. To conclude, we provide recommendations regarding desirable policies and organizational practices in the context of the area being studied (AU)

El proceso de reclutamiento es una fase importante del proceso de selección, donde se solicita información personal de los candidatos. Pero esta información podría ser utilizada de forma discriminatoria en la toma de decisiones. Basándonos en la Teoría del Sesgo Racional y en la legislación vigente en materia de igualdad, en este estudio se explora el posible uso discriminatorio contra las mujeres en las empresas que cotizan en la bolsa española, así como su relación con los resultados organizacionales. Hemos realizado un estudio comparativo entre los años 2005 y 2009 del contenido de las hojas de solicitud de empleo en las webs de todas las empresas que cotizaban en bolsa en esos años. Combinando técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas, los resultados mostraron que las empresas incluían contenido potencialmente discriminatorio tanto antes como después de la Ley de Igualdad entre Mujeres y Hombres de 2007. Asimismo, hemos encontrado relación entre los resultados anuales de las empresas y el cumplimiento estricto de la legislación. Finalmente, incluimos recomendaciones de buenas prácticas para la política organizacional durante el reclutamiento (AU)

Female , Humans , Male , Personnel Selection/organization & administration , Personnel Selection/standards , Personnel Selection , Sexism/psychology , Sexism/statistics & numerical data , Internet/standards , Webcasts as Topic/trends , Personnel Selection/methods , Personnel Selection/trends , Internet/organization & administration , Internet
Rev. psicol. trab. organ. (1999) ; 29(1): 29-35, ene.-abr. 2013. tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-112593


The present study analyses the prediction of the effectiveness and its fluctuations of 34 semi-professional basketball players throughout a sport season using the dynamic criteria as theoretical framework. The predictor variables (the Big Five personality factors, job experience and motivation) were obtained by means of self-report, while effectiveness was determined through objective data (statistics of matches). The predictive models were developed using generalized maximum entropy formulation, and results show that: (1) the relevance of the predictors of effectiveness is different each time they are analysed; (2) all variables except conscientiousness predict the fluctuations, and openness to experience is the most influential predictor; and (3) job experience is less relevant than personality and motivation. Finally, some recommendations are made regarding the choice of predictors for the selection of basketball players(AU)

En el presente artículo se analiza la predicción del rendimiento y de sus fluctuaciones en el ámbito del baloncesto. Con la dinámica de los criterios como marco teórico, se analizaron los resultados de 34 jugadores semi-profesionales durante una temporada deportiva. Los modelos predictivos se realizaron con la formulación de máxima entropía generalizada, utilizando como predictores la personalidad según el modelo de los Big Five, la experiencia, y la motivación intrínseca y como criterio se tomó la eficacia, con medidas objetivas. Los resultados obtenidos fueron los siguientes: (1) la importancia de los predictores varía a lo largo de la temporada, (2) el principal predictor de las fluctuaciones es el factor de personalidad “apertura a la experiencia”, si bien todas las variables salvo el factor “responsabilidad” participan en el modelo predictivo y (3) la experiencia muestra una menor capacidad predictiva que los otros predictores. Finalmente, se hacen recomendaciones acerca de la elección de predictores en los procesos de selección de jugadores de baloncesto(AU)

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Adult , Entropy , Information Theory , Personnel Selection/methods , Personnel Selection/standards , Sports Equipment/standards , Transfer, Psychology/physiology , Employee Incentive Plans/standards , Employee Incentive Plans/trends , Employee Incentive Plans , Motivation/physiology , Operations Research , Personnel Selection/organization & administration , Personnel Selection , Intention , Surveys and Questionnaires
Psychol Rep ; 110(3): 764-80, 2012 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22897083


A mediation model of the relation between gender and attitudes toward affirmative action in favor of working women was tested. Four mediation variables were considered: perceived unfairness in the situation of working women, perceived threat to the non-designated group (men), self-esteem, and gender self-concept (masculinity and femininity). 192 women and 128 men, with differing occupations, participated. Gender affects individuals' attitudes toward affirmative actions for women, mediated by perceived unfairness in the situation of working women, perceived threat to the non-designated group, and feminine self-concept. Implications for research and practice are discussed.

Attitude , Individuality , Models, Psychological , Women's Rights/methods , Women's Rights/statistics & numerical data , Adult , Aged , Female , Femininity , Humans , Male , Masculinity , Middle Aged , Self Concept , Sex Distribution , Spain , Women, Working/psychology , Women, Working/statistics & numerical data , Young Adult
Rev. psicol. trab. organ. (1999) ; 26(3): 211-221, 2010. tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-85748


Este trabajo examina si existen diferencias entre mujeres y hombres en sus reacciones hacia diferentes tipos de medidas de acción afirmativa (MAAs) para mujeres, para lo que 192 mujeres y 128 hombres ocupantes de diferentes puestos respondieron a un cuestionario. Los resultados muestran que las mujeres reaccionan de manera más positiva que los hombres hacia las MAAs, aunque las reacciones de ambos varían en función del tipo de medida de acción afirmativa. Las reacciones son más positivas cuando las decisiones de personal se basan en el mérito y se vuelven más negativas cuando las decisiones están basadas principalmente en el género. También encontramos que las reacciones hacia las MAAs se relacionan con las variables “percepción de injusticia” y “percepción de amenaza para los hombres”, y especialmente con la primera. Otro resultado es que las reacciones hacia el concepto genérico de acción afirmativa son más positivas que hacia medidas específicas de AA. Por último, comentamos las implicaciones de estos resultados para la investigación y la práctica(AU)

This paper examines whether there are differences between women and men in their reactions towards different types of specific affirmative action measures (AAMs) for women. 192 women and 128 men from a variety of jobs responded to a survey. We conclude that women react more positively than men towards AAMs, although the reactions of both men and women vary depending on the type of AAM. Thus, reactions become increasingly positive when personnel decisions were made on the basis of merit and increasingly negative when decisions were made on the basis of gender. We also found that reactions towards AAMs are related to the variables “unfairness perception” and “threat perceived to men”, and especially to the former. Also, reactions towards the generic concept of affirmative action are more positive than towards specific AA measures. Implications of these results for research and practice are discussed(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Gender Identity , Interpersonal Relations , Job Satisfaction , 16054/psychology , Psychology, Industrial/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Burnout, Professional/psychology , Employee Discipline/methods , Employee Discipline/standards , Psychology, Industrial/statistics & numerical data , Psychology, Industrial/standards
Psicothema ; 19(2): 212-7, 2007 May.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17425889


This article presents complexity (nonlinearity, chaos, self-organisation, fractals...) as a new and emerging epistemological paradigm, an alternative to an old, simpler, and reductionist paradigm. According to this point of view, we try to view work organizations as complex adaptive systems (CAS). Lastly, we offer a review of the literature on the applications of complexity to Organizational Social Psychology.

Organizational Culture , Psychology, Social/methods , Humans , Knowledge