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Nat Commun ; 15(1): 8535, 2024 Oct 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39358368


Fractional quantum Hall (FQH) phases emerge due to strong electronic interactions and are characterized by anyonic quasiparticles, each distinguished by unique topological parameters, fractional charge, and statistics. In contrast, the integer quantum Hall (IQH) effects can be understood from the band topology of non-interacting electrons. We report a surprising super-universality of the critical behavior across all FQH and IQH transitions. Contrary to the anticipated state-dependent critical exponents, our findings reveal the same critical scaling exponent κ = 0.41 ± 0.02 and localization length exponent γ = 2.4 ± 0.2 for fractional and integer quantum Hall transitions. From these, we extract the value of the dynamical exponent z ≈ 1. We have achieved this in ultra-high mobility trilayer graphene devices with a metallic screening layer close to the conduction channels. The observation of these global critical exponents across various quantum Hall phase transitions was masked in previous studies by significant sample-to-sample variation in the measured values of κ in conventional semiconductor heterostructures, where long-range correlated disorder dominates. We show that the robust scaling exponents are valid in the limit of short-range disorder correlations.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 4998, 2024 Jun 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38866830


Collective spin-wave excitations, magnons, are promising quasi-particles for next-generation spintronics devices, including platforms for information transfer. In a quantum Hall ferromagnets, detection of these charge-neutral excitations relies on the conversion of magnons into electrical signals in the form of excess electrons and holes, but if the excess electron and holes are equal, detecting an electrical signal is challenging. In this work, we overcome this shortcoming by measuring the electrical noise generated by magnons. We use the symmetry-broken quantum Hall ferromagnet of the zeroth Landau level in graphene to launch magnons. Absorption of these magnons creates excess noise above the Zeeman energy and remains finite even when the average electrical signal is zero. Moreover, we formulate a theoretical model in which the noise is produced by equilibration between edge channels and propagating magnons. Our model also allows us to pinpoint the regime of ballistic magnon transport in our device.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 3428, 2024 Apr 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38654002


Despite its ubiquity in quantum computation and quantum information, a universally applicable definition of quantum entanglement remains elusive. The challenge is further accentuated when entanglement is associated with other key themes, e.g., quantum interference and quantum statistics. Here, we introduce two novel motifs that characterize the interplay of entanglement and quantum statistics: an 'entanglement pointer' and a 'statistics-induced entanglement entropy'. The two provide a quantitative description of the statistics-induced entanglement: (i) they are finite only in the presence of quantum entanglement underlined by quantum statistics and (ii) their explicit form depends on the quantum statistics of the particles (e.g., fermions, bosons, and anyons). We have experimentally implemented these ideas by employing an electronic Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer fed by two highly diluted electron beams in an integer quantum Hall platform. Performing measurements of auto-correlation and cross-correlation of current fluctuations of the scattered beams (following 'collisions'), we quantify the statistics-induced entanglement by experimentally accessing the entanglement pointer and the statistics-induced entanglement entropy. Our theoretical and experimental approaches pave the way to study entanglement in various correlated platforms, e.g., those involving anyonic Abelian and non-Abelian states.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(13): 136502, 2024 Mar 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38613281


The nature of the bulk topological order of the 5/2 non-Abelian fractional quantum Hall state and the steady state of its edge are long-studied questions. The most promising non-Abelian model bulk states are the Pfaffian (Pf), anti-Pffafian (APf), and particle-hole symmetric Pfaffian (PHPf). Here, we propose to employ a set of dc current-current correlations (electrical shot noise) in order to distinguish among the Pf, APf, and PHPf candidate states, as well as to determine their edge thermal equilibration regimes: full vs partial. Using other tools, measurements of GaAs platforms have already indicated consistency with the PHPf state. Our protocol, realizable with available experimental tools, is based on fully electrical measurements.

Sci Adv ; 9(47): eadg6810, 2023 Nov 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38000023


Distinct from the dynamical phase, in a cyclic evolution, a system's state may acquire an additional component, a.k.a. geometric phase. Recently, it has been demonstrated that geometric phases can be induced by a sequence of generalized measurements implemented on a single qubit. Furthermore, it has been predicted that these geometric phases may exhibit a topological transition as a function of the measurement strength. We demonstrate and study this transition experimentally by using an optical platform where the qubit is represented by the polarization of light and the weak measurement is performed by means of coupling with the spatial degree of freedom. Our protocol can be interpreted in terms of environment-induced geometric phases, whose values are topologically determined by the environment-system coupling strength. Our results show that the two limits of geometric phase induced by sequences of either weak or projective measurements are topologically distinct.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(14): 146801, 2022 Sep 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36240414


Chiral gapless boundary modes are characteristic of quantum Hall (QH) states. For hole-conjugate fractional QH phases counterpropagating edge modes (upstream and downstream) are expected. In the presence of electrostatic interactions and disorder these modes may renormalize into charge and upstream neutral modes. Orthodox models of Laughlin phases anticipate only a downstream charge mode. Here we show that in the latter case, in the presence of a smooth confining potential, edge reconstruction leads to the emergence of pairs of counterpropagating modes, which, by way of mode renormalization, may give rise to nontopological upstream neutral modes, possessing nontrivial statistics. This may explain the experimental observation of ubiquitous neutral modes, and the overwhelming suppression of anyonic interference in Mach-Zehnder interferometry platforms. We also point out other signatures of such edge reconstruction.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 5185, 2022 Sep 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36057650


To determine the topological quantum numbers of fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states hosting counter-propagating (CP) downstream (Nd) and upstream (Nu) edge modes, it is pivotal to study quantized transport both in the presence and absence of edge mode equilibration. While reaching the non-equilibrated regime is challenging for charge transport, we target here the thermal Hall conductance GQ, which is purely governed by edge quantum numbers Nd and Nu. Our experimental setup is realized with a hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) encapsulated graphite gated single layer graphene device. For temperatures up to 35 mK, our measured GQ at ν = 2/3 and 3/5 (with CP modes) match the quantized values of non-equilibrated regime (Nd + Nu)κ0T, where κ0T is a quanta of GQ. With increasing temperature, GQ decreases and eventually takes the value of the equilibrated regime ∣Nd - Nu∣κ0T. By contrast, at ν = 1/3 and 2/5 (without CP modes), GQ remains robustly quantized at Ndκ0T independent of the temperature. Thus, measuring the quantized values of GQ in two regimes, we determine the edge quantum numbers, which opens a new route for finding the topological order of exotic non-Abelian FQH states.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(18): 186801, 2022 May 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35594092


Two-dimensional (2D) topological electronic insulators are known to give rise to gapless edge modes, which underlie low energy dynamics, including electrical and thermal transport. This has been thoroughly investigated in the context of quantum Hall phases, and time-reversal invariant topological insulators. Here we study the edge of a 2D, topologically trivial insulating phase, as a function of the strength of the electronic interactions and the steepness of the confining potential. For sufficiently smooth confining potentials, alternating compressible and incompressible stripes appear at the edge. Our findings signal the emergence of gapless edge modes which may give rise to finite conductance at the edge. This would suggest a novel scenario of a nontopological metal-insulator transition in clean 2D systems. The incompressible stripes appear at commensurate fillings and may exhibit broken translational invariance along the edge in the form of charge density wave ordering. These are separated by structureless compressible stripes.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 213, 2022 Jan 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35017473


The presence of "upstream" modes, moving against the direction of charge current flow in the fractional quantum Hall (FQH) phases, is critical for the emergence of renormalized modes with exotic quantum statistics. Detection of excess noise at the edge is a smoking gun for the presence of upstream modes. Here, we report noise measurements at the edges of FQH states realized in dual graphite-gated bilayer graphene devices. A noiseless dc current is injected at one of the edge contacts, and the noise generated at contacts at length, L = 4 µm and 10 µm away along the upstream direction is studied. For integer and particle-like FQH states, no detectable noise is measured. By contrast, for "hole-conjugate" FQH states, we detect a strong noise proportional to the injected current, unambiguously proving the existence of upstream modes. The noise magnitude remains independent of length, which matches our theoretical analysis demonstrating the ballistic nature of upstream energy transport, quite distinct from the diffusive propagation reported earlier in GaAs-based systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(17): 170401, 2021 Oct 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34739293


Geometrical dephasing is distinct from dynamical dephasing in that it depends on the trajectory traversed, hence it reverses its sign upon flipping the direction in which the path is traced. Here we study sequences of generalized (weak) measurements that steer a system in a closed trajectory. The readout process is marked by fluctuations, giving rise to dephasing. Rather than classifying the latter as "dynamical" and "geometrical," we identify a contribution which is invariant under reversing the sequence ordering and, in analogy with geometrical dephasing, one which flips its sign upon the reversal of the winding direction, possibly resulting in partial suppression of dephasing (i.e., "coherency enhancement"). This dephasing asymmetry (under winding reversal) is a manifestation of intrinsic chirality, which weak measurements can (and generically do) possess. Furthermore, the dephasing diverges at certain protocol parameters, marking topological transitions in the measurement-induced phase factor.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(21): 216803, 2021 May 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34114853


Transport through edge channels is responsible for conduction in quantum Hall (QH) phases. Robust quantized values of charge and thermal conductances dictated by bulk topology appear when equilibration processes become dominant. We report on measurements of electrical and thermal conductances of integer and fractional QH phases, realized in hexagonal boron nitride encapsulated graphite-gated bilayer graphene devices for both electron and hole doped sides with different valley and orbital symmetries. Remarkably, for complex edges at filling factors ν=5/3 and 8/3, closely related to the paradigmatic hole-conjugate ν=2/3 phase, we find quantized thermal conductance whose values (3κ_{0}T and 4κ_{0}T, respectively where κ_{0}T is the thermal conductance quantum) are markedly inconsistent with the values dictated by topology (1κ_{0}T and 2κ_{0}T, respectively). The measured thermal conductance values remain insensitive to different symmetries, suggesting its universal nature. Our findings are supported by a theoretical analysis, which indicates that, whereas electrical equilibration at the edge is established over a finite length scale, the thermal equilibration length diverges for strong electrostatic interaction. Our results elucidate the subtle nature of crossover from coherent, mesoscopic to topology-dominated transport.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 5899, 2020 Nov 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33214554


Quantum systems are always subject to interactions with an environment, typically resulting in decoherence and distortion of quantum correlations. It has been recently shown that a controlled interaction with the environment may actually help to create a state, dubbed as "dark", which is immune to decoherence. To encode quantum information in the dark states, they need to span a space with a dimensionality larger than one, so different orthogonal states act as a computational basis. Here, we devise a symmetry-based conceptual framework to engineer such degenerate dark spaces (DDS), protected from decoherence by the environment. We illustrate this construction with a model protocol, inspired by the fractional quantum Hall effect, where the DDS basis is isomorphic to a set of degenerate Laughlin states. The long-time steady state of our driven-dissipative model exhibits thus all the characteristics of degenerate vacua of a unitary topological system.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(15): 157702, 2020 Oct 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33095623


The recent measurement of a half-integer thermal conductance for the ν=5/2 fractional quantum Hall state has confirmed its non-Abelian nature, making the question of the underlying topological order highly intriguing. We analyze the shot noise at the edge of the three most prominent non-Abelian candidate states. We show that the noise scaling with respect to the edge length can, in combination with the thermal conductance, be used to experimentally distinguish between the Pfaffian, anti-Pfaffian, and particle-hole-Pfaffian edge structures.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(14): 147701, 2020 Oct 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33064546


Pure quantum states can be stabilized in open quantum systems subject to external driving forces and dissipation by environmental modes. We show that driven dissipative (DD) Majorana devices offer key advantages for stabilizing degenerate state manifolds ("dark spaces") and for manipulating states in dark spaces, both with respect to native (non-DD) Majorana devices and to DD platforms with topologically trivial building blocks. For two tunnel-coupled Majorana boxes, using otherwise only standard hardware elements (e.g., a noisy electromagnetic environment and quantum dots with driven tunnel links), we propose a dark qubit encoding. We anticipate exceptionally high fault tolerance levels due to a conspiracy of DD-based autonomous error correction and topology.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(2): 020405, 2020 Jul 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32701343


Quantum interference is typically detected through the dependence of the interference signal on certain parameters (path length, Aharonov-Bohm flux, etc.), which can be varied in a controlled manner. The destruction of interference by a which-path measurement is a paradigmatic manifestation of quantum effects. Here we report on a novel measurement protocol that realizes two objectives: (i) certifying that a measured signal is the result of interference avoiding the need to vary parameters of the underlying interferometer, and (ii) certifying that the interference signal at hand is of quantum nature. In particular, it yields a null outcome in the case of classical interference. Our protocol comprises measurements of cross-correlations between the readings of which-path weakly coupled detectors positioned at the respective interferometer's arms and the current in one of the interferometer's drains. We discuss its implementation with an experimentally available platform: an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) coupled electrostatically to "detectors" (quantum point contacts).

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(11): 5706-5713, 2020 Mar 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32123099


The state of a quantum system, adiabatically driven in a cycle, may acquire a measurable phase depending only on the closed trajectory in parameter space. Such geometric phases are ubiquitous and also underline the physics of robust topological phenomena such as the quantum Hall effect. Equivalently, a geometric phase may be induced through a cyclic sequence of quantum measurements. We show that the application of a sequence of weak measurements renders the closed trajectories, hence the geometric phase, stochastic. We study the concomitant probability distribution and show that, when varying the measurement strength, the mapping between the measurement sequence and the geometric phase undergoes a topological transition. Our finding may impact measurement-induced control and manipulation of quantum states-a promising approach to quantum information processing. It also has repercussions on understanding the foundations of quantum measurement.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(13): 137701, 2019 Sep 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31697540


Electrical and thermal transport on a fractional quantum Hall edge are determined by topological quantities inherited from the corresponding bulk state. While electrical transport is the standard method for studying edges, thermal transport appears more challenging. Here, we show that the shot noise generated on the edge provides a fully electrical method to probe the edge structure. In the incoherent regime, the noise falls into three topologically distinct universality classes: charge transport is always ballistic while thermal transport is either ballistic, diffusive, or "antiballistic." Correspondingly, the noise either vanishes, decays algebraically, or is constant up to exponentially small corrections in the edge length.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(6): 060405, 2019 Aug 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31491147


We study the adiabatic dynamics of degenerate quantum states induced by loop paths in a control parameter space. The latter correspond to noisy trajectories if the system is weakly coupled to environmental modes. On top of conventional dynamic dephasing, we find a universal non-Abelian geometric dephasing (NAGD) contribution and express it in terms of the non-Abelian Berry connection and curvature. We show that NAGD implies either decay or amplification of coherences as compared to the coherences when only dynamic dephasing is present. The full NAGD matrix structure can be probed through interference experiments. We outline such a detection scheme for modified Majorana braiding setups.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(5): 056803, 2019 Aug 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31491314


A quantum magnetic impurity of spin S at the edge of a two-dimensional time reversal invariant topological insulator may give rise to backscattering. We study here the shot noise associated with the backscattering current for arbitrary S. Our full analytical solution reveals that for S>1/2 the Fano factor may be arbitrarily large, reflecting bunching of large batches of electrons. By contrast, we rigorously prove that for S=1/2 the Fano factor is bounded between 1 and 2, generalizing earlier studies.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(23): 236802, 2019 Jun 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31298920


We consider a fractional quantum Hall bilayer system with an interface between quantum Hall states of filling fractions (ν_{top},ν_{bottom})=(1,1) and (1/3,2), motivated by a recent approach to engineering artificial edges [Y. Ronen et al., Nat. Phys. 14, 411 (2018)NPAHAX1745-247310.1038/s41567-017-0035-2]. We show that random tunneling and strong repulsive interactions within one of the layers will drive the system to a stable fixed point with two counterpropagating charge modes which have attractive interactions. As a result, slowly decaying correlations on the edge become predominantly superconducting. We discuss the resulting observable effects and derive general requirements for electron attraction in Abelian quantum Hall states. The broader interest in fractional quantum Hall edge with quasi-long-range superconducting order lies in the prospects of hosting exotic anyonic boundary excitations, which may serve as a platform for topological quantum computation.