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J Phys Chem Lett ; 14(5): 1288-1293, 2023 Feb 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36722023


We show that formamidinium-based crystals are distinct from methylammonium-based halide perovskite crystals because their inorganic sublattice exhibits intrinsic local static disorder that coexists with a well-defined average crystal structure. Our study combines terahertz-range Raman scattering with single-crystal X-ray diffraction and first-principles calculations to probe the evolution of inorganic sublattice dynamics with temperature in the range of 10-300 K. The temperature evolution of the Raman spectra shows that low-temperature, local static disorder strongly affects the crystal structural dynamics and phase transitions at higher temperatures.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35446538


Strong deviations in the finite temperature atomic structure of halide perovskites from their average geometry can have profound impacts on optoelectronic and other device-relevant properties. Detailed mechanistic understandings of these structural fluctuations and their consequences remain, however, limited by the experimental and theoretical challenges involved in characterizing strongly anharmonic vibrational characteristics and their impact on other properties. We overcome some of these challenges by a theoretical characterization of the vibrational interactions that occur among the atoms in the prototypical cubic CsPbBr3. Our investigation based on first-principles molecular dynamics calculations finds that the motions of neighboring Cs-Br atoms interlock, which appears as the most likely Cs-Br distance being significantly shorter than what is inferred from an ideal cubic structure. This form of dynamic Cs-Br coupling coincides with very shallow dynamic potential wells for Br motions that occur across a locally and dynamically disordered energy landscape. We reveal an interesting dynamic coupling mechanism among the atoms within the nominal unit cell of cubic CsPbBr3 and quantify the important local structural fluctuations on an atomic scale.

Adv Sci (Weinh) ; 9(16): e2200706, 2022 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35373927


Despite their puzzling vibrational characteristics that include strong signatures of anharmonicity and thermal disorder already around room temperature, halide perovskites (HaPs) exhibit favorable optoelectronic properties for applications in photovoltaics and beyond. Whether these vibrational properties are advantageous or detrimental to their optoelectronic properties remains, however, an important open question. Here, this issue is addressed by investigation of the finite-temperature optoelectronic properties in the prototypical cubic CsPbBr3 , using first-principles molecular dynamics based on density-functional theory. It is shown that the dynamic flexibility associated with HaPs enables the so-called transversality, which manifests as a preference for large halide displacements perpendicular to the Pb-Br-Pb bonding axis. The authors find that transversality is concurrent with vibrational anharmonicity and leads to a rapid rise in the joint density of states, which is favorable for photovoltaics since this implies sharp optical absorption profiles. These findings are contrasted to the case of PbTe, a material that shares several key properties with CsPbBr3 but cannot exhibit any transversality and, hence, is found to exhibit much wider band-edge distributions. The authors conclude that the dynamic structural flexibility in HaPs and their unusual vibrational characteristics might not just be a mere coincidence, but play active roles in establishing their favorable optoelectronic properties.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 3141, 2019 Jul 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31316077


Halide perovskites are semiconductors that exhibit sharp optical absorption edges and small Urbach energies allowing for efficient collection of sunlight in thin-film photovoltaic devices. However, halide perovskites also exhibit large nuclear anharmonic effects and disorder, which is unusual for efficient optoelectronic materials and difficult to rationalize in view of the small Urbach energies that indicate a low amount of disorder. To address this important issue, the disorder potential induced for electronic states by the nuclear dynamics in various paradigmatic halide perovskites is studied with molecular dynamics and density functional theory. We find that the disorder potential is dynamically shortened due to the nuclear motions in the perovskite, such that it is short-range correlated, which is shown to lead to favorable distributions of band edge energies. This dynamic mechanism allows for sharp optical absorption edges and small Urbach energies, which are highly desired properties of any solar absorber material.