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Braz J Biol ; 68(1): 169-72, 2008 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18470393


Specimens of Trichodina magna Van As and Bassson, 1989 (Ciliophora: Peritrichia) from the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus collected from October 2004 to June 2005 in fish ponds situated in three regions of Santa Catarina State, Brazil are described here. Wet smears of skin and gills were prepared in the field, air dried, impregnated with Klein's dry silver method and Giemsa's solution. From a total of 146 examined fish, 36 were parasitized on the skin, 14 in the gills and 33 on the skin and gills, simultaneously. The mean diameter of the body of the specimens of T. magna was 84.3 +/- 12.6 microm, adhesive disc 60.7 +/- 10.0 microm, denticulate ring, 38.3 +/- 7.4 microm, consisting of 26 (23 to 29) denticles. The only distinguishable difference from the original description was the fact that the ray of the denticle is anteriorly directed and does not extend over the y + 1 axis.

Cichlids/parasitology , Ciliophora/isolation & purification , Animals , Brazil , Ciliophora/classification
Braz. j. biol ; 68(1): 169-172, Feb. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-482199


Specimens of Trichodina magna Van As and Bassson, 1989 (Ciliophora: Peritrichia) from the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus collected from October 2004 to June 2005 in fish ponds situated in three regions of Santa Catarina State, Brazil are described here. Wet smears of skin and gills were prepared in the field, air dried, impregnated with Klein’s dry silver method and Giemsa’s solution. From a total of 146 examined fish, 36 were parasitized on the skin, 14 in the gills and 33 on the skin and gills, simultaneously. The mean diameter of the body of the specimens of T. magna was 84.3 ± 12.6 µm, adhesive disc 60.7 ± 10.0 µm, denticulate ring, 38.3 ± 7.4 µm, consisting of 26 (23 to 29) denticles. The only distinguishable difference from the original description was the fact that the ray of the denticle is anteriorly directed and does not extend over the y + 1 axis.

Espécimes de Trichodina magna Van As e Bassson, 1989 (Ciliophora: Peritrichia) em tilápia do Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus coletada em viveiros, entre outubro de 2004 e junho de 2005, em três regiões do Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil, são descritos. Esfregaços da pele e brânquias foram preparados em campo, secos e impregnados com nitrato de prata pelo método de Klein ou corados com Giemsa. De um total de 146 peixes examinados, 36 estavam parasitados na pele, 14 nas brânquias e 33 na pele e brânquias, simultaneamente. O diâmetro médio do corpo de T. magna foi 84,3 ± 12,6 µm, do disco adesivo 60,7 ± 10,0 µm, do anel denticulado 38,3 ± 7,4 µm consistindo de 26 (23 a 29) dentículos. A única diferença da descrição original é o fato do raio do dentículo ser anteriormente direcionado não ultrapassando o eixo y + 1.

Animals , Cichlids/parasitology , Ciliophora/isolation & purification , Brazil , Ciliophora/classification
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 59(5): 1224-1230, out. 2007. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-471205


The present study describes Camallanus maculatus n. sp. (Nematoda: Camallanidae) from Xiphophorus maculatus (Osteichthyes: Poecilidae) collected in an ornamental fish farm in São Paulo State, Brazil. Thirty-three out of 40 examined fish were parasitized (82 percent prevalence) with mean intensity of 2.8 (1-20). Male specimens were 3,500µm total length and females 7,100µm total length, provided with orange-brown buccal capsule and two developed tridents. Males showed two unequal spicules, gubernaculum absent and females with vulva situated in the middle of the body. The main characteristics were the sleekly longitudinal ridges in the buccal capsule in both sexes, enlargement at the anterior end of the smaller spicule, the number of genital papillae, longer muscular and glandular portion of esophagus and round tail in female

Descreve-se Camallanus maculatus n. sp. (Nematoda: Camallanidae) em Xiphophorus maculatus (Osteichthyes: Poecilidae) capturado em uma piscicultura ornamental no estado de São Paulo. De 40 peixes examinados, 33 estavam parasitados (prevalência de 82 por cento) cuja intensidade média foi de 2,8 (1-20). Os machos apresentaram 3.500µm e as fêmeas com 7,100µm de comprimento total, providos de uma cápsula bucal laranja-castanho e dois tridentes. Observaram-se machos com espículos desiguais, gubernáculo ausente e fêmeas com vulva situada na metade do corpo. As principais características foram as estrias longitudinais lisas em cada valva da cápsula bucal em ambos os sexos, o espículo menor com alargamento na extremidade anterior, o número de papilas genitais, as porções muscular e glandular do esôfago longas e a cauda longa e arredondada na fêmea

Animals , Camallanina/classification , Camallanina/pathogenicity , Cyprinodontiformes/parasitology , Nematoda/isolation & purification , Prevalence , Fishes/parasitology , Fish Diseases/parasitology
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 59(2): 382-386, abr. 2007. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-455750


This trial registered the experimental infection viability with nematode larvae Camallanus sp. in Notodiaptomus sp., a crustacean, which can be an intermediate host. Adult females of nematode were dissected from the intestines of Xiphophorus maculatus (Osteichthyes: Poeciliidae), at a fish farm in the State of São Paulo. Females were slightly compressed for larvae release, collected with Pasteur pipette and separated on Petri dishes with 9ml filtered water at 28.1°C, from zooplankton culture. Treatments consisted of Petri dishes with 60 and 105 copepods, in which 120, 150 and 210 larvae of nematode were added in four replications. Twenty-four and 36h after exposition to the larvae, the copepods were fixed in 70 percent alcohol to record the amount of fixed larvae. Twenty four hours after exposition, 60 copepods group with 120 larvae showed significantly higher prevalence (46.5 percent) when compared to 105 copepods and 120 larvae (33.2 percent). Thus, these answers suggested that 120 larvae were enough for a successful infectivity. Experimental infection was available and so, it was used as a pattern to life cycle studies of camallanid nematodes and hosts susceptibility tests.

A viabilidade da infecção experimental com larvas do nematóide Camallanus sp. em Notodiaptomus sp., crustáceo com potencial para hospedeiro intermediário foi avaliada. Fêmeas adultas do nematóide foram extraídas de Xiphophorus maculatus (Osteichthyes: Poeciliidae), provenientes de piscicultura de peixes ornamentais no estado de São Paulo. As fêmeas foram ligeiramente pressionadas para liberar as larvas, coletadas com pipeta Pasteur e separadas em placas de Petri contendo 9ml de água filtrada a 28,1°C do próprio cultivo de zooplâncton. Os tratamentos consistiram de placas contendo 60 e 105 copépodes onde se adicionou 120, 150 e 210 larvas de nematóides em quatro repetições. Nos tempos de 24 e 36h após a exposição às larvas, os copépodes foram fixados em álcool 70 por cento para quantificação de larvas. Após 24h de exposição, o grupo com 60 copépodes na presença de 120 larvas apresentou maior prevalência (46,5 por cento) do que 105 copépodes com 120 larvas (33,2 por cento). Sugere-se que 120 larvas foram suficientes para o sucesso da infecção. A infecção experimental mostrou-se viável, servindo de modelo para o estudo do ciclo de vida de camalanídeos e testes de susceptibilidade de hospedeiros.

Cyprinodontiformes , Copepoda/parasitology , Nematode Infections/diagnosis , Nematode Infections/epidemiology , Nematode Infections/prevention & control , Nematoda/isolation & purification