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Andrology ; 12(2): 289-296, 2024 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37377277


BACKGROUND: Cryptorchidism is one of the most common congenital disorders in boys and it is associated with a higher risk of sub-fertility and testicular cancer. Testicular descent occurs during embryo-fetal development in two phases, transabdominal and inguino-scrotal. In the latter process, androgens play a leading role. The androgen receptor has in its N-terminal domain, two aminoacidic repeats encoded by polymorphic nucleotide repetitions: (CAG)nCAA and GGN. The number of repetitions of these trinucleotides has been associated with different transactivation capacities and sensitivities of the androgen receptor response. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether pediatric Chilean individuals with idiopathic inguinal cryptorchidism have a different number of CAG and/or GGN repeats polymorphisms compared with controls. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 109 cases with idiopathic inguinal cryptorchidism (26 bilateral and 83 unilateral) were studied by polymerase chain reaction amplification from DNA extracted from peripheral blood, followed by fragment size analysis by capillary electrophoresis, which were compared with 140 controls. RESULTS: The CAG26 repeats allele was increased in the total cases (8.3% vs. 1.4%; p = 0.012; odds ratio = 6.21, 95% confidence interval 1.31-29.4), and in bilateral cases compared to controls (11.5% vs. 1.4%; p = 0.028; odds ratio = 9 CI 95% 1.43-56.8). Similarly, CAG > 22 alleles were increased in the total cases (62.4% vs. 49.3%, p = 0.041), and more significantly in bilateral cases (73.1% vs. 49.3%; p = 0.032; odds ratio = 2.79, 95% confidence interval 1.1-7.1). In addition, CAG < 18 alleles were not observed among cases, but were present in 5.7% of controls (p = 0.01). Regarding the GGN repeats, no differences were observed between cases and controls either when analyzing separately unilateral and bilateral cryptorchidism. The joint analysis of the distribution of CAG and GGN alleles showed that the CAG26 allele was present with GGN23, hence the combination CAG26/GGN23 alleles was equally increased in bilateral cases compared with controls (11.5% vs. 1.4%). In contrast, CAG < 18 was preferably observed in the combination CAG < 18/GGN≠23 and was absent in the total cases (4.3% vs. 0%; p = 0.037). DISCUSSION: These results suggest that greater lengths of CAG alleles may contribute to a diminished androgen receptor function. The CAG26 allele alone or in combination with GGN23 was associated with a higher risk of bilateral cryptorchidism. On the other hand, CAG < 18 and the CAG < 18/GGN≠23 allele combination may reduce the probability of cryptorchidism.

Cryptorchidism , Testicular Neoplasms , Child , Humans , Male , Chile , Cryptorchidism/genetics , Receptors, Androgen/genetics , Testicular Neoplasms/genetics , Trinucleotide Repeats
Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 42(1): 127-141, ene.-jun. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559032


Resumen En el actual escenario sociosanitario enfrentado a raíz de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2, múltiples actividades se han visto mermadas, e incluso, suspendidas por los largos periodos de aislamiento social y las medidas de cuidado para evitar contagios. En este sentido, muchas personas han dejado de recibir con la misma regularidad, o bajo las mismas circunstancias, sus tratamientos, incluyendo a niños con Trastornos del Neurodesarrollo (TND). Es así como surgen las intervenciones Parentales. Estas son programas donde los padres o cuidadores primarios son entrenados para llevar a cabo acciones terapéuticas con el niño y cuyo objetivo puede estar orientado a promover múltiples habilidades. El objetivo de la presente revisión sistemática fue determinar el efecto de estas intervenciones para promover el lenguaje y la comunicación en niños con diagnóstico de TND de entre 2 y 5 años. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos ERIC, MEDLINE y PubMed, considerando publicaciones de entre enero del 2010 y marzo de 2022. De las 9885 referencias iniciales, y posterior a las etapas de tamizaje y elegibilidad, 5 fuentes primarias cumplieron con los criterios de selección. Los resultados indican que las intervenciones parentales para habilidades de comunicación serían efectivas e incluso se mantendrían los efectos en medidas de seguimiento. En cuanto a las habilidades de lenguaje, los resultados a través de los estudios son contradictorios. Por otra parte, ninguno de los estudios reporta efectos adversos para los niños. En cuanto a efectos beneficios o adversos para padres o cuidadores primarios, ninguno de los estudios incluidos reporta medidas asociadas.

Abstract In the current socio-sanitary scenario that we are facing as a result of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic, there have been many activities that have been reduced and even suspended due to long periods of social isolation and care measures to avoid contagion. In this sense, many people have stopped receiving their treatments with the same regularity or under the same circumstances, including children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders. This is how parental interventions correspond to programs where parents or primary caregivers are trained to carry out therapeutic actions with the child and whose objective may be aimed at promoting multiple skills. The objective of this systematic review was to determine the effect of these interventions to promote language and communication in children diagnosed with Neurodevelopmental Disorders between 2 and 5 years of age. A systematic search was carried out in the ERIC, MEDLINE and PubMed databases including publications between January 2010 and March 2022. Of the 9885 initial references, and after the screening and eligibility stages, 5 primary sources met the selection criteria. The results indicate that parental interventions for communication skills would be effective, and the effects would even be maintained in follow-up measures. Regarding language skills, the results across studies are contradictory. On the other hand, none of the studies reported adverse effects for children. Regarding beneficial or adverse effects for parents or primary caregivers, none of the included studies reported associated measures.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child, Preschool/education , Communication , Neurodevelopmental Disorders/diagnosis , Language Development , Remedial Teaching , Child Development , Family Support
Rev. Soc. Venez. Microbiol ; 28(2): 96-104, dic. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-631620


Las infecciones causadas por micobacterias no tuberculosas (MNT) o atípicas constituyen en la actualidad un grave problema de salud, especialmente en pacientes inmunocomprometidos. Estas micobacterias presentan patrones de susceptibilidad a antibióticos particulares y distintos a M. tuberculosis, por lo que la administración del tratamiento adecuado requiere de un método rápido, sencillo y sensible de identificación. La técnica de PRA (Análisis de Restricción de Productos de PCR), basada en la digestión enzimática del producto de amplificación del gen hsp65, ha mostrado ser un método adecuado de identificación de micobacterias. En el presente trabajo se comparó la técnica de PRA con el estándar de identificación de micobacterias representado por las pruebas bioquímicas en 30 aislados provenientes del Laboratorio de Tuberculosis del Instituto de Biomedicina. La técnica de PRA permitió identificar 96% de las cepas analizadas, en comparación con 92.% de cepas identificadas por las técnicas bioquímicas. Los resultados obtenidos fueron idénticos en 18 de 22 cepas, correspondiendo al 82% de los resultados. Se concluye que el PRA es un método rápido, sencillo y económico que produce resultados concordantes con las técnicas tradicionales, con un menor grado de error. Basados en estos resultados se recomienda el uso del PRA en los laboratorios clínicos como método de identificación de rutina para micobacterias.

Infections caused by atypical mycobacteria at present constitute a serious health problem, especially in immunocompromised patients. These mycobacteria present particular susceptibility patterns, different from M. tuberculosis, due to which the administration of an adequate treatment requires a fast, simple and sensitive identification method. The PRA technique (PCR Restriction), based on the enzymatic digestion of the amplification product of the hsp65 gene has shown to be an adequate method for the identification of mycobacteria. In this study we compared the PRA technique with the standard mycobacterial identification method, represented by biochemical tests, in 30 isolates from the Tuberculosis Laboratory of the Instituto de Biomedicina. The PRA technique allowed the identification of 96% of the strains analyzed, as compared with 92% of strains identified through biochemical methods. The results obtained were identical in 18 of 22 strains, corresponding to 82% of the results. It is concluded that the PRA technique is a fast, simple and economical method that produces results in concord with traditional techniques, with a lesser degree of error. Based in these results, the use of PRA as routine identification technique for mycobacteria is recommended for clinical laboratories.