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Sci Rep ; 11(1): 10149, 2021 May 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33980915


Mapping variations in the attenuation of seismic energy is important for understanding dissipative mechanisms in the lithosphere, and for modeling ground shaking associated with earthquakes. We cross-correlate ambient seismic signal recorded across the EarthScope Transportable Array in the 3-15 s period range. We apply to the resulting cross correlations a new method to estimate lateral variations in Rayleigh-wave attenuation, as a function of period, beneath North America. Between 3 and 6 s, our maps are dominated by a strong eastward decrease in attenuation. This pattern vanishes at longer periods, confirming early observations based on regional earthquakes. Attenuation maps and phase-velocity maps are anti-correlated at periods between 3 and 6 s, but the anti-correlation is also largely lost at longer periods. This corresponds to the attenuation coefficient decreasing with period more rapidly in the west than in the east, while the change in phase velocity with period is more uniform across the continent. Our results point to a transition in the properties of upper-crustal materials with depth, probably related to the closure of fluid-filled cracks and pores, and imply that measures of attenuation from seismic noise carry significant information on crustal rheology.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 2064, 2021 04 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33824322


The coupling between the ocean activity driven by winds and the solid Earth generates seismic signals recorded by seismometers worldwide. The 2-10 s period band, known as secondary microseism, represents the largest background seismic wavefield. While moving over the ocean, tropical cyclones generate particularly strong and localized sources of secondary microseisms that are detected remotely by seismic arrays. We assess and compare the seismic sources of P, SV, and SH waves associated with typhoon Ioke (2006) during its extra-tropical transition. To understand their generation mechanisms, we compare the observed multi-phase sources with theoretical sources computed with a numerical ocean wave model, and we assess the influence of the ocean resonance (or ocean site effect) and coastal reflection of ocean waves. We show how the location and lateral extent of the associated seismic source is period- and phase-dependent. This information is crucial for the use of body waves for ambient noise imaging and gives insights about the sea state, complementary to satellite data.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(47): 29504-29511, 2020 11 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33168742


The interaction of ocean surface waves produces pressure fluctuations at the seafloor capable of generating seismic waves in the solid Earth. The accepted mechanism satisfactorily explains secondary microseisms of the Rayleigh type, but it does not justify the presence of transversely polarized Love waves, nevertheless widely observed. An explanation for two-thirds of the worldwide ambient wave field has been wanting for over a century. Using numerical simulations of global-scale seismic wave propagation at unprecedented high frequency, here we explain the origin of secondary microseism Love waves. A small fraction of those is generated by boundary force-splitting at bathymetric inclines, but the majority is generated by the interaction of the seismic wave field with three-dimensional heterogeneity within the Earth. We present evidence for an ergodic model that explains observed seismic wave partitioning, a requirement for full-wave field ambient-noise tomography to account for realistic source distributions.

Geophys Res Lett ; 47(16): e2020GL089931, 2020 Aug 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32834188


Throughout the recent COVID-19 pandemic, real-time measurements about shifting use of roads, hospitals, grocery stores, and other public infrastructure became vital for government decision makers. Mobile phone locations are increasingly assimilated for this purpose, but an alternative, unexplored, natively anonymous, absolute method would be to use geophysical sensing to directly measure public infrastructure usage. In this paper, we demonstrate how fiber-optic distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) connected to a telecommunication cable beneath Palo Alto, CA, successfully monitored traffic over a 2-month period, including major reductions associated with COVID-19 response. Continuous DAS recordings of over 450,000 individual vehicles were analyzed using an automatic template-matching detection algorithm based on roadbed strain. In one commuter sector, we found a 50% decrease in vehicles immediately following the order, but near Stanford Hospital, the traffic persisted. The DAS measurements correlate with mobile phone locations and urban seismic noise levels, suggesting geophysics would complement future digital city sensing systems.