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Isotopes Environ Health Stud ; : 1-25, 2024 Jul 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38982933


This study aimed to synthesise and interpret stable isotopic data (δ2H and δ18O) from various sources to understand the isotope hydrology around coal mine operations in Elk Valley, B.C., Canada. The data, including precipitation, groundwaters, seeps, and mine rock drains, were used to construct a local meteoric water line (LMWL) for the Elk Valley, evaluate the spatiotemporal isotopic composition of its groundwater, and assess mine seepage and mine rock drain discharge. The study revealed a robust LMWL relation (δ2H = 7.4 ± 0.2 · δ18O - 4.3 ± 4.1). The groundwater and seep data indicated a winter season bias and a north-south latitudinal gradient, suggesting rapid near-surface groundwater flow without significant post-precipitation evaporation. Porewater isotope samples from unsaturated mine rock piles (MRPs) showed site-specific evaporation patterns, potentially due to convective air flows or exothermic sulphide oxidation. This research revealed the influence of groundwater and meltwater on rock drain discharge. Based on evaporative mass balance calculations, MRPs seasonally contributed ca. 5 %(December base flow) and 22 % (snowmelt) to drain discharge. The findings underscore the value of stable isotope data collections in the Elk Valley to help better define and quantify the hydrology-hydrogeology, including a better understanding of evaporative conditions in MRPs.

Sci Total Environ ; 933: 172869, 2024 Jul 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38697548


Removing selenium (Se) from mine effluent is a common challenge. A long-term, in situ experiment was conducted to bioremediate large volumes (up to 7500 mc d-1) of Se(VI)-contaminated water (mean 87 µg L-1) by injecting the water into a saturated waste rock fill (SRF) at a coal mining operation in Elk Valley, British Columbia, Canada. To stimulate/maintain biofilm growth in the SRF, labile organic carbon (methanol) and nutrients were added to the water prior to its injection. A conservative tracer (Br-) was also added to track the migration of injected water across the SRF, identify wells with minimal dilution and used to quantify the extent of bioreduction. The evolution of the Se species through the SRF was monitored in time and space for 201 d. Selenium concentrations of <3.8 µg L-1 were attained in monitoring wells located 38 m from the injection wells after 114 to 141 d of operation. Concentrations of Se species in water samples from complementary long-term (351-498 d) column experiments using influent Se(VI) concentrations of 1.0 mg L-1 were consistent with the results of the in situ experiment. Solid samples collected at the completion of the column experiments confirmed the presence of indigenous Se-reducing bacteria and that the sequestered Se was present as insoluble Se(0), likely in Se-S ring compounds. Based on the success of this ongoing bioremediation experiment, this technology is being applied at other mine sites.

Biodegradation, Environmental , Selenic Acid , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Water Pollutants, Chemical/metabolism , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Selenic Acid/metabolism , British Columbia , Coal Mining , Selenium/metabolism , Selenium/analysis , Mining
Sci Total Environ ; 854: 158762, 2023 Jan 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36126715


Nitrate (NO3-) in mine waste rock derived from undetonated NH4NO3 can contaminate receiving waters. An in-situ bioremediation experiment was conducted at a coal mining operation in Elk Valley, British Columbia, Canada to remediate NO3- from large volumes of mine water. Over the test period (201 d), 5000 to 7500 m3 d-1 of NO3--rich (mean concentration 22 mg N L-1) mine water was injected into saturated waste rock along with methanol, nutrients, and a conservative tracer (Br-). Complete denitrification (<0.5 mg N L-1) was recorded in monitoring wells located 38 m from the injection wells after 114 to 141 d of operation. Plots of δ15N- and δ18O-NO3- versus NO3--N concentrations for monitoring wells yielded isotopic enrichment factors (ε) for δ15N- and δ18O-NO3- of -25.7 and -13.2 ‰ for high C/C0 NO3- concentrations (>10.5 mg N L-1) and -5.5 and -3.6 ‰ for lower C/C0 values. The fraction of NO3- denitrified (Dp) calculated using bi-linear ε values for δ15N- and δ18O reproduced the Dp determined independently using a conservative tracer indicating that stable isotope tracers of the NO3- reducing processes in bioremediation are invaluable to determine Dp. Based on the success of this ongoing bioremediation experiment, the technology is being applied at other sites.

Denitrification , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Nitrogen Isotopes/analysis , Biodegradation, Environmental , Environmental Monitoring , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Nitrates/analysis , Water , British Columbia
Sci Total Environ ; 795: 148798, 2021 Nov 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34247080


Coal has been a major global resource for at least the past 250 years. The major waste product of coal mining is waste rock, which is stored in dumps of various sizes. Although the adverse effects of coal waste rock dumps on ecosystems and human health are widely recognised, there is little information on their internal hydrological and geochemical processes in the peer-reviewed literature. Coal and conventional waste rock dumps share many similarities, but coal waste rock dumps differ in structure, organic matter content, and size, which can affect the timing and rate of aqueous chemical release. In this global systematic review, we identify limited links to climate setting and dump construction, and inconsistent reporting of sampling and monitoring approaches, as limitations to the generalisation of findings. Furthermore, sources of aqueous constituents of interest (COIs) are not routinely or adequately identified, which can lead to incorrect assumptions regarding COI availability and geochemical mobility. Water flow regimes within dumps are dominated by matrix and/or preferential flow, depending on dump texture; these flow mechanisms exert a primary control on patterns of aqueous COI release. The inability to successfully transfer COI release rates from laboratory or field scale trials to operational scale dumps is primarily due to limitations of testing methods and fundamental characteristics of scale. Prediction of future release rates is hampered by a lack of long-term studies that fully characterise geochemistry (e.g., source and COI production rates) as well as dump hydrology (e.g., water balance, water migration). Five critical elements to include in best practice investigations are climate setting, dump physical characteristics, geochemical processes, water regime, and environmental load over time, as aqueous release of COIs from coal waste rock dumps occurs over decades to centuries. Key considerations are identified for each of these elements to guide best practice.

Coal Mining , Coal , Ecosystem , Humans , Hydrology , Waste Disposal Facilities
Sci Total Environ ; 779: 146429, 2021 Jul 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33743462


Knowledge of the controls affecting the release of contaminants from waste rock dumps is critical for developing strategies to mitigate downstream impacts on water quality. In this study, a three-dimensional model of a large coal waste rock dump constructed in the Elk Valley, British Columbia, Canada was developed to capture the impact of construction history (1981-2012) and solute transport on nitrate (NO3-) release over a 100-year timeframe. The model consisted of 21, one-dimensional finite element models that represented the temporal evolution of the dump. Nitrate, derived from undetonated blast products, was assumed to be present at the time of waste rock placement and was simulated as a conservative species. The simulated pattern of NO3- release to the surface water receptor occurred approximately 8 years before its measured arrival. This time lag is attributed to displacement of the water within a basal alluvial aquifer by dump effluent. The simulated patterns of historic releases corrected for the 8-year time lag, compare favourably with monitoring data and suggest the dominant hydrogeological and geochemical mechanisms are captured in the model. The model indicated the flushing of NO3- from the dump should be complete by about 2042 with a peak effluent concentration of NO3- in 2008. The addition of reclamation covers to the model resulted in an immediate decrease in the annual NO3- loading rate but extended the time frame for NO3- release from the dump relative to the no cover case. The model also showed that the timing of cover placement had little impact on NO3- release relative to the no cover case due to long duration of waste rock placement (~30 years) over a relatively large footprint.

Environ Res ; 186: 109607, 2020 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32668549


This study investigated the sequestration of dissolved selenate (SeO42-) via co-precipitation in barite for a range of SeO42- concentrations (0-~8650 mg/L), as well as its release at near neutral pH conditions (pH = ~5.5-6.5). Solid precipitates were characterized via X-ray diffraction and subsequent Rietveld refinements, Raman spectroscopy, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area analyses, scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalyses (EPMA), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). ICP-OES results suggested barite efficiently removed >99% of SeO42- from the test solutions during all co-precipitation experiments. EPMA results showed the SeO42- was sequestered from the aqueous phase via co-precipitation with barite. XAS analyses indicated the SeO42- tetrahedron is incorporated into the barite structure by substituting for sulfate (SO42-) and bonding to Ba2+ atoms through bidentate mononuclear and bidentate binuclear complexes. Dissolution data showed the release of SeO42- sequestered in barite to the aqueous phase is unlikely due to the low solubility and stability of the barite phase. As such, co-precipitation of SeO42- with barite could be effective for removing SeO42- from waters affected by mining and metallurgical operations.

Barium Sulfate , Sulfates , Mining , Selenic Acid , X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Sci Total Environ ; 640-641: 127-137, 2018 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29859430


Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) mixed with fuel oil is a common blasting agent used to fragment rock into workable size fractions at mines throughout the world. The decomposition and oxidation of undetonated explosives can result in high NO3- concentrations in waters emanating from waste rock dumps. We used the stable isotopic composition of NO3- (δ15N- and δ18O-NO3-) to define and quantify the controls on NO3- composition in waste rock dumps by studying water-unsaturated and saturated conditions at nine coal waste rock dumps located in the Elk Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Estimates of the extent of nitrification of NH4NO3 in oxic zones in the dumps, initial NO3- concentrations prior to denitrification, and the extent of NO3- removal by denitrification in sub-oxic to anoxic zones are provided. δ15N data from unsaturated waste rock dumps confirm NO3- is derived from blasting. δ15N- and δ18O-NO3- data show extensive denitrification can occur in saturated waste rock and in localized zones of elevated water saturation and low oxygen concentrations in unsaturated waste rock. At the mine dump scale, the extent of denitrification in the unsaturated waste rock was inferred from water samples collected from underlying rock drains.

Sci Total Environ ; 605-606: 915-928, 2017 Dec 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28693108


The origin, distribution and leaching of nitrate (NO3-) from coal waste rock dumps in the Elk Valley, British Columbia, Canada were defined using chemical and NO3- isotope analyses (δ15N- and δ18O-NO3-) of solids samples of pre- and post-blast waste rock and from thick (up to 180m) unsaturated waste rock dump profiles constructed between 1982 and 2012 as well as water samples collected from a rock drain located at the base of one dump and effluent from humidity cell (HC) and leach pad (LP) tests on waste rock. δ15N- and δ18O-NO3- values and NO3- concentrations of waste rock and rock drain waters confirmed the source of NO3- in the waste rock to be explosives and that limited to no denitrification occurs in the dump. The average mass of N released during blasting was estimated to be about 3-6% of the N in the explosives. NO3- concentrations in the fresh-blast waste rock and recently placed waste rock used for the HC and LP experiments were highly variable, ranging from below detection to 241mg/kg. The mean and median concentrations of these samples ranged from 10-30mg/kg. In this range of concentrations, the initial aqueous concentration of fresh-blasted waste rock could range from approximately 200-600mg NO3--N/L. Flushing of NO3- from the HCs, LPs and a deep field profile was simulated using a scale dependent leaching efficiency (f) where f ranged from 5-15% for HCs, to 35-80% for the LPs, to 80-90% for the field profile. Our findings show aqueous phase NO3- from blasting residuals is present at highly variable initial concentrations in waste rock and the majority of this NO3- (>75%) should be flushed by recharging water during displacement of the first stored water volume.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 4881, 2017 07 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28687757


Natural gas extraction from unconventional shale gas reservoirs is the subject of considerable public debate, with a key concern being the impact of leaking fugitive natural gases on shallow potable groundwater resources. Baseline data regarding the distribution, fate, and transport of these gases and their isotopes through natural formations prior to development are lacking. Here, we define the migration and fate of CH4 and δ13C-CH4 from an early-generation bacterial gas play in the Cretaceous of the Williston Basin, Canada to the water table. Our results show the CH4 is generated at depth and diffuses as a conservative species through the overlying shale. We also show that the diffusive fractionation of δ13C-CH4 (following glaciation) can complicate fugitive gas interpretations. The sensitivity of the δ13C-CH4 profile to glacial timing suggests it may be a valuable tracer for characterizing the timing of geologic changes that control transport of CH4 (and other solutes) and distinguishing between CH4 that rapidly migrates upward through a well annulus or other conduit and CH4 that diffuses upwards naturally. Results of this study were used to provide recommendations for designing baseline investigations.

Sci Total Environ ; 586: 753-769, 2017 May 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28202241


Exposure of coal waste rock to atmospheric oxygen can result in the oxidation of sulfide minerals and the release of sulfate (SO42-) and associated trace elements (e.g., Se, As, Cd, and Zn) to groundwaters and surface waters. Similarly, reduced iron minerals such as siderite, ankerite, and the sulfide, pyrite, present in the waste rock can also undergo oxidation, resulting in the formation of iron oxyhydroxides that can adsorb trace elements released from the oxidation of the sulfide minerals. Characterization and quantification of the distribution of sulfide and iron minerals, their oxidation products, as well as leaching rates are critical to assessing present-day and future impacts of SO42- and associated trace elements on receiving waters. Synchrotron-based X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopic analysis of coal waste rock samples from the Elk Valley, British Columbia showed Fe present as pyrite (mean 6.0%), siderite (mean 44.3%), goethite (mean 35.4%), and lepidocrocite (mean 14.3%) with S present as sulfide (mean 26.9%), organic S (mean 58.7%), and SO42- (mean 14.4%). Squeezed porewater samples from dump solids yielded mean concentrations of 0.28mg/L Fe and 1246mg/L SO42-. Geochemical modeling showed the porewaters in the dumps to be supersaturated with respect to Fe oxyhydroxides and undersaturated with respect to gypsum, consistent with solids analyses. Coupling Fe and S mineralogical data with long-term water quality and quantity measurements from the base of one dump suggest about 10% of the sulfides (which represent 2% of total S) in the dump were oxidized over the past 30years. The S from these oxidized sulfides was released to the receiving surface water as SO42- and the majority of the Fe precipitated as secondary Fe oxyhydroxides (only 3.0×10-5% of the Fe was released to the receiving waters over the past 30years). Although the data suggest that the leaching of SO42- from the waste rock dump could continue for about 300years, assuming no change in the rate of oxidation of sulfides, SO42- is currently not a concern in receiving surface waters as the concentration levels are below regulatory limits.

Ground Water ; 55(1): 119-128, 2017 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27479633


Baseline characterization of concentrations and isotopic values of dissolved natural gases is needed to identify contamination caused by the leakage of fugitive gases from oil and gas activities. Methods to collect and analyze baseline concentration-depth profiles of dissolved CH4 and C2 H6 and δ13 C-CH4 in shales and Quaternary clayey tills were assessed at two sites in the Williston Basin, Canada. Core and cuttings samples were stored in Isojars® in a low O2 headspace prior to analysis. Measurements and multiphase diffusion modeling show that the gas concentrations in core samples yield well-defined and reproducible depth profiles after 31-d equilibration. No measurable oxidative loss or production during core sample storage was observed. Concentrations from cuttings and mud gas logging (including IsoTubes® ) were much lower than from cores, but correlated well. Simulations suggest the lower concentrations from cuttings can be attributed to drilling time, and therefore their use to define gas concentration profiles may have inherent limitations. Calculations based on mud gas logging show the method can provide estimates of core concentrations if operational parameters for the mud gas capture cylinder are quantified. The δ13 C-CH4 measured from mud gas, IsoTubes® , cuttings, and core samples are consistent, exhibiting slight variations that should not alter the implications of the results in identifying the sources of the gases. This study shows core and mud gas techniques and, to a lesser extent, cuttings, can generate high-resolution depth profiles of dissolved hydrocarbon gas concentrations and their isotopes.

Ethane , Groundwater , Methane , Canada , Natural Gas
ACS Omega ; 2(4): 1513-1522, 2017 Apr 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31457519


Dissolved Se(VI) removal by three commercially available zero-valent irons (ZVIs) was examined in oxic batch experiments under circumneutral pH conditions in the presence and absence of NO3 - and SO4 2-. Environmentally relevant Se(VI) (1 mg L-1), NO3 - ([NO3-N] = 15 mg L-1), and SO4 2- (1800 mg L-1) were employed to simulate mining-impacted waters. Ninety percent of Se(VI) removal was achieved within 4-8 h in the absence of SO4 2- and NO3 -. A similar Se(VI) removal rate was observed after 10-32 h in the presence of NO3 -. Dissolved Se(VI) removal rates exhibited the highest decrease in the presence of SO4 2-; 90% of Se(VI) removal was measured after 50-191 h for SO4 2- and after 150-194 h for SO4 2- plus NO3 - depending on the ZVI tested. Despite differences in removal rates among batches and ZVI materials, Se(VI) removal consistently followed first-order reaction kinetics. Scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction analyses of reacted solids showed that Fe(0) present in ZVI undergoes oxidation to magnetite [Fe3O4], wüstite [FeO], lepidocrocite [γ-FeOOH], and goethite [α-FeOOH] over time. X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy indicated that Se(VI) was reduced to Se(IV) and Se(0) during removal. These results demonstrate that ZVI can be effectively used to control Se(VI) concentrations in mining-impacted waters.

Sci Total Environ ; 579: 396-408, 2017 Feb 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27890409


This study investigated the geochemistry of arsenic (As) in low sulfide-high carbonate coal waste rock of the Elk Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Its abundance and mineralogical associations in waste rock of different placement periods were determined in addition to its mobilization into porewater and rock-drain effluent. The mean (5.34mg/kg; 95% confidence interval: 4.95-5.73mg/kg) As concentration in the waste rock was typical of sedimentary rock. Electron microprobe and As K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopic analyses showed the As is predominantly associated with primary pyrites in both source and freshly blasted waste rock. However, in aged waste rock the As is associated with both primary pyrites and secondary Fe oxyhydroxides. Oxidation of pyrite in waste rock dumps was reflected by the presence of high concentrations of SO42- in porewater and oxidation rims of Fe oxyhydroxides around pyrite grains. Acid released from pyrite oxidation to Fe oxyhydroxides is neutralized by carbonate mineral dissolution that buffers the pH in the waste rock to circumneutral values. Adsorption of As onto secondary Fe oxyhydroxides provides an internal geochemical control on As release during pyrite oxidation and porewater flushing from the dump, resulting in the low As concentrations observed in porewater (median: 9.91µg/L) and rock-drain effluent (median: 0.31µg/L). Secondary Fe oxyhydroxides act as a long-term sink for As under present day hydrologic settings in waste rock dumps in the Elk Valley.

Isotopes Environ Health Stud ; 52(3): 203-13, 2016 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26606976


The dominant transport mechanisms controlling the migration of contaminants in geologic media are advection and molecular diffusion. To date, defining which transport mechanism dominates in saturated, non-lithified sediments has been difficult. Here, we illustrate the value of using detailed profiles of the conservative stable isotope values of water (δ(2)H and δ(18)O) to identify the dominant processes of contaminant transport (i.e. diffusion- or advection-dominated transport) in near-surface, non-lithified, saturated sediments of the Interior Plains of North America (IPNA). The approach presented uses detailed δ(18)O analyses of glacial till, glaciolacustrine clay, and fluvial sand core samples taken to depths of 11-50 m below ground at 22 sites across the IPNA to show whether transport in the fractured and oxidized sediments is dominated by advection or diffusion. Diffusion is by far the dominant transport mechanism in fine-textured lacustrine and glacial till sediments, but lateral advection dominates transport in sand-rich sediments and some oxidized, fine-textured lacustrine and glacial till sediments. The approach presented has a number of applications, including identifying dominant transport mechanisms in geomedia and potential protective barriers for underlying aquifers or surface waters, constraining groundwater transport models, and selecting optimum locations for monitoring wells. These findings should be applicable to most glaciated regions of the world that are composed of similar hydrogeologic units (i.e. low K clay till layers overlain by higher K coarse-textured aquifers or weathered clay till layers) and may also be applicable to non-glaciated regions exhibiting similar hydrogeologic characteristics.

Geologic Sediments/chemistry , Groundwater/chemistry , Ice Cover/chemistry , Water Movements , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Deuterium , Environmental Monitoring , Models, Theoretical , North America , Oxygen Isotopes
Environ Sci Technol ; 49(13): 8228-36, 2015 Jul 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26038975


Selenium (Se) reservoirs in coal waste rock from the Elk Valley, southeastern British Columbia, the location of Canada's major steelmaking coal mines, were characterized and quantified by analyzing samples collected from the parent rock, freshly blasted waste rock (less than 10 days old), and aged waste rock (deposited between 1982 and 2012). Se is present throughout the waste rock dumps at a mean digestible (SeD) concentration of 3.12 mg/kg. Microprobe analyses show that Se is associated with the primary minerals sphalerite, pyrite, barite, and chalcopyrite and secondary Fe oxyhydroxides. Selenium K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy analyses indicate that, on average, 21% of Se is present as selenide (Se(2-)) in pyrite and sphalerite, 19% of Se is present as selenite (Se(4+)) in barite, 21% of Se is present as exchangeable Fe oxyhydroxide and clay-adsorbed Se(4+), and 39% of Se is present as organoselenium associated with coaly matter. The dominant source minerals for aqueous-phase Se are pyrite and sphalerite. Secondary Fe oxyhydroxide sequesters, on average, 37% of Se released by pyrite oxidation. Measured long-term Se fluxes from a rock drain at the base of a waste dump suggest that at least 20% of Se(2-)-bearing sulfides were oxidized and released from that dump over the past 30 year period; however, the Se mass lost was not evident in SeD analyses.

Coal/analysis , Geologic Sediments/chemistry , Selenium/analysis , Waste Products/analysis , British Columbia , Geography , Principal Component Analysis , X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
J Contam Hydrol ; 131(1-4): 79-88, 2012 Apr 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22343012


Solute transport in clay-rich aquitards is characterized as molecular diffusion- or advection-dominated based on the Péclet number (P(e)). However, few field-based measurements of the coefficient of molecular diffusion (D(e)) exist, and none with a range of advection- or diffusion-dominated conditions in the same aquitard. In this long-term field experiment, standing water in a recovering well was spiked with deuterium ((2)H), then water-level recovery and δ(2)H values were monitored as the well returned to static conditions over 1054 days. After a second (2)H spike, water levels and δ(2)H values were monitored to day 1644 while under near static conditions. Modeling of the second spike was used to define the D(e) of (2)H as (3-4)× 10(-10)m(2)s(-1) for an accessible porosity of 0.31. Reservoir concentrations from the initial spike were modeled to define the transition from advection- to diffusion-dominated transport. This occurred after 200 days, consistent with a transition in P(e) from <1 to >1 when the length term is taken as the radial extent of the tracer plume (normalized concentration <0.05). This study verifies plume extent as the characteristic length term in the calculation of P(e) and demonstrates the transition from advection- to diffusion-dominated transport as the value of P(e) decreases below unity.

Groundwater/chemistry , Soil/chemistry , Water Movements , Aluminum Silicates/chemistry , Clay , Deuterium/analysis , Diffusion , Groundwater/analysis , Models, Chemical , Radioactive Tracers , Saskatchewan , Solutions/chemistry , Time Factors
Anal Chem ; 83(14): 5789-96, 2011 Jul 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21627107


Cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) is a new and evolving technology that shows great promise for isotopic δ(18)O and δ(2)H analyses of pore water from equilibrated headspace H(2)O vapor from environmental and geologic cores. We show that naturally occurring levels of CH(4) can seriously interfere with CRDS spectra, leading to erroneous δ(18)O and δ(2)H results for water. We created a new CRDS correction algorithm to account for CH(4) concentrations typically observed in subsurface and anaerobic environments, such as ground waters or lake bottom sediments. We subsequently applied the correction method to a series of geologic cores that contain CH(4). The correction overcomes the spectral interference and provides accurate pore water δ(18)O and δ(2)H values with acceptable precision levels as well as accurate concentrations of CH(4).

Environ Sci Technol ; 45(13): 5557-63, 2011 Jul 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21619035


2-Line ferrihydrite, a form of iron in uranium mine tailings, is a dominant adsorbent for elements of concern (EOC), such as arsenic. As ferrihydrite is unstable under oxic conditions and can undergo dissolution and subsequent transformation to hematite and goethite over time, the impact of transformation on the long-term stability of EOC within tailings is of importance from an environmental standpoint. Here, studies were undertaken to assess the rate of 2-line ferrihydrite transformation at varying As/Fe ratios (0.500-0.010) to simulate tailings conditions at the Deilmann Tailings Management Facility of Cameco Corporation, Canada. Kinetics were evaluated under relevant physical (~1 °C) and chemical conditions (pH ~10). As the As/Fe ratio increased from 0.010 to 0.018, the rate of ferrihydrite transformation decreased by 2 orders of magnitude. No transformation of ferrihydrite was observed at higher As/Fe ratios (0.050, 0.100, and 0.500). Arsenic was found to retard ferrihydrite dissolution and transformation as well as goethite formation.

Arsenates/chemistry , Ferric Compounds/chemistry , Mining/methods , Adsorption , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Iron Compounds/chemistry , Mass Spectrometry , Minerals/chemistry , Saskatchewan , Spectrum Analysis, Raman , Temperature , Time Factors , Uranium , X-Ray Diffraction
Environ Sci Technol ; 45(6): 2116-23, 2011 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21319738


The impact of bacteria-solid and bacteria-bacteria interactions on the transport of Klebsiella oxytoca, Burkholderia cepacia G4PR1, and Pseudomonas sp. #5 was investigated in saturated sand column experiments (L = 114 mm; ø = 33 mm) under constant water velocities (∼ 5 cm · h(-1)). Bacterial strains were injected into the columns as pulses either individually, simultaneously, or successively. A one-dimensional mathematical model for advective-dispersive transport and for irreversible and reversible bacterial kinetic sorption was used to analyze the bacterial breakthrough curves. Different sorption parameters were obtained for each strain in each of the three experimental setups. In the presence of other bacteria, sorption parameters for B. cepacia G4PR1 remained similar to results from individual experiments, indicating the presence of other bacteria generally had a lesser influence on its migration than for the other bacteria. K. oxytoca is more competitive for the sorption sites when simultaneously injected with the other bacteria. Ps. sp. #5 generally yielded the greatest detachment rates and the least affinity to attach to the sand, indicative of its mobility in groundwater systems. The results of this study clearly indicate both bacteria-solid and bacteria-bacteria interactions influence the migration of bacteria. A more complete understanding of such interactions is necessary to determine potential migration in groundwater systems.

Burkholderia cepacia/physiology , Klebsiella oxytoca/physiology , Microbial Interactions , Pseudomonas/physiology , Burkholderia cepacia/isolation & purification , Klebsiella oxytoca/isolation & purification , Models, Biological , Models, Theoretical , Pseudomonas/isolation & purification , Water Movements
Environ Sci Technol ; 45(1): 268-75, 2011 Jan 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21128633


Under oxic aqueous conditions, two-line ferrihydrite gradually transforms to more thermodynamically stable and more crystalline phases, such as goethite and hematite. This temperature- and pH-dependent transformation can play an important role in the sequestration of metals and metalloids adsorbed onto ferrihydrite. A comprehensive assessment of the crystallization of two-line ferrihydrite with respect to temperature (25, 50, 75, and 100 °C) and pH (2, 7, and 10) as a function of reaction time (minutes to months) was conducted via batch experiments. Pure and transformed phases were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The rate of transformation of two-line ferrihydrite to hematite increased with increasing temperature at all pHs studied and followed first-order reaction kinetics. XRD and XANES showed simultaneous formation of goethite and hematite at 50 and 75 °C at pH 10, with hematite being the dominant product at all pHs and temperatures. With extended reaction time, hematite increased while goethite decreased, and goethite reaches a minimum after 7 days. Observations suggest two-line ferrihydrite transforms to hematite via a two-stage crystallization process, with goethite being intermediary. The findings of this study can be used to estimate rates of crystallization of pure two-line ferrihydrite over the broad range of temperatures and pH found in nature.

Ferric Compounds/chemistry , Iron Compounds/chemistry , Minerals/chemistry , Adsorption , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Hydroxides/chemistry , Kinetics , Microscopy, Atomic Force , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Surface Properties , Temperature , Time , X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy , X-Ray Diffraction