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ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 46(2): 8-15, jun. 10,2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1293304


ntroducción: las estrategias de aprendizaje utilizadas por los estudiantes de medicina han evolucionado con el paso del tiempo, avanzando de modelos más tradicionales hacia la autodirección y autonomía del aprendizaje, propios de un aprendiz de por vida. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la relación entre estas estrategias de aprendizaje y el desempeño académico de estudiantes de medicina. Materialesymétodos: el enfoque y diseño de la investigación es cuantitativo y correlacional. La muestra consistió en 144 estudiantes de una universidad privada del norte de México. Como instrumento se utilizó el cuestionario para la evaluación de las estrategias de aprendizaje de los estudiantes universitarios, y una pregunta donde los estudiantes reportaban su desempeño académico con el promedio acumulado. El análisis de datos considera el uso de estadística descriptiva a fin de explorar el desempeño académico y estrategia, y correlacional para entender la vinculación entre escalas. Como factor de interés para el análisis se integraron también las variables de género, edad, y grado de escolaridad del padre y madre. Resultados: los estudiantes muestran una media y desviación estándar (DE) de 9,22±0,41 en el desempeño académico (escala del 1 al 10). Las estrategias de aprendizaje con medias más altas fueron motivación intrínseca con una media de 4,69±0,56 y valor de la tarea con una media de 4,67±0,54. Las tendencias menos favorables fueron en atribuciones externas con media de 2,55±0,78 y repetición simple con una media de 2,82±1,12. La correlación entre las variables de desempeño académico y las subescalas de estrategias es débil, varían entre -0,01 con la subescala de componentes afectivos y 0,16 con la subescala de estrategias de control del contexto, interacción social y manejo de recursos. Discusión: los resultados del desempeño académico reportados por los estudiantes son congruentes con los altos parámetros de selección del programa de medicina. La falta de relación entre esta variable y las estrategias de aprendizaje contradicen la creencia de que la selección y activación de estas estrategias determina el desempeño. Es importante que al interior de los programas se estudien las estrategias utilizadas por los estudiantes, a fin de facilitar recursos para movilizarlos y potenciar su aprendizaje.

Introduction: The learning strategies used by medical students have evolved, moving from more traditional models to self-direction and autonomy of learning, part of life-long-learners. The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between learning strategies and the academic performance of medical students.Methods: The focus and design of the research are quantitative, correlational, and cross-sectional. The sample consisted of 144 students at a private university in northern Mexico. As an instrument, we used the Questionnaire to assess university students' learning strategies and a self-report of grades average on the program. The analysis of data analysis considers descriptive statistics to explore academic performance and each strategy and correlational to understand the link between the scales. As a factor of analysis, the variables of gender, age, and degree of schooling of the father and mother were used. Results: The results show a mean and standard deviation (SD) of 9.22±0,41 in academic performance (scale of 1 to 10). The strategies with the highest mean were intrinsic motivation with a mean of 4.69±0.56, and task valuation with a mean of 4.67±0.54. The lowest score were found on external attribution with a mean of 2.55±0.78 and simple repetition with a mean of 2.82±1.12. The analysis indicates that the correlation between academic performance and the strategies of the different subscales is weak, varying between -0.01 with the subscale of affective components and 0.16 with the subscale of context control strategies, social interaction, and resource management.

Students, Medical , Academic Performance , Learning , Surveys and Questionnaires , Sampling Studies , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Mexico
Med Sci Educ ; 30(1): 281-286, 2020 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34457668


Besides sharing knowledge, values, and attitudes, the members of a profession share a way of understanding how to perceive life, also known as professional identity. The formation of this identity is related to the acquisition of multiple roles, responsibilities, and collaboration, defining their professional culture. The medical educator is a professional who is committed to student development, who is a leader in his field, and who is active in academic or clinical activities, demonstrating the commitment to the community. The objective of this study was to explore the professional culture through the perception of the medical educator identity. A qualitative method was implemented by applying a content analysis strategy. A sample of 39 medical educators participated in structured interviews. Answers transcription was analyzed unitizing assumptions, effects, enablers, and barriers through the professional culture model: individualism, balkanized, collegiality per project, and extended collaboration. The definition of the medical educator was associated with 44% to individualism, 31% balkanized, 13% collegiality per project, and 13% extended collaboration. Generally, contributions from Basic Science educators are more individual, and the projects in the university are part of the operation planned for the short and medium term. Clinical Science educators are used to working in medical specialty groups, and some of them are involved in strategical social projects that provide care for the community. A cultural change transitioning from a highly autonomous strategy toward meaningful collaborative projects can help physicians and health professionals to develop a shared vision of what it means to be a medical educator. The medical school should provide a sense of collegial community environment to set common goals and expectations with adequate resources, and leadership is the standard.

Educ. med. (Ed. impr.) ; 20(4): 256-262, jul.-ago. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-191584


La presente investigación indagó sobre las estrategias de aprendizaje y su relación con el desempeño académico de alumnos de la Facultad de Medicina que cursan su segundo y tercer año de la carrera. La muestra constó de 135 estudiantes que contestaron el Cuestionario para la Evaluación de las Estrategias de Aprendizaje de los Estudiantes Universitarios (CEVEAPEU)1. Los resultados obtenidos señalan que, al ser separados por rangos, las variables que mejor explican el desempeño académico alto es el manejo de los recursos de información, en el caso del rango medio son: la estrategia de elaboración y el año de la carrera que cursan, y los de bajo desempeño no se encontraron variables que lo expliquen

The present study investigated the learning strategies and their relationship with the academic performance of 2nd and 3rd year students of the Faculty of Medicine. The sample consisted of 135 students who answered the Questionnaire for the Evaluation of the Learning Strategies of University Students (CEVEAPEU). When separated by ranges, the results obtained indicate that the variables that best explain the high academic performance is the management of information resources. In the case of the mid-range they are: the preparation strategy and the year of the degree course. There were no variables found to explain those with low performance

Humans , Educational Measurement/methods , Students, Medical/statistics & numerical data , Learning , Surveys and Questionnaires , 35174 , 24960 , Linear Models