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Oecologia ; 105(2): 271-280, 1996 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28307093


To test if the high nutrient inputs of agroeosystems select for specialized agroecotypes or for phenotypic plasticity, Ontario populations of the northwardly migrating annual weed Solanum ptycanthum from ruderal (beach) and agricultural habitats were compared over a nutrient gradient. Temporal variation of total available nitrogen was determined in both types of habitats. As gene flow via seed contamination of tomato transplants from S. United States was detected, variation in response to nutrient (N) levels was also compared between agrestal populations from the northern (Ontario) and southern (Georgia) ends of the species range. Five families from six populations (two northern agrestal, two northern ruderal and two southern agrestal) were grown in the greenhouse at low, medium and high nutrient levels, and plant growth and traits associated with reproductive success measured. All populations displayed significant levels of plasticity in the majority of vegetative and reproductive traits. There were no detectable differences over the levels of nutrients tested between individuals sampled from northern agrestal and ruderal populations, even though variation in available nitrogen is greater in agroecosystems. Southern agrestal populations were genetically differentiated from the northern populations, and exhibited almost twice the overall plasticity of northern populations, measured by the Mahalanobis distance. Canonical discriminant analysis showed complete overlap in the northern populations over all nutrient levels, suggesting that colonization of new habitats is via a general-purpose genotype, rather than by selection for specialized agroeotypes.
