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Rev. biol. trop ; 54(1): 83-92, mar. 2006. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-484698


The nutritive value of seaweed (Sargassum spp.) was studied in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Twenty female Nubian goats (43-weeks old) were randomly distributed into two groups of 10 goats each and were housed in individual pens. One group was fed with a control diet and the other with a diet supplemented with 25% of Sargassum spp. Feed and water intake were recorded daily and individually for 60 days. The weight of each goat was recorded every 15 days. The nutritional content of Sargassum spp. was 89% dry mater, 8% crude protein, 31% ash, 2% ether extract, and 39% carbohydrates. Fiber fractions, minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, and antinutritional factors were also determined. There were no significant differences in body weight (8.6 kg control and 9 kg experimental), feed intake (1.3 kg control and 1.6 kg experimental), and feed conversion rate (11.1 control and 12.6 experimental). Water consumption was greater in the goats that ate the Sargassum diet (5.3 l). From these results,Sargassum spp.can be considered as an alternative feedstuff for goats.

Se estudió el valor nutricional de varias algas del género Sargassum. Veinte cabras hembras (Nubia) en crecimiento (43 semanas)se distribuyeron aleatoriamente en dos grupos de 10 cabras y se alojaron en corraletas individuales. Un grupo fue alimentado con una dieta testigo elaborada con insumos regionales y el otro con una dieta que incluyó el 25% de Sargassum spp. Durante 60 días se midieron diariamente y en forma individual, el alimento y agua consumidos, el peso corporal se cuantificó cada 15 días. La composición química proximal de Sargassum fue de: 89% materia seca, 7.7% proteína, 31% cenizas, 2% extracto etéreo y 39% de carbohidratos. También se determinaron las fracciones de fibra, minerales, vitaminas, ácidos grasos y factores antinutricios. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en el peso corporal (8.6 kg grupo control y 9 kg experimental), alimento consumido (1.31 kg grupo control y 1.6 experimental)y tasa de conversión alimenticia (11.1 grupo control y 12.6 experimental) entre los tratamientos. El consumo de agua fue mayor en el grupo alimentado con la dieta que incluyó Sargassum spp (5.1 l). De los resultados se deduce que las algas marinas de este género pueden ser utilizadas como un forraje alternativo de mediana calidad para el ganado caprino.

Animals , Female , Animal Feed/analysis , Goats , Sargassum/chemistry , Nutritive Value
Rev Biol Trop ; 54(1): 83-92, 2006 Mar.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18457178


The seaweed Sargassum (Sargassaceae) as tropical alternative for goats' feeding. The nutritive value of seaweed (Sargassum spp.) was studied in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Twenty female Nubian goats (43-weeks old) were randomly distributed into two groups of 10 goats each and were housed in individual pens. One group was fed with a control diet and the other with a diet supplemented with 25% of Sargassum spp. Feed and water intake were recorded daily and individually for 60 days. The weight of each goat was recorded every 15 days. The nutritional content of Sargassum spp. was 89% dry mater, 8% crude protein, 31% ash, 2% ether extract, and 39% carbohydrates. Fiber fractions, minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, and antinutritional factors were also determined. There were no significant differences in body weight (8.6 kg control and 9 kg experimental), feed intake (1.3 kg control and 1.6 kg experimental), and feed conversion rate (11.1 control and 12.6 experimental). Water consumption was greater in the goats that ate the Sargassum diet (5.3 1). From these results, Sargassum spp. can be considered as an alternative feedstuff for goats.

Animal Feed/analysis , Goats , Sargassum/chemistry , Animals , Female , Nutritive Value